Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 01


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She smiled, "Excellent. We don't use swipe cards for access to our building. They're bio-implants, cutting edge stuff, and perfectly safe. That's also why there are medical checkups, obviously we don't want the implant health judged by a hospital where word would get out. The same technology is used for logging on computers, level of network access, and data access. It's why social engineering or hacking didn't work, it's literally impossible for one of our employees to give away a password. In fact, when the idiots call up saying they're from tech support and need their password to fix something, all my employees know they're lying, because we use highly encrypted key pairs for login. Sit down at your desk, and your computer detects the implant and logs you in."

Holy shit, kind of like a smartcard, but... more.

"Alright, does it do anything else?"

She tilted her head, "Besides building and systems access? That's not enough? Well, it has the potential to do more, but that's all we ask of our employees. There are options to hook it up to your own bank accounts, use it for wireless pay systems, and other advancements."


She laughed, "No, that would be a privacy issue, it also isn't a bug, audio or video."

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that possible?"

She nodded, "It is, but it isn't something we need to do. You'll have it installed tomorrow, or Friday when you go fill in your W-4, other hire paperwork, and get a tour of the building."

"Not GPS or a bug, so what did you mean by other advancements?"

She said, "Medical monitoring of your health, through heartrate, blood pressure, and a number of other health related measurements like blood sugar and the like. But as I said that's a voluntary service we offer, and the information will only be seen by our doctor, but you aren't required to submit to that in order to stay employed, just like the banking and pay systems."

I nodded slowly, "Great, anything else I should know before the party starts? Or before I go in tomorrow?"

She shook her head, "Lots to learn about the company of course, but no more caveats to qualify yourself for employment. Is it safe to assume you're still onboard?"

I smiled, "Absolutely, can I ask why it does all that other stuff?"

She grinned, "Sure, it all falls under the NDA. You know Fortress Security is a sub of our parent company Innovative Solutions?"

I nodded, "I have heard that, but I don't know much about the parent company, not that I didn't look, information is scarce."

She smiled, "Call it a test pilot, the parent company will shortly be opening a new sub company called Horizon Biomed Technologies. The implants are a big part of that, and they'll be able to interface with hospitals and doctor offices eventually, interface with the current med-software databases on the market, as well as hold a comprehensive health file. So, your doctor will know what you're up to with a hospital visit, or a doctor in a new town won't have to send for your record history."

"That's fascinating, I'll help test it, as long as my data stays secure and inside the company."

Lia chuckled, "I think we can guarantee that."

Yeah, given the world's hackers failed to penetrate their network, much less read their data, I supposed they... we, could.

She nodded, "The other three company executives are here, would you like to meet them?"

I said, "Of course."

She said, "They're in the kitchen, follow me."

She led me out of the home office, down the hall, and into the kitchen where I froze. I felt like I'd been shoved into the twilight zone, and it really didn't compute.

I mean, I wasn't a sexist person, I fully respected Lia and she must've been doing something right, the company was taking the world by storm. She was gorgeous, young, and beautiful in a girl next door way, but also a CEO. My mind stretched that far easily enough.

But when I got to the kitchen I felt like I must've just walked into the playboy mansion, as I saw the four of them together for the first time. The company's leadership were all female, all hot in their own way, but the really shocking thing was they all looked not a day over eighteen, and still held the blush of youth on their young and nubile bodies and beautiful faces.

Lia waved to a five foot four woman, with dark tanned skin, an exotically beautiful face framed by liquid midnight black hair that hung in tight curly ringlets down her body to the small of her back. She had stormy gray eyes. If her face was exotically attractive, then her body was built for sin, with bountiful breasts that were at least a D cup, if not bigger, and a tiny waist that flared back out to her sexy hips. She was more waspish than hourglass. She was wearing painted on jeans and a clingy red t-shirt, obviously the company parties were casual.

Lia said, "This is Emma Jones, she's in charge of our medical and security implant division."

Emma smiled, and she looked sultry doing it with her exotically long eyelashes and pouty lips, but she wasn't trying to be sultry, I didn't think. She just... was, effortlessly so just standing there. I imagined she was sultry and exuded sensuousness in her sleep.

"Nice to meet you, Paul. Welcome aboard."

Fuck, even her voice was exotically hot, phone sex operators the world over would cry themselves to sleep at night if they could hear her voice. Lia's voice was beautiful too, but more comforting and alluring, than sexpot alluring.

"Thanks, I'm happy to be here," I managed to get out without tripping over any words.

Lia waved to the second beauty, who again looked completely different but was a ten in a different way. She was the shortest of the four, at five foot one, and had long bright red and curvy hair down to her ass. Her face had a mischievous beauty with high pronounced cheekbones, a button nose with freckles, and very fair skin. Her eyes were a brilliant green that effortlessly caught and held mine. Her body was petite with soft curves, with the exception of her C cup breasts that looked far too large for her five foot one lithe frame. She also had on a casual red sundress, and black shoes with two-inch heels.

"This is Bellona Anderson, she's in charge of our physical building and overall systems security."

Bellona said softly, "Paul, it's my pleasure to meet you finally. Please call me Bell."

Her voice was higher pitched than the other two, cute, but not so high it was annoying, quite the opposite in fact. It sounded... sweet and kind, was the best words I could come up with to describe it.

"The pleasure is mine, Bell, finally?"

Bellona blushed, and then explained, "I'm the one that noticed your superior penetration attempts, even if you didn't get into my systems. I've been wanting to meet you ever since, and we'll be working closely together on the projects you're assigned."

Oh, that made sense. I was also sure I was the only one that noticed the childish IT language innuendo, about failing to penetrate her systems. Usually I wasn't so crude in my mind, but I was a little overwhelmed in that moment, surrounded by four beauties that were totally off limits, younger than me, and all tens in different ways.

I smiled, "Good to know."

Last but not least, Lia waved at the third woman who could grace the cover of any teen magazine out there. She had brilliant golden blonde hair that fell in tight curly ringlets down to the small of her back, and the darkest and most vivid blue eyes I'd ever seen outside of colored contacts. She was five foot seven, lissome, with B cups and the lithe curves and the toned legs of a dancer. Her face had an innocent heart shaped beauty to it, added to her lithe body her whole impression was one of wholesome innocence.

Lia introduced her, "Last but not least meet Mia Smith. She's in charge of our marketing, social networking, and our charitable efforts in Chicago and around the world."

Yeah, I could see that, I thought I'd buy anything from Mia, anything at all. She was beyond stunningly beautiful, and had an innocent face that immediately lent credibility, and I hadn't even heard her voice yet.

Mia said, "Welcome Paul, I'm sure your presence will enrich our lives and the company."

Her voice was rich and warm, but also filled with an innocent authority. It instantly put me at my ease.

"Thanks Mia, I'm happy to be here, and it's a pleasure to meet all of you."

Lia asked, "Do you want a beer?"

I smirked, "You just want my honest opinion."

Lia's eyes narrowed while Bellona and Emma giggled.

I added, "Sure, why not."

Bellona winked, and said sweetly, "That's the spirit."

Emma said in her teasing sultry voice, "He's taking this first meeting better than most," then looked me in the eyes, "You're not gay, are you?"

I laughed, "Nope, just respecting my bosses."

And extremely glad they couldn't read my mind.

Mia said to Emma, "Behave."

Lia nodded, "Not that there's anything wrong with being gay..." she trailed off.

Emma rolled her eyes, "Of course there isn't, my point was... oh, never mind."

I took a sip of my beer, it was going to be a long night, and I had eighteen more people to meet. I just hoped my eyes would keep behaving even after I was a little buzzed, all four of them were drop dead gorgeous, to be crude, eights to tens depending on taste.

I didn't discriminate my tastes by hair, eye, or skin color, they were all unbelievably hot and young to me, and I reminded myself, in charge of the company and off limits. It was a bit surreal, but I didn't doubt the evidence of my own senses.

It was also undeniably strange, their youth more than their looks or sex, I mean. Those latter parts were remarkable, but they didn't make a difference to me. It was that most successful companies aren't typically run by eighteen-year-old men or women. But I ignored it, it was my dream job, and I'd be making a ton of money, so what if my employers were a little odd?

I learned the exotic Emma was kind of blunt, and political correctness was something she obviously just didn't care about, at all. The sweet and innocent golden blonde bombshell Mia, seemed to be just that as the night went on, sweet and innocent I mean. Bell, or Bellona, seemed to be just as sweet as Mia, but also had a mischievous teasing aspect that matched her mischievous beauty.

Lia, I had trouble pinning Lia down. She seemed matter the fact one moment, nervous the next, then playful, or sly. I was sure all four women were just as complicated and three dimensional, I just needed to get to know them. I was sure I would, the one thing they all had in common were they were open and friendly in their own ways.

I had also probably drank a little too much beer that night, and things were getting a bit fuzzy toward the end of the it. Lia kept plying me with beers, and I suspected she hadn't been kidding before, and wanted me drunk.

Anyway, the party was fun, and all the rest of my coworkers were laid back. I did find out I would be spending most of my time with sweet and teasing Bellona. If my other co-workers had been surprised the company was led by four young ladies who could easily make it as models, they'd gotten over it since they'd started at the company.

It was a laid back and comfortable night, and I felt good about my decision to join the company, not just for the job but the people I'd be working with.

And... if it all fell through, I could always sue Emma for sexual harassment. Not that I would, but it was an amusing thought and true enough.

Lia came over and sat next to me on the couch, "How's the night going?"

I replied, "Fantastic. Thanks for the welcome aboard party."

I also managed to get my hand to ignore the impulse to reach out and touch her, prove the beautiful CEO in front of me was actually real, and not some surreal fantasy dream I was having back home in bed. I still couldn't make sense of four eighteen-year-old women running a worldwide and wildly successful company.

I shook my head to clear it, or wake up, but nope, she still looked like the proverbial hot girl next door.

Lia patted my leg, "You drank a lot."

I chuckled, "You made me."

Lia snickered, "You could've said no."

I shook my head, "Can't disappoint the boss on the first day."

I was joking, or maybe even flirting a little, the former was fine, I'd have to watch the latter.

Lia smiled, "Good to know. Still, the party's ending, and I don't feel comfortable sending you home in your shape. I have several guest rooms, you can go home to shower in the morning, on the way in to fill out the paperwork and get the implant."

Right, the super implant, I really wanted to see the specs and code on that thing.

"I'm fine."

Lia shook her head, "You're really not. Let's both avoid a ticket, or jail. Don't feel self-conscious, it's happened before, and it'll happen again."

"That's right, you want... umm, okay, I'll stay. Thanks, I don't want to be any trouble on my first day."

Lia smiled gratefully at my redirect, I'd been about to spill the beans about how she wanted everyone drunk so she could get real feedback, instead of the politically correct crap employees told their bosses in the corporate world to stay under the radar.

She tilted her head, "This way."

I got up and followed her though the house, mostly steadily. I felt a bit wistful, and foolish, when she led me inside a room, and then closed the bedroom door as she stepped out. The bedroom was a decent size, with wood floors, an oak queen-sized bed, and night tables. There was a dresser and mirror along the far wall with the window next to it overlooking the small backyard, and my own attached bathroom.

I stumbled into it, and I took care of business, then I went back into the room and passed out on the bed, fully clothed on the covers.

Chapter Three

I woke up once during the night to make another deposit. Beer was only rented, never owned. I'd made it halfway to the bathroom in a bleary-eyed shuffle before I realized I'd been under the covers when I'd woken up, and in nothing except my boxers. I glanced at the dresser, and I saw the rest of my clothes folded up perfectly and laid out. Not just the pants, shirt, and tie, but my socks too.

It was bizarre.

I wasn't even sure what to make of that, as I took my leak and headed back to the bed. I was a little turned on by the idea of Lia or one of my other hot bosses undressing me, but at the same time I hardly knew them and the idea creeped me out a little bit. It was also inappropriate, not that I'd have said no to any of them in this life, but I'd been stone cold passed out when it'd happened.

I was still a little buzzed too, and it was just after three in the morning. I laid back down in the bed, under the covers that time which felt crisp and clean against my skin, and I fell back asleep in short order.

When next I opened my eyes, I had a morning hard on a cat couldn't scratch, and I was still under the covers. What'd woke me up was a gentle knock on the door, which repeated itself. I glanced at the clock and saw it was six-thirty in the morning, and then uncomfortably remembered one of them had stripped me down last night and got me under the covers.

How humiliating, if a little bit of a turn on and creepy at the same time.

"Umm, come in?"

The door opened, and Lia walked in. Her face looked perfect, so young and supple at eighteen, and her warm brown eyes matched her bright smile on the soft beauty of her face. Her gorgeous light brown hair was up in a ponytail, revealing the alluring valley of her long neck, and her petite ears. That was all fine. It was what was below that, which blew me away.

She had a perfect hourglass body, and was wearing a silk pink robe, that hugged her body and barely reached her upper thigh's, showing off every inch of her long toned sexy legs, and the robe was cut in a low V up top, revealing to me that all she had on below that was a very sheer pink negligee that was sexy as hell but hid nothing. Her firm and proud, perfectly rounded, and milky skinned breasts might as well have been bared, at least the tops and middle, there wasn't a bit of her cleavage that wasn't on display, and only the nipples and outer sides were covered at all.

She said, "Good morning, I brought you a coffee. I hope you slept well."

Coffee? Sure enough, when I looked she was holding a coffee out to me, I hadn't noticed given her choice of sleepwear. Dear god, she was exquisitely beautiful, almost painfully so, and my morning hard on twitched.

I reached up and took the coffee cup, and I was positive there was no other CEO in the world anything like Lia. My god, she was gorgeous, and she just acted like wearing that in front of me and bringing me coffee was just... normal. What the fuck? At the same time, I wasn't about to complain about the view, she might actually get a clue and stop offering it.

She waited for me, and I sensed that nervousness in her eyes again, though it didn't show in her face, and I took a sip.

I sighed a little in ecstasy, coffee was the nectar of the gods, and she made a hell of a cup.

"It's perfect."

She smiled widely, "Glad to hear it. I hope you don't mind, but Emma checked on you to make sure you were okay, and she decided to make you more comfortable."

My mind flashed a picture of the exotic dark-skinned beauty, and my cock twitched, fortunately the comforter was thick, and I was sitting up sipping coffee, so she didn't notice.

"That... actually makes sense."

Her eyes widened, "It does?"

I laughed, "Yes, she doesn't hold to political correctness, her taking that liberty doesn't surprise me. I don't think I ever met anyone as blunt as she is, and uncaring as to social niceties. Don't get me wrong, she's not mean or anything, just... her observations are rather blunt."

Lia smirked, "You have a good point, I'm glad you don't feel uncomfortable about it."

Well, a little weirded out still, but not enough to complain about it.

"I'll get out of your hair soon. I'll get that paperwork out of the way today, and the implant? How do I get in the building without one?"

Lia answered, "Security will be expecting you, and will hold you at the front desk until Emma arrives to escort you up to our floor. Once you have the implant you'll get a tour from Mia, and you'll have a chance to go over the paperwork, verify it, and sign it."

I lifted an eyebrow, and I found the effort to keep my eyes above her neck was getting easier, despite the fact she was wearing sexy lingerie, she was still my boss.

"It's filled out already?"

She nodded, "Electronically, it's all the same as the application you filled out online for us, right? It's also a digital signature, through your new implant, all you have to do is push the agree button. We're one hundred percent paperless."

"Good to know. Thanks, and thanks again for the coffee, it really is delicious. Just the way I like it."

I wondered how the hell she knew I took two sugars, and a splash of milk, but I chalked it up to coincidence, she must drink it that way too. Neither was it the weirdest thing about the last twelve hours, by any stretch of the imagination.

She beamed at me, as if my thanks were doing her a favor or something.

"Alright Paul, it's been a pleasure to meet you, and if I miss you later today I'll see on Monday morning."

She turned and walked out, the robe was so short I caught tiny glimpses of her bare heart shaped ass each time she took a step, as the robe lifted slightly.

Fuck me. She was so hot and off limits, it was killing me. Not that she was offering. I was also jazzed about the new job, even if things still didn't quite make sense in my head, I couldn't argue with their success. They were young, but they were also highly successful. The beautiful and sexy women part was just a bonus in that strange equation of shallow youth mixed with rocking success.