Creampie Colony

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Adventures with Milkmaids, Princesses and the Creampie Queen.
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David stood before the receptionist at the outpost near the colony. He was silent while she read his letter of acceptance and studied his file. After a few moments she looked up at him and asked, "How long have you been taking the supplements we recommended?"

"Um, three weeks," he answered in a shaky voice. He had been looking forward to this day for over a month. While his several-day stay at the colony would be quite expensive, he figured it was an experience he did not want to miss.

The receptionist, Tracie, a young woman with a perky appearance and smartly fixed light brown hair, studied him for a moment. Her plastic framed eyeglasses looked good on her, David thought while anxiously wondering what she was thinking.

Just as he was about to ask her if there was a problem, she said, "Okay. You are well aware of the purpose of your stay here at Creampie Colony. Although you've had a chance to study the ground rules, I want your verbal acknowledgment and assent to the following statements."

Tracie had done this so often that she did not have to read the statements from a printed page.

"You will do as instructed by any of the staff here."

"I will."

"You are aware that some portions of your stay here will be arduous and possibly frustrating, but that eventually your level of satisfaction will more than make up for it."


"You consent to all the procedures you will undergo at this facility, including colonic irrigation, body shaving, and wearing a chastity device when deemed necessary by any of the staff."

He felt his erection pressing against the confines of his clothing, and wondered if Tracie knew. "Yes."

"You affirm that all statements on your application are true and correct."

"I do."

"Very well. I will now give you to Milkmaid Michelle for your initiation."

Davids's cock stirred at the word 'Milkmaid'.

Tracie pressed a few keys on her phone and said, "I have an admission for Michelle." She smiled and hung up.

A few moments later David was stunned when an attractive brown-haired woman appeared. She wore a T-shirt and a short frilly skirt. Her legs were bare, and she had white sneakers with no socks.

"Follow me, David," she said in a pleasant voice. As David walked behind Michelle he gazed at her well shaped, smooth legs. His insides fluttered and he wondered if he had gotten himself into more than he should have.

As she unlocked the gate and held it open for David to enter, she said, "I'm Michelle, one of the several milkmaids you will encounter during your stay. I'm your primary one. Our first stop will be at one of the nurse's stations. I will give you a body shaving, and a couple of enemas. Then the fun begins."

David's ears (and cock) perked up at the mention of body shaving and enemas. That implied he'd be naked for much of the time he'd be around Michelle. He followed her through a doorway into one of the three buildings in the colony, and into a prep room.

"Get completely undressed and lie face down on the examination table," Michelle instructed. She knew she'd have no resistance at this point, since most males are eager to take their clothes off for an attractive female.

She placed hot towels on David's bottom and his legs. As was usual with new admissions to the colony, David's cock was almost uncomfortably erect, and was conspicuously pointing out toward the end of the table from between his legs.

After a few moments, David felt Michelle remove the towels from his bare bottom. The ambient air felt cool and moist. He heard the whirring of the lather machine, followed by the pleasant feel of feminine hands as they applied the hot lather. He could not help momentarily arching his back when her lather-coated fingers went between his nether cheeks.

"We do this the old-fashioned way," Michelle said. "With a straight razor. Just relax now, and leave everything to me."

David was pleasantly surprised at the gentleness with which the milkmaid denuded his bottom of all traces of hair. He welcomed the firm cushion that she placed under his hips when she was ready to shave the delicate area around his nether portal. The same feminine gentleness was arousing to him as she used the razor on the backs of his legs.

Michelle surreptitiously slipped off her panties before having David turn over face up.

"I'm going to start your enema now, and continue with your body shaving while you retain it," Michelle announced. Then she prepared a two quart sudsy enema and hooked a retention nozzle to the bag. After filling the two quart bag with solution, she flushed the air from the nozzle and inserted it. She smiled and looked directly in his eyes as she released the flow.

After a brief moment David felt very full.

"OH! Uhhhhhh! Oh-Ahhhh!"

Michelle lightly massaged David's abdominal area with one hand as she grasped his member with the other hand. Her attentions took his mind off the intruding enema until the two quarts were nearly all inside.

"Oh, I feel like I'm going to burst," he exclaimed.

Michelle smiled and instructed, "Now relax as much as you can. Let the enema do its work. I'm going to shave your armpits and your chest while you retain this one. Put your hands behind your head, and open up for me."

She giggled as she applied warm lather to David's underarms. Her attentive manner while using the razor there served to keep her charge's complaints of fullness to a minimum except when a particularly severe cramp invaded his consciousness.

David gazed at Milkmaid Michelle's face and eyes as she applied the razor to his chest hair.

"Okay, time to get rid of your enema," Michelle said as she deflated the retention nozzle. "Take all the time you need, but be sure you give it at least twenty minutes. Then come back here."

David hurried to the bathroom and obtained relief from the bulging pressure of his enema. Thirty minutes later he returned and Michelle had him get up on the table again. She had prepared a second enema, a little larger than the first one, and shaved his legs and pubic area while he retained it. After he got rid of the second enema and got cleaned up, he felt doubly naked. The feeling of having been body shaved was new to him, and in front of the milkmaid he became involuntarily erect.

Michelle, her eyes gleaming, snapped on a disposable glove and told David to bend over across the examination table for a prostate check.

He felt Michelle's lubricated finger penetrate him. It probed around inside him and found his prostate. He felt zings of pleasure as her sexy finger gently touched, and later massaged, his inner gland. Finally she pressed hard several times, and he twisted his hips as small spurts of pre-cum coursed through his cock.

"Now come with me," Michelle said, and led him out of the room. He was surprised that she did not have him get dressed. They went down the hall and through another doorway, into what she referred to as a princess room. It was carpeted, and nicely furnished with a sofa, chairs, a small bed, and an interesting piece of furniture in the center.

There was a sturdy wooden bench in the center of the room. It was smaller, narrower and lower than an examination table. Its top surface was padded, and there were several metal rings attached to the sides of the structure. The most interesting aspect was the presence of riding stirrups that hung down from the sides of the bench. Two horizontal bars were suspended from the ceiling at a height that would allow the rider to hold on for stability. David's insides did a quick flip when he saw the bench. Its purpose was obvious.

Michelle giggled and said, "That bench has many names - the riding bench, the blue-balls bench, the teasing bench, and so on. I want you to lie down on it now - face up, of course - your head at this end."

David knew that there was no turning back at that point. He tried to hide his nervousness as he positioned himself on the bench. Michelle smiled and bound his wrists so that he could not interfere. She left his ankles unbound - for the moment.

"We're going to increase your reservoir of semen, so that when a Princess tests you, you'll give her some good servings."

David felt his heart race. His cock pointed straight up.

"You won't have much privacy from now on. When a Princess tests you, there will be at least one, and maybe more of us milkmaids in attendance."

David was breathing deeply. Michelle smiled and reached up to grasp the horizontal bar nearest her, and then placed one foot in a stirrup.

"When a Princess or Queen takes her pleasure, you'll be on a riding bench like you are now. She'll mount it when she's ready for you, like this."

Michelle swung her free leg over the bench and placed her other foot in the opposite stirrup. Then she straightened her legs so that her hips were well above David's midsection.

David's eyes, of course, went to Michelle's lovely knees and thighs. He quickly drew in his breath as his gaze settled between her legs and he realized she was without panties.

Oh wow, that's the most beautiful pussy I've seen! She's lovely. Talk about a cum generator, that one could have me cumming on command, time after time. I don't know what it is about her, it doesn't look that much different from others, but it's so beautiful. There's something about it that just grabs me!

Michelle was aware of David's staring at her light brown pubic mat. She knew that there must be a few glistening drops of her own cream on her pussy lips. She smiled inwardly as she saw David's cock sway with desire.

She caught sight of her charge's desperate arousal and giggled sexily. Then she dismounted the riding bench and said, "Enough of that. I'm going to edge you for a while. Over the next couple of days, the edging will be the second most grueling event of your stay."

David wondered what she meant by her statement. What will be the most grueling?

Michelle sloppily lubricated her hands and lightly stroked David's member, taking care to avoid sending him into ejaculation. Her experienced hands kept him desperately aroused, just shy of a satisfying series of spurts. At times she used both hands at once, barely touching his erection, and taking several seconds to perform one up-and-down stroke.

David groaned, twisted and writhed while Michelle worked on his seeping and excited member. The frustrating stimulation went on and on, and he lost track of time. Each minute was an eternity of sweet and tormenting desire for relief.

David suddenly heard a different voice.

"Hi Michelle, ready for a break?"

"Just about. I'll be back in about an hour."

Michelle wiped her hands as Milkmaid Dasha placed her hands on her hips and looked at her new charge. She had a slender, athletic build, and her dark brown hair was parted in the middle and tied into two tails, one on each side. Like Michelle, she was attired in a T-shirt, a short frilly skirt, and sneakers. The white skirt contrasted attractively with her olive skin.

When Michelle left, Dasha smiled and said, "Looks like you're a seeper, aren't you?"

She removed her shirt. Then, looking into David's desperate eyes, she slowly undid her short skirt and let it fall to the floor. "There. I'm almost ready to work on you. But I'm still too tense."

She placed her feet in the stirrups and straddled the riding bench. With one hand gripping a horizontal bar for stability, she began to finger her pussy. Dasha closed her eyes and used her own cream as lubricant. Stroking herself about once per second, she at first panted, then moaned. She stroked faster, and whimpered. A moment later she gritted her teeth and gasped several times as she surrendered to her climax. Finally opening her eyes, she probed her finger far inside her womanhood and withdrew it. She looked at David and smiled. Her finger was coated with her own sticky lubricant.

"Mmmm, that felt good!" she exclaimed.

David had of course looked at Dasha's performance with longing and increasing arousal. Seeing her come to orgasm made his member seep drops of translucent pre-cum.

Dasha dismounted the riding bench and inserted her creamy finger in David's mouth. He welcomed the chance to feel the slender feminine finger that caused her to orgasm, and sucked her cream.

She then oiled her hands and went to David's side. Since he was so intensely aroused, she did not need to use much stimulation to keep him on the brink of ejaculation. A light touch here and there, a couple of short strokes, a few touches on the insides of his thighs close to his balls.

Although only fifteen minutes of Dasha's attention had elapsed, it felt like an eternity to David -- an eternity that he would experience over and over during his stay at the colony.

Dasha, naked except for her sneakers, kept her hands at David's groin and straddled the riding bench by stepping up on blocks at both sides of the head of the bench. Her pussy was above David's face and she still had access to his flagpole.

Her glistening pouty labia and dark brown pubic mat were inches from David's face. He took in the beauty of her womanhood as he felt her slender fingers palpate his balls.

"You know what to do now," Dasha said, and bent her knees slightly until she felt her pussy lips make contact with David's mouth.

He did indeed know what to do. As he fervently kissed and licked Dasha's tasty pussy he reveled in the erotic scent of her sex. Her thick clear cream profusely oozed from her sweet portal as he kept going. He was spurred on by her expert handling of his frustrated and aroused boner. Several times she cooed, "Oh, that feels good!" Then, with her eyes closed and mouth wide open, she proclaimed her orgasm.

Thus relieved, over the next forty minutes Dasha touched and teased David past the point of erotic torment.

He squirmed, writhed, and groaned. He whispered his sincere desire to be allowed to ejaculate, knowing that Dasha would not permit it. Instead, she subjected him not only to her expert end light touch; she flashed him her most sexy and beguiling smiles, facial expressions and giggling. He wished his cock were inside the pussy that he had licked and kissed to climax.

When David was sure that Dasha had teased him for several hours, Michelle came back and giggled when she saw his desperate state. Dasha put her clothes on and left.

"It's time for dinner," she said, released David's bindings and had him stand up. Then she produced a cock and ball cage and locked it in place, much to his disappointment. He was unable to touch himself, as he surely would do if he had the chance. She had him put on a robe and sandals follow her to the dining hall.

They went through the serving line and each got a tray of food. Michelle led him to a small separate table. David noticed several other milkmaids paired with males at other small tables.

Michelle smiled at David and said, "I know you feel like you've been through the mill. But having the males in an extremely aroused state is what it's all about. It helps you generate more semen."

David's entire midsection was hot with desire and unfulfilled arousal.

He wanted to know more about the colony, and asked Michelle to tell him about herself.

"Every woman who comes here is Creampie Queen material," she began. They start out as milkmaids, then progress to Princess. They eventually all want to be queen. The position of Queen is held for eight months and then a new one is elected by the milkmaids and princesses. I've been here about two months. It's a demanding and satisfying job."

"How did you get here in the first place?" David asked.

"The 'entrance exam' here was kind of humiliating. I'd been involved in creampie sex for some time, and I went to some 'pussy parties' where the girls get a chance to introduce a newcomer (giggle!) to creampie sex. This is done with everyone watching."

David's cock pressed against its confines.

"Well, Joy and Vickie came up with the idea of a Creampie Queen, and the idea snowballed into this elaborate plan for a colony and the hierarchy."

She took another bite of food and continued.

"They had to have some means of selecting women who would be associated with the colony. So Cassandra, Vickie, and Joy set the ground rules. Every woman who joined us had to be Queen material, and that means, among other things, having a pussy that guys go wild over."

She smiled and slightly puckered her lips.

I'd go wild inside that pussy. She'd have me cumming and cumming and willing to eat every drop from inside her. Her smile alone would make me spurt. I wish I could get relief right now.

"So when I wanted to join the colony, I had to get up on a table and take all my clothes off and show all the girls here my body, and especially my pussy. I had to hold various poses while they gathered around and put their fingers inside me. Generating lots of cream is a definite plus. Since guys always told me that I had a stunning pussy, I figured I had a chance."

I wish I had a chance with her!

"A milkmaid's duty is to keep the guy aroused and help him work up a lot of cum," she giggled. "They're not allowed to actually have creampie sex with a guy here at the colony, but as you've seen, we can get relief in other ways. We also assist the Queen and the princesses."

Michelle looked at the time.

"You'll be sleeping in my room. You've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Let's go."

Michelle got up and led the way to her quarters. She had a cozy apartment with one large bedroom and two beds. The medium size bed was obviously hers, and the smaller bed was for her charge. She had David take off his robe. While he was in the bathroom, she undressed completely and got on her bed.

David stopped for a moment when he saw the lovely sight. Milkmaid Michelle was on her back with her knees bent. His cock twitched inside its cage.

Michelle giggled. "What are you waiting for? Come over and satisfy me with your mouth." She put her hands on her hips.

David's insides fluttered as he walked to her bed. This was just more arousal, more unfulfilled torment. Still, the opportunity to kiss Michelle's lovely pussy was something he was not about to refuse.

He got on the bed and placed his mouth up to her labia. His cock and ball cage pressed on his midsection as he inhaled the sweet scent of the milkmaid's sex. He recalled kissing Dasha's delectable pussy just a couple of hours earlier. He applied his mouth to Michelle's pubic bush and fervently kissed, licked, and sucked her to climax.

She silently basked in the warm glow of her orgasm for a few minutes, and then said, "It's time for bed. Your bed is over there."

David took the hint and got under the covers.

How am I going to get any sleep? I can't even touch my own cock, and Michelle's in the same room.

His entire midsection was hot with frustrated desire. He admitted to himself that he was very tired after all he'd been through that day, and tried to relax. He slept restlessly, frequently dreaming about his day of being aroused and handled by milkmaids. He awoke frequently with his frustrated erection pressing against the inside of his cock cage. And, not fifteen feet away was Michelle the lovely milkmaid, sleeping in the nude.

Morning came, and while Michelle was bright and perky, David felt at the same time excited and groggy. The previous day's activity along with the visual stimulation of being around Michelle, resulted in a constant feeling of arousal and frustration. They showered together. "Don't worry about washing there," Michelle said, pointing to his cock.

They had a substantial breakfast, and David felt refreshed. Aroused, but refreshed. Afterward, Michelle led him to a room with a riding bench and had him lie back on top of it. She bound his wrists and ankles, and removed his cock cage.