D is for Dyke


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"Oh yeah? Well if you did, then you can take us back and show us where you tossed it," she told him.

Tex laughed, "I suppose you think you're tough enough to make me?" he actually threatened.

"I really don't think you want to find out," Betty assured him. "Just give the girl back her stuff, and we'll be on our way."

"You want it?" he questioned once again. "Ok fine, I'll be glad to give it to you!" he stated. And as he did, he reared back, what was obviously coming as a roundhouse right.

He swung, and as he did, Betty ducked under the punch bringing her left hand in sharp, and full into his groin. He began to fold over almost immediately, and as he did, she met his chin coming down with her right shoulder, slamming into him hard, then stepping almost nonchalantly out of the way as he hit the pavement, out cold.

"Holy shit!" Cat exclaimed wondrously. "Let's get my stuff and get the fuck out of here!"

"What?" You just want to leave? Wouldn't you like a little retribution for this pile of shit?" Betty asked her.

Cat looked towards Betty with even more appreciation. "What do you have in mind?" she asked.

"First, grab your stuff out of the truck, then get his feet," Betty told her.

By the time Cat had retrieved her satchel containing all her earthly possessions, Betty had secured his hands behind his back with duct-tape as well as stripping off two rather large pieces, placing those over his mouth.

"Grab his feet," she said again. Together, they carried Tex over to the back of Betty's pickup where they unceremoniously through him in. Betty then secured his feet together as well.

"What if he wakes up?" Cat questioned.

"You keep an eye on him, if he even looks like he's about to wake up, you let me know," she told her.

Betty looked down, saw Tex's hat lying on the asphalt. She smiled. "What's so funny?" Cat asked. "Oh nothing, just a thought really. Grab his hat, bring it up front with you."

Cat did so, climbing into the passenger seat, she'd expected Betty to do the same, surprised when she looked back through the window to see her heading back towards the diner.


"Be right back, keep an eye on dick-head!"

Cat was a little nervous. Even if "Dick-head" woke up as Betty had called him, she was confidant enough that about all he could do was thrash around some. Trussed as he was around the ankles, knees, with his hands behind his back and mouth taped shut, he wasn't going anywhere. At the moment, he continued to simply lie there, though he did show signs of stirring. Looking back towards the diner, she noticed that a Sheriff's unit had pulled in to one of the stalls. Cat felt a momentary surge of panic, then confusion as she saw Betty approach the car, standing there momentarily talking to the officer. She wondered briefly if Cat had simply decided to turn the guy in or something.

"But for what?" she wondered out loud.

Seconds later Betty returned.

"What was that all about?"

"Oh, Steve's a friend of mine. I was on the Sheriff's department for a number of years," she said with a mischievous wink. "We go 'way' back!"


"And...I told him that he might be getting a call a couple of hours from now about some guy wandering the highway. Asked if he might sort of pass it along to sit tight, let the guy make his way back here without any interference."

"You're kidding! Why?"

Betty laughed. "Later, you'll know why later," she said snickering.

They pulled out of the parking lot, heading back the way they had come. After about twenty minutes Betty took what looked to be like a service road heading out into the middle of the desert.

"Betty?" Cat asked starting to worry. And not just about where they were going, but with all the sudden bumps in the road, 'Dick-Head' was starting to come around. He'd already discovered he was bound hand and foot, lying there with a wild-eyed expression having no clue as to where he was, or honestly what the hell had happened to him.

"Almost there," Betty said grinning. Moments later she pulled off the dirt road. "Bring his hat," she stated.

Wild-eyed Tex lay staring at them as Betty lowered the tailgate. "I gave you your chance to avoid all this," she said simply. Only then did Cat realize Betty was holding a rather wicked looking hunting knife in her hand.

"Betty?" Cat did whisper, but Betty ignored her. As for Tex, his eyes got even wider as well as wilder as he began thrashing crazily about in the back of the truck in some effort to get away, though it was of course totally hopeless.

"Oh for shit's sake, stop that!" Betty told him. "I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're worried about. But if you keep doing that, I will rap you on the head with the butt of this knife and knock your ass out again!" Betty warned him. Tex quit struggling.

"Now what?" Cat asked still holding onto the man's hat.

"Grab his feet again," Betty instructed. "And as for you, you even make any move to do anything, I will cut your nuts off. It won't kill you, but it will certainly curtail any more blowjobs from ever being enjoyed again," she informed him.

Tex held about as still as he possibly could as the two women lifted him out of the truck, placing him on the ground next to it.

"Hand me that canteen behind the seat," Betty told Cat. When Cat returned, she had to stifle a laugh. Tex was wild-eyed once again, laying there as still as possible as Betty cut the man's pants away from him, along with his shirt. Betty whistled the entire time as though plucking a chicken for dinner.

At last, he lay there naked with nothing but his boots on. "You sucked on that?" Betty asked staring down at the man's 'turtled' prick. "Hardly worth the effort I'd say," she added snickering.

"Believe me, it wasn't," Cat assured her.

"Help me sit him up." Cat did. "Now...go ahead and put his hat back on his head." Cat did, and then laughed. It really was funny. Tex sat there in his birthday suit with nothing on but a pair of boots and his oversized Stetson that now looked even more ridiculous than before.

Betty walked around behind his back, lowered the knife briefly causing Tex to wince and cry out a muffled response beneath the tape.

"Wimp!" Betty scolded. "I cut through the tape on your hands just enough that you should be able to work yourself free...after a while. I'm leaving you a canteen full of water, not exactly the heartless bitch you might think me to be. Though I'm sure 'Dyke' is probably more to your liking. The truck stop is about twenty miles that way," she pointed over her back into the hot sun. The highway's about two miles from here, with luck, you should make it well before sundown. And don't worry about the cops, I happen to know that they're all busy with other things right now rather than worrying about some naked guy walking down the highway. So if you do manage to catch a ride, more power to you, but I seriously doubt any of your trucker friends will stop for you either. I also know that it's now been broadcast to keep an eye out for a naked guy wearing cowboy boots and a Stetson hat. And that if they know what's good for them, they're to pass you on by."

Tex sat there with a very defeated expression on his face.

"Oh, and one more thing. I'd suggest you get yourself another route, that...or repaint your truck. Because if I ever see you, or catch you around here again, you'll be taking this very same walk. Got it?"

Tex shook his head in acknowledgement.

Seconds later Betty and Cat were heading back out onto the highway.

"You sure he'll be alright?" Cat asked. Tex might have this coming to him, but she didn't want to be responsible in case anything happened to him either.

"Not to worry, Jerry? That cop you saw? I told him exactly where we were going, what we were doing. Said he'd park his unit up on that bluff over there. You can see the entire valley from that vantage point, so he'll be keeping an eye out on Tex for us and see to it no harm actually comes to him. Don't mind saying I'd love to see it when he finally does arrive back at the diner however, wearing nothing but those boots and hat. Apt to have one hell of a sunburn too, not to mention some damn sore blisters on his feet from walking that far.

"Thank you Betty," Cat told her. "Seriously, thank you for everything."

"No problem. Now, you hungry?"


"My place isn't far from here," Betty informed her. "Have a small little ranch, a few cows, some horses. You're more than welcome to stay with me as long as you like. I'll even put you to work, let you earn a little money. But again, you're welcome to stay with me if you want to. Even have an old bunk-house we can fix up for you if you'd like."

"Really? You'd do that for me? Let me stay with you?"

"Long as you want," Betty assured her. Cat sat quietly thinking. She really did have nowhere else to go. Perhaps this would be her chance at a fresh start, a new life.



"Yes...I am a lesbian if that's what you're wondering," she informed her. "But I don't want you thinking I'm expecting any favors. Ok? I'm sure you've never even been with another woman before, so don't worry about it. No expectations, and certainly no demands."

Cat grinned. "Never said I haven't been," she admitted. "Been a while is all. But I'll admit, I am sitting here thinking about it," she informed her.

Betty began to whistle. "Well, first things first. We get you fed, then a nice hot bath. Then lets see what we can do about that hair."

Cat smiled, settling back comfortably in her seat.

"Oh, just one more thing," she stated. Cat looked at her expectantly.

"Don't ever call me a Dyke," she said. "Pisses me off when people call me a Dyke."

"I'll remember that," Cat laughed. "I'll certainly remember that!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Charles Bronson not proud

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Huh. Here I thought I was in the lesbian section...

Odd. Why are there penises in the lesbian section?


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

that whole long intro was not really needed yawn it almost put me to asleep if it was going to be written like that the rest of it could have gone with it

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
And 00 is for using the term DYKE

So there!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I Want More

What happened to Betty and Cat??? That was the most promising part. Erase the random story line bullshit parts and add a lesbian sex scene.

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