Courtesan Ch. 19


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"Well you didn't lose me, and you're not going to lose me." I thought for a moment and then I said, "Yes Kelly, I am sure. This morning was difficult for both of us, but it was also very important. It helped me to understand you much better. You have to remember that last night and this morning were the first times I've ever actually seen you in the arms of other men. While we were in college you always told me every detail of what happened on your dates, but that's not the same as seeing it."

My wife nodded.

"I've always known how important sex was to you, but this morning was the first time I actually realized how deeply you committed yourself to your partner. Last night you and Chris were so worried about my feelings and so concerned about involving me, that I never had an opportunity to see the real you."

I shrugged. "I guess I'd always assumed that when you were having sex with another guy it was a cold dispassionate act."

Kelly smiled. "That really wouldn't be much fun."

I nodded. "Yes, and when I think about it, that should have been obvious. It's also exactly the point. For you sex is much more than a biological act, it's a passion. Kelly you're an artist and like all great artists you put your entire being into your work. Only when you work you're not creating magnificent paintings or glorious sculptures, you're creating divine pleasures for the enjoyment of you and your partner. I would be very curious to see you on date with a sixty year old, overweight, bald headed businessman in Las Vegas."

Mandy laughed. "She's every bit as intense as she was with Martin and Antoine today. That's why Martin, Wendell and John value her so highly."

Kelly blushed at Mandy's compliment.

I smiled at my wife. "Kelly, I now understand that if I want to be with you I'm always going to have to be content to be your second love."

Vehemently shaking her head, Kelly said, "No Timmy, that's wrong. You'll always be my first love. You're my only love."

"No Kelly, sex will always be your first love just like business will always be Martin's first love. That's why you'll never be able to remain faithful to one man. Fidelity would force you to forsake your first love" I grinned at her. "But now that I understand that, I can be both confident and content that I will always be your second love and that's enough for me."

Kelly smiled at me. "Timmy, I've never thought about it in quite that way, but I have to admit that I'm both overjoyed and relieved to to hear you say that."

I shrugged and then with a wry smile I added. "I'm also beginning to understand that for a submissive cuckold slave, I was being awfully sensitive."

Mandy and Kelly both started laughing. After a moment Kelly put her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "If I remember correctly, a couple of days ago you pointed out that we were trying to put together a very complicated relationship. You cautioned me that it might take a little time to work out all the details. I think this morning we experienced some growing pains."

I winked at my wife. "That we did, but I think we're over the pain so I'm ready to try for a little more growth this evening."

Kelly stared at me. "You're absolutely certain that's what you want?"

"Yes I am." I answered without hesitation.

Kelly turned to Mandy. "Will you promise to look after him for me?"

Mandy smiled. "I'd like that very much."

Kelly looked at me. There was a twinkle in her eyes. "Brace yourself Mr. Jamieson. Tonight you're going to find out what it's like to really be treated like a slave."

I just grinned at my wife.

Kelly and I quickly finished dressing. As soon as all three of us were ready to go Kelly turned to Mandy. "Will you drive Timmy back to the store where he works so he can get his car? That will give me a chance to go see Chris."

"Of course I..."

I cut Mandy off. "It's not necessary. There's a Lincoln waiting to take me back to the store."

Kelly shook her head. "Not this afternoon. In the future I'm sure all of us will have to make extensive use of the Lincolns, but today we're going to pamper you. Besides it will give you and Mandy a chance to get to know each other a little better." Kelly winked at Mandy. "And by the way, tonight while I'm playing with Chris you have my permission to get to know Timmy a whole lot better."

Mandy looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "Did you hear that Timmy? Tonight we get to be more than just slaves. Tonight you're going to be my date."

I suddenly got very nervous. I'm certain my face turned a deep shade of red. I looked frantically at Kelly.

She started giggling and kissed my cheek. As she kissed me she whispered, "I think your little dick is going to fit very comfortably in Mandy's pussy."

Kelly turned to Mandy. "Be gentle with him Nymph. I'm the only woman he's ever had."

Mandy slowly shook her head. "I have absolutely no intention of trying to be gentle. Timmy, tonight after the others have retired to their respective beds and we're finished with our chores, I plan to devour you."

Kelly burst out laughing. "Did you hear that babydoll? Mandy's going to eat you up tonight."

I looked at Mandy. She was lasciviously licking her lips while she grinned at me.

I've always been a rather shy, slightly effeminate, scrawny little kid who prior to meeting my wife, experienced nothing but failure with girls. I continue to live in constant amazement that I ended up married to a beautiful woman like Kelly Mason.

The female attention that I'd received in the past several hours had been a wonderful, ego boosting experience; but I was also completely flustered by it. At that moment Mandy's lecherous grin had me thoroughly discombobulated.

Noticing my plight, Kelly quickly threw her arms around me and pulled me close to her. "Timmy relax. Mandy was just teasing you. She's one of the kindest, most considerate lovers I've ever known. The two of you are going to have a wonderful time."

I whispered to Kelly. "Are you sure you won't be mad?"

Shaking her head, Kelly looked at Mandy. "He is truly wonderful, but what am ever going to do with him?"

Mandy grabbed me from behind. I could feel her warm breath on my neck as she said; "Timmy honey, while you and I are playing another man is going to be fucking her. It would be a little hypocritical if Kelly got mad at you."

"But we've always agreed that I would remain faithful."

Kelly turned to Mandy. She was slowly nodding her head in understanding. "That's part of the cuckold fantasy."

Mandy smiled. "A marriage where a woman is free to play around as much as she wants while her husband remains perfectly faithful? What a wonderful concept. I have to learn more about this fantasy."

"Mandy honey, there are many variations to the cuckold fantasy, but the one where the husband remains faithful while his wife openly dates other men generally implies that the wife is the dominant partner in the marriage. I'm not certain that fits your temperament."

Mandy shrugged. "Hey, even though it may not work for me, it's still an exciting fantasy." Her voice turned to a whisper. "It also might be very important to some people who are very close to me."

Kelly looked at Mandy with a puzzled expression. "Who would that be?"

"Just some people I know. I'll tell you about it sometime, but not today."

Kelly nodded and turned to me. "Timmy, since you're going to be living with Mandy, Tonya and Keisha I think we should redefine the limits of your fidelity to include members of our household." She paused to think. After a moment a malevolent smile crossed her face. "I do think that in the very near future I am going to have to consider severely limiting the number of orgasms your permitted to have and of course we'll also cut back on or even possibly eliminate your opportunities for sexual intercourse. I'm quite certain that once we're in our new house Keisha, Tonya, Mandy and I will be entertaining a regular flow of handsome, well endowed male visitors. I can't imagine that any of us will be in the least bit interested in that little worm you have between your legs."

After she finished speaking Kelly stared at me.

Her words caused my entire body to surge with a combination of excitement and trepidation. Her threat was both my greatest fantasy and my deepest fear.

Mandy looked at Kelly. There was a shocked expression on her face. "Kelly! What are you saying?"

"Mandy honey, you know I'd never do anything to deliberately hurt my babydoll. Grab his crotch, I'll bet he has a little chubby."

My face reddened with embarrassment as Mandy reached over and felt my penis.

She turned to Kelly. "He does have an erection. He wants you to do those things to him."

Kelly nodded. "Yes he does. It's all part of his submissive cuckold fantasy. When you have time, get Timmy to show you some of his favorite Internet stories."

Mandy looked at me. "Will you do that Timmy? Will you let me read about your fantasies?"

Her warmth relaxed me. I quietly answered, "Yes, I'd love to do that."

Mandy kissed me and whispered into my ear. "If you show me your favorite stories, I'll show you mine. I think that you and I could have a lot of fun exploring each other's kinks."

"I'm certain that all six of us would enjoy that. Once we're all living together I think we should take one night a week where one of us reads a favorite fantasy story aloud to the rest of the group. Maybe after we've heard it we could even act it out."

Mandy and I looked at Kelly. She had a lascivious grin on her face.

Mandy giggled. "What a wonderful idea. I can't wait to hear Antoine's fantasy story."

Kelly nodded. "And Tonya's."

Mandy's eyes got big. "Oh my!"

Kelly turned to me. "Babydoll you're going to be living with a group of people who are all very free about sex. I love you and I want you to be able to enjoy this opportunity. Tonight I expect that you will not only be playing with Mandy, but probably Keisha and Tonya too."

Mandy shook her head. "There's no probably about that. That's a certainty. Especially with Keisha. Timmy she's fascinated by your little penis."

Kelly chuckled. "Like it or not Babydoll, by the time this night is over you will have both licked and fucked Keisha's ass."

She glanced at the clock on the wall by Mandy's desk. Mandy and I both followed her eyes. It was 2:30. "Oh no! Look at the time. We have to get moving. I have to catch Chris before he makes other plans for the evening and the two of you have a dinner party to prepare."

I nodded and then I said; "Kelly before you go, I think we should discuss the menu. After all you are the mistress of the house. What shall we serve to your guests?"

Kelly stared at me. After a moment she smiled. "Yes, I am the mistress of the house. Oh this is very exciting. This will be my first dinner party with slaves."

She took a minute to think. As she thought her demeanor clearly changed. Finally she looked at me and said in a very autocratic voice; "Dicklet, you make a very good lasagna. I think that would be an excellent choice. It allows you to do most of the preparation in advance so that you will have more time to attend to my guests after they've arrived. I want you to prepare two pans. Chris and Antoine are both large men with healthy appetites. I assume Gary is as well. I'll want them to have plenty to eat. You can serve a Caesar salad and garlic bread with the lasagna."

My wife paused for a moment and then she said, "I'll leave the choice of the dinner wine to you. I trust your judgment. We'll want three bottles for the table and you and Nymph should have a bottle in the kitchen."

I nodded. "Very good Ms. Mason, I'll take care of everything. What would you like for an appetizer?"

Kelly smiled. "Timmy could we have that wonderful artichoke and spinach dip that you used to make? It's one of my favorites."

"Of course you can. I'll serve small slices of French bread with it. What about cocktails?"

"Just make sure the bar is well stocked. Antoine and Chris both like beer. You should pick up a case when you buy the wine. We still have scotch and Drambuie left from last night don't we?"

"Yes we do. What kind of beer should I buy?"

"Antoine loves Heineken."

Kelly nodded to Mandy. "Yes he does, so does Chris. That's what they both always order at the Goldenrod."

Kelly looked at me. "Is there anything else you need to know?"

I shook my head.

"Then I'm going to go see Chris."

My wife gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you at home babydoll."

She turned, as Kelly opened the door to the hall Mandy asked, "Ms. Mason, what time do you want me to be at your house?"

Kelly stopped and thought, after a moment she said; "Go to your apartment, pick up your things and come right over. I'm only going to spend a few minutes with Chris. I'll be at home long before you get there. I have some chores you can do while dicklet is at the grocery store."

Mandy bowed obediently and said; "Yes Ms. Mason, I'll be there as quickly as I can."

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