Cuckolds Anonymous Ch. 03

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Unsuspecting white wives can’t resist hung black bulls.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/10/2021
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This story is posted on the Literotica website—the author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. This is the third in a multi-chaptered interracial hotwife/cuckold story.


Friday Morning

Cedric Brown parked his Porsche Panamera in his private parking space in the underground garage at Cuckolds Anonymous' building in downtown San Jose. Four years previously, Brown had converted the aging three story structure in an industrial section on the north edge of downtown. From the outside it was a nondescript building without signage or storefront access—this wasn't exactly the kind of business clients would want a neighbor or co-worker to see them entering or exiting.

All Cuckolds Anonymous clients parked in the underground parking garage that was accessed through a card key controlled security roll-up door. A single elevator provided access from the garage to the main level where most of the business functions took place.

Brown hurried up his own private stairwell with a pep in his step. Today was sure to be a good day—he would get his first look at Taylor Sims in the flesh (well not exactly in the flesh...that delectable vision would have to wait) but nonetheless he would get to put his eyeballs on her for the first time. And his decadent night was sure to end with him putting the content from his other balls all over the hot brunette Kacey Shaw.

Tanya Lewis was waiting for him with coffee in hand as he entered the Cuckolds Anonymous foyer. "How are you today?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm fuckin' great!" He beamed.

"Why did I know you were going to say that?" She giggled, knowing how excited her boss always got when meeting a potential target couple for the first time.

Ced landed in his big leather desk chair while Tanya plopped down in the one on the other side. "Okay Tan, what does the schedule look like for the day?"

"Tim Shaw is coming in at 10:00 a.m. for what we already know will be his exit interview. And then at noon, Josh and Taylor Sims will be arriving for their initial introductory session. I was excited when Josh called me back so quickly following the circle meeting to confirm him and Taylor were taking us up on the alternative program offer."

"Not as excited as I was Miss Lewis!" Brown practically shouted.

"Yes, you've already made that quite clear!" She reminded him with a cute laugh. "Anyway, we may be cutting it a little tight with Tim's two hour window, but I'll make sure to wind things down in time for the Sims'. As for the rest of the day, I had Alicia confirm the limousine will be at your place at five for your date."

"Awesome, it's always fun to see the look on new couple's faces when they see the limo pull up."

"You gonna take them up to the city?"

"Yeah, if the plan ain't broke don't fix it. The past few times have gone off without a hitch and I can't imagine the Shaw's being any different!" Brown answered, unable to wipe the smug grin from his face.

Tanya laughed, "Something tells me you'll be right about that!" She joked before getting up and heading back to her office.

Tim Shaw arrived at 10:15 a.m. It didn't surprise Tanya he was late. She knew he, like others before him, wrestled with whether to come at all for these exit meetings. But they always did, knowing if they didn't they'd be forfeiting the remainder of their significant deposit. She grabbed her tablet and iPad and led him to one of the couches in her office. "Coffee?"

"Sorry I'm late and no thanks, I'm all coffee'd out! But I'd love a bottled water if you have one."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I've been here since seven and I won't make it through our meeting without visiting the ladies room if I drink another drop of Joe." They both laughed as she retrieved a water from the mini-fridge. She texted Ced from her iPad and told him Tim Shaw had arrived.

"So Tim, you are obviously here by yourself, I hope everything is okay with Kacey?" Tanya asked, playing dumb to the fact that Tim Shaw was really here to acknowledge he and his hot wife would no longer be continuing on with Cuckolds Anonymous program.

"Oh yeah, she's fine...but she...uhhh...decided not to join me this morning. Tanya, I feel bad admitting this, but we have decided we aren't going to carry on with the program any longer."

"Oh Tim, I'm so sorry to hear that!" Brown had flipped the switch and now watched and listened through the two-way mirror as his clinical director did a splendid job of faking her surprise. "I hope nothing bad happened at your baseline outing."

"No not at a matter of fact, quite the opposite!"

"Wait, I'm not sure I understand what you mean?"

"Well we uh...met someone that night and he ended up coming home with us."

"Oh my! I didn't expect to hear that Tim." Tanya lied convincingly. "Tell me about what happened."

"Yeah we didn't expect it either but...this is hard Tanya, both Kacey and I feel bad about you know...the program and all."

"Tim, these things happen...although not normally at the baseline outing," she giggled awkwardly, causing more embarrassment for the young husband. "But seriously Tim, I would rather it happen this way than nine weeks into the program. I hope you feel comfortable sharing how it went down. You might recall from the contract, for us to rebate your entire deposit, we hold the right to question details about your departure. The feedback helps us council future clients."

"Yeah...uh sure, I recall the contract terms. Well uh...where do I start? Kacey and I went to the bar that night still feeling great about our decision to enroll at Cuckolds Anonymous. When we arrived, the place had an awesome vibe as you said it would—we were both really excited to let our hair down, fully aware of what to expect after you prepped us about the place. On the way over, we joked about how interesting it would be to watch the reactions from men as they made failed passes at her—you know, as we had also discussed at our first session with you."

Tanya nodded. "Uh-huh."

"I don't mean to boast Tanya, but you wouldn't believe how good Kacey looked that night. Again as you recommended, she dressed really hot in a short dress showing off her butt and so much cleavage I almost didn't let her out of the house. I was tempted to carry her back into our bedroom and say fuck-it to the whole thing." Tim laughed.

From behind the mirror, a mental image of Kacey Shaw in the tiny dress her husband described flashed through Cedric Brown's head—he wondered what the hot little brunette had in store for him later tonight when he arrived in the limo. He rubbed his big cock, knowing full well what he had in store for her.

Tim Shaw continued, "Kacey did her hair just how I like it, and at my request, she wore more makeup than she usually does, especially around her eyes. Trust me, she actually looked kinda slutty, but I loved it!" He laughed. "Also at my urging, she wore these above-the-knee platform boots with 4" beefy heels that I absolutely love on her. They aren't great for dancing, but they are sexy as hell!"

Cedric Brown thumbed through his phone to several pictures he had taken of the young wife. Her husband wasn't shitting, Kacey Shaw looked smokin' hot in the outfit...but certainly not as good as she looked out of it later that night.

"I suppose your wife got lots of attention?" Tanya asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, you were right about what to expect Tanya, there was a line of guys at that bar whose clear intentions were to get inside Kacey's panties."

Tanya glanced subtly at the mirror. The men Tim referred to were out of work actors who Cuckolds Anonymous had hired to be at the bar that night—their job was to make moves on Kacey Shaw. Tanya told the Shaw's the same fictitious story she and Ced had used in the past—that this particular bar was well known as a place frequented by cuckold couples looking for sex partners. She warned them to be prepared for come-ons and how to respond—this was all part of the baseline setting protocol. She encouraged Kacey to dress provocatively, and to flirt and dance with some of the men so the Shaw's could report back their experiences, emotions and feelings to Tanya at their next meeting.

The Shaw's had no way of knowing that Ced and Tanya had used these same hand-chosen actors previously. Each was a good looking, fit man in their late twenties or thirties. But in spite of their attractive outward appearance, each was instructed to act out a predetermined cheeseball characteristic that would make it easy for Kacey to reject their advances. The hardest part for her was to keep from laughing at some of the pathetic pick-up lines and boastful comments.

Ced and Tanya's end-game was to make each of them look particularly bad while eventually making Cedric Brown's smooth approach come across like the second coming of Don Juan himself. It had worked like a charm before—knowing what they knew about the Shaw's predisposition for cuckoldry, they were confident it would in Kacey Shaw's seduction also.

Tim continued. "As you predicted Tanya, after Kacey danced and flirted with them, most got pissed when she rebuffed their advances. One even had the gall to ask us why we came to a cuck bar if we didn't want Kacey to get a taste of his big fat dick!"

"Oh my! How were you and Kacey feeling at that point?"

"We were certainly feeling better about our decision to join Cuckolds Anonymous. If all the men out there were like these losers, we were quickly realizing this lifestyle wasn't for us."

"What changed?"

"Well first of all, for whatever reason, Kacey seemed to be getting buzzed faster than either of us would've expected. I wouldn't typically consider my wife a lightweight, but after just a few drinks, she was already showing signs of being pretty drunk."

Tanya glanced subtly at the mirror again. The pick-up actors weren't the only ones supporting Cuckold Anonymous' devious little scheme. The bar owner, John Washington, was one of Ced's poker buddies. He too was a black man who along with his pretty wife Tina, enjoyed a little white couple swinging on occasion. Washington was happy to support his good friend's crafty ploy by putting his best bartender on the schedule whenever Ced requested. Nobody could make a strong drink taste more subtle than Lucas Johnson.

Brown had also provided the talented barkeep with a small vile of a substance he had picked up on one of his many trips to the Orient. Ced didn't know exactly what was in it, but he had used it on numerous occasions and learned that just a few drops could make even the most frigid woman hotter than a 4th of July firecracker.

Kacey Shaw was certainly no frigid woman—yet in addition to a heavy dose of alcohol, the hot brunette got a drop or two of the mystery elixir in each of her cocktails.

Her husband went on. "It was about that time despite all the cheesy come-ons, that Kacey admitted she was feeling really drunk and horny. She suggested we get going soon so she could tear my clothes off and have her way with me when we got back home. I certainly liked the sound of that, but it was still early and I figured if she was already feeling that way now, things might get even better if we stuck around for another drink or two. Little did I know how prophetic that thought would be."

Brown's chest swelled proudly as he took a swig from his coffee.

"Moments later two more cocktails arrived at our table. We hadn't ordered them and when I asked who had, the server pointed to a black man sitting at the end of the bar. When Kacey and I looked over at him, he smiled generously and raised his glass. We toasted back in his direction with a thankful nod. I said to Kacey, 'Damn if we had played our cards right, as good as you look in the dress, we probably could have avoided paying for a single drink tonight.' My wife giggled in agreement."

"So the black guy at the bar bought you drinks, what happened after that?" Tanya asked, knowing full well this was step one in Cedric's seduction of young Kacey.

"I'm not sure why, as we had never really discussed it, but I asked my wife if she was ever attracted to black men. Kacey surprised me when after a guilty look flashed across her face, she admitted that she found certain ones kinda hot. After I digested her surprising response, I asked her what she thought of the guy who had just bought us the cocktails."

Tanya gazed at the mirror, behind which Brown was moving forward in his chair awaiting Kacey's answer.

"Again my wife surprised me when her eyes flashed and she admitted, 'Yeah, I would say he's one of the hot ones!' "

Brown's ego swelled as did his cock. He remembered from that night the Shaw's having a dialogue as they each looked in his direction while he sat at the end of the bar. Now he knew exactly what the young couple had been discussing.

" 'Oh is that right?' I asked her. 'He certainly looks like he's in good shape, but he's got to be pushing forty or maybe even a little older.' "

"My wife answered with a naughty giggle, 'Yes, but there is something about his maturity that makes him even sexier.' "

Brown smiled again as his cock now twitched heavily in his pants.

"At that point my intrigue began to grow. In all my previous fantasies, I'd never imagined Kacey with a black man. But as I sat there thinking about the possibility, I found myself getting completely aroused at the thought. I think I surprised her when I suggested we invite him over to our table."

" did your wife react to that Tim?"

"She didn't object. I think we were both thinking he was probably like the rest of them and that after some small talk and perhaps a dance or two, she would send him packing like the others. Meanwhile I would get to enjoy the free cocktail."

"Is that what happened?" Tanya asked as if she didn't already know.

"Well Unlike the others, we found him to be quite charming—he made us both laugh with his witty sense of humor. We learned that he was a former professional athlete who had also been in the tech business prior to selling off his investments. We talked for quite awhile and I noticed my wife flirting and giggling more than she had with any of the other guys."

"Eventually he asked if I minded if he danced with Kacey. I looked over at my wife only to see an eager grin on her beautiful face. I'm not sure if I had said no, if she wouldn't have done it anyway!" Tim laughed. "Moments later I watched as the tall black man led her towards the dance floor—his large black hand resting in the dress cutout at the small of her back. Kacey's round bubble butt looked amazing in the short dress with her smooth thighs sandwiched sexily between the short seam and the above-the-knee boots."

"So I think I have an idea where this might be going Tim, how did the fact that he was a black man make you feel?"

"I was surprised but it felt more natural than I expected. Like I said, I had never fantasized about Kacey with a black guy despite the fact I wouldn't consider myself the slightest bit racist. I just had never been around many black people during my upbringing or in my career, so I guess it just hadn't crossed my mind. But as I watched the two of them walking towards the dance floor, I suddenly couldn't get the rumor about black men out of my mind. As for Cedric himself, he had a confidence about him that seemed to validate the theory. With those thoughts percolating through my mind, there was something about him that just made me kind of accepting of what his likely intentions were."

"Tim, are you aware this was your cuckold persona revealing itself?"

The young husband nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Anyway, I watched them dance for a few minutes before I went to take a leak. When I came back out, there was another drink waiting for me. The dance floor was now much more crowded and I could no longer see Kacey or Ced."

"Ced? That was his name?"

"Um yeah, Cedric actually."

When the young husband reached for his water, Tanya winked at the mirror.

"Anyway, I tried to spot them while I drank my cocktail but the DJ had changed the pace and several slow songs now sounded back-to-back from the loud speakers. The crush of bodies made it impossible to locate them."

Brown sat with a satisfied smile as he recalled that he had instructed the bartender to send the equivalent of a triple strength drink to Tim Shaw and for the DJ to slow things down and dim the lights not long after he escorted the man's young wife to the dance floor.

Tim went on. "As the time passed, many thoughts crept into my mind. I wondered what they were talking about and whether this Cedric guy was making moves on her. I found myself getting aroused as I imagined them dancing closely together. I wondered if Kacey was pressing her big tits into his chest as she does when we dance. I also wondered if my wife could feel his bulge against her stomach. I knew based on how Kacey was feeling at that point, she might be more vulnerable than when she'd danced earlier with the cheesy guys."

"Eventually I drained the last of my drink and glanced at my watch, the two of them had been gone for nearly forty-five minutes. Just as I rose on wobbly legs to take a look, I saw them emerge from the mass of people and walk hand in hand in my direction. I immediately noticed a distant, unfamiliar gaze on Kacey's face. I also observed her big nipples poking through her dress. I tried to lock eyes with her, but just as she neared our table she announced she needed to use the ladies room. Ced and I watched Kacey's perky ass sway as she moved in that direction."

" 'That's some little lady you have there Tim!' Brown announced to me."

"Yeah, I remind myself of that all the time."

"He then said, 'So, I hope you don't mind me telling you this, but she admitted the two of you came here looking for a little fun tonight.' "

"I laughed before answering ignorantly, 'Sure, I assume everyone came here looking for a good time tonight Ced!' "

"What he said next took my breath away. 'No Tim, you're not getting it. When me and your wife were dancing closely together and she was...uh...rubbing my big cock with her little hand, she whispered to me you guys were looking for a different kind of fun!' "

"Oh my god Tim, did he really say that to you?" When Tim Shaw's eyes squeezed shut recalling the erotic scene, Tanya's narrowed as she scrunched her nose and playfully scowled at her boss through the mirror.

Brown smiled proudly behind the glass.

"How did you respond to his claim Tim?"

"I stumbled over my words at first before saying that I didn't appreciate him making up something like that. I was all set to tell him to take a hike before he calmly pulled out his phone and toggled through a couple of screens before handing it to me. The grainy image on his screen was exactly as he'd described. My heart was in my throat as I viewed Kacey's small fingers wrapped around a large bulge in the black man's slacks. He spoke smugly, 'One of my buddy's is the security guard over there—he took this shot to ask who the hot brunette was who was gripping my crank on the dance floor.' "

"So he was telling the truth?" Tanya asked, feigning surprise.

"Yes...yes he actually was, the picture validated it. Then he told me that Kacey admitted that her husband had a cuckold fetish and that I would be as excited as her if he were to come back to our place. He stunned me again when he blurted, 'Dude, while your wife was gripping my stick, she practically begged me to come home with you guys. That horny little your wife I mean...looked into my eyes and pleaded, 'Cedric, you have to come home with us, I wanna suck it!' "