Creampie Revenge


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"I don't care about the money. I just want you back."

"I don't, believe you." She let him hang there for a moment. Let him suffer, thought Suzy. Meanwhile, Suzy was in ecstasy.

"How can I make it up to you? How can I win you back? I'm willing to do anything. I am."

"Hmm," Suzy paused. Although she prided herself on her ability to think under pressure, her son's frenzied pounding was testing her abilities. "Let, me, think."

"I'll do anything."

"Fine. You, can, come, back." Suzy felt her orgasm rushing towards her and it made her feel powerful. She pressed mute on the phone and screamed out in pleasure, as her pussy quivered and spasmed around her son's cock.

"Oh that's great, honey, thank you so much. I'll make everything right," said John, but Suzy wasn't listening. Her head was thrown back in pleasure as her whole body quaked. "Honey? Are you there?"

Suzy pressed the mute button again. Her son was still pounding into her, but she had regained her composure.

With a slightly menacing tone, she said, "Just know, dear John. You are, in the shithouse."

"I know. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"You say that now. But you, may not be up to it. Things, are gonna be quite different, when you come back."

"Umm. Ok. I'll be home soon."

Suzy hung up the phone and looked at her son, who was apparently close to orgasm. She bent her knees and spread them wide. She put her arms on her son's back and willed him to fuck her as hard as he could. Tony buried his face in her neck as he once again spewed forth in his mom's cunny.

Suzy simply hugged her son's heaving body against her breast, and smiled as she accepted his seed.

After a few moments, Tony's cock actually did soften perceptibly, but was still hard enough to stay plugged in her pussy.

"Tony honey, that was wonderful. I don't believe I've ever had such good sex. And, believe me, it won't be the last time."

"But what about dad?" asked Tony.

"You might have heard that I invited your father back home. To tell you the truth, I am not sure how this will work out. I'm going to ask you to leave me now and go to your room. I have some things to deal with, and I think it would be better if you weren't here."

Tony clearly didn't want to leave. But he obeyed his mother. His cock slipped from her pussy and he rolled off of the soiled bed. His semi-hard cock bobbing in front of him, he leaned to kiss Suzy before leaving the room.

Suzy stayed in bed, deep in thought.

Five minutes later, she heard the telltale crunch of her husband's Mercedes on the gravel turnaround. He parked in front of the house.

Suzy got up and put on a robe, but nothing else. She felt a blob of semen inch down her inner thigh. She let it be.

Suzy heard her husband's steps on the stairs, approaching landing in front of the master bedroom. She folded her arms on her chest defiantly, awaiting her husband's approach.

John entered the room and took a moment to determine the situation. The smell of scented candles predominated. But there was another smell that he associated closely with scented candles. Sex. His wife stood before him, looking at him defiantly. Her hair was tussled and she wore a robe. He felt queasy as he wondered whether she wore anything under the robe. It was so obvious that his wife has just fucked someone that he peered around the dimly lit room, to see if her lover was still there.

For a moment, John stood there, unsure of what to say. He felt anger, but he knew he couldn't express it. After all, just 24 hours earlier, he himself had been fucking around in this very room. He knew his wife had gotten back at him. He was just surprised that she had done so so quickly. He gulped as realized that she must have been fucking when he called to apologize. Her weird halting speech now made more sense. His stomach turned at the thought. His wife just stood there, watching these realizations dawn on him, forcing him to speak first.

He couldn't do it. He turned to leave.

"If you leave now, you will never come back." She said it calmly, but with a cold certainty that left no doubt that she meant it.

John turned back around.

"Ok, I get it. You slept with someone to get back at me. And now you're rubbing my nose in it."

"I dunno," Suzy said coyly. "Your nose seems pretty clean to me."

"Who was it?" he asked.

"You don't get to know that. At least not now. Did you introduce me to your little blonde tart?"

"Ok, fine. I don't deserve to know. I fucked around on you, you fucked around on me. Now what?"

"How many were there?"

"Umm. Just a couple, a few women. None of them mattered to me."

"They mattered to me, fucktard. And I don't believe it was just a couple."

How did she know, he wondered. Did she have a private eye? He doubted it, because she hadn't even indicated any suspicion before. Then it dawned on him. Tony must have known. He told her.

"Ok, you're right. There were a lot of women."

"Don't ever lie to me again, or you're out."

"I won't. I'm sorry."

"You thought it was ok to bring your hussy bitches to my house? You fucked them here? In front of our son?" Her voice was thick with rage.

John said nothing. He just nodded. A few moments passed.

"I'm going to tell you how things will be. You have two choices. The first is to leave. The second is to live by my new rules. If ever choice number two becomes an issue, leave. This is all mine. I have a prenup that keeps it mine. Mine and Tony's, that is. You're jobless and penniless without me."

John swallowed. He sensed that he wasn't going to like the new rules. But he knew she was right. Without Suzy, he had nothing. He was back to square one. Only now he was a middle-aged man who hadn't worked in twenty years. The prospect of starting over was not an appealing one.

"Ok. What are the rules."

"The first is that I will take another lover."

John felt his stomach turn. His life was falling apart.

"In fact, I may take multiple lovers. But you will not sleep with anyone, in fact, you will not do anything sexual without my permission," she paused. "Is that clear?"

Defeated, John nodded.

"The second rule is that until you are back in my good graces I will know at all times where you are. You have no more freedom."

"The third rule is that this is no longer your bed. You will sleep on a mat on the floor, unless I invite you to bed."

John nodded again. She could see the life drain from his body. He was between a rock and a hard place, and he knew it. She had total control over him. She felt sorry for him. But she comforted herself with the knowledge that he had brought this on himself.

"Now come over here and take my robe off."

John complied.

"I am going to lie on the bed. This conversation has made me tense. You will help me relax by giving me a full body massage. It had better be good."

With that, Suzy lay down on the bed on her stomach, naked. Her husband started to take off his shirt.

"Remain clothed," she said. "And get to work."

He akwardly straddled her. He sat on her butt and worked his hands over her neck, shoulders and back. He was paying close attention and doing a good job. But Suzy compared the massage unfavorably with the loving massage she received from her son earlier that day. As a result, she didn't moan with pleasure or offer any encouragement.

"I asked you to massage my whole body, John. Not just my back."

He said nothing. But he slid lower on the bed and started to massage her butt. As he did so, she spread her legs, providing her husband with a clear view of her recently ravaged vagina.

John almost couldn't look. He knew she was showing him that she had been fucked. But he couldn't not look. He saw her pussy lips were covered in semen. And as her outer pussy lips parted slightly, he could see she was filled to the brim with the pearly liquid. He gasped at the realization, and it revolted him.

Suzy took note as her husband stopped massaging her butt. She knew he had just seen her sloppy pussy, her son's come seeping out of her.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Suzy. Your pussy is full of another man's come."

"Yes it is. You are very perceptive. Are you able to continue, or will you be leaving?"

John said nothing. He just closed his eyes and continued to massage her buttocks. Soon the initial revulsion passed, and he opened his eyes to look at her vagina. As he manipulated her buttocks, her lips spread slightly open, and the thick semen inside seeped slowly out of her pussy. There was already a small pool accumulating on the sheets at the juncture of her thighs. As John watched, he became somewhat fascinated by the semen-filled cavity of his wife.

As John massaged down his wife's legs, he could see the trails of semen. As she had stood talking to him, her pussy must have been leaking gobs and gobs of semen, which trailed down her legs. Some of it got on his hands as he massaged, but he just kept massaging, rubbing the come into her skin. All the while, he continued to stare at her pussy, her pussy lips framing the wall of dripping white goo that clearly filled her cavity. He was halfway disgusted. But he also had a boner, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her sloppy pussy.

Eventually John finished massaging her feet, and he flipped her over. As he massaged up the front of her body, he noticed that her trimmed pussy hair was soaked with sex fluids. The smell of semen and pussy was almost overwhelming.

As he massaged the front of her thighs and her torso, his eyes never left the well-used quim. Nevertheless, he avoided touching any of the areas around her cunt. He didn't want to touch the goopy sex fluids if he didn't have to.

Soon he worked his way up to her breasts, but she stopped him.

"That's enough. You did fine," she said. "Thank you."

"Is that all? Can I go to sleep now?" He feared he knew the answer.

"No, John," she said firmly. "You had sex with another woman. And I came home, to my bed, to give my husband a blowjob. I sucked her sex off of your cock. I literally rubbed my nose in her come, John. How do you think that felt?"

John knew where this was going. He said nothing.

"You will do the same. You will rub your nose in my infidelity. You are to lick my pussy clean."

John reeled. He couldn't do it. It was enough to see his wife's cunt filled with another man's semen. He had to lick it? To swallow it? He couldn't do it.

In response to his hesitation, Suzy said, "Or you can always leave."

John considered his predicament. He believed his wife when she said that he would not have another chance. He understood this was a test. She wanted to make him suffer. But the thought of licking semen was revolting. Or was it? Women did it, didn't they? He'd heard women say it was an acquired taste. And he'd certainly known women who claimed that they liked the taste, including his wife.

Seeing her husband struggle with the predicament, Suzy smiled inwardly. She knew he was going to do his best to make this work. He just needed a few moments. As she realized that he was going to lick her, she became newly aroused. John licking her clean after sex with Tony! Who could have imagined. She felt a little bit bad about the torment to which she was exposing her husband. But she knew it wasn't so bad. She, after all, liked the taste of salty hot semen. She wished somehow that she could perform John's task for him. She was dying to taste her son's come.

All of the sudden, Suzy felt her husband's tentative tongue against her clit. He was licking her clit, which, combined with the expectation of him tonguing their son's come out of her pussy, made her immensely excited. She was sure that now more of her own fluids were contributing to the mess of liquids in her quim.

John could taste the salty discharge as he licked Suzy's clit. But he knew that only a small amount of goo was located at the top of her lips.

Soon, he moved down and tentatively dipped his tongue into her quim. He must have gotten a good taste of the salty sauce because he recoiled immediately. She could sense him tasting the semen, determining whether he could possibly continue. He decided that he could. This time he started low on her lips and scooped upwards with his tongue. Drawing the semen out of her cunt, he attempted to swallow it but gagged and drooled it onto her thigh.

"No spitting, honey. You're eating all of it."

He understood and licked up the small amount that he drooled onto her thigh. She could see him gulp, swallowing his first load of their son's semen. The idea made her even more horny.

He dove back in. He scooped up another very small amount of jism, by dipping only the tip of his tongue into her hole. This time he swallowed the small amount of come without visibly gagging.

Then he went in for more, and did it again.

John began to gain confidence. It wasn't poison after all. It was salty, sure, but he could handle it. It certainly wasn't worth giving up his posh lifestyle over.

John decided to show a little enthusiasm. The next time, instead of just scooping come out of her pussy, he gathered some, and, with the semen on his tongue, he spread it around Suzy's clit. Then, with his lips he sucked it up and swallowed. He locked eyes with his wife as he licked his lips.

Suzy couldn't believe her plan was actually happening. Her husband was cleaning out her pussy, which was overflowing with her son's come. The perversity of her situation made her shake with lust. What's more, if she wasn't mistaken, he was damn near enjoying himself. Either that, or he was pretending to, which was just as good. She wondered how much come was still in her cunt. A fair amount must have leaked out of her, she surmised. But at the same time, it seemed at the time like Tony pumped her more come than she could even believe. Her pussy still felt like it was stuffed with come. As she mused, she watched him continue to draw the sticky white substance from her cunt.

John was amazed at how much come there was. He had been scooping up come basically just by licking what was oozing out of his wife's outer lips. But more kept coming. He started to wonder if there were multiple men involved. It just strained credulity to believe any one man could produce this much come.

Nonetheless, he kept licking. He was sort of proud of his ability to get over the taste of it. He would save his lifestyle. He would win back his wife. This was just a test.

Soon though, John started to get frustrated. He didn't seem to be making any progress. It just kept seeping out of her! Did someone just inject her with come until she was full, like a semen douche? Was this a trick?

John decided to change tactics. Instead of trying to draw all of the never-ending flow of semen out of her cunt, he would just lick her pussy like normal, and swallow what he could. Now that he was accustomed to the taste, he was ready to stick his tongue into the well of semen that was his wife's sex.

Suzy gasped, surprised at her husband's boldness. Her planted his lips on her, and started to french kiss her overflowing cunny. With her husband's open mouth over her cunt, Suzy wickedly decided to constrict her cunt muscles, reducing the volume of her pussy and squeezing her son's semen directly into her husband's waiting mouth. Even as she did it, she realized that there was too much semen in her pussy for her husband to swallow. It flowed out of her in a torrent. He gagged and gasped and pulled away from her cunt. Looking down, Suzy saw his mouth and chin absolutely flooded with come.

Finally sympathetic, and feeling perversely erotic, she pulled her husband up to her face. His mouth coated in come, she french kissed him. Taking the majority of the salty liquid into her mouth, she swallowed. Then she licked her husband's face and kissed him deeply, seeking out more of the mixture of her sex juices and her son's. Her husband and her kissed deeply, still tasting the semen, but also tasting relief at their weird reconciliation.

"I can't believe you did that," said Suzy.

"Me either." he responded.

"Its an acquired taste," she said, kissing him again. "And now you've acquired it mister."

"Maybe I have. Maybe I have."

Without her forcing him to do so, John descended once again and licked Suzy's cunt clean. John was a talented pussy-licker, and Suzy rode through several orgasms.

Satisfied, Suzy felt the urge to fall asleep.

"Ok. That's enough," said Suzy after spasming on her husband's face again. Get your bedding together, and go to sleep."

"You serious?"

"Yes. Things have changed around here mister. You licked my pussy clean, and you did a good job. I hope you enjoyed it, because that's now one of your jobs around here. But now it's time to sleep, so get down on the floor. Good night."

She turned over in bed and listened as her husband blew out the candles and got some blankets from the closet. He sighed audibly as he lay down on the hard floor, next to the large comfortable bed. A few minutes later, she heard a rhythmic rustling of fabric, and then, soon after, she heard her husband's heavy breathing as he orgasmed by his own hand.

Smiling, Suzy fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Could it be that "Marvin2017" didn't even read this story? A woman who has had a lesbian liaison with her friend Lu Ann since she was 18 is upset that her husband is having fun with a 19 year old? And then she has incest sex with her son?

Either the author has written a fairy tale, then the story here is wrong, or he has completely lost touch with reality. If so, then the story is just ridiculous!

Reality and fantasy must have a connection, otherwise the fantasy is just ridiculous. So if she has incest sex, she and her son will go to prison in our state for at least 10 years. End! And if she sits there, he'll cash in on the divorce!

So where is her “Revenge”?

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderher12 days ago
You had me until ...............

The wife took the husband back and then had him clean her up.

The wife wasn't much better herself.

The kid needs to figure out how to transfer most of her money into an offshore account and then bail on this freak show.

The kid can live the good rich life in Europe or on an island somewhere with lots of hot local babes at his beck and call.

Old women are like young 304s or single moms, they are fun to play with but you never take them for anything serious or long-term.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore198114 days ago

I get revenge but this was no loving mother just a slut and the husband is a cuck bitch

Marvin2017Marvin20179 months ago

First, to the nasty commenters: it’s a story, as in “fiction.” You’re reading this on a porn site-get a grip.


Second, to whatnow221: Tony, check. Lu, check. Suzy, check, check! John needs to be humiliated

some more, possibly learning who's cum he’s ingesting. Then in a paragraph (wouldn’t that make

real life easy) legal stuff done to end the marriage and John’s ass is tossed. Tony, Lu and Suzy

lived happily on together in chapter 2.


Third, 5 ⭐️ easily

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

What an idiotic story. You forgot to mention the third possibility in all your crap.

He reports her for incest and then she and her son go to jail for a long TIME. He gets divorced and enjoys life with whoever.

But reality doesn't matter in your crap, does it?

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