Cupid Sarrow

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Three cards, two sisters, one blind date.
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Copyright © February 2022 by CiaoSteve

CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work. This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

Author's Notes

This is an entry for the Literotica 2022 Valentine's Day Story Contest (if it makes it up on time). I do hope you enjoy, and would welcome any comments, votes you would be kind enough to leave.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The sun had barely woken from its slumber when David drew up outside his place of work. He parked his car and headed inside. David loved these early mornings. It was the only peace and quiet he had, an hour or so to himself before the chaos of the day started. This day was to be no different, or so he had thought.

That thought had lasted a whole ten minutes. It was just enough time for him to take the lift to the seventh floor, walk the short distance to his desk, and peer down at the envelope sitting upon it. David glanced around, expecting to see somebody hiding behind a corner, watching for the very moment he arrived at work. All was quiet in the office, as it always was at this unearthly hour.

David didn't know what to do, nor what to make of the whole situation. This was unfamiliar territory for him. God, how sad was that. Thirty-five and receiving his first Valentine's.

Okay, so there was one time many years ago, but that turned out just to be a tease, a chance to play with his youthful emotions. Now though... well... David wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. There again, what if it was for real? Would his scepticism put pay to the opportunity he longed for? Would self-doubt lead David to miss the chance to find his Miss Right?

Mentally, David found himself running his eyes over his body. Yes, his hairline was receding a fraction, but there was not a tinge of grey anywhere within his short-cropped dark hair. He could admit that the odd trip to the gym wouldn't go amiss, but it was only the odd pound or two rather than anything more extreme. He was... David racked his brain thinking of the word he wanted to use but, in the end, he had to settle for the one which came to mind... he was like that favourite pullover, comfortable. Nothing more, nothing less, only plain old comfortable David.

David was awash with questions. Okay, so awash was an overstatement, but two did churn over and over in his mind; how had it gotten there, and who had been behind it?

That was the thing. It was just there, sitting on his desk by the time he got into work. That narrowed it down, didn't it? All David had to do was go around asking the two and a half thousand employees who called this place home, and he'd have his answer. Or... well... he could just second guess.

David glanced down at the envelope on his desk. It was a simple, plain red affair, a hand drawn heart being the only decoration on the outside. Slowly, careful not to make any noise which may bring attention to himself, David tore the envelope open and took out the card. Once more it was plain, a single red heart on a white background.

David smiled. Whoever had sent it was stylish. There was none of the gaudiness of some cards. He liked it. If David was going to send a card, he would have picked one just like this, albeit he wouldn't have gone as far as to add the touch of fragrance which now filled the air.

David picked the card up and held it to his nose. He took one deep breath, inhaled, then held that moment. There was something familiar about the floral scent. He recognised it but couldn't quite put his finger on where from. David took another deep breath, then turned his attention to the words inside.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

All I can think of,

Is being with you.

Saturday night,

It's gonna be heaven,

Meet me for dinner,

In the bar, say seven.

It wasn't the words which grabbed David's attention, nor was it the business card for a swanky hotel restaurant. What David stared at was a single hand-written word beneath the short verses. One single word, six elegantly scribed block capitals.


By now, David was both intrigued and confused? What did it mean? Was it some social media acronym, one which he hadn't the foggiest of? Was it a name? Who though signed a Valentine's card with their name, and who did he know called Sarrow?

For a moment or two, David sat there and thought. It was no good. The closest he could get was Sarah. Yes, he knew a Sarah. He knew her very well. Was that from where he had recollected this floral scent? Was it Sarah's favourite perfume? It couldn't have been Sarah though, could it? The Sarah he knew was happily in a relationship and, what's more, the love of Sarah's life was another woman. Why then would Sarah be dishing out cards if it was from her?

David shook his head. Nope, it had to be somebody else. Whoever it was though, had gone to some trouble; a card, an elegant verse, and an invitation to dinner at one of the best places in town.

He was still doubting himself. His mind told him; this could just be the most elaborate hoax he had ever seen. His heart argued its case that it could just be a most interesting opportunity.

Either way, whoever had left the card now had David's attention.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the other side of town, Lauren reached down and picked the envelope up from the door mat. She'd never heard the letterbox go, so finding a letter waiting for her came as a massive surprise. It was even more of a surprise when she realised the time. The postie wouldn't normally come for another couple of hours.

She glanced at the envelope but didn't open it. Her attention turned to the front door. She wasn't sure why she felt the urge to look outside, nor what she expected to find. Still though, Lauren couldn't resist looking.

She fumbled with the chain, rotated the lock, then opened the door. What did she find? Well, dressed in nothing more than her nightie and a thin gown--Lauren really wasn't a morning person, especially when she didn't need to be at work--the first thing to hit her was the chill outside. That was followed by the brightness of the winter sun. She glanced down towards the road, hopefully wanting to see the sender walking off into the distance. She didn't, nor would she have done, given that the card had lain there on the doormat for over an hour.

With the door closed once more, and the chilly air replaced by the warmth of central heating, Lauren headed off into the kitchen. She tossed the envelope onto the table, her priority being a couple of slices of toast and her first cuppa of a new day; long, strong, dark black coffee. It was only when she returned, with breakfast in hand, that Lauren did pay any attention to her surprise delivery.

Just a glance at the envelope told her what was inside. It was obvious from both the red paper, and the fact it was the fourteenth of the second month of another year. Another one to add to the collection, Lauren thought to herself. She'd had plenty over the years ever since her latter school days--she'd always put it down to her naturally good looks, petite frame, and ample curves, but she did have a habit of attracting attention, most often unwanted attention--but this was just a little different. She'd never had a card posted through her letterbox, waiting for her when she woke up.

Lauren had already decided that she would file the card just like all the others, but this time she had to admit that she was a little more intrigued. Who could have sent it? Who would have known her address? Who would have been up so early to drop it off silently before she woke?

Then, another thought crossed her mind. What is it wasn't for her? What if they had picked the wrong house? Should she try to re-post it to the rightful recipient?

Slowly, Lauren opened the envelope, careful to do no more damage than was necessary. She pulled the card out and glanced at it. It was stylish, the sort she would have sent herself had she been looking for love. Lauren nodded. Yes, she approved of the card, so that was a good start.

If she could have seen it, not that it was possible given that they were miles apart, Lauren would have noticed that the card was identical to one left on a desk in a busy office block.

She opened the card, and at once smiled. There was something so familiar about it. Yes, the floral scent reminded her of a certain young woman. Even the handwriting was very recognisable. Whoever the anonymous sender was, she hadn't gone out of her way to keep her name a secret.

Lauren read the words hand-written inside.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

All I can think of,

Is being with you.

Saturday night,

It's gonna be heaven,

Meet me for dinner,

In the bar, say seven.

She picked out the swanky restaurant card, turned it over in her hand a few times, then laughed. God, how she loved her sister. Sarah was one of a kind, and it had to be her. She'd pulled stunts before, but this was like the cherry on top of the icing. If she wanted dinner, then all Sarah had to do was pick up the phone. Lauren couldn't think of anything better than a girlie night out, and no better company than her older sister.

Older sister? Well, there wasn't much between them, just over twenty minutes to be precise. Yes, Lauren and Sarah were twins, biologically identical twins at that. They were like two chips off the old block, two diminutive--in stature at least--young women. That was where the similarities ended.

As they grew up, you would struggle to tell them apart, but in character they were like chalk and cheese. Maybe it was to be expected of the older twin, that she would be more confident, more outgoing, surer in her mind in what she wanted. Yes, Sarah was all of those, and some. What was the word? Direct... determined... dominant... yes, Sarah was all of those too. It was no surprise when Sarah went from long-haired brunette to sharp-cut wavy redhead. It sort of fitted in with Sarah's feisty character.

Lauren on the other hand... well, she was the one who wouldn't say boo to a goose. Where Sarah had already filled her love's desires, falling head over heels for another woman, Lauren was still on the lookout. She'd met a few. She'd even dated a few, but never had she found the right one. She knew he would be out there, in fact she even wondered if she had seen him in passing, but she was waiting for him to come to her rather than going looking for love.

That was where the problem came though. Lauren wasn't one for making any first move. Had it held her back? She kept telling herself... no... but sometimes Lauren wished she was a bit more like her older sister. No, she didn't wish to be falling for another woman, although she did wonder sometimes what it would be like. She just wished to have a bit more confidence, enough to put herself first, to dip her toes in the water and see if she liked it. They had both turned thirty last year, so they weren't exactly spring chickens any more.

Lauren was still wondering whether she should text her sister back, saying thank you and admitting she can't wait for Saturday to come. She already had her phone in hand when she noticed the last word on the card.


Now that was taking the cheek. Sarah really was playing games. Sarrow was the name Lauren had called her sister when they were younger. It wasn't her fault that she struggled to pronounce Sarah, was it? Lauren knew just who the card was from, but if her sister wanted to play games, then Lauren could also. She put the phone down. It could be fun to keep Sarah guessing, keep her sister wondering if the card had made its mark.

Oh, yes it certainly had. Lauren had a spring in her step when she finally did head off into the chill outside. She always shied away from Valentine's Day, but this one was going to be special. Well, it wasn't Valentine's Day exactly as that was today, but Valentine's Saturday was for her and her beloved sister.

Lauren couldn't wait.

She would be there.

She would be the one waiting at the bar, excited at just the thought of meeting Sarah, or Sarrow as the case may be.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If David and Lauren were confused, even intrigued, by their surprise deliveries, there was one person who wasn't surprised at all.

Sarah had taken the day off. She always did on Valentine's Day. It was sort of her day, or more it was their day. Sarah had met Julie, or Jules as she liked to be called, on this very day, four years ago. It wasn't so much love at first sight, the smoky surroundings of the disco put pay to that, but for sure it was love at first kiss, and it had been pure unadulterated love ever since.

Since that very day, Sarah never missed a single Valentine's Day. Always, there would be a card, a present, and most definitely an incredibly happy ever after. This year was no different.

Okay, so it was just a little different.

Sarah's mind had been made up the previous year, at her and Lauren's joint thirtieth birthday bash. She'd seen the two of them. She'd even thought about stepping in there and then, but that wasn't the right time. In her mind, Sarah knew there was only one day which would be right: Valentine's Day. It was the day she met the love of her life, and now the day she hoped would be the catalyst for her sister to meet her own Prince Charming.

A day off, an opportunity for some well-deserved rest? Not a chance.

The cards had been bought a few days earlier, three identical cards, but they weren't going to deliver themselves. As Jules, the love of Sarah's life, headed off for her early shift at the hospital, Sarah headed off on her postwoman duties.

It was still dark outside when she headed off into the cold. Sarah didn't mind. It was a perfect time for a little clandestine delivery work. First came the office, nipping inside to leave one card on a yet occupied desk. On the way back, the second was dropped off at a still sleepy new-build house.

With the first step of her plan complete, and the seeds set for what was hopefully to come, Sarah could concentrate on her own plans, and that third card.

There was food to buy.

There was cake to bake.

There was dinner to prepare.

There was champagne to chill.

There were clothes to pick up, the ones Sarah had ordered a few days earlier, the ones she intended to surprise her lover with, that very evening. Clothes? Well, they were something to be worn, so technically they could be classed as clothes. Sarah's pulse was already racing as she stashed them away, out of sight in the bathroom.

Finally, there was a little gift to wrap up and that card to secretly write. Sarah rued the decision to buy a heart shaped box of chocolates, but they did look so appealing wrapped in shiny red paper. These were left, pride of place, on the bed, with the card, and a single red rose for decoration.

The one thing you could never say, was that Sarah didn't go full on for Valentine's Day. She wasn't joking when she said it was her day, albeit now it was more like their day.

With only a couple of hours to spare, Sarah was finally ready. She could rest at last, or more so, she could save her energy for what was to come.

Jules was right on cue.

She'd promised to be back by five, and by ten past, Sarah heard the front door open. Dinner was served, the fizz was chilling nicely in the fridge, and her gorgeous girlfriend was heading inside.

An hour later, dinner was demolished, Jules was relaxing in the bath, and Sarah was heading upstairs with her hands full. She had the bottle in one hand, and two glasses in the other.

"You tired, Jules?" Sarah called out, as she placed bottle and glasses on a bedside table. "Long day?"

"You bet. Every day's a long one. How about yours, babe?" Jules replied.

"Oh... you know... this and that..." Sarah nonchalantly commented, never intending to spill the beans on what she had been up to.

Sarah entered the bathroom and continued to answer Jules' question.

"... and... this..."

Crouching down at the side of the bath, Sarah leant over her naked lover and placed her lips against her lover's.

It was a gentle kiss.

It was a soft kiss.

It was the sort of kiss which murmured 'oh, you poor thing' rather than shouting 'just wait 'til you see what I've got in mind for you.'

It was only an instant, and then no more. Sarah pulled back. For a moment, the room was silent. Jules smiled at Sarah. Sarah didn't move. She simply crouched there, fully clothed at the side of the bath, smiling back at Jules. Her eyes were fixed on her lover's naked body.

On first appearances, Jules was nothing like Sarah. She had long, straight, dark hair, usually tied back in a pony tail, compared to Sarah's fiery red wavy locks. She was a good few inches taller, and of fuller build, than her petite lover. Her full breasts were soft and pillowy, compared to the firmness hidden beneath Sarah's top.

Jules' character was just like those plentiful mounds, soft and comforting. As Sarah was bright and bubby, always excitable, always ready to party, Jules was more laid back, chilled, and... yes it had to be said, Jules got what she wanted just as much as Sarah did, only in a most different way. Jules knew how to use her charms. Jules knew how to turn the soft and comforting into sensual and sultry. Jules knew how to seduce her lover, not that it took much doing anyway.

That's how it had been for the last four years. It was so clear. These two women were meant for each other. Their love was like a spell, and spells took some breaking. Sarah didn't have the words to explain just how deep her love was for Jules, and she never intended to go looking for them. Then again, she knew that actions could say much more than any words could.

"You coming in?" Jules finally broke the silence.

On another day, Sarah would have stripped off and slipped into the bath with Jules. It was her pride and joy from when they got the house refurbished; an oversize tub big enough for two. They would have relaxed together. They would have washed together. They would have played together. They would have cum together.

This wasn't any other day though. Sarah had other more exciting ideas planned.

"Not tonight," Sarah responded. "I'll leave you to it, but don't take all day. The champagne's getting warm you know... got your favourite."

Sarah gave a final soft kiss, then left her lover to it. She headed back to the bedroom and waited. It was only fifteen minutes, but it seemed like a lifetime before her lover joined her.

Sarah simply stared.

God, Jules was beautiful. Her skin, faultless in complexion, had taken on a rosy glow from the warmth of the bath. Naked, every curve seemed to cry out to be caressed, to be cuddled, to be snuggled up to. Those pillowy breasts, each topped with a large puffy nipple, swayed gently as Jules walked the few steps towards the bed. She had her hair down, long dark locks falling across her shoulders, framing a most innocent looking face.

Innocent? Well, the façade screamed innocence, but Sarah knew something different about her lover. One thing the two women had in common, was an insatiable appetite... and most definitely not for food.

"What's this?" Jules called out, as she spotted the presents on the bed.

Jules picked up the rose. She held it to her nose and inhaled the sweet perfume. It was perfect, simply perfect. The chocolates were next to be opened and finally the card.