Crystal's Diagnosis Pt. 02

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Crystal seeks love from her mother and stepfather.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/07/2018
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I have decided to switch to first person for this series since it follows Crystal. Everyone who engages in sexual activity is at least 18.


Let's get you up to speed:

Crystal was diagnosed with Type 2 Nymphomania, a rare condition that makes it almost impossible to experience positive emotions like love, trust, or security without the aid of sexual stimulation. After giving her the diagnosis, Dr. Carter, her therapist, fucks her to gain her trust, which he tests by asking to keep her panties and promising to give them back next session.

He then sends her home to fuck her mom and stepfather. She masturbates on her way home and in the bathroom when she gets there. She starts to come up with a game plan to seduce her parents while she is in the shower.


I stepped out of the shower satiated, just having enjoyed my third orgasm of the day. The memory of my time with Dr. Carter, the fact that he still had my panties - probably doing naughty things with them at this very moment - and the anticipation of having sex with my parents were enough fuel to get me off forever.

I dried off and wrapped my body in a big, fluffy towel. With another towel I scooped up my pissy, cummy clothes off the bathroom floor and balled them so that only the towel showed. I opened the door and walked down the hall to my bedroom where I deposited my soiled clothes into the hamper in my walk-in closet.

I took off my towel and placed it in the hamper as well. I loved the feeling of being naked. There was something comforting about not wearing any clothes - being free from restraint, judgement and shame, feeling the cool air all over my body, wrapping me up in nothing and accepting me.

I miss being able to walk around my entire home naked, though. I had been able to be naked only in my room since I finished undergrad and moved back with my parents. When I lived on campus, my roommate, Krishna and I used to walk around naked all the time.

I missed Krishna. She had become my best friend since our first semester together. We used to talk about everything - boys, insecurities, our bodies, family, hopes, dreams, life... everything. She even told me that she was bisexual and attracted to me. I, being straight at the time, never imagined being with another girl. That is until I caught her on my bed sniffing my panties and masturbating.

That night was the first and only time I made love to a girl. And now that I think of it, this confirms Dr. Carter's diagnosis. I didn't fuck her because I liked girls, I fucked her because I loved her. Seeing her sniffing my dirty panties said 'I love you and accept you' in a stronger way than words, flowers, money or anything else ever could. After that night we never wore clothes at home again.

We hadn't talked in the few months since graduation. I had called before but her phone kept going to voicemail. I decided to call my long lost bestie, hoping to catch up and fill her in on my diagnosis.

"Hello?" Krishna answered.

"Hey girl, it's Crystal."

"Crystaaaal...?" She asked, expecting a last name.

"Oh, I don't know... maybe your best friend slash roommate slash fuck buddy, Crystal?" I said chuckling sarcastically.

"Oh my god! Really? It's been so long! How have you been?" She squeaked excitedly.

"I've been good, how's med school going?" I asked.

"Stessful. I'll be happy when this semester ends in a couple weeks." She replied.

"So are you and Brad still together?" I asked, really wondering how her sex life was.

"Well, it's Cody and... kind of." She answered indefinitely.

"What does 'kind of' mean?" I asked, inquisitively.

"Well, you know how he caught us fucking in the back seat of his car, causing us to break up? We kind of never got back together afterward." She explained.

"Aww, poor baby, I'm so sorry" I said, concerned for my best friend and feeling guilty.

"Its ok, Crys. You've apologized a million times and I accept every one of them. And besides, we're still fucking like rabbits anyway. We just dropped the exclusivity and became friends with benefits. It's better that way." She explained.

I thought for a moment. "Hmm, so that son of a bitch took my spot!" I said in mock jealousy, giggling.

She laughed. "Well, he doesn't have a pussy for me to lick and grind mine against so he could never take your spot." She said still cackling a little.

I got turned on at the thought. The memory of us sloshing our teenage pussies together started to get me a little wet. We caught up and reminisced on old times for about a half hour. I decided to tell her about my diagnosis and subsequent tryst with Dr. Carter. It was dark and it began to rain outside as I gave her the details.

"So you get to fuck your folks, judgement free!? Awesome! Your stepdad is so hot. I would love to ride his big white cock! And your mom's gorgeous, with those nice tits! I'd suck on those for hours." Krishna sounded excited as if she would get to have sex with them. She still lusted for them from the first day I moved into our dorm.

She went on. "And when your brother came to visit, he was so cute! Too bad he didn't pick up on any of my hints or else he would've taken your place," she giggled with excitement.

"Stop lusting after my family, slut. That's my job." I joked playfully.

"No, you're the slut. You've got documentation to prove it." She remarked laughing heartily.

I giggled hysterically. "Well, at least I have a condition. I need to be one. You're just a slut for no reason." We both chortled at or exchange of 'insults'.

"Well, being the slut that I am, and you being the needy slut that you are, I should come down there after this semester is over and show you how much I've missed you." She said sexily. "But, family first, right?"

"You are family, Krish. Besides, I don't even know how I'm going to seduce them. I have been trying to come up with a plan all night. I got nothing. At least if you were here I know my pussy would get what it needs." Just as I said that, a flash of lightning beamed outside my bedroom window. A few seconds later the loud crash of thunder scared me half to death. I squeaked loudly.

"Hey, are you okay? Krishna asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah. Just that damn lightning... it scared the shit out of me." I said, catching my breath.

"Hey, remember when it used to storm, and you used to come in my room and cuddle with me?" She asked, reminding me of some of my favorite moments with her.

"Yeah, you would hold me... and caress me... and play with my nipples and rub on my ass and play with my pussy... We probably fucked every time there was a storm." I remembered, starting to get turned on and rub my flooding pussy.

"So go cuddle with your parents! It'll probably turn them on like it did me. They probably won't fuck you right then and there but it should definitely get them going in the right direction." She suggested brilliantly.

"You're a genius!" I praised. "I'm gonna call you back and tell you how it went." I said, hanging up the phone, too excited to wait for her reply.

I leapt to my feet and went swiftly to the door of my room, opened it, stepped outside and remembered I was completely naked. Even though cuddling with my parents naked sounded heavenly, they probably weren't ready for that.

I went back in my room and closed the door as another bolt of lightning hit somewhere that seemed close because the thundering was even louder than the first, scaring me just as much. I went through my drawer frantically, trying to find something to wear and put on before another lightning bolt made me piss myself.

I grabbed the first shirt that I could find from my drawer and just slid it on. I went quickly back out the door and walked fast down the hall to my parent's bedroom. I quickly and quietly opened the door and stepped into the room. It was dark and I walked toward the bed trying to make out shapes so I could know where I could fit in.

I stood for a few seconds to let my eyes adjust to the dark, which is when I realised by the breeze I felt on my crotch that I had forgotten to put on panties, and the shirt I was wearing barely went past my belly button.

Another bolt of lightning flashed out the window. And not even two seconds later the extremely loud sound of thunder made me squeal. I immediately jumped in the bed, landing right between my mom and step dad.

"Sweetheart?" Daddy asked groggily.

"I was scared," I said almost whimpering.

"Oh... ok, come here baby girl," daddy said, holding his blanket up inviting me under.

"Thank you, daddy." I slipped under the covers. Daddy put his large arms around me as he drifted back to sleep. Mommy slept like a rock, as usual. I wasn't surprised that neither the thunder nor me jumping in the bed woke her. I might be able to fuck daddy while mommy sleeps, I thought as I grinned naughtily to myslef.

I had noticed that I was laying right in the middle of a warm wet spot on the bed. That means that mommy and daddy made love not too long ago, and I lay in their sweat and juices. The thought sent chills down my spine. I snuggled into daddy's large body, feeling his bare chest on my back as another flash of lightning beamed and thunder banged afterward.

Daddy's left arm was underneath my head and wrapped around my chest and neck, his hand on my right shoulder. His right hand rested on my bare tummy. Feeling safe and sound in daddy's arms, I relaxed, even though the storm raged. It reminded me of my times with Krishna and I desired to be fondled, teased, and toyed with.

As my need grew I started to feel tingly between my legs. The fact that I was bottom half naked did nothing to alleviate my desire. I slid daddy's right hand upward and placed it on my breast. I hoped that he would start to squeeze my little tits and play with my nipples like Krishna used to. He didn't move at all and I surmised he was still asleep.

I began to squeeze my own breasts and twist my own nipples through daddy's hand, imagining him doing it. I was getting really hot and I started to grind my little naked bottom against his boxer covered crotch.

I felt his dick stiffen as I mashed myself against it, wondering if a man could get sexually aroused while sleeping. Either I was pervertedly molesting my step dad while my mother slept a foot away, or my step dad was playing possum while he let me use him to get off. My pussy gushed at both possibilities.

I could feel my inner thighs getting slick as daddy's hard cock nestled between my bare butt cheeks, pointing upward. I ground slowly, mushing myself against him trying to maximize stimulation while minimizing sound and movement. If mommy would have woken up we'd both be murdered then and there.

Figuring I wasn't going to get much more sexual gratification out of daddy, I settled my mind on making myself cum instead of risking double homicide by trying fuck him. If I was caught masturbating, the punishment would be substantially less.

I slid (somewhat reluctantly) away from daddy and onto my back, removing his hand from under my shirt and settled in the middle of the two, right in the wet spot. Touching my hungry cunt where they had just made love and adding my cum and juices to theirs was the perfect cover up and the perfect turn on.

I started rubbing my clit and fingering my hole with wanton excitement. Lying between the two people who loved me the most, secretly pleasuring myself while they slept peacefully - it was electrifying. I let out a moan of complete indulgence, partially scared and partially excited at the thought of mommy and daddy waking up and catching me.

I let out another moan, approaching the arc of my excitement. At that moment I heard daddy stir in his sleep. Then he, unknowingly (I think), put his arm around me and placed his hand on my breast. It sent chills through me. I lifted my shirt, put my hand on his and fondled my breast through it like before, continuing to torture myself with pleasure using the other hand.

My body began to explode with a rush of pleasure as my orgasm began. I moaned and cried inwardly as I came and came. And I know I shouldn't have but I was naughty and couldn't help myself, and I put daddy's hand between my thighs, using both my hands and his to massage my sodden cunt until I finished cumming.

I felt a little guilty for using daddy like that and apologetically licked his fingers clean as well as mine. I then straightened my shirt, covering my little boobies again, wrapped myself in daddy's arms and snuggled against him, all immersed in carnal satisfaction. I fell asleep almost instantly.


Mom's extremely loud alarm clock blasted. It scared me right out of my sleep and I swiftly rolled off of my step dad onto my stomach and pushed his heavy arm off me. It took mom almost a minute to finally wake up and turn off the clock. She sat up, rubbed the bridge of her nose, then looked over her shoulder at me. "Hey," she said, seemingly surprised I was in their bed.

"There was a big storm last night and I was scared." I answered the subtextual question.

"Oh..." she gathered her thoughts, "you always were scared of thunder. It's been so long since you've lived here I just wasn't expecting you."

"I've been here for a few months now, mom." I said feighning exasperation.

"Yeah, I know that. But it's been four years plus those months since you ran into our room scared of a storm," Mom stated for clarity I didn't need. "I kind of missed it," she added with a smile, looking me in the face.

"I missed you too, mom," I said smiling back. You see, I had been deeply depressed since I came back home from school. At first I just missed Krishna, whose phone just kept going to voicemail every time I called. Then it just got worse and worse. It got to the point where I would barely leave my room. My parents were concerned and suggested counseling. That's when I started seeing Dr. Carter.

So when mom said she missed me it was because she had barely seen me all summer. And when she did see me, I was still not myself. "So, how did counseling go yesterday, sweetheart?" Mom asked, turning toward me, causing me to notice she was topless.

"Uuhhhhhh... It went fine. Yeah, I feel... so much better." I said flatly, nervous to tell her the truth.

She let out a chuckle and rolled her eyes. I never let her or dad know how counselig went, especially when Dr. Carter found that my depression was linked to my sexuality. I didn't want to say anything that would make them ask about the specifics of our conversations.

And even though Dr. Carter encouraged me to tell them about my diagnosis, I was still terrified - more of her than him. I knew I would have to do it eventually, but I judged that doing so half naked in their bed, covered in my own cum wasn't the right time.

"I gotta get ready for work," mom said, standing up revealing her starkly naked body. We had always been comfortable being naked around each other - me, her and my sister, Candice. Krishna hadn't overstated my mom's beauty. She was, indeed, gorgeous. People say she was pretty 'for a 40 year old', but I thought she could put any of those little 30 or 20 year old bitches to shame, including me.

My mom, Theresa, was 5'4", three inches taller than me. She had smooth brown skin a shade or two lighter than mine and a youthful-looking, beautiful face with a radiant smile. Her hair was dark brown and really curly, so she often wore it natural. She was a little more fleshy than me, with still-perky 34C breasts featuring large, dark areolas and tiny little nipples, a flat tummy with a thin waist, and her hips flared out lusciously.

Her ass was really plump but compact and it was still perky and bouncy. She had shapely legs that lead down to her cute little pedicured feet. Mom never shaved her pubic area. Any time I had seen her naked, she sported thick, coarse pubic hair covering her intimate parts. This time was only different in that the edges were trimmed into neat triangle. Daddy must have liked it, but I preferred it bare or at least shaved down really low.

I devoured her body with my eyes as she walked around the room, collecting items for her shower. I dared not move and expose my nakedness. I just drooled as her breasts and booty jiggled at every slight movement. I sat up, keeping my lower body covered with the blanket. "So, what's Candy doing for her birthday," I asked, trying to divert my attention away from my lust.

"I don't know for sure. She was saying something about a sleepover... I think I'm going to throw her a party too. She's turning 18 and that's kind of a big deal for her. And then she'll be going off to college soon after. Gotta give her a proper farewell." Mom said thoughtfully then pranced into the en suite bathroom.

Dad was apparently still sleeping so I just sat thinking, afraid to get up and be caught pantyless by mom. I yawned and stretched my arms and legs out since I had the space now. I wrapped myself in the rest of the blanket mom had abandoned and lay on my back.

I looked up at the ceiling fan and saw mom's lacy, peach colored bra hanging from it and giggled. It was great that my mom and step dad were still interested in one another physically. So many couples' sex lives dry up after so many years, especially when they have kids. Not so with mom and dad - they were fucking constantly, as I could sometimes hear from my room.

My eyes widened as I realized that if the bra were thrown on the ceiling fan, the matching panties should be somewhere around. I sat up again, looking around the room for peach panties, finally finding them peaking from under dad's pillow.

I removed them, careful not wake dad in the process. They were a sexy lace thong, size small. I held them up and examined them as Dr. Carter did mine, mindfully listening to sound of the shower running.

Mimicking the Good Doctor's every move, I sniffed the the front, right under waistband. It smelled like sweat mixed with her intoxicating perfume, a heavenly mixture. Then I moved to the gusset, feeling the slight dampness there with my fingers first, then taking in her arousing feminine aroma.

I was lost in the moment as I turned them around to get a whiff of my mom's sweet, pungent anus. "Mmmm," I moaned softly, appreciating mommy's scent. Then I heard the doorknob to the bathroom turn. I quickly hid the panties under the blanket as mom walked speedily back into the room in a black bra and panties set.

She hurriedly got dressed, put on some light makeup, sprayed some perfume and checked her hair in the mirror. She then kissed me on the forehead and said, "I'll see you when I get back. Love you."

"Love you too," I replied, as she fled out the door. I relaxed back on the bed and exhaled, surprised and amused that I had gotten away with all my shenanigans last night and this morning. Mom didn't bring up any questions about last night and neither did she see me sniffing her panties, and daddy was still asleep. I'm such a clever girl, I ruminated with a smile.

"So... about last night..." my dad said, rising from his now obviously false slumber. I lay there wide eyed and petrified, unable to speak or move as blood left my extremities and my feet, hands and face went numb. Daddy got out of bed and stood to his feet, the bed shifting as it was relieved of the weight of his massive frame. He listened for the sound of my mom's car leaving before he turned to face me.

My stepfather, Brett, was big and intimidating to look at, standing a little under 6 feet tall and weighing 280lbs. His torso was very wide with black hair spread across his chest that narrowed on its way down his solar plexus and abs. His muscles weren't as defined as someone on the cover of a bodybuilding magazine but he was no fat slob either. He had short black hair, a full thick beard and hansome face.