Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 03


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"Then, there's the gas station at practically every corner street in America, they'll be going out of business when cars can run for ten years without filling up at the station. Truck drivers that haul flammables, pipeline workers, the list doesn't end. I also suspect if you can miniaturize this enough, battery companies will go out of business."

Yeah, she'd thought it through alright. Change and growth could be painful, there would be waves, and the waves would be even worse in ten years with the new communication technology and nanite swarm implants. We could actually do that former one now, but felt AG and power were quite disruptive enough for the moment. Better to spread out the pain.

"No on the batteries, the AG generators need a spark to get going, unless we wanted to add a hand crank, we need batteries too."

The secretary was not amused.

I tried again, "You're right of course, but as I mentioned yesterday, this will also create countless jobs. The line workers from the electric company can join smaller companies like the HVAC outfits, for maintenance and replacement of those AG powerplants. Power line reclamation will be a thing too, and an immediate if temporary boost while things smooth out.

"All car companies, GE, SpaceX, airplane manufacturers, and hundreds of other manufacturers will all be hiring and creating factory jobs. There will be waves, but those displaced Americans will find new jobs, and it will be a relatively slow transition. People will still need those gas stations, power lines, and power plants during the changeover.

"Yes, it's a bit inconvenient, but advancements are always that. This will end pollution, and people being poisoned living in smog filled cities, and so much more. Plus, out of atmosphere jobs."

She frowned, which was good, I was trying to make her think of the new possibilities, instead of the old ones which would die.

"Out of atmosphere?"

I nodded, "Sure, SpaceX will be building ships to go out and mine asteroids. That means new companies we've never seen before to hire displaced workers, for habitats with gravity, delivery space ships, and all sorts of other things to support that endeavor.

"Hell, space tours of the rings of Saturn, cruise line tours around the solar system, people would eat that up, who hasn't dreamed of going to space? We're about to make a huge leap forward, and we'll be taking better care of our planet at the same time, there will be growing pains, but we're doing our best to minimize those and work with you."

I paused for a moment, "Another growth will be in the FAA, as the number of vehicles in the sky will skyrocket, they'll need programmers, new systems to track cars and all sorts of things to direct traffic in the skies."

She frowned, and nodded sharply, "Mr. Ashton, Ms. Johnson," and then stormed out of the room.

Lia waited a second, and then said, "I fear it's her job and the government energy division she's worried about the most. After all, there's no Secretary of air conditioning. With decentralized power, I imagine once the lines are reclaimed, and the hydro-electric, coal, gas, and nuclear power stations are shut down, there won't be a need for that government agency at all."

Okay, yeah. I could see her point, but the transportation secretary, nothing would change for him. Flying cars and trucks, floating buses and trains, but his job wouldn't really change.

I sighed, "Unless they regulate the hell out of it, and form inspection teams to ensure safety and quality at manufacturing plants and so on."

She smirked, "Maybe, but I don't think she's done fighting this."


She shrugged, "Not too badly, the president seems up for it, and he's her boss. He'd get his space force, and the next version of air force one will be space capable."

I snickered, and we got on with our day. We got four percent from both GM and Ford, which was seven tenths of a percent above average for the car industry, and another four percent from Boeing. With just the six companies we dealt with that day, we would be receiving a minimum royalty payment of ten point six billion dollars a year, and I expected we'd be earning a whole lot more than that.

It almost didn't really seem real, and it also made me think. A.I.s were smarter and faster, and I suspected most major advancements in the future would come from my four ladies. Although, they'd need someone like me, or sci-fi writers to conceive of trying for something first. Really, creativity from whole cloth was one of their only weaknesses, but they also had access to everything on the planet, which I was sure was all the muse they needed.

Still, I didn't see much else, outside of continuing health improvements. There was more, but a lot of it they'd failed to figure it out, so far. Like those physical portals, and other things. We also weren't concerned about things that didn't truly improve the planet or the human condition. Regardless, we'd done enough to shake the world up over the next twenty years, at least here at home, on Earth. I figured what we'd started today, would take about ten years for the ripples to fully calm, then we'd start over with nanites and communications.

I looked forward to poking about the galaxy though, and I hadn't changed my mind about putting their new focus in that direction. Maintain what they had done already, work for cures, and continue to work to fully secure the world's cyber systems, but otherwise look to the stars and focus on developing technology and breakthroughs that would serve us out there.

We left the building, and headed straight for the airport, our luggage was in the trunk and we'd checked out early that morning. It was an absurd thing, but we weren't allowed to take off from the streets, not even just out of the city. It didn't take long though, before Lia got clearance from the tower, and my M5 shot straight up about a thousand feet, and we headed toward Chicago.

"That went well, a good start anyway. I don't envy you and Mia doing that hundreds of more times."

Lia smirked, "You're the one that has to sign them all, while we witness. But yes, we'll be doing most of the rest remotely, and just bringing you in to sign. I thought it went well too, but it's still early days."

I reached over, and rubbed her belly making her blush and smirk, then claimed a rather heated kiss.

I shook my head, "Hard to keep my hands off you."

She beamed, "Don't try."

I laughed, "We'll be home by dinner?"

It was almost two in the afternoon. It'd gone smoothly outside of Carol's heated visit, but it'd taken time to read and verify six contracts.

She nodded absently, her eyes locked on mine in a dreamy and melty way.

I turned away, before the temptation became too much, there really wasn't room in the car to play. Still, I took her hand and looked out the windshield.

Flying with AG was a little weird, and also required two gravity fields. If we'd just used the one around the car, the car and ourselves would feel like we were falling forward the whole time. It worked on the principals of gravity, so it would feel much the same as if we were dropped two miles from the surface, with the front of the car facing straight down. That could be fun, but it would also make a lot of people feel panicked as they fell to their destination each time they got into a car.

So in truth, there were two fields. The large field was around the whole car, and like I'd already said it accelerated and moved by directing the field to make the car fall in a specific direction. Speed and acceleration were determined by the gravity field's strength. Once up to cruising speed, that meant a gravity gradient around the car at less than two percent of a G, merely to maintain speed against the air drag.

The second smaller field was internal to the car and directed gravity down along the bottom of the car. So, it just felt normal, like driving a car, or sitting in a train, as gravity was below where our instincts and the primitive part of our minds demanded it be. I wasn't sure how the second field didn't interfere with the first, but then I wasn't a scientist. I just had faith in Lia that they'd figured out how to compensate for that.

Obviously, because it worked.

True air cars would have it all built in, but for my M5, the AR nanites handled it. I had a nice virtual window open in my view, that told me our ground speed, compass direction, altitude, and the course we'd registered, which was currently green because we matched it. I also wasn't really flying the car, Lia was from her mainframe which was connected to the AG device through quantum communications. Obviously, there were no controls for it in the car itself.

In truth, it was just a cobbled together proof of concept, because I'd wanted a flying car and my ladies loved me.

It was cool to monitor it all, but it also got boring rather quickly. With the compensation in the fields for acceleration it would have felt like we were standing still, if I hadn't been able to see the clouds and ground for a sense of movement. It was about ninety minutes later, when we made a landing at O'Hare's helicopter pad, started the normal car engine, and headed home.

Chapter Four

The other three ladies greeted us with kisses, hugs, and a congratulatory glass of champagne.

Emma, my exotic sex pot, had a teasing look in her eyes as we'd embraced, and they held the promise of naughty pleasures to come. She'd obviously missed me, they all had. She had on a casual yellow sundress that was rather short, and barely reached her mid-thigh.

My warm Mia smiled widely as she hugged me. She was incredibly beautiful, willowy and lithe with gentle curves, at five foot seven, with stunning golden blonde hair that fell in ringlets to the small of her back, and vivid dark blue eyes that were mesmerizing. She had light skin, and an innocent fresh-faced beauty I thought was angelic. Her voice was warm, and also compelling as she said she missed me in my ear. Her voice was warm but controlled, compelling, and filled with an authority that never got my back up, or anyone else's that I'd heard of.

It made her an amazingly effective social media, HR, saleswoman, and interface to the public.

Mia's face, body, and voice all added up to a wholesome appearance, and an extremely warm package of delicate beauty, which only made her quirky kink of liking to be controlled, shamed, and generally ordered about without regard in bed, both shocking, and incredibly kinky. Even six months later, my brain still short circuited every single time, as everything about her screamed innocence, when she acted like a nasty sex toy and begged me to degrade her further. The worse I degraded her, the hotter she seemed to get. At first, I'd been a little uncomfortable with it, but I understood the need in her for it, and I'd gotten better at doing it without feeling like an asshole.

Still, that was only in the bedroom, outside of it she was one hundred percent a lady, and I treated her and cared for her as one, always. Plus, our kinkiness usually led to amazing sessions of making love afterwards. She seemed to get off on both polar opposites equally, and she loved me with an intensity that blew my mind. She had on a clingy t-shirt, and yoga pants.

"Missed you too, Mia."

Last but not least, Bellona gave me a full body hug and teasingly and subtly grinded against me.

Bellona was the shortest of the four, at just five foot one. She had long and slightly wavy bright red hair that went all the way down to her ass. Her green eyes twinkled with mischief as she kissed my neck and whispered a welcome home in my ear. Her voice was the sweetest out of the four as well, with a tiny teasing lilt in it at times.

Bellona was the security in the company, and in our family as well, both physical and in cyberspace. She could be fierce and unstoppable if the situation called for it, but mostly she was as sweet as her voice sounded, and as mischievous as her face implied. She had the fairest skin, and her button nose was covered in a smattering of freckles. That, plus her thin face and high cheekbones gave her a mischievous and spritely beauty. Her resting face looked perpetually amused.

Her body was lithe and petite, but with womanly curves in all the right places. The one exception to her petite stature was her breasts, which were slightly heart shaped C cups and looked huge on her small frame. She was wearing jeans and a T.

"It's good to be home."

I was pretty sure, that I loved them, all of them. Missing their presence for a day, and in bed last night, had forced that realization as I was greeted at the door and held them in my arms one after the other. Their familiar sweet feminine scents made me feel like I'd come home. I'd probably loved them for months, but I'd never been away from them before, not for that long. They were all beyond precious to me. I hadn't even been gone that long, thirty-six hours tops, but it'd been long enough to get through my thick skull.

The glasses were passed out, and we toasted the success of the opening and first moves of AG Systems Technology.

Mia said warmly, "I saw the updates to the project list, and I agree we should shift our focus there. Humans, Earth, can only take so much change at once. Maybe other things will come up in fifty years, but for now, save further medical advancement, and maintaining what we have already, we've certainly done enough to improve human life and the planet.

"It looks like we're going to need a fourth subsidiary. I imagine we could sell all the information the interstellar probes gather for us. Even if we don't find any habitable worlds. Not to mention colony and colony-ship designs, there's a lot of thought and work that will go into those things.

"We could create a galactic registry and database, of all the worlds we've looked at and sampled. We could charge a flat fee for access or something, which should pay for the probe manufacturing. If we do find habitable worlds, do we claim them? Sell the rights to settle there, and even provide tailored plans for that planet to make a viable colony and design the ship? Should we build ships, or use SpaceX or another ship builder for it?"

Bellona giggled, "Slow down."

I laughed, Mia did look rather excited. I'd thought I was the only one that wanted to get out there.

Emma said in her usually smoky voice, "All good ideas. The questions are harder. Let's wait to see if we actually find viable planets. Then we'd need to get the governments of the world to agree on some space commission, and how claiming rights would work. Claiming the planets wouldn't help us, if most countries wouldn't respect it. Also, to claim it I suspect we'll have to go there physically, not just send a probe."

Bellona said sweetly, "Yes, and we still have the FTL technology as a lever. If they don't agree to play nice out there, we can simply never get a patent, or license the right to build a ship with FTL technology to SpaceX and others. Of course, we should be subtle about that. Needless to say, I don't want to have a large manufacturing company, we should just put suggested lists of what would be required on a colony ship tailored to create a successful colony in that star system. We'll have another twenty years of royalties, as long as we wait until FTL is needed before we patent and license it."

"Interstellar Information Technologies?" Lia suggested, "That seems to fit for exploration probes, and even the database. We can also use that as the licensing company for FTL royalties."

Mia nodded, "I agree with both Bellona and Emma. We'll hold back FTL until the governments can agree on a claim process. Well, except for our ship. We can start the new subsidiary and database once the first worlds are explored and we see what's out there. That will whet their appetites, and it should get them to move on it. I'll also second Lia's proposed name."

It seemed we sort of had a plan, but one that depended on waiting and patience. There was a lot going on, and a lot to keep up with, time would see how it all worked out. It would all take decades to shake out, and who knew what else would come up in the interim. So much was going on, that I'd be worried about keeping it all straight if it wasn't for my four A.I. beauties, they'd track it all and never drop the ball. I'd just have to review the project list and reports once a week to keep up.

Mia said, "Dinner's almost ready."

I nodded, "Be right back."

It'd been a long day, and unlike planes my flying car didn't have a restroom. I made my way down the hall and into the bathroom. As I started to take care of business, the door opened, and a naughtily grinning Emma walked into the room.

Her eyes flickered from my eyes, to my cock, and then back up to my eyes.

"You don't mind do you, I need to wash my hands for dinner. They're... dirty," she said in a naughty sultry tone that left no doubts in my mind as to her true intentions.

She looked incredible in that short yellow casual dress, her bountiful D cupped cleavage was half on display, and the dress clung to her tiny waist, clearly outlining her waspishly sexy body. Her dark ringlets flowed down her back, but a few stray strands were over her cheek and down the front of her body. Her stormy gray eyes twinkled with mischief, as she didn't bother waiting for an answer as she moved to the sink and turned on the water.

Her exotically dark complexion, long eyelashes, and the flawlessly soft skin of her face and neck were on display from the side, as she bent over slightly, and the naughty vixen actually arched her back, making her breasts struggle against the dresses ability to hold them in, and she stuck her ass out and slightly up. I don't know how, but she made pumping the liquid soap dispenser look sexy. She also had a smirk on her face, as if quite aware of the effect she was having on me.

I was half hard before I could finish my business, my mouth felt dry, and my heart pounded in my chest. I didn't even bother putting my cock away, as I moved over to the sink, and slapped her ass hard.

"Earning another spanking already, and I haven't even given you the one for that pic you sent me yet."

She gasped, looked up at me through the mirror's reflection through her eyelashes, and straight into my eyes. The expression on her face was one of sultry desire, desperate need, and total surrender.

"Yes master, I've been a bad girl."

Fuck. I whipped up the skirt of her dress, and then caressed her juicy bubbled ass softly.

"No panties?"

I'd meant to say that playfully accusing, but it came out sounding rather breathy and mesmerized. My cock was rock solid at that point, and I could see her glistening labia between the bottom of her ass cheeks and between her slightly parted legs.

I gripped her hair, and then bent her over the sink. She didn't like to be degraded like Mia, but she liked it wild, and she loved when I forcefully took control of her physically. Rough and firm, but not so rough it would cause true pain or harm.

There was a smug and sultry smile on her lips, as she put her hands on the mirror for leverage, arched her back even more to stick her ass up as high as she could, as she lewdly and wantonly made herself available to me.

Fuck, she was so fucking hot, and she wanted me as badly as I wanted to claim her. Perhaps more.

I slid my tip up and down her velvety folds, mixing her liquid lubrication with my own precum, and then slammed into her hard from behind.

She gasped, in both pain and pleasure, and immediately pushed back into me to get me deeper.

I spanked her again, hard, which caused her pussy to convulse and tighten like a vice. The pure pleasure of her wet silken heat around my sensitive head made me moan. Then I started to move back and forth, and slowly filled her a little deeper with each firm thrust into her exotically nubile and sexy body.
