Curious Girls Ch. 14-15


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The way her breasts bounced was always so hypnotic. They were just so big it was hard not to watch; Her breasts hung several inches past her neckline. However, I felt really uncomfortable watching her rub her chest while sensations of arousal were flooding my body.

I was suddenly jolted back to awareness as I heard Krista return from the kitchen. Tamara quickly pulled her shirt back up and turned off the vibrator. She looked up as Krista sat back down as if nothing had happened.

"How's dinner looking?" Tamara asked.

"It's got a while left. I should have started it sooner." We resumed the movie.

My arousal was just starting to fade away when Krista had to leave once again to check the food. I waited with dread for what I knew was coming. The minute Krista was out of the room, Tamara turned my panty vibrator back on and out came her breasts. I tried to look away; I refused to let her win.

"You know," she said, "If I recall, there was something else you also enjoyed watching." She lifted up her skirt to reveal a thong. I looked awkwardly out of the corner of my eyes, curious what she was planning. I found myself staring awkwardly at her hairy mound as she pulled the thong to the side and slid her fingers over her mound, all while staring intently into my eyes from the other side of the couch.

"Tamara," I begged, "Please stop this."

With her massive breasts still hanging out, her fingers slid into her slit and she began rubbing herself, moaning quietly as she bit down on her lower lip. I quickly looked away. It was an unpleasant sight at the best of times and feeling my pussy throbbing with pleasure at the same time I watched another woman finger herself was definitely not helping.

"If you look away, I'll just have to make you appreciate it up close and personal once Krista's gone to bed." Tamara threatened.

That prospect was definitely much worse than the current situation, so I reluctantly watched as my sister's best friend continued to finger herself on our couch. Every fiber of my being was telling me to look away. Mostly, I just wanted to close my eyes and enjoy the feelings of pleasure between my legs. It was hard to enjoy them while watching Tamara.

So it went for the next hour. Every 10-15 minutes, Krista would get up to check the food and I spent the next 5 minutes watching Tamara fondle her chest or finger herself. As poorly as the night was going, it was infinitely better than having Tamara sitting on my face all evening. About thirty minutes before the end of the movie, Krista brought out plates for each of us with lasagna. It looked and smelled delicious. It was almost enough to make me forget about Tamara. Almost.

We finished eating right as the movie ended, and I offered to help Krista take the dishes to the kitchen. To my relief, she agreed to allow me to help.

"Thanks for sticking it out with us, Sara."

"Yeah... sure, no problem." I forced another smile. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"We'll be out of your hair soon. I'm going to ask Tamara to stay over if that's alright with you."

"You want to have her stay the night?"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" She asked. I couldn't explain to her that I was afraid her friend might rape me again. I couldn't even explain my fear that she was about to ask Tamara to help her practice kissing instead of me. After all, it was just a night ago that I'd basically told her I wasn't willing to practice kissing with her, and then tonight I overheard her telling Tamara that she wants to talk to her about something. It didn't seem like a leap to assume that she was had given up on me and was moving on to Tamara.

"Uh..." I hesitated. It was definitely not alright. However, I couldn't think of a good excuse. "I'm pretty tired, and Tamara's been staying over a lot lately..."

"C'mon, Sara. You won't even know she's here. Besides, it's not like I really need your permission anyway. I should be able to ask her to stay over if I wa-"

"I just thought-" I interrupted. "I thought we could practice kissing."

She stared at me for a moment. "It's OK, you don't have to pretend you're interested in practicing with me.

That was it. I knew what I had to do. I took a deep breath, and I grabbed her face between my hands. Before either of us knew what was happening, I had pressed my lips into hers.

"W-wh-what was that?" She stammered, pulling away. Apparently, she was just as shocked by what I'd done as I was.

"I lied before," I continued. "I was feeling nervous and shy, so I told you that you didn't need practice."

"You're saying I do need practice?" She asked, looking a little hurt.

"No! I do." It was a half-truth. Our kiss over New Year's had been pretty bad, probably partially because Krista was drunk, but my encounter with Michael had also caused me to realize how woefully inexperienced I was.

She looked conflicted and confused. "I guess I can send Tamara home if you're really serious about this."

"I am. I'm sorry if you felt like I didn't want to. I was just so nervous to actually sit down and practice with you."

"What? Why?"

"I was afraid I'd just embarrass myself, and make things awkward between the two of us."

"And you're OK with it now?" She asked, hesitantly. "Are you sure this won't make you act all weird?"

"Well, we just kissed a second ago. Am I acting weird now?"

"No! Not at all." She smiled shyly. "It wasn't weird for me either. It was mostly just-" She paused, "wet."

"Well, gee thanks. I laughed it off, but I was secretly a little insecure. It must have been obvious on my face.

"I didn't mean it like that! It was just such a quick kiss that I didn't have enough time to even figure out what was going on," Krista said quickly.

"Go get rid of Tamara, and we'll be able to take the time to figure out out." I winked at her.

Krista disappeared into the living room and returned a few minutes later.

"Tamara's gone," Krista said anxiously. That might have been the fastest I'd ever seen her get rid of Tamara. I pushed through the door and led her to the couch.

It was obvious we were both nervous. She didn't look nearly as confident now that we were sitting together on the sofa. As I looked down at her lips and back into her eyes, I saw her doing the same. Somehow, now that we were so close and there were expectations, it was hard to make myself kiss her a second time. I couldn't help watching her full lips, thinking about how strange it was going to be to give her more than a quick peck. At least she took care of her lips. They looked smooth and supple with a light shine from her pink lip gloss. She leaned in slightly as she closed her eyes, and I subconsciously maintained our distance by pulling back. I realized I had to be brave as I forced myself to lean in slowly. Krista responded by pulling back slightly. We continued our awkward dance for a few moments more, our lips getting closer each time.

I could feel the warmth of her breath against my lips. I was suddenly very self-conscious. Did I have "kissable" lips? Was my breath OK? Just then, Krista's lips brushed mine ever so softly and my mind was instantly a blank canvas. Her breath quickened, and I realized my heart was also beating rapidly. Her eyes locked with mine a final time as if making sure I was still OK with what was happening. As Krista's eyes looked back toward my lips. I felt her lips make full contact with mine.

She kept them there for a moment before pulling away. Before things could get awkward, I parted my own lips and pressed them back against hers. This kiss was a very different experience from the previous two quick kisses I had shared with my sister. Time seemed to stand still as I became acutely aware of the way her warm, wet lips covered mine. I felt like I should have been disgusted, but I couldn't help but notice how soft her lips felt against mine. Her lips were so full and pliable compared to Michael's, and she kissed me with such an innocent tenderness.

I still couldn't get used to the feeling of my sister's lips on mine. Was it normal for the kissing experience to vary so much between people? Was this just the difference between kissing a man versus a kissing a woman? Or was this just how it felt to kiss my sister? I wasn't used to kissing, so I wasn't sure of the answers to these questions. In some ways, the feeling of another woman's lips on mine, especially my sister, felt so wrong. But at the same time, I couldn't help notice how nice it felt the way her soft, full lips closed around my lower lip and gently sucked.

If I had to pick anyone to kiss based solely on their lips, Krista would have been a top choice. However, the fact I was straight meant Michael would always win out for picking a kissing partner. Still, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I had been dreading. I wondered if it was possible to enjoy kissing a woman more than a man, but still only be interested sexually in men. Besides, it wasn't like I wanted to embarrass myself in front of someone I liked by demonstrating my poor kissing skills. This arrangement really was mutually beneficial. Krista and I both got to practice our kissing, and I got the added benefit of having a way to avoid Tamara. However, Michael had kissed me very differently than Krista was kissing me, so I hoped the experience would still carry over. I gently closed my lips around her lower lip and sucked, biting gently.

"I didn't expect you to be such a tease," she giggled.

"Just trying to figure it out," I smiled back, feeling more at ease.

Just then, I felt my belt begin vibrating again. Fuck. Was it a malfunction? Or had Tamara clicked it on from outside as a farewell gift before departing? I couldn't stop kissing my sister now. After all, I'd been the one who'd convinced her to skip out on a sleepover because I wanted to practice kissing with her. We continued our light makeout session, both slowly becoming more confident. There was so much to focus on when learning to kiss: technique, sensations, posture, hands, breathing, and so on. However, the longer we kissed, the less many of these seemed to matter. I was becoming used to the way she kissed, the feel of her lips, and her warm breath on my skin. But if there was something worse than feeling arousal while watching your sister's best friend finger herself, it was feeling that same level of arousal while making out with your sister.

"Do you mind if I get a little more comfortable?" Krista asked.

"No, please," I urged. "It's a bit rough on the neck this way, isn't it?"

She threw her bare leg over mine and pulled herself into my lap, facing me directly. I hadn't realized she'd intended to maneuver into such an intimate position, but I wasn't actually sure of a better kissing position. Sitting next to each other certainly wasn't comfortable. And this way, we were closer to the same height which did making kissing her easier. As she leaned in, her large breasts pressed against mine. It was unavoidable when you had a chest like hers; I'd felt them before during our many hugs throughout the years. But somehow the intimacy of the situation was making everything feel strange. She pressed her lips back against mine, leaning into my waist as she did. The intensity of the vibrations suddenly increased as Krista leaned into me, causing me to unintentionally pull my waist away. I hoped she hadn't noticed or wondered why I pulled away. I slowly moved my hips forward back to where they were before. As I unintentionally pushed against her, the sensations increased again. Without thinking, I pressed my hips further forward into Krista's waist, momentarily enjoying the sensations. My breath quickened with the increased intensity against my clitoris. I pulled Krista's face closer to mine and kissed her passionately as I lost myself in the feelings of arousal the belt was triggering. I continued to kiss her, gasping for breath between kisses. To my surprise, Krista matched the intensity of my kissing with ease.

In a brief moment of clarity, I realized how careless I'd been. I pulled my hips back, hoping none of the vibrations had carried through to her. Was it possible she was so caught up with everything she hadn't even noticed? She began to scoot forward, pressing her body tighter against mine. I leaned forward into the kiss, pressing my lips firmly against hers. In response, she was forced scoot back on my legs slightly to get into a more comfortable position. It was less comfortable for me, but it kept a small amount of space between our hips.

"Sara?" Krista interrupted hesitantly, now also out of breath, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but is everything OK?

Her question pulled me back to my senses.

"Everything is perfect," I lied, still breathing deeply. Did she suspect?

"I was just wondering if you might have been thinking about someone else while kissing me? That guy you mentioned, maybe?"

Where was she going with this? I didn't want her to think I was so uninterested in kissing her I had to think of someone else to do it. My suggestion had worked so well for getting rid of Tamara that I needed her to think I was doing more than just humoring her. I needed her to believe me if I asked her to practice again with me the next time Tamara came around.

"No. No one else even crossed my mind. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," she said awkwardly as we resumed kissing. Krista got quickly back into rhythm. Apparently she either enjoyed or thought I wanted passionate kissing, because she began kissing me more intensely than ever before. In my own inexperience, I struggled to keep up with her lips.

I had no doubt that if I hadn't taken this route with my sister, I'd currently be trapped in my bedroom with my face buried eyes deep in Tamara's wet slit. I tried ineffectively to ignore the feelings the vibrator was causing between my legs while just focusing on kissing my sister. This was better than the alternative, wasn't it? It wasn't a complete victory, but all I could do was take it one day at a time.

To be continued...


As always, I want to thank everyone for their patience as I finished the next chapter(s) of Curious Girls. I've appreciated all the comments of support as well as feedback. There have been a few readers in particular who have been instrumental in helping me to shape this story by offering early feedback, ideas, corrections, etc. They know who they are. I just want to make sure they know how much I appreciate their assistance. And as always, I'm ever thankful to my editor who helps keeps my writing looking clean and professional.

I have to admit that I was actually a bit surprised at some of the feedback I received after posting chapter 13. I've always known that the closer I approached to the final chapter of this story, the more likely it would be that I would polarize my readers. There are many who have their own ideas of how the story should go, and I am fully aware that it is impossible to keep everyone happy (although I hope everyone can still enjoy how the story develops even if it's not precisely as they are hoping).

That said, I did not expect chapter 13 to be such a divisive chapter. I received more negative public feedback on the last chapter than any prior (although much was only mildly negative). That was why I was surprised to find that in addition to receiving more comments on chapter 13 than any of my previous chapters, it also received quite a few more views than usual. In fact, at last check, it had nearly double the views of chapter 12. The only other time one of my chapters saw a number of views outside the usual pattern was chapters 8-9. In addition to that, chapter 13 currently has the highest rating of any of my other chapters. From this, it seems to indicate that the negative (or concerned) comments were from a vocal minority, as the ratings and views would seem to indicate that it was very well received.

Unfortunately, I can only draw best guesses from numbers. This is why I value your comments and e-mail so much! With your help, I will do my best to write a story that everyone can continue to enjoy while still keeping true to my own vision of the story.

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jmkuehnjmkuehnalmost 9 years ago
Very good!

I am truly impressed. Don't stop. Please! I need to know how this ends!

MrSnijderMrSnijderalmost 9 years ago
Take all the time you need :3

Stories like this take time to make properly and with such amazing quality, it amazes me how you manage to do this every month :P. Its no problem at all if there wont be another chapter this month, at least its underway and we have something to look forward to.

I also really appreciate you keeping us up-to-date with the progress of the story and the difficulty's in making it, most writers would just leave the readers wondering :P.

Thanks so much for creating this story.

(Good luck, can't wait for the next chapter!!! :3)

Greeting's from the Netherlands! Scott

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

When Is Sara Gonna Start Raping Tamara???

precipiceofoblivionprecipiceofoblivionalmost 9 years agoAuthor
MrSnijder, kastanie26, kberhenke

MrSnijder, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your encouragement and loyalty. I remember posting my first chapter. In some ways it feels like it's been forever, and in other ways it seems like yesterday. I was very apprehensive about how it would be received, I remember you being one of the first to comment and give me the validation that others enjoyed my work as well. So, thank you for giving me the motivation to make it this far and thank you for sticking it out with me.

kaatanie26, Thank you for sticking it out with me too! Your English is perfect. Thank you for the kind words, and I hope I don't disappoint in future chapters!

kberhenke (Maggi and Kristal), I was shocked when you said you'd never left a comment before. Not because that is strange in itself, but I already feel like you've been with me this entire journey! There are a number of names I start to recognize through repeated likes on my chapters, and I have noticed your moniker for a while now. However, I hadn't realized you'd never commented. I do often find myself looking at the names I recognize, but know have never commented and wonder what their story is. The people who consistently leave their mark on my chapters, but otherwise stay silently in the background. It means so much to me that I was the recipient of your first comment, and I appreciate you sharing a little about your background! I had no idea that anyone was making a personal connection with Tamara, although I do know feelings are mixed as to who should come out on top in the end. Whatever direction I choose to go, I'm thankful for your kind words and giving be a chance to put a name to the moniker (or names rather, but curse you both for having unusual spellings ;-) ) I especially appreciate knowing that my story is enjoyed by people with experiences that differ wildly from my own. Thanks again, and hope to hear from you both in future chapters!

Et al., I'll take this opportunity is let everyone know that the progression of chapter 16 is going slowly due to a combination of work and life. At this point, it's looking unlikely I'll have a chapter out this month. However, I'll work hard to try and catch up! If nothing else, I'll try to make it up to you all with another double chapter.

kberhenkekberhenkealmost 9 years ago
Come on Tamara you can break her!!

You are an amazing writer, this is our first comment for any story on the site...

My wife and I met at an all girl's school, and have been together since, but we understand Tamara's initial frustrations, and my wife and myself have been rooting for her to break her. My wife and I feel we are getting revenge on our nemesis from high school through Tamara. But... we wouldn't be surprised if this was Kristas plot nearly the whole time....

Dang you for keeping us on the edge of the seat and addicted to this story like drugs!!!!

XOXOX Maggi B and Kristal B. We love ya!

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