Cucumbers & the Curious Girl Ch. 07

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Mary takes a Road Trip with Mac and Eric Green.
5.6k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/04/2014
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Eric Green was dozing in front of the television when he heard the tapping on the back door. Disoriented at first, he looked around and as he remembered where he was he noticed his father must have turned in for the night. The tapping continued and when Eric climbed out of the chair and went to the door he saw Mary Miller outside.

"Girl, what you doing out there?" Eric asked as he let the dripping wet teen in from the rain that she had apparently ignored in riding her bike to the Green's farmhouse in the downpour. "It's almost midnight."

"I told you I would be coming down," Mary said, the drenched t-shirt she was wearing clinging to her bra-less breasts and making her nipples stick way out. "Daddy was watching the news and I had to wait until he went in to bed. Are you mad at me?"

"No girl," Eric said as he looked outside at the rain which did nothing to ease the heat wave. "Actually, you look a lot cooler than I am. My t-shirt is almost as wet as yours. Daddy's sweat-box ain't got no AC and it's hot as balls in here."

"Is Mac awake?"

"No, he's dead to the world," Eric said while trying to keep his voice down. "The man's almost 70 and he ain't used to doing what you been doing with him the last two days."

"He doesn't act his age. My grandpa ain't that old and he can hardly stand up."

"Let's go outside so we don't have to whisper," Eric suggested. "At least it's a little cooler out there."

"You got all sweaty and it wasn't my fault," Mary kidded as she squeezed Eric's bicep which was straining the fabric of the t-shirt's sleeve.

"Yes, that shower didn't take, but it was fun wasn't it?" Eric reminded Mary as he tickled her ribs.

"Yeah. If you want we could take another shower," Mary suggested.

"Don't want to wake Pop up though," Eric replied as he held his hand out to catch the rain dripping off the roof.

"We could take a shower out here," Mary offered. "Me and you."

"Oh yeah?" Eric asked. "What would we use to scrub with?"

"I could use my tongue," Mary said with a giggle as she stepped down off the porch and stood in the rain, smiling and holding her arms high.

"You do like to use that tongue don't you?" Eric responded as he moved towards the steps himself. "Not shy about where you use it either, are you honey?"

"Sometimes you think I'm gross, don't you Eric?" Mary asked as the rain fogged her glasses.

"No, I don't. Just don't know where you got the idea to use it in so many kinky places."

"Mac showed me," Mary explained. "He used his tongue everywhere on me and when I learned how great it made me feel I wanted to make you guys feel that way too," Mary said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"That's nice honey. You don''t have anything I wouldn't lick either," Eric said as he pulled off his shirt and stepped out of his pants. "Why don't you take off that shirt for me honey? Show me them titties of yours."

Mary took off her glasses and after setting them on the rail pulled her drenched t-shirt off and tossed it on the porch before cupping her breasts and squeezing them.

"Wish they were bigger," Mary said of her breasts. "My boobies are too small and my butt is too big."

"Ain't heard anybody here complain," Eric said as he looked at Mary standing in the light coming through the kitchen window. "How about the shorts?"

"No panties," Mary giggled as she took her pajama bottoms off and did a little dance. "Come on down, the rain feels nice."

"Here I come," Eric said as he shed his boxers and came down the steps to join Mary, and as they hugged their slick bodies ground together.

"I love your muscles," Mary said as she nibbled her way across Eric's shoulders and around his neck. "Makes me gooey between my legs when I look at you."

"Next time I go to a bodybuilding competition I'll take you with me. You could shave me and oil me up before I do my posing."

"Omigod. If I was with you I would never let you go out on a stage and let other girls look at you. I'd never see you again," Mary said as she nibbled on Eric's collarbone before licking across his slick chest to his nipples.

"I don't know - tough to walk away from a girl

with a tongue like yours though," Eric sighed as he let Mary lift his arm up behind his head, and after she bit his bicep playfully her face slid over and became licking his salty smooth armpit ravenously. "Damn girl, you know how to turn a man on don't you?"

"This turns me on as much as it does you. I want you to fuck me so bad," Mary said as she leaned back and looked around. "Want me to get on the picnic table?"

"Got to get me hard first," Eric said as he led her over to the table, and after he sat on the edge grabbed the back of his tree-trunk thighs and laid back. "You know what I want girl."

Without hesitating Mary bent over and after pulling his flaccid cock back so it was laying on Eric's stomach buried her face in Dwight's father's ass crack while her tongue found the target.

"Oh man!" Eric moaned as his felt Mary's tongue teasing his balloon knot as he pulled his legs wider open. "You nasty girl. Get that tongue on in there. Jack me off too!"

With the rain pouring down on them, Mary grabbed Eric slippery sidewinder and began to yank on the rubbery tube while pushing her tongue into his furry ring, causing the man to howl in delight and as he moaned his cock kept getting stiffer.

"I need it," Mary gasped as she came up for air, her fists sliding up and down the entire length of Eric's manhood as she sucked on his nuts.

"Get on up here girl," Eric replied as he rolled off the table and lifted the chubby girl up with little effort, planting her on the edge of the table and moving between her thighs. "You're wet inside and out!"

"Oh man!" Mary squealed as Eric pushed his cock right into the teen's sex, although after getting the head of his curved spear into the girl he took his time in easing more of his prodigious organ into her.

"Gonna fuck you until it stops raining," Eric cackled as Mary wrapped her arms around his neck, and as lightning lit up the yard and Mary's laughing face he added, "Or until we get hit by a bolt."

"Feels so good," Mary declared as Eric braced his feet in the mud and started to slid in and out of Mary's sweet pussy in a rhythm that she joined in on, the two of them rocking in unison as the thunder rumbled in the distance. "Please don't make this end."

"I'll try baby," Eric said as he worked his corkscrew cock into the teen's pussy and savored her reaction as he worked it in deeper and deeper, and he kept going through a couple of Mary's orgasms until his leg muscles started tying up after about fifteen minutes of non-stop probing.

"Gonna cum soon baby," Eric gasped as he felt his orgasm rising.

"Shoot in my mouth Eric," Mary said, and Eric moved back a step holding the stump of his cock in his fist while Mary jumped off her edge of the table and went down to her knees in the mud.

"Aww!" Eric groaned as Mary took his cock in her mouth just as he was about to explode, spinning her fists around the thick base while she swallowed his seed as fast as it spurted down her throat, and she kept milking the enormous organ until the blue steel turned to rubber.

"Oh girl, you are beyond crazy," Eric said as he reached down and grabbed Mary under her arms and lifted the teen to her feet before looking up at the stormy sky. "Almost stopped raining."

The two hugged in the drizzle for a moment before they moved back up to the porch again and sat down.

"How did your dick get bent like it is?" Mary asked. "Ain't seen many of them but none were like that either."

"Born that way," Eric explained. "It was curved from the start and the more it grew the more it curved. I got teased in school like you wouldn't believe when we took showers after gym. My mother took me to the doctor when she caught a look at it."

"Your mother saw your dick?"

"She caught me jerking off. I did that a lot back then. Anyway she took me to the doctor and he examined me and said I had some syndrome or something but as long as it functioned not to worry, and then he winks at me and said that he didn't think anybody would complain."

"I'm not," Mary said. "Feels wild inside of me."

"I'm glad."

"What were you talking about before when you said something about a job?"

"Tomorrow when me and Pop take you the doctor we're going to make a stop and see this guy," Eric explained. "I want him to get a look at you. You wouldn't mind taking your clothes off in front of somebody, would you?"

"Get naked?"

"Sure, you don't seem to be that shy."

"Not around Mac," Mary said. "But I was scared when he took my clothes off first. I was plenty scared when you first saw me naked yesterday," Mary said. "I was expecting to get laughed at."

"You're still talking about yourself like you were still built like you were before."

"I still have a little belly, and my butt is big..."

"Trust me. You look good and this guy won't laugh at you," Eric explained. "He's seen a lot of naked women and I can assure you there ain't many of them as sexy as you. Of course, maybe I'm prejudiced because you got a lot of what I like. Love my women furry."

"But what kind of a job would have me taking off my clothes?"

"We would be in a movie together," Eric said. "At least that's what I'm hoping. You and me together maybe."


"Yeah, doing - you know - what we just did."

"Sex?" Mary said. "In front of people?"

"Not people. It would just be me and you and a couple of guys with cameras. After a few minutes you wouldn't notice anything but me."

"I don't think I could do that. Sounds like a dirty movie."

"You wouldn't do it for me?" Eric asked. "I thought you and me were - you know - getting close. I thought you liked me."

"I do but..."

"I was going to bring you home and let you meet my wife."

"Your wife?" Mary asked as he recoiled in shock. "I thought you and Dwight's mother got divorced."

"We did. This is another woman, my second wife. Real nice woman named Lucinda."

"I didn't know you were married. I feel creepy now," Mary said as she looked at Eric in a different light.

"No need to be baby. We're very open with each other. I told her all about you when i called to tell her I wouldn't be home," Eric explained. "She sounded excited when I said I might bring you home to meet her sometime. I like to share things I like, and she likes white girls as much as I do. You been with another woman before, haven't you?"

"You mean...? No, I mean well - not really," Mary responded.

"Well trust me you would love it. Just like you will when you take off your clothes for this man tomorrow," Eric said. "I would never lie to you. Remember when I told you that me and Pop were going to do you at the same time and I promised you would love it?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Gotta trust me baby," Eric said. "Also got to get us some rest because I want you to look your best tomorrow. Get your clothes on and I'll throw your bike in the back of Pop's truck and take you home."


"Spending a lot of time taking my clothes off," Mary said to Eric as he led her up the stairs of a rundown office building.

Mac and Eric Green had taken Mary to a doctor who gave her a very brief exam before giving the teen a prescription for birth control pills, and while the elder Green went to get the script filled Eric brought Mary to the office of a business acquaintance with whom Dwight's father had done a few crude porn movies.

"Premier Adult Enterprises?" Mary said as she looked at the sign outside the door of the office on the second floor, a sign that looked like it was the project of a junior high art class. "I heard of MGM, that's the place with the lion in the beginning of the movie. I never heard of this Premier company."

"That's a good thing honey," Eric said with a laugh. "You look pretty. Now just remember to do what the man asks you to do. I'll be right there with you, and if he likes you who knows? Maybe you'll be a star. Okay?"

Mary nodded and took a deep breath as Eric opened the door and let her walk in first. The place was a dump, with a receptionist's desk that was cluttered and obviously not occupied by anybody, and Eric closed the door behind them and hummed loudly until somebody came from the back.

"Captain Hook," the little man with the slicked back hair and a Hawaiian shirt bellowed as he saw Eric and his friend. "This your plumper?"

"This here is Mary," Eric said with a wink while watching the sleazy entrepreneur shaking Mary's hand.

"Come on back," Wally Wallace said as he walked back from where he had come from, a dingy room that he called his office.

Eric escorted Mary inside, watching her reaction when she saw the cluttered room that consisted of a desk, a couple of chairs and a bed by the wall. The girl might not have been in many offices before but if she had he knew none of them likely had a bed in them like Wally's.

"So how old are you kid?" Wally asked.

"Mary's 18," Eric chimed in but was cut off by the president of Premier Adult Enterprises.

"I don't hire ventriloquists," Wally snapped. "But she was pretty good if that was her because her lips didn't move. Let's try again - what was your name? Mary? How old are you?"

"Uh - I'm eighteen sir," Mary answered like she was in school.


"Yes sir." Mary repeated as she got looked over.

"Got any proof? Driver's license?" Wally asked, and after Mary shook her head the producer shrugged and added, "Eh, who gives a fuck anyway? You ever do this stuff before?"

"No. I mean, I don't even know what this stuff is," Mary answered before explaining, "I was in a play in third grade. I played a talking tree."

"Well, that puts you ahead of most of Wally's actresses," Eric suggested.

"What won't she do?" Wally asked.

"Haven't found anything yet," Eric said.

"Let's get a look at the goods then," Wally declared.

"Go ahead baby. take off your clothes for the man," Eric said and then watched her trembling hands fumble with her blouse buttons.

"What you been up to Captain Hook?" Wally asked. "Besides finding new talent."

"Not much," Eric responded as Mary got her blouse off and then unbuttoned her jeans. "I didn't discover Mary though. My Pop did."

"Oh brother," Wally chuckled as he watched Mary step out of her jeans, raising an eyebrow when he saw the hair peeking out of the sides of Mary panties while he sang "It's a family affair."

"You're slick but you ain't Sly," Eric chirped as he stepped behind Mary and unhooked her bra for her, and after the frightened girl reluctantly slipped off the harness she replaced the cups with her hands.

"Nobody wants to see your hands kid," Wally remarked, and Eric reached over and eased her hands down while assuring her it was okay.

"Nice nipples," Wally said. "Let's get a look at that bush."

Mary looked back and forth at the two men before tugging her panties down, and now with only her white socks on the quivering teen stood while she got looked over.

"More like a forest," Wally said after letting out a low whistle. "Lift your arms kid."

Mary did as she was asked and Wally shook his head as he lamented seeing the smooth caverns of her armpits.

"I was hoping she didn't shave," Wally commented. "Lot of call for fetish stuff these days. Guys like to see hippie girls with hairy armpits."

"I shaved," Mary said as she shrugged apologetically at Eric.

"It's alright baby," Eric said. "So what do you think?"

"The belly ain't great," Wally said. "But I like the rest. Tits could be bigger but she's got nice nipples and that bush is great. Turn around kid, and bend over."

"Like this?" Mary asked as she turned and squatted.

"Hairy there too," Wally said as he turned to Eric and asked, "She doesn't take it up..."

"Oh yes she does," Eric cackled.

"You?" Wally asked as he raised both eyebrows.

"Like you wouldn't believe," Eric informed the promoter. "She gives a nasty rim job too."

"Good grief," Wally said. "I don't think that would play well in most places. Rednecks would be punching out the screens in the booths before running for nooses. She does have an innocent quality about her though. You can almost see the hayseed in her hair - uh - you can turn around and straighten up kid."

"So what do you think?"

"Have to see her in action a little," Wally said.

"No man, I ain't letting her wax your knob," Eric said.

"No," Wally said. "I want to see you two go at it a little. You were planning to do this with her right?"

"Is the bear Catholic?"

"You know what would be cool?" Wally said. "Get your old man in it too. I'll find a few more brothers and she could pull a train."


"You her agent?"

"That's right."

"Okay then. Let's see you two," Wally said. "I was thinking of doing something like you getting undressed and the kid getting a look at your schlong and freaking out."

"You can do that, right Mary?" Eric asked. "Look shocked when you see my dick?"

"Yeah, I did the other day, but what do I say?"

"Nothing. Just look like you looked when you first saw me and then act very shy and scared while we get into it," Eric said and then lowered his voice and added, "Just pretend he's not here."

"Okay," Mary said as she watched Eric pull his shirt off, not having to act in awe when she saw his rippling muscles, and then she made her eyes bulge when she saw Eric slip off his slacks and boxers, even taking a step back as he faced her.

There was a clearing of a throat from behind the desk as Eric came up to Mary, whispering that she was doing fine as he kissed her before putting her his hands on her shoulders and easing her down to the worn carpet.

Mary glanced over at the man behind the desk but Eric straightened her head out as she reached down and fumbled with his flaccid cock, finally bringing the long spear to her mouth and opening wide.

Eric was so proud of Mary, most especially when they were on the bed at the end and she was facing Wally while on all fours as he fucked the teen from behind. She might have been scared but she came loud and long and after she came Eric climbed off the bed and came around to the end of the bed.

"Open wide honey," Eric hissed as he brought his throbbing sidewinder to her flushed face just in time to send jets of cum into her gaping mouth. "That's it. Let some of it roll down your chin."

Eric stopped ejaculating and after letting Mary suck on his deflating tool for a moment pulled back and let Wally get a look at Mary.

"Tell me you didn't like that," Eric sneered as he looked at the sleazy promoter whose face was as red as Mary's, and he laughed when she saw the crumpled tissues on the desk while Wally got himself together under cover of the desk.

"It'll work," Wally said. "A C note for you and 2 for her."

"Oh come on man," Eric said as he went over to get their clothes, and after handing Mary her things added, "I'm the one that's gonna be fucking her physically and not you financially, so cut the $200 bullshit because you can do way better. I was thinking maybe 5 for Mary."

"That's why you should stick to fucking because your thinking sucks," Wally said as he tossed the tissues into an almost full wastebasket. "Four hundred for the two of you. Split it like you want."

"Meet you in the middle," Eric said, and although Wally shook his head at first he gave in somewhat.

"475 for the charming couple. You caught me in a good mood and she has got an innocent farm girl look although she'll have to cool the shock a bit because that was like Nell getting tied to the railroad tracks at first," Wally said as he turned to Mary. "You got any friends back home that are coal burners too?"


"Never mind," Eric said. "We got a deal?"

"Yep," Wally said as he looked at his calendar. "How's next Tuesday at 11?"