Curves Ch. 03

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Now it's Maria's turn. Humungously curvy preggo session.
4.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/19/2013
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Thanks to Todger 65 for the edit.

Maria came down to the kitchen, yawning. Lynn was in the shower. Maria had checked in on Charlotte. The empty room didn't surprise her. I see she didn't make breakfast, she noticed.

The summer morning was quiet. Real creepy. I wonder if it was a mistake to come here? So, start breakfast or look for Charlotte? Maria was okay at making food but Lynn's cooking approached virtuosity. She always got the highest grades in home ec. Thank God Charlotte didn't try anything.

Charlotte got the low end of the trio. Great at yoga, terrible at cooking, Maria shuddered, remembering the last, and only time, Charlotte was put in charge of dinner.

She should be easy to find. She's at the lake.

Charlotte loved to swim. She would have tried out for the swim team, back in high school, if not for her curvy body. Still, the coach, to her credit, suggested Charlotte was more suited for distance swimming than competitive. The girls discussed the idea and they flirted with it but then Charlotte's career took off, and Maria made Miss June and later Playmate of the Year; priorities change.

Dwelling on the memory decided Maria, and gave her an idea. She might like it. Maybe we can talk before I decide it's a bad one.

She debated whether to go upstairs and put on a T-shirt and shorts but decided, Screw that. There's no one around but us girls, and it's nothing they haven't seen before.

The morning was warm so Maria felt comfortable in her gray cotton bra and panties. It'd be fun if someone were watching, she smiled.

Maria was always the most adventurous and exhibitionist of the trio. She'd relished stealing the boys away from the blondes back in high school; revenge for the brutal teasing of junior high and, in part, reveling in her sexual power. Modeling came easy for her. Her body comfort made shedding clothes a cinch.

Her frank views and open sensuality sometimes made the other girls uncomfortable, but provided an energy helping her as the host of a popular cable TV show, and equally welcome on the talk show circuit. Just a few days before the vacation, a famous sex therapist approached her about creating, perhaps, the female equivalent to The Man Show. Maria was open to the idea and so were the producers.

She mused on this development while walking towards the lake. To think there was a time I thought I'd never get far with this body. In hindsight she thought it was a good thing, as that belief encouraged her to rely on her brains. Once her body shaped into the voluptuousness she now enjoyed, she found both her brains and beauty useful for advancement.

Her musings were broken once she reached the pier and saw Charlotte. There she is. Hmmm, was she skinny dipping? Maria cocked an eyebrow.

Charlotte was sitting, nude, at the end of the pier. Her hair was wet and slick, her skin shone with moisture.

"Just got out, huh?" Maria said.

Charlotte turned, her face blank and emotionless, for a moment, "Oh! Uh, yeah. This lake was too tempting. So where's Lynn?"

"Back at the house, I suppose. I decided not to make breakfast. She's better at it."

"Yes, she is," Charlotte giggled.

"So how's the water?"

"Terrific. I'm going to take another swim, in fact. Care to join me?"

"Hmmm, I don't know. My bikini's still packed."

"Does it look like I care about swimsuits? And c'mon, you're supposed to be the adventurous one."

"Got a point," Maria laughed. Her bra and panties were on the deck a second later. "Wait a sec while I stretch."

Charlotte stood by, smiling, as Maria flexed her voluptuous body. Maria matched her friend in olive skin tone and dark hair but, of the three, sported the curviest body. Her breasts were the largest, her bubble ass the bubbliest, and her hips the widest. Child bearers, Charlotte thought, and a strange shudder went up her spine.

Maria finished her calisthenics and, feeling sufficiently limber, said, "I'm ready."

"Okay, let's swim to the middle. I want to show you something."

"What?" Maria started but Charlotte dove into the lake before she finished. Maria quickly followed. Charlotte's got a secret?

Charlotte, the better swimmer, reached the middle of the lake first. Maria swam up and they tread water for several minutes.

"Well?" Maria asked.

"How long can you hold your breath?"

"Well I . . ." Maria started, but Charlotte dove under. "Dammit Charlotte," Maria sighed, annoyed, before following.

She didn't see her, at first, but spotted Charlotte soon enough. The water was remarkably clear. Charlotte's body swam towards a bundle of small boulders and underwater plants. What the . . .? What's she doing?

Charlotte disappeared into the boulders and Maria, curious, swam closer. The rock pile held a surprise. Holy . . .?! A cave!

Maria swam inside, glimpsing Charlotte's pale form ahead. Better hurry. I think I'm running out of air. Black spots hadn't appeared yet but she felt the strain.

Charlotte abruptly swam upward, towards a faint glow above. Maria followed, breaking the surface seconds after Charlotte. Her eyes took a few more seconds to adjust.

"Gasp! Charlie, what is this place?! Wow!"

They were in a large vault with dark, glassy rocks, like obsidian, illuminated by a faint florescence.

"I don't know really," Charlotte replied, "I just found it this morning. Look at it, Maria! It's a new discovery! We're going to be famous!"

"We sure are! Wait 'til Lynn sees this!"

"Follow me, I have something else to show you."

The pool was small, so the women left it in short order. They stood, letting the water drip off their bodies.

"This place is really warm Charlie. Do you think we're near a volcano or something?"

"We might be. There's tunnels all over the place. We're taking the one over there. That's where I found it."

"Found what?"

"You'll see," Charlotte smiled, "Come."

Maria followed with some unease. Charlotte's secret moods were known to the women. The Curvy Club giggled about them frequently. Something seemed different about this one. If it wasn't Charlotte, Maria would think her demeanor almost sinister. What am I thinking? It's Charlotte!

The other source of her unease emanated from the floor. It wasn't like anything she'd felt under her toes before. No sand or dirt but soft and flat, and warm as well. It feels . . . weird. It feels like skin. What kind of cave is this?

Charlotte came to a chamber at the tunnel's end. A faint glow emitted from the entrance. Charlotte stood, silhouetted, before she suddenly vanished.

"Charlotte!" Maria ran to the entrance. A strange, wet sound, like mouths sucking, or tongues slurping on some soft object, issued from the chamber. Maria was worried, curious, but Charlotte was in there so, ignoring the blare of the warning bells clanging through her brain, she rushed into the chamber . . . and into a sight so utterly mad it took several minutes to process.

First, the pods; she couldn't find any other way to describe them. They stuck out everywhere from the floor and ceiling, so much like nightmares out of Alien.

Erupting from the pods, from the floor itself, was a field of undulating tentacles, reddish-purple like the gums of a mouth. They waved like a field of grain, shiny and dripping with oil, which also rained from the ceiling. The surreal vision would be strange even without Charlotte, or more specifically, Charlotte . . . and Charlotte.

There was the Charlotte standing in the middle of the pod field, like a little girl smiling, not malevolently, as if she'd just discovered a shiny new object to show her friend, and there was the other Charlotte.

She was fixed against the wall, in a slight sitting position. Tentacles of varying lengths and thickness slithered over every inch of her oil-slick body.

It was her body and its condition which stunned Maria the most. Oh! My! God! She's pregnant!

She looked more than pregnant, in fact. Her belly, shiny with oil, was big, round, and swollen with gigantic fertility. Her breasts, slick and gleaming, were huge melons, larger than Maria ever remembered. Pregnant Charlotte's breasts were two cup sizes larger, compared to her doppelganger. Her nipples were pink cones leaking white milk, which trickled down the swells and valleys of her body.

Tentacles stroked and caressed those melons, which bounced and bobbled with gelatin fluidity. Her legs were parted, enveloped in tentacles stroking almost lovingly along their length.

Maria took in this shockingly erotic vision but her greater shock was in Charlotte's expression. It encompassed many emotions, given the situation: fear, horror, outrage among them. Fear for her friend, Maria knew, but the other emotion, the overriding one, familiar to the sexually experienced Maria, was the ecstasy. Fuck! She's high on orgasm!

Charlotte's mouth was open; her tongue moved around the two tentacles pumping, whatever mystery fluid, Maria didn't want to know, down her throat. She moaned and gulped; her throat moved frantically to keep up with the flow.

Charlotte's eyes darted between her clone and Maria. She gasped out a garbled warning, "'Un! 'Et uh-ay! Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!" Her eyes rolled back as a fierce orgasm shuddered through her body.

Maria watched, stupefied to numbness, her friend's swollen pussy squirt cum. "Uuunnngh!" Charlotte moaned; Maria not knowing if it was from orgasm or another warning.

Charlotte's hands, free of tentacles, moved over her belly. The shiny round globe of flesh quivered, first from orgasm, and then from labor. Several finger-thin tentacles, undulating, erupted from a close pod, and plunged into her dripping flower. Charlotte moaned, eyes glancing down in horror and orgasmic heat. I can feel them moving inside me. My "babies."

She'd felt them, moving, all morning, horrified as her belly swelled once again after birthing that . . . clone; horrified to undergo this process again, yet quivering from constant orgasms.

The minor pain, major pleasure cycle repeated. There was a difference from the clone birth; many things writhed in her womb, tentacles and something else . . . or some things. They didn't feel as big as her clone.

The tentacles slurped from her pussy. Charlotte moaned in dread and pleasure. Her eyes glanced at her two spectators: her progeny, clone, watching with a beatific gaze, as if witnessing a miracle, and her best friend, stunned and horrified, a mesmerized witness to a car crash.

Charlotte just had time to return a look of despair before another orgasm/labor pain combination rippled through her body. She rolled her eyes while stroking her throbbing belly.

Maria watched, agog, the last of the tentacles withdraw from her friend's swollen flower. A squirt of fluid followed, silvery cum, and then another burst of water and amniotic fluid. Charlotte's quim quivered and then parted. An object appeared within the shiny wet rose.

Green . . . it's . . . green, Maria observed, numb.

A green head, the color of lime, appeared within the pink slit. Charlotte alternated between moans and grunts. The head crowned and moved. The rest of the thing's body slithered out, appearing first as a bulge in Charlotte's pelvis, emerging to reveal its alien form.

Charlotte and Maria watched, horrified, as the green alien lizard baby squeezed from Charlotte's tunnel.

Three expressions dominated the chamber: horror from Maria, mingled horror and orgasmic ecstasy from Charlotte, wonder and awe from Charlotte's clone. She turned to Maria with a beatific gaze, as if watching a miracle. "Isn't it beautiful," she whispered.

Maria gazed back at this . . . thing that had led her to this chamber of horrors and slowly backed away. "What the fuck are you?! You're not Charlotte!"

"Charlotte" smiled and stalked toward Maria through the field of pods. Maria tried to back away further but found, "My feet! My feet are stuck!" False Charlotte walked up to Maria and pushed, hard.

"Aaaahhh!" the actress cried. Her feet became unstuck for the purpose of falling backward . . . onto a bed of pods.

Slimy, slithery, oily tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs. "No! No! Get off! Eek! Charlotte!"

The two Charlottes watched pods maneuver the struggling, shrieking Maria towards Charlotte Prime. Charlotte Prime could barely keep focus as another lizard baby slid through her slit. Her swollen, fertile belly throbbed and she could feel more writhing within.

The baby, accompanied by Charlotte's moans, slid out with a soft slurp. Charlotte's feelings were beyond horror, but not numb. The birthing pains were mild, eclipsed by, of all things, orgasmic pleasure. Her belly throbbed, her pussy expanded; the pressure of a head, and then a body, a stimulation of her clit, a grunt, a moan from Charlotte, and another lizard baby emerged in a spurt of cum and fluid.

The lizard babies were connected to the woman by umbilical cords. They had no tails. Their dark green scaled skin, serrated teeth, forked tongues, and slits for nostrils spoke for their reptilian origins.

They slithered from her body to settle on the pods, coughing to life with cries more akin to high-pitched growls . . . or outraged screams, as if their expulsion from the warm, dark comfort of Charlotte's womb was an atrocity.

The umbilical cords were severed by wire-thin filaments, relatives to the ones wrapped around and stimulating Charlotte's clit. They moved as tentacles, wrapping around the cords and squeezing until the cords separated.

The A.I was pleased; with the exception of the milk problem, soon to be resolved once the bad cow extract was flushed from the system, the birthing process proceeded with no other hangups. The scans revealed the embryos developing nicely. The breeder functioned efficiently, with no health issues arising from her altered body. Already, a third Zorgon baby emerged forth from her womb, and a fourth was in line to follow.

The embryos, as designed, developed rapidly, one after the other, taking the Zorgons' six month standard development cycle from conception to birth in minutes. The effect, of course, would keep the primate in a perpetual state of pregnancy but it was, after all, a breeding module. The ship did increase its infusion of Orion pleasure juice, in appreciation for the primate's service.

The Zorgon infants were carried off to the nursery for storage until the quota was filled. Meanwhile, the new primate would be useful for Cretan production.

Maria, screaming, was deposited upright in a pod cluster just across from Charlotte. An undulating field of tentacles, varied in size and slathered in oil, immediately erupted around her body. Her legs were spread and entwined to her inner thighs. Maria, distracted, didn't notice the imprisonment of her arms by oiled tentacles, bursting from pods on either side of her body. The tentacles parting her flower, and the thin filaments twining around her clit, did draw her attention.

"Oh!" she gasped. "Oh no you fucking don't! Charlotte!"

Charlotte, gliding her oil-soaked hands across her shiny, fertile belly, birthed another lizard, and gazed at her friend helplessly. "Maria! Close your mouth!" she tried to say but it only came out as, "'Oria! 'Ose 'or 'owth!'"

"What?!" cried Maria, and then gasped, "Ughn?! Ummf!"

A thick, slick, oily penile tentacle had slid into her already wet pussy, drawing out the gasp. The following surprised grunt came from her open mouth receiving another thick and long tentacle from a ceiling pod. "'Uat?! 'Arot!"

"Oh 'Oria," moaned Charlotte sadly, as another lizard baby slurped out of her cunt.

Maria, the most experimental of the Curvy Club, had familiarity with strange experiences. A part of her, in fact, wasn't surprised to feel a thick, fleshy, appendage enter her ass. It did not fully eliminate the shock and horror of the scene: Charlotte, swollen round belly quivering, pumping out lizard babies through her cunt lips; "Charlotte", staring rapt and blank of face, mesmerized; oiled tentacles, like lubed cocks, drilling her own holes, while more oil rained upon her body.

Maria's response stemmed more from muscle memory of previous experiences but some resistance, evident in her struggles, came forth. She was forced to tilt back her head to accommodate the tentacle forcing its way down her throat.

Charlotte watched her friend's throat ripple, with a small bulge sliding down. "Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!" joined the other soft sounds of the chamber. She was able to observe Maria's changes from her experienced perspective. This is what happened to me.

Maria's belly swelled into a fertile beach ball. Her innie belly button popped and stretched outward. An image of a turkey thermometer flashed into Charlotte's brain, nearly bringing forth a hysterical laugh.

Her friend's boobs also grew, gaining a cup size from her proudly acknowledged E's to F's. Her tits bloomed to pink shot glasses, with beads of white liquid bubbling at their tips.

A shudder rippled through Maria's gravid body. She just came, thought Charlotte. Her own body orgasmed, perhaps in response, while another "baby" pushed its way through her pussy.

Maria moaned, grunted, and rolled her eyes; waves of pleasure flowed through her body. The A.I flooded her with more pleasure juice, enhancing her orgasms. It was pleased to note her extremely swollen breasts, milk streaming from the nipples.

<The cow extract seems to work better on this primate. The other is taking longer. Maybe it's genetic variation.>

It wasn't uncommon; minor differences among representatives of the same species could produce varied effects from the extract. <Ah, the first primate is beginning to produce milk,> it noted. <Time to deploy the pumps.>

Charlotte moaned, from both orgasm and birth. Her ululation was answered by a moan and a grunt from Maria, now a giant blob of gravidity. Both milfs were shiny, dripping with oil, sweat and, as Charlotte noted, Milk?

The beads first appeared on Maria's sizable nipples, and then Charlotte's. While Maria's boobs had swollen to cantaloupes, Charlotte's melons maintained their size, with eraser large nipples. The white beads on hers grew and then popped. A steady stream of white cream flowed down her body, mingling with the sweat and oil.

Maria's more robust breasts squirted fountains of grade D. Charlotte gazed in wonder. How can her tits do that?!

Maria, with her tilted back head, and busy sucking tentacle, had her vision obscured by the angle. She felt the wetness on her breasts, and movement in her womb. Oh God! What's happening?! Am I going to have lizard babies?!

The women had little time to deal with lizards, milk, and clones; a new batch of tentacle emerged from the ceiling.

They displayed different configurations than the ones plumbing their holes. The tentacles were thick, veiny, with caplike structures on their tips. Charlotte thought toilet plunger meets lily flower meets octopus.

Their size varied, and the two larger ones displayed an array of spasmodically undulating tentacles, whipping from their openings. Ominous hissing, like a cut air hose, aspirated from those monstrosities. I don't like the looks of those things, a numb and resigned Charlotte thought. Her experience thus far, the monsters exiting her womb with conveyor belt frequency, the clones, the tentacles, and the orgasms, forced her to accept the new horror with little surprise.