Dad's Kinky New Wife

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Dad is deceived into believing his daughter is his wife.
12.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/08/2016
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Story description: A father is deceived into believing his daughter is his kinky wife.


Parental Gibberish

Carol screamed.

That tenuous cry reverberated out as a muted series of unintelligible words. Its tone rang in her ears, resounded throughout the room and then malingered down the hallway like a feeble wave.

In frustration, she flicked her tongue wildly against the plastic obstruction wedged within her mouth. The frothing saliva gathering behind that unyielding wall produced noisy gurgles. It forced her to swallow and choke, which moved her to panic.

With every erratic jerk upon the ropes that bound each limb, the tautness increased and pressed uncomfortably against her skin. Additionally, the sway of her head in effort to dislodge the blindfold that obscured her gaze only tightened the straps that wrapped over and around her head.

She wailed for an immeasurable length of time, but the futility of her situation soon led to soft whimpers.

Why? She thought. What purpose did her husband have to leave her in such a state? It was more distressful that he left her bound and naked on her parent's bed. It was apparent that the bastard was playing some twisted game.

Looking back, she should have listened to her mother. Her mom expressed her dislike of Paul and gave warning. Those repeated jabs were dismissed as parental gibberish. After all, she was in love. That amorous feeling blinded her to his imperfections and left her vulnerable to his manipulation.

She remembered her wedding day. Catching him gawking at her mother during the after-party was a sign that something was amiss. A woman could tell when a man undressed her with his eyes. Unfortunately, his stare was fixated on her mom and that was unnerving.

As a result, she gave him a grand smack that turned heads. She found his reaction to be nonchalant and odd.

The glint of his eyes displayed amusement, which was accompanied by a strange smile.

He leaned inward and whispered, "It's quirky how both of you look so much alike. With the exception of your eyes, you're the same height, have the same curvy wide hips, sport a hefty pair of knockers, and you're both brunettes. If you stood facing her, it would be like looking at an older version of yourself in a mirror. Really hot, if you ask me."

It was then that she realized she might have misinterpreted his gaze. The casual nature of his response allowed her to dismiss his ogling as simple curiosity. There was truth to his words as it related to her and her mother.

When she lived with her parents, her father often mistook her for his wife. Normally, those situations occurred when her back was turned and resulted with her saying, "No dad, I'm Carol. I'm your daughter." Those awkward encounters always ended with chuckles and his apology.

She was unfulfilled and frustrated. Even today they hadn't yet consummated their marriage. It left her horny and irate at the same time. That combination wasn't conducive to a happy marriage when combined.

Their wedding night consisted of foreplay that had her pining for gratification. She was stunned and disappointed over his inability to keep an erection or refusal to satisfy her need.

It wasn't just the honeymoon; it was the entire week of their matrimonial romance. He persistently teased her sexually and in every occasion leading towards her climax he pulled back. It was one lame excuse after another.

His consistent presence made it difficult to pleasure herself in the manner she was accustom too. Every attempt ended in dissatisfaction. His relentless interruptions became an annoyance.

Emotionally, his odd behavior troubled her. Sexually, he left her yearning for satisfaction. The stress of it made her irritable and flustered.

The thought that she so readily agreed to being restrained in such a manner was disheartening. The words he had spoken were cryptic and mortifying.

With a sorrowful groan, she replayed the events leading up to now.


Kink Isn't Bad

Paul and Carol entered the house.

She said with a raised voice, "Mom, dad, we're home. Is anyone here?"

"So much for a surprise visit," he said in an offhand manner.

In agitation, she gave him a displeased stare and then said, "I told you they're still at work. I even mentioned that their cars weren't in the driveway. I don't understand why you're so adamant about visiting today? We weren't scheduled to return until Monday."

Paul grasped her arm and twirled her into a hug.

That unexpected embrace startled her.

With a downward tilt of his head, he stared into her eyes. "Carol, I'm sorry. It's my fault our honeymoon was a disaster. I can tell your still angry with me. Let me make it up to you."

She exhaled a breath upon feeling him pressed against her.

"Now?" she said.

"Baby, we have time. After what I've put you through, you deserve it. I promise. You'll come like you never came before. Isn't that what you desire? I can tell you're feverish for it."

"No thanks to you," she exclaimed. For a moment, her intense gaze studied him. She then said, "Your serious? I don't know. It's awkward. My parents' home? For Christ's sake, I never even kissed boys here."

Grasping her hand, he placed it upon the hardened protrusion that tented his tight jeans.

"Feel that? That's the reason I'm hard. The very thought of you naked and fucking like a slut in this house arouses my cock."

"I hope you don't think talking dirty turns me on? It doesn't. Yes, you've left me sexually frazzled, but I told you I'm a straight-laced young woman. I have no interest in doing the disgusting sex things you find amusing and enjoyable. I even shaved my coochie because you said it would turn you on, but that apparently wasn't enough."

In a fit, he grasped her hand and threw it from between his legs. "Yes, I knew you were inhibited. God-damn-it, I thought that it might be different once we married. I had an idea that it might be possible to sway you into becoming more adventurous. You think you're the only one frustrated?"

She gave a huff and her eyes narrowed.

That steamy gaze prompted him to continue. He heatedly said, "You're mad at me because I couldn't keep it up? The normal way bores me. I was honest. I told you I had quirky fetishes. There's certain perversions that turn me on. If you were more like your—never mind. If you were more open minded to exploring sexually, you might find you like it."

"Seriously, you think I would—"

His downturned lips abruptly upturned. His right hand extended and arched under her flowery dress. Lodging itself in place, that flirtatious member stoked her neither region.

The stimulation caused her eyes to flutter as her mouth opened to exhale a soft moan.

That oval void urged an opportunistic action. With a slow lunge, he interlocked his mouth with hers. He filled that cavity with an explorative tongue.

After a lengthy moment, she pulled away from him to catch her breath. Her chest heaved and her face flushed. Placing a fluttering hand to the side of her face to fan the rising heat, she said in a rush, "Okay, I'll do it here."

His smile broadened into a grin. "Let's add excitement. We'll do it on your parent's bed."

After a pause, he giggled and then said, "I'll pretend you're my hot mother-in-law and screw your brains out."

She immediately slammed the heel of her foot downward with force. Its impact upon the top arch of his foot caused him to yelp, "Ouch!"

With a heated gaze upon him, she exclaimed, "That could've been my knee to your groin, but I'd rather keep you in the mood. Yah, right. You wish you were sticking it to my mom, huh?"

"Ah—baby. Damn, I was only joking. What the hell. You have no sense of humor. I simply find it exciting that we'll be fucking in your parent's bed and they'll never know. It's a turn on."

"Mother was right about one thing. You're weird."

"Well it's like I said at the party. You two are near identical."

"Geez, I wasn't asking, but thanks for comparing me to a 41-year-old lady. Just what a newlywed bride needs to hear from a new husband. Is this why you convinced me to cut my hair short before we came? You wanted me to look like my mother so you could fantasize about her when you're making love to me?"

"Jesus, you have it all wrong. I was kidding around. Come on, I'm in love with the gorgeous woman standing before me." He extended his hand and then gently brushed it down her cheek. His expression was apologetic. "Baby, please. Let me show you how I really feel."

His calming touch motivated her to accept his apology and she responded by saying, "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm on edge and it doesn't help when you say such things. Are you sure we have time?"

"Sure we do. In your condition you'll probably come quick."

"I don't want it fast. I want romance and foreplay. I want to enjoy it. Don't you dare make me come before we have sex. You promised."

He placed his hands on her waist and began to tickle.

Her torso wiggled as his fingers danced.

With giggles and a broad smile, she said, "Oh god, Paul, stop. You'll make me come now if you don't—"

He advanced as she attempted to pull back. "No doubt you'll have more than one. I'll make you a raving cock whore that licks cum from the tip of my prick in no time," he said.

Like a reaction akin to a slap, her giggles became titters and then instantly ceased.

In a huff, she grasped his hands and pulled them from her waist.

She heatedly exclaimed, "Not again. This needs to stop. You dampen my mood with such vulgar language. I'm not a prude, but talking like that isn't necessary. Cock whore? Really? Do you normally classify your loved ones, especially your wife, with such distasteful descriptions?"

He stammered, "I'm sorry—baby, if I knew you were—shit."

"If you knew I were... What? Spit it out. I turn you off because I wouldn't repeat garbage like that on our wedding night? Is this why you're doing this to me? I hope you're not punishing me because I refused to suck your penis. My god, I told you I don't do such things. Treat me like a lady. I'm not your whore."

He replied, "Damn-it. Our conversation is like a fucking yo-yo. We're in agreement, your definitely not my whore. Carol, let's stop this bickering. We simply need to compromise and work through our differences. You're willing to accept having sex here because you know it turns me on, so that's a step forward. I promise, no dirty talk for now, but please forgive future outbursts."

They embraced once again and then scampered down the hall to the master bedroom.

Carol unbuttoned the top part of her dress and stopped when she observed him riffling through her parent's dresser.

She said, "What the hell are you doing?"

He replied, "Looking to see if they have some kinky shit we can play with."

"It's not right to look through my parent's drawers. You won't find anything. They aren't into—"

With an expansive grin, he cocked his head towards her.

"What is it?" she said.

Pulling his hand from the dresser drawer, he raised it up so she could see.

Carol gasped.

Clutched in his hand were an assortment of ropes, a ball-gag, and a hefty leather blindfold.

He said, "Seems your parents are naughtier than you believe. It's a drawer full of pleasure toys. Honestly, kink isn't bad. As they say, what happens behind closed doors..."

"Oh gosh, I can't parents would—you know."

He laughed at her bemused visage and then said, "Why don't we step it up a notch. These accessories will add some spice to our lovemaking. You're horny enough to overlook this quirky idea of mine aren't you?"

"Put those back. We're not using those. We don't need kink to enjoy sex."

"I told you, it's a turn on. It undeniably makes me hard. Come on, try it at least once. I guarantee you'll enjoy it."

He gave her a mischievous smile, while fluttering his eye lids. It was intended to charm.

She inhales a deep breath and exhaled a sigh.

Defeated by his compelling expression, she mirrored his impish grin. "Okay, Master Paul, I give up. Tie up your damsel and have your way with her. This better be good like you promised. No more excuses."

After she removed her dress and undergarments, he tied her naked and spread-eagled to each corner of the bed.

She raised her brows and questioned, "What about you? Aren't you getting undressed? This seems a little one sided don't you think?"

"Soon. I have preparations to make. No worries. Once you're blindfolded and gagged the party begins. After all, it's important to keep the wife silent while the husband plays."

"Yah, right. You seriously think you can tease me enough that I'll squeal from an orgasm. Prove it."

Her giggle was cut short when he inserted the ball-gag and secured it firmly behind her head.

He said, "There you go. That'll keep my kinky new wife from alerting the neighbors. Don't you think?"

Her eyes rolled at his comment and her chest heaved. She expelled a muffled grunt.

"God, your beautiful. Just like your mother. Seeing you so vulnerable is really steamy and so inviting. Oh baby, you don't know it yet, but your life is about to change."

Her brow rose in response.

When he secured the thick blindfold to her face, those confused eyes became hidden.

He gave a nod of confidence that the harness-like straps would stay in place.

Standing, he gawked to admire his newlywed wife.

Yes, she looks just like her milf mom, he thought.

"Perfect," he said with a smile.

For a period of time, he moved noisily about the room and around the house.

She grunted with a start from every strange sound.

After a time, those rumbling expressions became more animated and forceful.

Her stifled language caused him to smile. He easily deciphered those rabid howls.

She wasn't happy.

"Baby, calm down. Remember, anticipation for the big event makes this much sweeter. I don't want you to hurt yourself. The more you struggle the tighter the ropes become. There's no need to feel uncomfortable. Relax."

He dropped his rear onto the bed beside her. Leaning over, he gave a peck to her cheek.

He said, "I'm sorry, but this needs to happen. I have expectations and desires. Know that this isn't punishment. It's an attempt to awaken your potential and ferment your new role as wife. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me in the end."

A bleeping sound from a cell phone at his waist urged an attentive reading of text. Grasping the one from the two attached, his mouth creased with worry.

He placed his hand on her kicking leg and said, "I'm leaving for a short bit, but I promise, I'll most certainly return. Don't go anywhere."

She thrashed about while wobbling her body from side to side as he stood.

Her heavy grunts became muffled phrases, "Ueww asstud! Untyy ee oww!"

He interpreted it as: You bastard! Untie me now!

With a skip in his step, he walked from the bedroom, down the hall, and out the front door.

Backing from the driveway, he turned the wheel to the road.

In contemplation, his mouth widened into a wicked grin.


I'm Not Mom

Harold came home.

The text message he received implied urgency. It was vague and prompted him to leave work.

Overall, he wasn't worried. They'd planned such a rendezvous.

He was disappointed that his wife's car wasn't in the driveway. More than likely, she was on her way, he thought.

With a shrug, he went to the refrigerator and pulled out sandwich meat and condiments.

Upon reaching for the utensil drawer, he paused.

The sounds of rattling and muffled groans resonated from down the hall.

"What's that damn noise?" he mumbled. "Martha, is that you?"

His question was unanswered.

A smile upturned and broadened across his face.

What had started as a sex-ting message between husband and wife had led to a decision to embellish their love life. It developed into a mutual commitment to indulge in different genres of sexual exploration. The timing of it was perfect. With their daughter now married and moved out, they felt uninhibited to experiment.

As discussed via a series of racy texts over the span of a week, a bargain had been made. They would plan unscheduled affairs of eroticism. Martha was insistent that it be her turn.

Harold chuckled at the thought that his wife had scheduled today for her deviant surprise.

In excitement, he raced to the master bedroom.

At first, he was taken aback by the shadowy form. Seeing his naked wife bound by each wrist and ankle was an arousing sight. Her spread-eagled figure was arranged like an X upon their king-sized mattress. The length of rope gave just enough slack to allow her to raise her knees. This erotic display wasn't exactly the surprise he had anticipated.

Her verbalization of rapidly expressed words was difficult to decipher.

His voice carried about the room.

Her limbs stiffened and her incoherent utterances trailed off to a muffled whimper.

He said, "I admit, I'm puzzled as to how you managed to tie yourself up like that." After a brief chuckle, he continued by saying, "I reckon being a den mother for a bunch of scouts has advantages. You were always adept at making slipknots."

It was amusing to see her tense in such a manner. When her face arose from the pillow and fixed its sightless gaze in his direction it spurred a flush of blood towards his nether region.

The numerous devices and bottles of lubricant that lay upon the nightstand beside their bed caught his attention.

He said, "When did you get all those sex toys? Wow, I'm beginning to comprehend just how serious you are. Look at all this stuff. My god, butt plugs, anal teasers, nipple clamps, dildos, vibrators, and an assortment of weirdly shaped gadgets. You've amassed a variety of twisted knick-knacks that make me question the depths of your perversions."

She trembled at those descriptive terms. It prompted a terrifying shudder that renewed a brutal struggle against the ropes.

Watching her move about the bed in such a manner intensified his arousal. They'd once played a similar game many years past. Unlike that day, the twisting curves of her sexy body as it wiggled upon the bed now fueled great lust.

Alongside the various baubles, an object caught his eye. It was difficult to miss the large bold letters that screamed to be noticed. A folded note with computerized print lay upon the dresser.

READ ME, it said.

Grasping the letter, he opened it and read.

He gulped upon reading those instructive list of statements.

"My god, Martha, you can't be serious. Why would you detail such things? You didn't need to leave such a letter. We could've discussed everything beforehand. These tasks you want me to perform—well...they're so demeaning. I admit, I'm uncomfortable doing such degrading things to you. This is far beyond what we considered. Some of it is so perverse that I find it repugnant."

He found himself woozy and slightly stunned over his wife's resolute demands. He dropped back heavily into a wicker chair not far from the bed.

With the letter in his shaking left hand, he said, "I refuse to do all of this to you. I find those specific tasks too disgusting to even contemplate. However, I'll try to improvise with most of them."

Looking at her alluring bound form, he inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled a big sigh. She was simply too beautiful. There was preordain knowledge as to how she would react if he left her unsatisfied. When it came to sex, she tended to get frustrated easy. She gave him no choice. Then again, his growing lust over her naked form was motivating an urge to at least try and to fulfill her wishes.