Cricket Anyone? India's 2nd Innings

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Neha comes in to bat with Madiha.
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This is my second story about Madiha in Australia, and it's my entry in the 2021 April Fools Day Contest. I went with a surprise...

It's been a collaboration with Sweetdreamssss who brought Madiha and Neha to life. I recommend you read her "Landlord" series for the background of these wonderful Indian women.


Madiha was looking through the latest implementation statistics in her desk space and grunted happily. Six weeks had flown by and everything was going to plan. She was pleased that her original work plan was on schedule, but also a bit disappointed as it meant that she would have to go back to India soon. It was strange, but she was starting to think of Australia as home. Russell, her Australian boyfriend had a lot to do with that. Since their little vacation together at his Grandparent's beach house, they had spent nearly every possible moment together. A lot of the time they were coupled, ravenously exploring each other's body but that really was the icing on the cake. They just wanted to be in each other's company, and they loved each other.

Madiha smiled as she looked at the photo of Russ on her phone. It was a shot of him bowling at his last cricket match, and he was just about to release the ball. Right arm high in the air holding the ball, the other crossed over his body, a determined look on his face. Red hair, pale skin, a face covered in zinc cream and freckles. She shook her head. So many freckles...

Madiha placed the phone back down on the desk. Neither of them had actually mentioned the 'L' word or that they would have to part ways in another six weeks. Another trip was planned for the beach house before she had to leave. Russ had hinted that it was going to be special to make up for an ordinary Valentine's Day which had gone by with hardly a mention, but a lot of sex. She sighed and turned back to her spreadsheet. There was a chance that her stay would be extended, but that was still uncertain. And it would only delay the inevitable.

Her phone rang and she looked up, frowning. From the music, it was her friend, Neha, but it was only a bit after 6 am in India. Madiha sighed as she tapped the speaker button and immediately regretted it.

"Hi Madiha, guess what?" Neha trilled in her excited high pitched voice.

Madiha knew by Neha's tone what had happened, so she switched the phone off speaker, stood up and walked quickly to the stairwell. "Don't tell me, let me guess. You had umm... relations with someone in my apartment."

"Well yes, two guys actually. Not relations, just sex. Really good sex. Last night. I met them at the party we had in the Bangalore office for Raspberry Infotech acquiring TL Software. I was talking to one of their marketing guys and another who does the interface design. TLS is run by a Muslim, so there was no alcohol so I invited them back to my, well, your apartment for a drink and some fun and we really did. The marketing guy, I can't remember their names, is sort of a Muslim and had a circumcised dick and I've never had one of those before so I sucked it while the other guy licked my pussy then started fucking me. It was really great, and he really enjoyed me running my teeth over the ridge of his dick and then they swapped ends before they came then I asked them to DP me because that was pretty cool even if it was Shrek in me and then..."

"Neha... Neha! NEHA!!!" Madiha finally yelled, "I'm at work. Couldn't this wait?"

"Oh, sure. But that wasn't what I called about. It's better!"

Madiha groaned and rubbed her forehead, "Ok, are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?" Neha could be very vague at times, and it was frustrating.

"Oh right, sorry. Yes, anyway, you know my mom and dad are always trying to get me to marry some horrible man?"

Madiha nodded to herself. Her parents were exactly the same. "Yes, go on..."

"I'm coming to Australia for a vacation and to meet that prospective husband I told you about. Isn't that great?"

"What?" Madiha gasped, "That guy? Are you serious?"

"Oh, yes. Anyway, after the doggy DP we swapped positions so I was reverse cowgirl up my ass and umm, the other guy went in my pussy and squeezed my boobs..."

"Neha! Focus!" Madiha snapped.

"Ya, well, they have been pushing me to meet that NRI guy who lives near Sydney. Some town that starts with 'N'. Nora? Nowra? Doesn't matter. A friend of a cousin or something. I'm not sure. Anyway, after my last visit with them I decided to say yes I'd meet him but only face to face in Australia. And they agreed!"

"Well, that's ummm... great but can it wait until we both finish work to talk about it?"

"I guess so. I was just so excited because I'm coming to Melbourne first! Soon!"

"OMG! That is great news, but I really have to go. Skype me tonight, ok?"

"Ok. I'll call about six o'clock my time."

"No worries."


Madiha laughed, "Just a bit of Aussie language I've learned. It means it's fine."

"Nobody will understand you when you get home," Neha giggled.

Later that night, Madiha's phone started playing the theme from 'Howl's Moving Castle', which flagged it was Neha calling. It was the first anime movie Russell and she had watched together. The music was much gentler than the harsh tune from Neha's favourite anime cartoon, 'Death Note', which she previously had used. Madiha answered the video call and immediately asked, "So who is he? What does he do and what does he look like? You never told me much about him before."

Neha shrugged. "Vaibhav Sinha. And he looks like a stereotypical boring Indian NRI. Same combed back hair, a Master's degree from Melbourne University to make himself look good, a goody goody mama's boy. Must be a loser as he would be dating a local white chick otherwise. If he tells me that he is a virgin, I'm packing my bags. Non-Resident Indian? Phhh... More like I'm Not Really Interested. I'll send you a photo."

Madiha laughed and shook her head when she saw Neha's potential suitor. He had strategically used the Sydney Opera House as a backdrop and was wearing his University hoodie to assert his status as an NRI. She knew exactly what Neha was thinking about this guy. "Why do all NRI guys look exactly the same? Are you going to tell him about your long list of adventures?" she asked.

Neha gasped, "No way! If they knew, then no one would marry me. I'll just say I've had a couple of boyfriends and I'm not a virgin. Both the statements are true anyway. Well, if they had seen my pics on Facebook and my Insta handle, and they still think I'm a virgin, I've got the Sydney Harbour Bridge to sell them."

Madiha giggled, "Well there is no part of your body that can be called virgin anymore. You've had a dick in or on everything." She shook her head, "I can't believe that wild Neha is finally planning to settle down for a suburban house with a front lawn, two kids and an SUV to drive to ballet classes."

Neha snapped back, "Shut up, they told me to come with an open mind and hopefully leave with no regrets. And I'm just doing this to keep the parents happy and to visit Australia. I'm not ready to settle."

Madiha drummed her fingers on her leg. "It really smells fishy though. So who is paying for your ticket?"

Neha shrugged, "They said they have air miles which are going to expire soon, and they have enough for me to go in executive class."

Madiha sat bolt upright, "OMG Neha! This is definitely a trap! They are probably planning to ambush you. No one would be ready to pay for another's vacation without some other motive. And in executive class? Don't be surprised if the house is fully decorated for a wedding."

"OMG OMG, you really think so? What am I going to do? I can't cancel now. The tickets and my vacation have been booked, and I'll be there next week. Mom would disown me completely." Neha started chewing on her knuckle, then realised what she was doing and stopped. "I guess it'll be ok. Vaibhav is probably doing this to pacify his own family. I guess. I hope. Anyway, my parents told them I'll stay for a few days in Melbourne at my Aunt and Uncle's house and then drive there. They have an old car they will let me use so I don't have to get a bus. Maybe something will happen in Melbourne and I won't be able to make it."

Neha was now wringing her hands, worried about the potential marriage trap. It was obvious to Madiha that her friend hadn't looked at this gift horse at all. A free flight and a car? And at really short notice? It just kept getting worse. Madiha sighed, "All right, send me as much detail as you have on this guy and I'll see what I can find. And we'd better make sure you have a really good time here just in case." Madiha clasped her hands together and tapped her thumbs on her nose. "Just keep your car keys close by in case you need a quick escape."

Neha laughed, "Look, I guess we've both been through this before. He probably doesn't want to marry someone from India either. Or he could be gay. Who knows? Anyway, more important things. I hoped to enjoy a few days of my trip with you. Obviously not during the day. Get a list of all the nightclubs in Melbourne and stock your liquor cabinet as we are going to party hard. Does your guy Russ have a friend? I want a tall muscular guy."

"What? When did I become a brothel manager for you?" Madiha said, smiling. "I'll ask him if he has someone who would like a double date and can handle a wild minx."

Neha poked out her tongue, "I'm not that wild. And you're just as bad."

"Well, ok. I can't deny that. Send me the time your flight gets in and I'll pick you up from the airport. Well, I'll ask Rusty to drive me out if he's not working or playing cricket. You don't want to get a taxi..."


"Carn Jake, why not?" Russ asked his workmate.

"Cause I don't do blind dates," Jake replied, peering into the electrical cabinet he was wiring up.

"Look, Madi's friend is really good looking. She looks like an Indian actress. Pretty cute. Take her out, see how it goes."

The black Englishman looked up and pointed to his crotch. "I don't need to have a steady girl when I'm packing this. I dunno man, who'd you say she looks like?"

Russ checked his phone. "Ananya Pandey. She's an Indian actress apparently. I know Neha is pretty cute and does look like her."

Jake looked suspiciously at the photo of Ananya on Russell's phone. "Why don't you have one of Neha?"

"Didn't think of it. And she's not my girlfriend. Come on Jake, you've met Madi. Neha's a lot of fun as well. Besides, you don't have a girlfriend, have you? You need some exercise."

Jake laughed. "Hey, when you're packing a BBC, women come to you. I don't need a girlfriend to keep me busy."

Russ snorted, "Yeah, right. Don't bullshit me mate, I've seen you in the gym shower. Your willy is just average. Look, I'll do your standby for a fortnight, and you take the pay. If you come out with us."

Jake still looked dubious but agreed. "Tell you what. If she looks like the photo, no worries. Otherwise, you pay for dinner, a month of standby, and a slab of Carlsberg Elephant."



Russ was leaning against a column in the arrivals hall at Melbourne Airport while Madiha paced back and forth watching the Customs exit doors. He stood up and stretched, saying, "Carn Madi, settle down. She'll be out when she's out." He leaned back against the column and crossed his arms. He was feeling pretty good. Today had been the final of a two day cricket match against an old rival team, and they managed to bowl them out relatively early. Two wickets, a catch, and dinner with Madi and her friend. Life was good.

"I know, I know. It's like I haven't seen her in ages though. And Skype doesn't count." Madiha stopped to glance at her phone but looked up sharply when she heard someone squealing her name. She looked around to see her friend running towards her, arms out wide. Madiha dropped her phone into her handbag and ran towards Neha. They hugged and started talking in Hindi about the flight, missing each other, the weather, and all of the things friends chat about when they meet after time apart.

Eventually, they swapped to English and Madiha bounced over to Russ. "Rusty, this is my really good friend Neha. I know you've seen her on Skype, but here she is!"

Russ watched the two friends giggle like a pair of schoolgirls and smiled. He didn't notice from her yoga training, but she was slightly taller than his girlfriend. She was certainly attractive. Russ pressed his palms together and slightly bowed, "Namaste, Neha."

"G'day Rusty," Neha said giggling and threw her arms around his neck. "I'm really happy to meet you in real life. Your hair is so red. I thought it was just the way it looked on the video but it is really red. And you're tall. Awesome. I bet Madiha has fun climbing all over you."

Russ turned bright red and tried to disentangle himself from the cyclone that hit him. "And it's nice to meet you too Neha. Madi's told me a lot about you."

Neha stepped back and poked him hard in the stomach. "Good core strength. Nice. I hope you have been doing those yoga exercises because I'm going to watch you do them. And I bet she hasn't told you everything." She looked up at him and tilted her head inquisitively, "Madi? Why Madi?"

Madiha laughed and put her arm around her friend's shoulder. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later. Come on, let's find your luggage."

The two headed off to the luggage carousel, slipping back into what Russ assumed was Hindi. He thought it was amazing that most Indians he knew seemed to know at least three languages. He'd tried to learn German in High School but it didn't take. The two girls seamlessly switched back to English when he caught up with them.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" asked Neha.

"Well, the plan is for you to come back to my apartment, freshen up, then we're going to that pizza restaurant I told you about. Russ has asked one of his colleagues if he can come as well," said Madiha. "Stay at my apartment tonight and tomorrow we'll take you to your Aunty's house."

Neha pulled a face. "Don't remind me. I'd much prefer to spend it with you guys." She turned and looked at Madiha. "So who's this blind date you have for me?"

"Jake. He works with Russ. He's a... a nice guy. Let's leave it at that, otherwise there'd be no surprise."

"Oh, ok." Neha thought this was a bit strange, but she was in a new country with her good friend and her new fuck. And she was going out for pizza, her all time favourite food.

Russ picked up Neha's bag when she spotted it and they headed back to his car, the two girls chatting about work, their friends and speculating about the NRI. He also thought it all seemed a bit suss, but hoped the girls knew what they were doing. He felt a bit sorry for the poor guy she was going to meet. He'd only been talking to her for less than an hour and his head was spinning.

"Hey Rusty, can you please drive home off the freeway? I'd like Neha to see a bit of Melbourne she normally wouldn't see," Madiha asked.

"Hmm, oh sure. No worries Madi. I'll nip down through Moonee Ponds, and duck through the back streets. And what's so funny?" he asked as the two girls burst out laughing.

"Everything is 'no worries'. You all say it, and you probably don't realise you do," Neha giggled. "No worries..."

"Great. And I was going to invite you and maybe Jake to the beach house next weekend, but if you're going to be mean..."

Neha ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Oh, the beach house? Oh please, I'm sorry for making a joke. I really, really want to go. Madiha has told me how much fun it was."

"Fine. No... Not a problem," Russ replied, smiling. "Just kidding about not going to the beach. Madi insisted on it. She said even though you live near the Chennai beach, you don't get to swim in the ocean much." He lifted the bag into his car. "Righto, jump in and let's off."

Neha shook her head and giggled again at the strange expressions Russ used. Madi just smiled. She was getting used to the quirky version of English Australians spoke. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" she asked Neha as they drove out of the airport.

"No thanks. I had lunch on the plane. I asked for a vegetarian meal and it was pretty good. It came with wine, so I had a couple with the meal. It was good also."

Russ was listening to the conversation and chuckled to himself. Having a couple of glasses of wine might explain Neha's hyperactivity. "Ok dokey Neha, Welcome to Melbourne proper. You're lucky it's a reasonable day today. Madi arrived on a scorcher - a really hot day."

He looked in the mirror at Neha's blank expression and told her to raise a finger if she didn't understand anything he said. "I think I had Madiha totally bamboozled for the first few days until I eased off on the Aussie language."

Madiha smiled and ruffled his short hair. "Yes, you did. But I was very hot, lost and so confused I thought my mind was going. I didn't think anyone in a country that really only speaks English could be so incomprehensible."

Neha laughed and looked curiously out the window. She had tried to learn as much as possible about Australia in the short time she had between being talked into coming across and arriving, but the internet didn't really capture the true country. She did find some YouTube clips about the strange Australian version of the English language which she thought was pretty funny. She didn't think they were real but was now reconsidering that.

They stopped outside Madiha's apartment building and got out, the two friends still talking about anything and everything as they walked through the doorway. Russ shook his head and followed with Neha's bag.

Madi introduced Neha to Bree at the reception desk and went up to her apartment.

"Nice place Madiha," said Neha, admiring the view out the balcony window. "So is the bed comfy?"

"Yes, and that fold out sofa is probably good as well. You're not sleeping with me, not after Bangalore. You bounce around and snore too much."

"Pardon?" asked Russ as he dropped Neha's bag in the living area.

"It's not what you think. We don't have that sort of relationship," laughed Madiha.

"We don't? Oh, so what about all that..."

"Neha!" snapped Madiha.

"Oops. You haven't told him. Sorry." Neha turned to Russ, "Forget what I said. Jet lag. Tired. Hungry..."

"Mmm, ok," Russ replied but looked at Madiha with a faint smile on his face. "Is that one of those 'What happens in India, stays in India' things?"

"No. Yes. Maybe. I'll tell you later," Madiha stammered. Even though they'd had a fair bit of intense sex, she really didn't want to tell her boyfriend about her earlier romps. Although with Neha letting some things slip, she thought a chat more sooner than later might be needed.

Neha jumped in and said, reassuringly. "Oh no, nothing like that. Really... We met on our first day of orientation at RI and hit it off together. We both needed a place to stay, so we decided to rent an apartment together to save money. But the only one we could find was a one bedroom place, so we had to share a bed. Later we managed to get two bed place, which was much better. Apart from the ogre of a landlord..."

Madiha smiled at Neha in relief. Her friend was very smart but sometimes was a bit too open with her thoughts. She also had this habit of acting on impulse, and not really thinking of the future consequences.

"Fair enough. I'll believe you. Still interested in hearing more about your adventures." Russ said, his smile broadening. Madiha had dropped some inadvertent hints about her escapades over the years. Not that it bothered him, as he had his own history but it was very obvious she was not a sexual novice. Still... He had always thought Indians were pretty conservative. That idea had changed since meeting his girlfriend slowly melting on the side of a road and cursing at the world in at least three languages. That was impressive.
