Cricket Anyone? And That's Four

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Neha goes back to thank her heroes.
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I never planned to do a follow up to part 3 (Cricket anyone, the third man), but I realised the Ogg memorial event would allow me to continue the story and pay tribute to the volunteer firefighters around the world. They give up their time to protect their communities and have to face the worst nature can throw at them.

They are truly heroes.

And to Oggbashan. A truly unique gentleman who went down fighting.



Merv's old ute rattled up the gravel track. As he crested the hill, his phone pinged as it grabbed the fleeting reception. This was part of his daily routine. The signal was annoyingly patchy, and he had to stop whenever the messages hit.

He pulled the car off the road and checked his phone, then a big smile spread across his grizzled face. He quickly sent a reply, and a text message to his son and grandson.

'Neha's coming back. Be here Thursday night.'


Neha pulled up in the hotel car park and looked around. Merv had said he'd be in the bistro and they could catch up over dinner. She noticed the sign over a door, so she locked the car and bounced in. It had been a long trip from Nowra, but compared to the dramas she had on the way up, happily uneventful. No kangaroos leaping over the road in front of her, no bushfires raging through the area, and no triple penetrations from three members of the same family.

"Oi, Neha! Over here, girl. Give me a hug."

"Merv! My hero!" Neha squealed and raced over to wrap her arms around him. She enthusiastically jabbed her finger at Merv. "Merv and his family saved me from that huge bushfire here a couple of weeks ago."

The others in the pub's meals area raised a collective eyebrow at the sight of the young Indian woman throwing herself at Merv, the grandfather of the local fire brigade, then they raised their glasses at the explanation.

"Onya Merv. Well done mate," said one bloke, echoing the sentiments of the others.

"Give it a rest, you lot. Was a bit curly for a while, but no real dramas." He turned back to the cyclone that had roared in. "How you going, love? Didn't think you'd be coming back this way after getting stuck in that fire. You had dinner?"

"No, and I am getting hungry," Neha admitted. "I forgot there weren't many villages for nearly three hours, and it was getting late so I didn't want to stop when I did see somewhere to stop. I wanted to see you guys again before it got too dark."

Merv laughed and led Neha to a blackboard with the menu chalked on it. "Yeah, bugger all between Bega and here. What takes your fancy? My shout."

Neha had learned enough Aussie slang to know that Merv was offering to pay for her dinner. She also knew he would not take no for an answer. "I don't know. What do you think? And I'm, umm, shouting drinks. It's the least I can do."

"No worries, sounds fair. Well, you'd probably find the curry disappointing. What about the chicken schnitzel, chips and a salad? It's pretty good and will fill you up."

After Merv placed their orders, they found a quiet spot to talk. "No, seriously Neha. I didn't expect to see you back here. I have to admit I was a tad worried being trapped in the middle of that bushfire so I hate to think what you were going through. Everything we did in the shed, well, it was great and obviously kept your mind off what was outside, but still. Scary stuff."

Neha sipped her beer and nodded. "Ya, I was terrified. I told my parents and my relatives what happened - well, some of what happened, and they insisted I came back when we saw it was safe and offer you a reward for saving me. They think you are heroes, and so do I. I hope you get medals for this. But I wanted to say thank you all again personally." She looked around the room. "Is Bob and Tyler coming?"

"Medals for that? Nah. That was just one battle in a long war. There'll be a bit of a do at the end of summer, but not now. Can't afford to get complacent. So, Bob's actually driving to Sydney. You probably passed each other. Tyler's got cricket practice, but should be here in about an hour. Bob's a bit annoyed he's missed you, but Tyler's itching to catch up. He was planning to give training a miss, but if he didn't go, he's out of the finals. They're getting tough on part time players."

"Oh, ok. I'm sorry I missed Bob, but it's good I'll meet Tyler."

"Yeah, he wants to meet you again. Dunno why."

Neha giggled. "Neither do I." She had been on her way to Nowra to meet up with a guy her parents hoped would become her husband. Unknowingly, she'd driven around a Police road block and into the middle of a raging bushfire. Bad luck piled onto more bad luck, and she had been bundled into the back of a fire truck that was also trying to escape the inferno that threatened to engulf them.

The driver, Merv's son Bob, got the damaged truck to a shearing shed where the crew and Neha could safely wait out the fire. Merv led a semi-naked Neha into the shed, where he reassured her they were safe and everything was going to be ok.

Merv had found himself being used as a distraction from the fire, and shortly after Bob discovered Neha riding his dad, he was balls deep in her arse at the same time. A bit later Tyler, Bob's son, tried some porno moves on her tonsils which got him sent to the naughty corner. After some pleading from the other two guys, Neha relented and taught him how to nicely treat someone giving him a blowjob.

This had been a first for them all. Three generations of the same family all fucking the same woman. Neha loved it. It was a great distraction from what was happening outside. Once that had finished, Neha took great delight in teaching Tyler how she wanted to be treated. He had reluctantly admitted he had zero experience with women, but he proved to be a very willing and able student. Neha had tried to keep track of who had fucked what and when, but she gave up counting with Tyler. His hands and cock were everywhere, only leaving her alone when his dad asked to swap in. As Bob had said - Tyler was young, dumb and full of cum.

Neha managed to get some sleep literally under Merv's protective arm. He insisted she had to get some rest as there was still a long drive for her ahead and being completely worn out wouldn't be a good thing - assuming her car wasn't a smoking wreck. She was a hot, sticky mess the following morning, so he suggested Tyler give her a shower using the smaller spray hose on the truck. The fire had calmed down overnight with a sprinkle of rain, and the day was just magnificent. Watching the two youngsters play under the hose made both older guys smile. A bit over twelve hours previously they were scared for their lives, and now? Didn't have a care.

"Neha, I have to say, I don't know how you do it." Merv leaned forward and whispered, "The way you did what you did, and hardly a break for hours. I just didn't think it was humanly possible."

"Let's just say I've had a lot of practice, and it's something I enjoy. That always helps." Neha smiled at the waitress who brought out their dinners, then gasped at the size of the schnitzel. "Behenchod! That's from one chicken? It's huge!"

Merv chuckled as he started cutting up his lamb's fry. "Just do your best, love. It's made for old goats like me, not saplings like you. Still, the way you burn off energy when you're, umm, getting involved, you need a big meal. You really are something special."

Neha poured some gravy over the chips and shook her head. "Really, I'm not. It's just sex. Everyone can do it, everyone likes it, and you don't need any training. What you guys do, that is special. You volunteer to go out by yourselves to face a fiery monster that could easily kill you. You are more than special, you are heroes."

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Merv said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"I do. I looked up the CFA when I got to Vaibhav's house in Nowra. You have over 50,000 volunteers all across Victoria in the organisation, all looking after their neighbours. And the same across Australia! That's so cool. We have nothing like that at home. And you all work together when something happens."

"Sounds a lot, but it really isn't. We have ten active members, but through the week there may only be four around if things go bad. A lot of the smaller brigades are the same. It takes a fair commitment to do the training needed to keep you safe on the fire ground, and not everyone can do that. Not like the old days when you went out with what was basically a wet mop." Merv sighed deeply. "I'm not a fan of all this training, but people used to get hurt or even die regularly, getting caught in the wrong place or using obsolete gear. From that perspective, it's better. Anyway, what about this character you were meeting? How'd it go?"

"You are all heroes," Neha insisted, stabbing her fork at him for emphasis. "Vaibhav? He's a nice guy and different to what I had expected. His Insta feed is full of pictures of him doing things that looked exciting, but he's actually very shy. He has a good sense of humour, if you can get it out of him. We went out to a few places, but we were never alone. An Aunty was chaperoning us every minute. It was terrible. Even if we leaned towards each other, we got the eye. And forget anything more. I had a motel booked, but his Aunt insisted I stay at her house. I was treated like a princess, but in a cage!"

"Geez, that's a bit rough. You'd think they'd leave you alone to talk for a bit."

"Ya. They did all the talking for him. It was all 'Vaibhav does this' and 'Vaibhav does that' and 'Vaibhav is wonderful'. I felt sorry for him. He looked so embarrassed. It probably seems strange to you, the arranged marriage scene."

"Actually, no. It was similar around here when I was a kid, but that was to make sure we didn't marry someone too close. So his parents aren't in Australia?"

"No. They're back home, but he has all these relatives living near him. That was so... bloody annoying?"

Merv laughed, "Yeah, that's it. You seeing him again?"

Neha nodded. "This is a really nice chicken. Still, I don't think I can eat it all. Ya, we organised a weekend in Melbourne before I go home. He'll fly down and my friend will stay with her boyfriend, well, fiancee now and we can stay at her apartment."

"Poor guy. Take it easy on him. How'd you manage that if they're so protective of him?"

"I insisted he had to meet my relatives in Melbourne. They agreed, or I would have turned him down right there. Anyway, if I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, we need to get on well with each other, no matter what our parents think. He also needs to be able to keep up."

"Good one. They didn't realise you're tougher than you look." Merv chuckled. "Well, keeping up with you. That's a big ask, love. You might have to tone things down a bit."

"Maybe you're right," she said, putting down her fork and letting out a deep sigh. "I keep thinking about that night. You in my pussy, Bob in my ass and Tyler in my mouth. I was scared, Merv, and that was my way of dealing with it. Just focussing on being pounded and filled with all your cum. It took my mind off, well, what could happen. Maybe it's time I stop letting my pussy control me."

Bob couldn't believe how Neha talked so casually in the open about getting gang banged. "Moderation in all things Neha. Don't change too much. You're pretty special as is, so just be a slightly toned-down version of you. If Verhab doesn't like it, I'm sure you'll find someone else."

"Vaibhav. You'd think in a country of over one billion people that would happen, but my best friend Madiha had to come to Australia to find someone. Maybe I have to do the same."

"Give this other guy a chance. You never know, you might click. And believe me, if it keeps your parents happy, that will make your life easier in the future."

"I suppose."

"So, where are you staying the night?"

Neha placed her knife and fork on the plate and pushed it away. "That was a big chicken. I'm really full. Umm, I was hoping to get a room here, if they have one available."

Merv shook his head, "No, you really don't want to stay here. The rooms are ok, but these jokers will be up for hours. Plus, you'll also have to share a bathroom with any drunks that are stumbling around. Stay at my place. I have a spare bedroom, and no strings attached."

"Thank you. That's a very nice offer."

"Hi stranger, welcome back." Tyler said and sat in the chair next to Neha. "Something wrong with the chook?"

Neha turned slightly and hugged him. "Hi Tyler, I'm really happy to see you. If you mean the chicken, it was too big. How was cricket? Merv said you were in the finals."

"Yeah, for the first time in ages. When you're losing, no one wants to play, but when you win, players come out of the woodwork. The club has rules to make sure only those who helped get us to the finals plays, and that means you have to attend training."

"Ya, that makes sense."

"Well, you two young'uns, I've got to see a man about a dog. Be back in a bit, but if I'm held up, can you show Neha where I live on the map? She's going to stay the night, and no, she can't stay at your house. Your mum would have kittens." Merv winked at Neha, then walked off through the door to the bar.

"I really don't understand a lot of what you Australians say. I know now seeing a dog means he's going to the toilet, but kittens?" Neha asked.

"Yeah, I guess it's confusing. Man about a dog - Pop's going to the loo. Having kittens - Mum would be really annoyed because she hates visitors arriving unannounced. Plus, we don't have a spare bed. His place?"

"Oh, ok. Still no idea what that means. Merv said his house would be better than here. Are you having dinner?"

"Nah, I'm good. I had a bite before training. So, anyway," Tyler moved closer and dropped his voice. "I wanted to apologise again for being a real dick, and to thank you for what you did. You could have told me to fuck off and stay in the corner, but you didn't. You're amazing."

"You were terrible, and shoving your cock down my throat really hurt. But," Neha admitted, "you apologised and did what I asked after that, so that's ok. Plus, as I said to your grandfather, I owed you for saving my life."

"We just happened to be in the right place. If we didn't have that flat tyre, or the tree hadn't fallen across the road, who knows what would have happened?"

"Ya." Neha sipped her beer. "I was so happy to see my uncle's car undamaged, I didn't think about anything else. When I got to Nowra and saw pictures of the fire, then I realised how lucky I was."

"This was a little fire. Could have been a lot worse." Tyler glanced at his watch. "Look, while there's a bit of daylight left, would you like to climb up the fire lookout tower? It has a great view of the area and you can see for miles, even out to Bass Strait if it's clear."

"Actually, I'd like that. I'd like to see where I was."

"Great. We'll take my ute. The track's too rough for your thing. I'll give the spotter a call before she knocks off, and you see if you can find Pop in the front bar and let him know what we're doing."

Neha nodded and went through the door to the bar area. Merv was leaning against the bar, talking to a few men who all looked about his age.

"And here she is, the girl who eluded the drongos from Melbourne and wound up sleeping in Jack's shearing shed. Not part of the usual touristy things to do, but you came through ok, didn't you Neha?"

Neha waved shyly at the men staring at her, fervently hoping Merv hadn't gone into detail about the night. "Hi. Umm, ya, thanks to Merv, Bob and Tyler. It was very scary, but I honestly think these guys saved my life. Anyway, Merv, Tyler's going to take me to the fire spotter's lookout before it gets dark so I can see the area."

A ghost of a smile flitted across Merv's face. "No worries love. See you when you get back. Have fun."

Neha smiled back and went to find Tyler. She knew what fun Merv had been thinking of, and that thought had crossed her mind. Tyler was tall, good looking in an Aussie way, and full of recently released sexual energy when she allowed him to lose his virginity to her. He needed some work to get rid of porn type ideas, and she wanted to see if he remembered the lessons. Initial observations were good. So far, Tyler had been good company.

Tyler led Neha out to his ute, and opened the door. "I'll just chuck my cricket gear into the tray. Sorry about the mess. I wasn't expecting passengers."

"That's ok. If I had known I was climbing, I would have worn jeans instead of a skirt."

Tyler mumbled something as he drove out of the car park.

"Sorry?" Neha asked.

"You look great in a skirt. Really pretty."

"Thank you. That's nice of you to say." Neha sniffed and wrinkled her nose. "I smell smoke."

"Yeah, I've stashed my stinky yellows behind your seat, but the whole countryside will smell of bushfire for months." He pointed to a house just off the main road. "That's Pop's. Just park around the back and go in the kitchen door."

About ten minutes later, Tyler turned up a narrow gravel track. The closeness of the trees and the fading light reminded Neha too much of the last time she had come through the area, but this time was different. She was with someone who knew the area and the risks.

The vehicle scrabbled up the rocky track and into a large open area at the summit. In the centre was a tall metal tower with a small cabin perched on the top, shining in the fading light.

"And here we are. The Mount Desperation Firewatch tower." Tyler got out and called up to someone in the cabin. "Hello, Mrs Anderson. Ok to come up?"

The person stepped out onto the platform and waved. "Hi Tyler, no worries."

Tyler waved back and pointed to a ladder attached to one of the tower legs. "Umm, forgot to tell you. It's a twenty metre climb. Hope you're not scared of heights."

Neha looked up. "Chutiya! No, not really, but are you serious? This is the only way up?"

"Yup. You go first."

"Hmph. Ok, but don't look up my skirt."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Tyler replied, grinning.

Neha took a deep breath and started climbing. She was panting hard by the time she got to the first landing. "I really need to improve my arms. This is hard work."

"Imagine doing this a couple of times each way a day when it's really hot. And this is a short tower. Some are over forty metres high."

"No thanks. I like my office elevator." Neha heard the lady above them chuckle.

"Come on, you two. I was supposed to knock off twenty minutes ago, and the sun's nearly down already. Stop gasbagging and get a move on."

Neha scampered up the last flight, well aware that Tyler's eyes were on her legs. She reached the platform surrounding the cabin, and a hand reached down to help her up.

"Well, hello dear. Welcome to my office. I don't get many visitors here."

"Hi Mrs Anderson. This is Neha, the lady we picked up in the fire a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for letting us visit," Tyler said as he reached the platform surrounding the cabin.

"Call me Rose. I used to teach Tyler in primary school, and he hasn't got out of the habit of calling me missus. So you're the tourist Mystic Creek picked up? I heard the call and was watching the fire front move in your direction. You were very lucky, Neha."

"Ya, I know. It didn't start out a very good day, but I did meet these three so it got better."

"Good to see you smiling. Bushfires are scary beasts. So," Rose said, "Tyler said you wanted to look around the area?"

"Yes, please. Umm, this is your office?" Neha looked at the small glass walled box. "It's very small."

Rose laughed at the confused look on Neha's face, "Yes, but it's just me and I don't need much room. This is big compared to some lookouts. I have an eight by eight foot square version. Some others are only six."