Cucumbers & the Curious Girl Ch. 01

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Chubby girl befriends an elderly black farmer.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/04/2014
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A story set in rural upstate New York State in the early 1970's...


Mac Green chuckled to himself when he saw the neighbor girl from the other end of Neversink Road on her bike coming down the gentle hill in his direction on her way towards town, which was yet another 3/4 of a mile further on past Mac's modest farmhouse.

"Neither rain nor sleet..." Mac said to himself as he tried to remember a day that summer that Mary Miller hadn't pedaled the dusty road on her way to town and then pedaled back home, doggedly climbing that hill that might not have been steep but was plenty long.

"More energy than I got," Mac concluded, since after just retiring last winter after 42 years of butt breaking work at the mill, his main activity was growing a variety of things on the modest sized patch of land and dutifully tending the vegetable stand his late wife used to love to take care of to supplement his income.

Mary's rides had recently started to include stops at the stand to visit with Mac, and since she had asked about his grandson every day he had decided to give the boy a call. Now a senior in college, Dwight used to spend a week or so in his younger days visiting his grandparents at the farm and Mac recalled Mary and Dwight hanging around together despite their color and age differences.

That was pretty unusual in these parts, a black guy and a white girl being seen together, and while Mac had been curious about whether the two were more than friends he had never seen anything out of the ordinary to make him suspicious.

"Remember Mary Miller?" Dwight's grandfather had asked offhandedly after chatting a bit the night before.

"Little Mary?" Dwight chortled. "Well, not so little maybe but sure I remember her. Why?"

"She rides her bike past the house every day," Mac explained. "She's still not little but she has lost a lot of weight over the last year. Just a little chubby. Anyway she keeps asking about you. Asking like you and her were more than just friends back then."


"Not butting into your business but I was just curious," the old man said, choosing not to mention the fact that he was suspecting the girl was now flirting with him because Dwight might think he was going crazy living out here by himself and fantasizing about some white girl wanting him.

"That was a while back Gramps," Dwight said. "We messed around a little but nothing really serious."

"Like I said, I was just curious. That was dangerous - you messing with her - and in more ways than one if you know what I mean."

"I know Gramps, but she was lonely and sometimes it got boring out there - no offense mind you."

"None taken," Mac responded, having learned that life alone was not always great, which might have explained why he enjoyed Mary's visits so much.

"Never did anything that would get me in trouble - her either," Dwight added. "She lost weight huh?"

"Yeah, I'd say she might have 20 or 25 more pounds

left to lose but even those extras are in the right places if you get my drift," Mac cackled, recalling that back when his grandson knew Mary she was probably over 200 pounds, which had to have been at least 50 pounds more than she was carrying now.

"Still has the big booty I guess," Dwight sighed. "Maybe I'll come visit you again."

"You're always welcome and if you pay a visit I have a hunch you wouldn't be bored or lonely," Mac said. "Although I don't know if your fiancee would approve."

"You're probably right about that Gramps. Say uh - Mary, she buy any cucumbers from you?" Dwight asked.

"Cucumbers? No she doesn't buy anything. Her folks have a farm so why should she?"

"No reason," Dwight replied while trying and failing to contain a chuckle.

"Boy if you were here I might have to take you to the woodshed," Mac declared while laughing himself. "You're never too old."

"Well you tell her Dwight says hi," his grandson had said before they ended the conversation, and after Mac hung up he chuckled while thinking about the pudgy girl and became even more eager to see her the next day.


"Guess who I spoke to last night," Mac said to Mary, who had coasted down the hill and was now putting the kickstand down and was standing across the counter from the older man.

"Dwight?" Mary asked excitedly.

"The one and only."

"Is he coming to visit?" Mary gushed as she looked up at the tall black man with the smooth skull with fire in her eyes.

"No, he's going to be starting his senior year in college soon," Mac reminded her. "Something tells me you're still sweet on him. That right?"

"No, I mean - he was a nice kid," Mary said. "He always treated me kindly."

"He's engaged you know," Mac said, and as he spoke he saw the way Mary's expression changed when he told her that sobering news.

"Is he?" Mary asked, and after Dwight's grandfather nodded she continued. "Oh well. Those days were a while ago. He probably doesn't even remember me now."

"Oh he remembers you very well," Mac said with a twinkle in his eye. "Quite well indeed, and when I told him you were asking about about him he told me to send you his best. I told him about how much weight you lost and how good you were looking and he said he was tempted to come out and see for himself what a fine looking woman you had become."

"Really?" Mary said as a grin returned to her cherubic face. "Still got a way to go though. Mama said that if I ever want to find a man I should get in shape, and I have lost almost 70 pounds."

"You're doing well but don't get carried away. Remember that a lot of guys don't like their women too scrawny," Mac said. "Guys like me? Heck Mary, you're looking fine right now. If I was about 40 years younger - heck girl - you look really good to a man like me no matter what my age."

"I'm all sweaty," Mary shrugged as she pulled her curly brunette hair away from her face and straightened her glasses on her nose, trying to hide the fact that she loved the praise but not doing it very well.

Mary's blue sleeveless blouse was soaked with sweat down the middle of the back and around the armholes, and when Mary's hand went up Mac caught a glimpse of her armpit, which unlike yesterday was now creamy smooth and glistening with perspiration.

Yesterday Mac had noticed that Mary's underarms were coated with a dense stubble, which along with the teen's bushy eyebrows had led Mac to wonder whether she had a big bush between her legs. Mac knew Mary had caught him looking there during her visit and had obviously shaved before visiting today, another one of the little signs the girl was sending as their relationship had evolved over the last few weeks.

"Nothing wrong with a little sweat," Mac mused as he looked at Mary's breasts hidden under the blouse and a bra.

Mary was a bit pear shaped, with her waist still a little thick and her butt larger than her boobs, but to a man like Mac who hadn't had the pleasure of a female for quite a while she did look very fine. Was she flirting with him?

"Dwight say anything else Mr. Green?" Mary said, blushing and batting her eyes rather amateurishly.

"Let's see," Mac said as he looked over at the produce in the bins before reaching in and pulling out something. "Dwight said something about you liking cucumbers. Don't know what he meant about that."

Mary's chubby cheeks turned a dark crimson as she backed up a step, causing her bike to fall over and almost taking the teen down with it.

"Careful honey," Mac chuckled as Mary almost did a header before catching herself at the last second, and after she righted the bicycle back onto the kickstand she was still red-faced when she turned back to the older man. "Didn't mean to upset you. Heck, I like cucumbers too."

"What else did he say Mr. Green?" Mary asked hesitantly as she cast a wary eye at the long bumpy green tube in the big black hand.

"Nothing else. Wouldn't tell me what he meant by that, although I suspect that by the way you just reacted you just told me a lot just now," Mac said with a raised eyebrow. "I was just wondering - you like black fellas Mary?"


"I asked you if you liked black fellas because it's clear you still like Dwight," Mac said before pausing. "And it sure seemed like the last few times you've stopped by you've been sort of flirting with me - not that I mind of course - although I don't know why a youngster like you would be interested in an old geezer like me. Heck, I got socks older than you are, kiddo."

"I'm 18 - almost 19," Mary said with a hint of defiance in her tone. "Not a kid."

"That so?" Mac said, surprised at that revelation but he quickly recovered and with a grin looked at the vegetable he was holding and then at Mary before musing, "Well then was I right about you liking black guys?"

"No. I mean, I like everybody but most boys don't like me," Mary explained as she stared at the cucumber. "They make fun of me because I'm fat. Dwight didn't seem to care. He liked me for me."

"First of all honey, you aren't fat - least not anymore," Mac declared. "Second of all, I'm not a boy. I'm a man and while I might be getting a little soft in the head, I used to be pretty good about figuring out when a girl was flirting with me. If I'm wrong though, just say so and I'll apologize. Am I wrong, or would you like to come up to the house with me for a bit?"

"I should go Mr. Green," Mary said as she looked up and down the desolate dusty road, pushing her glasses up her nose while her chest started to heave noticeably with her breathing quickening.

"Ashamed somebody might see you going into a black man's house?"

"No," Mary sniffed. "It's just that..."

"I thought you weren't a kid anymore. You said something about being 18."

"I am."

"Up to you," Mac replied. "Sure is hot out here though."

"What about your vegetables?" Mary asked.

"This?" Mac said as he waved the cucumber. "Thought we would take this in with us."

"No, I mean your vegetable stand?" Mary said, and before she finished her sentence the old man had pulled a metal box with the words "HONOR SYSTEM" out from under the counter and set it down.

"There," Mac declared as he turned and started to walk up the driveway. "Gotta have faith in people sometimes. You coming?"

Mary looked up the road in the direction of her house, which was well out of sight far beyond the ridge, and then at the large black man with the friendly smile who was beckoning to her like a spider to a fly.

"If my folks ever saw me going into your house Mr. Green..." Mary began.

"All the more reason for you to push your bike on up to the house and put it out of sight," the gentle giant said with a warm smile. "Get you something cool to drink when we get inside, and in there I won't be Mr. Green. I'll be your friend Mac and you won't have to be looking around to see if anybody is coming because it will just be you and me. What do you say?"

"Okay... Mac," Mary said as she walked up the driveway with the man that was old enough to be her grandfather.


Somewhere deep in the recesses of sixty five year old Mac Green's mind there was a twinge of guilt as he held the kitchen door open for his pudgy young guest. Her eyes, big and brown behind her glasses, gave away her trepidation as she stepped into the house that she had been in several times before, but never like this.

Back then she was with Mac's grandson and Mary and Dwight were playing games kids play, but Mac was too old for games although he was enjoying making Mary squirm. Clearly intimidated, the teen was probably having second thoughts about what she was doing inside the house.

Out on the roadside, it was easy to be adorable and flirty. Inside though? Mary seemed suddenly aware of the fact that inside the old farmhouse the games were adult in nature and she wasn't a kid anymore.

"Thirsty honey?" Mac asked, his smile widening when she jumped as he reached over and put his hand on Mary's bicep, gently squeezing the soft flesh while guiding her over to the sink.

"You want water?" Mac said as he turned on the faucet. "I also have something a little better."

Mac reached behind the bread box and extracted a half full bottle of Old Crow and tipped it towards Mary.

"Daddy would kill me," Mary said as she looked at the bottle and the big black hand around it.

"Why? He don't like you drinking or would he object to you doing it in a n*****'s kitchen?" Mac asked.

"Don't say that word, please?" Mary asked.

"Why? Bet you hear it a lot."

"Yeah, but I said it once to Dwight. Didn't mean anything by it and just used it because I heard it all the time, but when I saw the hurt in his eyes after I said it I started crying," Mary said. "Swore I would never use it again and I haven't. Just don't like hearing it either, home or anywhere else."

"Fair enough, let's try again. Your Daddy object to you drinking, or for his little girl hanging around in a black man's kitchen?"

"Both," Mary said honestly, not protesting when Mac poured a healthy portion of the Old Crow in a juice glass and handed it to her, with the old man enjoying the way the brown fluid danced around in her shaking hand.

"You had this before?" Mac asked, and when Mary nodded he added, "I meant the liquor, not this. I think you already had one of these."

Mac was holding up the cucumber, and Mary swallowed hard as she watched him put the long green tube under the water, washing it with the cool water while he glanced up at her with amusement.

"You know that cucumbers are fruits?" Mac explained as Mary winced while sipping the drink. "I didn't either but technically it's a fruit. Dwight told me that. Something about it having an enclosed seed and developing from a flower, but most everybody thinks it's a vegetable. This is a nice one, isn't it? Not too thick and a little less than a foot long. Nice and firm. What do you think Mary?"

"I guess," Mary mumbled as she looked at the now glistening object that Mac was showing her, and as she lifted her glass and drained the contents Mac reached over and let his finger slide through Mary's moist underarm with was exposed with the raising of the glass, causing Mary to shiver.

"You shave your pits just for me honey?" Mac asked as he leaned away from the sink and over to whisper in her ear. "So nice and smooth. You're a sexy lady either way though. Those bushy eyebrows of yours turn me on too and make me think you got a real hairy pussy. I'm betting - hell I'm hoping that you do. Do you Mary?"

"Mr. Green," Mary gasped as the old black man nibbled on her ear while she felt his hand undoing the snap on her jeans.

"Mac," he corrected as he unzipped the jeans a bit and moved his hand up to her soft belly, working it under the elastic of her panties and sliding it down in the tight quarters. "Mmm... you are hairy down there, aren't you? Hairy and wet."


"Come on honey," Mac purred as his fingers raked through the dampness around the opening of her sex. "No reason to be ashamed about being horny. Here, let me get these things off of you, unless you're having second thoughts that is."

Mary and Mac looked into each other's eyes for almost a minute, with the old man's big black paw still jammed down her panties while the teen held the meager remains of her drink.

"Can I have another?" Mary asked, and the old man nodded, pulling his hand out of the teen's panties, and along with his hand followed the smell of her sex which Mac recognized as the scent of a woman in heat.

The gentleman farmer poured another healthy shot, and after he pulled the bottle away Mary downed it without blinking, the only sounds in the room being Mary's breathing and the growling sound the girl's zipper made as she pulled it down the rest of the way.

"Mmm..." Mac purred as his hand went back under the elastic of the panties as her shorts, now loose fitting with her weight loss, fell to the linoleum. "Now where were we?"


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tabbymidnitetabbymidniteover 9 years ago
loving it... love cukes

This is getting hot and so interesting... mmorree.. going for it

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Young and curious hairy teens vs old black and mature gentlemen

luv it...hairy and curious white teens with brown and silver blonde pussy hair and to top it all retired horny black man stciking their big and fat black cock into those hairy snatch ,,keep it up old got game..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Super hot story! Looking forward to read chapter 2. I think Mary should be knocked up by Old Mac

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Liking the story! I am in agreement with some of the above posts... Please keep it coming but pleaseeee have chapters / submissions longer than 1 pg:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Oh yes.

My wife is a little chubby and black curious. And right now she is as excited as I am with your story because she is "Mary" in this story.

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