Cuckold's Revenge

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Michael gets tricked in being cuckolded, gets revenge.
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Michael Barron looked into his wife, Naomi's eyes. He loved her as much as he believed he could ever love. She was kneeling between his legs, her forearms resting on his thighs. He felt pain like nothing before as she buried her face in her elbow, cumming hard as his father fucked her. He looked up at his father, saw that cruel grin. Michael was a cuckold. His own brother was waiting for his turn, then his sister's husband.

They all had bigger cocks than Michael, who had seven inches. His father, James, and his brother Andrew had nine inches whilst Jason, his brother-in-law had ten. Jason always went last. This fuck session happened twice a week. On alternate days her own father, Lionel, and her brother, Clay would come, normally bringing Nelson, her cousin with. It started after a doctor's visit.

"Sorry Michael, you are not producing viable sperm." He was told by the family doctor. They had been trying to get pregnant for months, deciding that being married for two years would be the right time to start a family. Then she punted the idea of his father impregnating her, so it would still in their family. He hated the idea, but she wore him down until he nodded.

"Just one thing my love, I want you there, please. It would feel like cheating." One Sunday evening his father arrived, and he watched him fuck her on their bed. She kept looking at him, and she had some of the best orgasms from his father. He also saw the look of triumph on his father's face. She had his father come every night. Then his brother started coming with. The fuck sessions grew, and Michael knew the slope was well and truly hit when they made arrangements, timetables.

"Baby, please. I cannot take it anymore." He begged her.

"I want a baby, that is fundamental to me being a woman. If you love me you will understand." She had her hands on her hips in the living room, His father's posse watching. "You do love me, don't you? You do want kids, don't you?"

"Yes." She pushed him back on the couch, and nodded to his father, who stripped, as did she. That was the first time she knelt in front of him, looking into his eyes as she was fucked. His father chuckled as he shoved in.

"Fuck, this is one hot cunt." He said, the first time he had used such terms. After that night they would ridicule Michael, and call his wife a slut, whore. He spoke to her, and she said it will end when she was pregnant.

Now Michael was looking at her, it would take two hours for them to finish with her. He got up wordlessly and went to his room. She had asked him to move out of their bedroom during the time she was fertile, so one of them could stay the whole night. After six months he just did not bother moving back. It did not seem to bother her. She cut him off completely a year ago, and now she never even touched him with any affection, mostly sneering at him. At family barbecues she was the total opposite, loving, sweet and full off affection.

Michael made the mistake of putting his hand on her leg as they drove back home after a family get together, and she screamed at him all the way home, telling him how he should ask her, that he was a horny pervert. He never did touch her again, except when she leaned on his legs. Michael was reaching his end, but he loved her, and hoped she would get pregnant so he could have her back. He spoke to his mother, who sympathised with Naomi and her need for a baby.

Michael had met Naomi when her very cute sister, Genevieve brought him home. She was a lawyer in New York, so she would periodically come home. Genevieve went back to New York, and Michael had fallen for her. He started to go out as friend with Naomi and her brother. One night he got very drunk, and woke up next to a naked Naomi. He felt absolutely guilty, especially when she announced a month later that she was pregnant. They married in court, and he made an effort, truly growing to love Naomi.

"Remember the trash." Naomi ordered him, it was Monday morning. He had not forgotten, never does, because she would launch into a tirade of note, as she did with everything. Michael carried the trash out, and something sharp cut the bin liner, spilling its contents. He swore as he fetched a new liner, and started to pick up the trash, then he saw it.

"What the fuck?" He whispered as he picked up the empty card of birth control pills. He put it in his pocket. His heart was shattered, this was different. It was now shattered by rage, but he was beaten down. He would do nothing, he knew. He left his car, as he usually does, taking the bus. It gave him time to think.

Michael ran a security consultancy, boosted by his time in the Army. It was successful, and he had branched into cyber security. A friend had set up the business, Michael had control, but he received a salary. He was isolated legally from the business risks. A friend, Frank Morton at State department hooked him up with some government contracts in the beginning. The business was worth millions, but Michael never cashed any of it, he did not need to. No-one but a few close associates knew he was the boss, on advice from Angelo, who set it up.

"Bud, if things go wrong with Naomi, she cannot touch the company."

"But I trust her."

"You have two hundred employees whose lives depend on her, is that what you want?"

"Okay Angelo, I understand." Angelo moved to Europe, but they maintained contact. Now Michael sat on the bus. He took the empty pill plastic out. He got off the bus near the drug store and went in.

"My wife, Naomi Barron asked me to get a refill." He asked and they checked.

"Sorry Mr Barron, she did fill it last week."

"Has she ever lapsed?"

"Not that I can see. Four and a half years." She looked at him, saw the obvious pain.

"Mr Barron, can I give you something to calm you. I sense that you just realised something bad, I can see it."

"No, I will be fine. Thank you for your kindness." He turned and walked out. It was six blocks to his office, so he walked it. The betrayal was immense in him, and everybody knew. Michael was sure he was wearing a neon sign, flashing cuckold. Three blocks down he heard shouting through an open door, it wasn't a fight, but he was curious. He entered, walked down a corridor which opened into what seemed to be a boxing gym. People were working out, and there was a sparring match. He was approached by a blonde woman with some tattoo's.

"Gabby." She said as she shook his hand, her grip firm.

"Michael." She studied him, then nodded.

"Need to get rid of you pain soldier?" she asked, and he nodded.

"This is a Mixed Martial Arts dojo." She handed him some forms as well as a brochure. "We work with veterans with PTSD, broken marriages. People come here to pound the shit out of things and others, willingly. I promise you that my husband and I will make a difference."

"I will think about it."

"Michael, I have done this for a while, and I know when someone is going to break. Do it for the sake of those you care about. You are in the red zone."

"Okay Gabby, I promise to give it real consideration, mostly, how to fit it into my schedule."

"Good. You can come and chat too, we are both counsellors registered with the veterans association."

"Okay, thanks." He shook her hand again, and suddenly it felt as if there was a pinprick of light. He walked to his office, past Genevieve's offices. She had her own law firm now, it was handed to her three years after being admitted to the bar. They were less than three hundred feet apart, and he often saw her. He rarely saw her at family functions, and then she ignored him. He often wondered if it had to do with Naomi.

"Anything for the day?" he asked his PA, he was slightly late.

"Just the Gibson party at ten. They asked for you Mike."

"Okay, ask Simon for the files?"

"Already on your desk."

"Cindy, your son does martial arts, doesn't he?"

"Yes, why?"

"How does it work for him mentally?"

"His moods had stabilised dramatically, and his confidence is up. I hope you are thinking of it."

"I am, prepare my general scheduling, then we can chat after the Gibson meeting."

"I can give you every afternoon from one. The managers are extremely efficient, they take after you."

"You have been waiting for this, haven't you?"

"Yes sir. We love you as a boss and as a human, and we have seen your pain."

"Mixed Martial Arts, what do I need?"

"I will check, when?"

"This afternoon. I need to do something, you are the third person today who commented on my mental health."

"Then I will clean up your afternoons, all of them." At eleven a package arrived. It had everything he needed. Cindy asked for the dojo details, and made payment a year in advance using the corporate account. Michael jogged to the gym, and Gabby smiled at him. He showed her the payments and she immediately started him. Her husband, Ken, took over as she went for coffee with friend. He did not work Michael hard, but he did work him long. Michael got back to the office just before four. He used his private shower, and found Cindy waiting with a coffee. She studied his face and smiled

"I can see the difference Mike. This is the best idea ever."

"I feel it." He went home at five, found his in-laws-waiting for him. His mother-in-law as usual sitting where she could see him, as well as Naomi getting fucked. He took his place and they fucked his wife. After they left he went to his room, amazed at how different he felt. He now accepted she was cheating on him, accepted that she will never be his again.

He heard her try the door, he had locked it.

"Mikey, can we talk?" he ignored her. She tried a few more times later, but he had headphones on and was fast asleep.

"Oh holy fuck." He groaned the next morning, the lactic acid build-up hurting him. He took a hot shower, and then dressed. She was waiting in the kitchen.

"Are you okay Mikey?"

"No, haven't been since you started fucking my family, and cut me off completely."

"You know why?"

"Do I Naomi, do I really know?" he took his bag and left. He got a text from her. 'Can we go for dinner tonight?' Michael knew it was some or other ploy, and he was suddenly curious, not scared.

'Yes. Just us'

He told Ken of his pain, and Ken laughed.

"Michael, we do a full body exercise routine, not targeted. It does not seem intense but it actually is. In any case, pain is weakness leaving your body. Lets work." It was much of the same. Michael had stashed his gear in a locker at the gym, so he only needed his running gear. He arrived home to Naomi, his parents and hers.

"It was supposed to be just us." He stated, without greeting.

"Son, we just want to help if you guys are having trouble?"

"Jesus!" Michael shook his head.

"Michael, just listen to us." His father said.

"Are you going to propose more men come and fuck Naomi?"

"No, what kind of a pervert are you?" her mother said.

"Talk." Michael said.

"Aren't we going to dinner Mikey?" Naomi asked.

"Alone, not with them."

"I want them to come."

"Then you go with them." He walked away, hearing his father shout something. He put on his running gear and walked out. He needed to hurt himself now.

"Please baby, we need to resolve this."

"No, you need to tell me how to bow down to your needs, right." He walked out and hit the road. He ran all the way to his offices, then returned, almost running Genevieve over.

"Sorry Genevieve."

"Michael?" she looked at him, smiled, then lost it.

"I am just killing some ghosts Gen."

"I'll say, I will not ask how you are."

"Thanks, I am making some changes, including exercise."

"Good, listen, maybe we can grab a lunch or something soon. I will call Cindy."

"You know my PA?"

"Yes, she is actually a friend from school. Sorry if it seems like I am spying."

"That's fine Gen, just nice to have someone not scream at me."

"The bitch?" She watched as he smiled and nodded. They greeted friendly, him declining a hug she gave in any case, regardless of his state of sweat. She was sure she saw his eyes water up as he turned and ran. It was after nine when he got back home, hurting badly.

"Where were you!" Naomi screamed.


"Who runs for three hours?"

"You fuck for three hours, I run for three hours."

"You left me alone, it wasn't the same. I need you near, so I know it is okay."

"Naomi, it is not okay, but you will just twist it so I am the monster." He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked to his room. She looked worried, he had not spoken back to her in a long time. She called her father.

"Dad, he is pushing back. I need to find a way to get him under control again. Maybe we should hold off for a bit. If he divorces me we get very little. He needs to give it all up."

"Okay honey, I will talk to the others." She hung up and tried his door. It opened. He was just coming out of the shower. She walked to him and put her arms around him.

"Sorry Mikey, I will stop trying for a baby."

"You can carry on, just without me."

"I want you near me."

"Sorry Naomi, no."

"What can I do?"

"What will you do? How much will you sacrifice for me?"

"What are you saying?"

"Lets move away, just you and me. I wanted dinner, just us. Not a fight. You refused me that."

"I can't, my family is here. We need them."

"See, all I asked for was a dinner, I never had plans to move, but I knew you wouldn't. just carry on Naomi, fuck them. Hell, I really don't think I want in your pussy anymore."

"Jesus Mikey, fuck you." She snapped and walked out.

"Not likely." He chuckled and locked his door. The next morning he ran to the office. Cindy quickly organised him a few sets of clothing from the company stash, which was tactical boots, combat trousers and a t-shirt with the logo on it. He had two meetings, and saw his attire was well received. After that last one he saw his father waiting.

"How is the schedule Cindy?"

"Tight, you need to meet the armoury officer in ten minutes." She was lying through her teeth, but she knew he did not want a meeting when he asked her that. He looked at his father,

"Five minutes dad."

"I am your father, I will..."

"Five minutes, that is all I can spare." He walked in and his father followed.

"You were very belligerent last night, Michael."

"Oh, and your cruel smile as you fuck my wife?"

"You know why we are doing that, for your family."

"I have been thinking about that dad." He emphasized the last word. "Perhaps you are also impotent. Eighteen months of non-stop fucking her, and not even a spark?"

"It will happen, but your stressing her will not help."

"Ah, my fault again. Time is up, gotta go."

"Son, just listen. Give it a month more."

"I gave her freedom daddy dearest, I am just not participating anymore." He walked out to the armoury. He picked up P90 submachine gun and went to the indoor range. Cindy brought his father in, who stood and watched as Michael shot the head out of a target at three hundred feet.

"I like it, the compensator makes difference." He said as he suggestively swept the weapon, held it for just a few seconds on his father, who went white.

"It did improve a lot."

"What else?" Michael looked at the worried armoury manager.

"MP 7's are also back, reflex sights on the picatinny rails."

"Let's have one then." Michael had tested them already, but Cindy had texted the manager, making sure he did not reveal that fact.

"Michael, will you consider it?" is father said.

"As I said, do it or don't dad. She can open her legs to anyone she wants, just not me." Michael sighed. "She has not given me any affection for almost a year, so I can live without it."

"Would that help, if you were intimate again?"

"I could fuck her, but intimacy relies on respect, which none of you have for me, now get the fuck out of the building."

"You will regret it."

"I already do, being tricked into a marriage with a harlot, being shamed by my own family." Michael walked to the range with the machine pistol, and unloaded into a target. His father was gone when he turned back. He finished his work, then ran to the dojo, where he worked hard. For two weeks he kept his routine, ignoring their calls. He spoke to Naomi about things, just not her sex life, which he heard through his door. Their taunting was all aimed at him now.

"Good night limp cock!"

"Suck my cum out of her."



"Sorry excuse for a son."

He missed the next family gathering, opting to go to an MMA tournament with Ken and Gabby.

"Michael, why don't you join the league. We have the weekend warriors league on Tuesdays at the dojo. Businessmen like you."

"And women." Gabby added

"Weekend, on a Tuesday?" Michael teased.

"Look, it just a bunch of people who want to beat the shit out of each other in a safe way. It normally ends with everybody in a bar, joking and teasing as friends."

"And I will be okay?"

"Uhm, not at first. You can wear a guard so you don't bruise, if your corporate image matters."

"Maybe, I will check it out, where?" they gave him the address. He liked the cage fights. He did join and it was rough. He had bruises all over his body, which he noticed had toned properly. His muscles were now etched, the combination of his training and his running. Naomi was none the wiser, as she never saw his body in any case.

One afternoon he arrived, and found her alone.

"Are we splitting up Michael?"

"That is up to you."

"I love you so much baby."

"I noticed." He said dryly, then smirked. She managed to coax him into bed, as he did feel vulnerable. He fucked her for almost half an hour, her screaming orgasms he doubted, then he pulled out.

"Jesus Naomi, you are so fucking worn out." He said, looking at her gaping cunt.

"It is because you have a tiny dick." She hissed back, and then she screamed as he folded her double and shoved his cock into her ass. She screamed until he came and pulled out.

"Not so tiny in there, bitch." He left her and had a shower, fighting the nausea of his rage. She walked tenderly the next morning. Michael was invited to the MMA league, as his fighting became legendary. It had been almost eight months since he met Gabby and Ken. They coached him, and he made a name. He got a call one morning

"Michael, it's Genevieve."

"Hey Gen, shit. We never got that lunch."

"Easily remedied, can you come to my office at two?"

"Sure, I just need to move an appointment. I will confirm." He called Ken, who immediately sounded concerned. He explained it wasn't a spin out, he will be back the next day.

"No dojo?" Cindy asked.

"Lunch with Genevieve."

"Good, she told me you two were passing ships."

"Yeah." He walked across and was led to her office. He saw her eyes flicker as he walked in.

"Gen, wow. I know it is cheesy, but you look stunning, really." She had shoulder length black hair with blue eyes and a figure that definitely sees the gym.

"Speak for yourself." She kissed his cheek, wiping her lipstick off. He felt her other hand stroke his chest quickly. "Coffee?"

"Yes, thanks." She studied his face and he started to feel uncomfortable.

"Michael Barron, wow. Look at you. A true warrior in all senses of the word, except for one. His wife." She looked at his face.

"Please Gen, not you too." He started to get up, and she saw the immense pain.

"Mikey, Mikey. That was not what I meant." She held him against her, feeling him relax. She pulled back, touched his face.

"I hate her, for what she is doing to you, what they are doing."

"Okay, sorry."

"There is more to it. They are trying to get to your company."

"I am isolated."

"And very well, I have also made some adjustments, conferencing with Angelo, who saw her for what she is. She was never pregnant, there was never a scare. Your parents and mine cooked it up."