Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 05


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Mia asked, "They don't have warp shields?"

Asha tilted her head, "Warp shields? Clearly I haven't been paying enough attention, what are warp shields?"

Mia said, "Outside of our gravity deflectors, I came up with a warp shield of sorts. It wouldn't remove us from space time in our own subspace warp bubble fully, but it would dynamically respond to threats, such as a mass driver, by curving the space around the ship."

Asha giggled, "That's brilliant. But it won't help against lasers."

Mia replied, "It will, partially."

"Wait, dumb it down to human genius level please."

Mia smirked, "Warp drive works by bending space around us, warping it into a bubble, so the universe doesn't interact with the ship at all as we fly through it. So, a partial subspace bubble would do the same, call it a subspace ramp. A projectile at the ship would simply curve around the ship and keep going on the other side, because from that projectile's point of view a straight line is going around the ship, following the warped curve in space."

"Oh, yeah. Got it. So why wouldn't that work for the laser?"

Mia explained, "At light speed, by the time we saw it, it would already be hitting the ship, and it would be too late for the computer to adjust the partial warp field to make it bend around us. That said, it will at least minimize the damage, only a few milliseconds will pass before the field reconfigures at that point, and the rest of the beam will be harmlessly circulating around the ship. It will have to be an extremely powerful laser to burn through the hull plates that quickly."

Asha tilted her head, and then nodded, "Marginally effective, but not against my tech."

Mia snickered.

"This is the last weapon, I made it in case our enemies had similar shielding, but based on Asha's response she doesn't and neither do they. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to make a stable EM field dense enough to stop a laser. But, the EM field in the hull will further protect the ship during those three milliseconds."

She shook her head, "Anyway, here goes."

I said, "How do two antennae have full coverage?"

She said, "It's a subspace weapon, it doesn't necessarily have to shoot straight. It can fire on a parabolic course. It's also an FTL weapon."

She fired at another asteroid, and the asteroid broke apart, turned inside out, and otherwise just did weird impossible shit. No explosions, it was like the matter of the asteroid was just radically rearranged.

"What the hell?"

She grinned, "The subspace bubble I fired twists space, but it doesn't untwist it after it passes. Space goes back to normal of course, but the matter it passes through does not."

That was fucking terrifying.

"Tell me we have a defense against that."

She nodded, "The subspace shield. It only curves a part of space around the ship for projectiles and lasers, but the rest of it holds space in place. As long as our shields are stronger than their subspace weapons, we should be immune."

"How likely is that?"

She said, "Very likely, it's harder to mess with spacetime from a distance, which means our shields are much stronger than our weapons. If the enemy had subspace shield's they'd be fine too, but I figured three weapons would be good, hopefully one will be effective against an enemy."

Asha nodded, "You'd need more than one ship of course, otherwise you'd be overwhelmed, but outside of me you could probably defend from any of your possible enemies out there. In this galaxy anyway."

Mia grinned, "Good, and we're still working on things, there will be more advancements."

Yes, and probably quickly. Fear the singularity, at least the evil in the world needed to. All things considered, I'd done pretty well that way, shallow or not when I'd made the first truly sentient A.I. ever, my Dahlia, my ladies were protectors and wanted to improve things.

I leaned down, and gave Mia a long passionate kiss, "You're amazing."

She grinned up at me, and cupped the back of my neck, and then whispered in my ear.

"So, I've been a good slut?"

My cock stirred, I loved it when she got in one of those moods, apparently weapons made her horny, and brought out her wicked side.

I shrugged nonchalantly, coldly, even as my heart raced, "I suppose, you want a reward for being a good little cum bucket?"

She gasped breathily, it always blew me away how turned on she was by the nasty talk, and by being used and humiliated. I was mostly used to it now, and enjoyed it, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it if she so clearly didn't get off on it.

She whispered innocently, "I got myself ready for you, master. My slutty ass needs your cum. Please, master, fuck my ass like the slut I am."

I reached down and teasingly tweaked her nipple to draw a gasp. Very gently, all their tits were incredibly sensitive now, I couldn't even maul Emma's anymore, which was fine, it wasn't how hard I got to play with them, it was playing with them at all and getting them going by doing so that was important. I was sure it would go back to normal, eventually.

"Would you like Asha to watch, to show her what a nasty slut you are for me?"

Asha giggled naughtily, and I wondered what thoughts passed through Mia's mind.

Mia also trembled, and her eyes widened in lust. Fuck, she was going to kill me.

"Yes master," she begged breathily.

"Such a nasty little slut. I suppose I have time to reward you, if you get me ready with your mouth, and ride me like a naughty slut should. A good ass-slut likes it on top."

I worked that into the game, I couldn't exactly fuck her ass with her lying on her stomach, could I? It might hurt the baby. Besides, it would be hot watching her fuck her ass down on me, with her sexy baby bump and swaying breasts.

While her innocent and lovely beyond belief beautiful face twisted in dirty pleasure, and delicious pain. I couldn't wait.

Fuck, the look in her eyes blew me away, as she breathily nodded in acquiescence.

Asha loved to watch too, she was into BDSM as well, but without the shaming that Mia seemed to love, Asha only ever wanted to be tied up and taken, but also and always cherished.

Needless to say, we retired to our ship's quarters, where a nice new custom bed to fit six waited to be broken in. She took me slow at first, impaled her as on my cock by slow inches, but it wasn't long before she was impaling her own ass up and down my full length with wanton abandon, as I equally berated and praised her for being a naughty slut.

Of course, I held her gently, in awe, and lovingly when we were finished. Our nasty games always brought out deeply loving and protective feelings when they were done, and my Mia turned into a sweetly kittenish and loving woman.

I was also pretty sure, Asha had enjoyed the show almost as much as Mia had enjoyed the heightened humiliation, at least, she'd rubbed a few out from the chair in the corner.

What a great evening, and the weapons were kind of cool too.

Chapter Three

It was Monday morning at work, and I looked up as my office door opened.

Emma walked in with an excited smile on her face, and I could tell she was busting at the seams to tell me something. She had on a pair of yoga pants and a light loose shirt. She still wasn't one to dress up for work, and I suspected if it wasn't for the baby bump she'd be wearing skintight jeans. Of course, she'd told me long ago that was less about disliking dresses, because she really didn't, but because it was just easier to get the environmental suits on over casual clothes, when she went into her labs.

She was so fucking beautiful, her hair was up in a ponytail that still reached down to the small of her back, and her stormy gray eyes were twinkling.

"Hey, what's up."

She rounded my desk, and she sat on it at an angle to my chair, facing me up close. Normally, she'd have hopped in my lap, or actually it wasn't all that normal for her to visit my office. Whatever had brought her here was big.

"Business channel."

With a thought at my nanites, I brought up an overlay, augmented reality, and was suddenly watching television, with full surround sound only I could hear. It took me a second to realize what they were talking about. Once I did, I realized why she was so happy.

Her health, healing, augmented reality, virtual immersion, and entertainment nanites had been released in third world countries, where the FDA and other similar first world country agencies had no say at all. Apparently, it'd started that weekend, and nanites had cleaned out the hospital wards of every kind of cancer patient, debilitating diseases, heart and lung failure, and all the others. The only parts of the hospital still occupied were the trauma wards, like the burn unit, and people with severe concussions and multiple fractures from accidents.

It wouldn't be too long, before hospitals were much smaller places, and for emergencies only. It wasn't just big pharma, this would remake the entire healthcare industry.

I grinned, "That's awesome news."

It was a little early, and the US would still take ten years, but given my Emma was practically vibrating with excitement, and the lives it would save, I wasn't going to argue.

She nodded, "Considering all of what they can do, we're practically giving them away, but they're actually fairly cheap to make, and we plan to charge a lot for all the rich people that are dying and no doubt already warming up their jets. Also, most of those people probably have internet access, phones, and access to education for the first time. Not to mention their lifespan just quintupled."

I laughed, "Fine with me, I'd say you four have surpassed your goal of keeping us in money."

She tilted her head, and nodded, "I know, I'm just happy. I know a lot of pundits will say it's just a publicity stunt, one that's dangerous because they aren't fully tested. But I know they're safe, they cure, they don't just treat systems, there are no side-effects, they're machines that fix the body, not drugs."

I nodded, "I get it. If I didn't, I wouldn't have had them in me for six months now."

She giggled, and she lunged forward and hugged me. I held her for a moment, caressed her body softly, enjoyed her in my arms, and then we kissed lightly before she sat back on my desk again with a shit-eating grin on her face. This wasn't a booty call at all, she was just joyous in being integral to saving perhaps millions of lives, in third world countries, and soon across the world.

I was a very lucky man, she was a miracle.

"I love you, Emma."

She blushed, and said in her naturally sultry tone, "I love you too, master. I just had to share the news. They'll warn people off travelling to try it, and to wait until it's safe, but I think most people with terminal diseases will give it a try anyway, since they have so little to lose."

"I hope so, sometimes humans can be stupid, and not everyone will be able to afford the trip. Still, when it keeps working, and no one dies, big pharma will start to panic I think."

She tilted her head, and nodded, "One more multi-billion-dollar industry that's going to go away. Should we license the nanites to them, like we did the cars?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, it depends on if they'll be greedy with it. If we do it ourselves, we can keep it cheap, and I already know we have enough stuff to make them fast, after you put out those spy nanites worldwide in just a couple of weeks."

She smirked, "That might be best, we can also have all things available, but charge for internet, phone, television, applications, and all the entertainment stuff. But, the medical stuff I want to keep very cheap."

I said, "Yeah, we can charge a one-time fee for an app, but work with internet, telephone, and content providers to keep them in business. Like my nanites use our home systems and cell provider."

She nodded, "Of course. As long as the med scanning, healing, and health records part stays cheap, I don't care what we do with the rest. I'll leave that up to Mia and Lia to figure out. The payment systems and secure login stuff too."

I rubbed her belly softly with my fingertips, "How is she?"

Emma was having a girl, so was my sweet Bellona. Lia and Mia were both having boys.

Emma grinned, "Perfect, we all are. Mia's preeclampsia is being handled by the nanites, the rest of us haven't shown symptoms of any problems. Our girl is just where she needs to be at a little over six months."

Good to know.

I leaned forward, and kissed her bump, which made her giggle and push my head away.

She slid off the desk, and danced out of my reach, "Back to work."

I snorted, "Yes maam."

She winked, and then she left my office with a sexy sway of her hips.

The nanites being available in less developed countries wasn't the only news. Several of the car companies were already advertising the first of the flying cars, which would be available in just three months. I definitely wanted one of those, my M5 was great, but it wasn't a true flying car, just a jury-rigged thing.

The third bit of big news was the new AG powerplants by GE. They were now available for purchase, and small businesses to install and maintain them were popping up around the country. In a lot of cases, HVAC companies were simply hiring and doubling their staffs as they diversified to supporting local powerplants as well.

The default single home unit was going for about five thousand, and it had a predicted life expectancy of ten years. That was good, five hundred a year for powering a home was less than half of what most home owners gave the electric company over a similar time. Even if a homeowner couldn't afford a large outlay, and they financed it and paid it off over ten years, after interest they'd still be saving a couple of grand over ten years in comparison. Cheap and totally clean energy.

The high-rise office building and factory version was a lot more expensive, but then so was a high rise's electric bill. It offered similar savings in comparison.

They were also marketing smaller versions, a UPS of sorts for in the home, or even a portable one to take camping, or a tiny one to keep a cell phone charged for those on the go.

Then there was all the small stuff, forklift companies were building forklifts that would be self-powered for ten years, and then need a simple swap out of their AG components. Not just for power, but also AG for lifting instead of forks, which I supposed meant they should just be called lifts.

Or maybe AG-lifts.

Rescue equipment, rope-less mountain climbing and rappelling, media cameras on drones that could stay aloft, pretty much forever without a charge, until it's AG pack died in ten years or so and needed to be replaced. So many different things, from the simple to the profound were starting to hit the shelves.

One enterprising company made weight bars, just the bars, that are one size, but can weight from anywhere between a pound, and a thousand pounds, depending on the strength of the ag field inside the bars. No weights at all to swap out. They came in a pack of three, two short and one long, and was pretty much a full fitness gym in themselves. They could even use stabilization fields for sideways resistance and weight, for exercise like butterflies.

Zero G labs, and playgrounds, were a thing at that point. Hovering chairs for the disabled, parachute free skydiving, deep sea diving without weights, gravity elevators, gravity truck lifts, and trucks that could be overloaded. The AG would take care of the overweight part, and even use the fields to bleed off inertia so trucks could stop on a dime, just as fast as a car, even hauling tons.

AG harnesses for tree cutters, roofers, painters, telephone pole workers, or anyone who needed to work high above the ground, which would cut down on accidental deaths in a big way.

In short, almost nothing was untouched by the technologies, as life became more convenient, safer, and mostly pollution free. Manufacturing would still be a problem that way, just not in generating power, either electricity or locomotion of all kinds.

Not to mention my ladies' first breakthroughs, making the cyber world a far more secure place through Fortress firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

The multi-use nanites would have a similar effect, as would the quantum communications when it was finally patented, advertised, and released.

It was a new world, and we were just getting started.

As we'd predicted, over that week, big pharma came out guns blazing, using their deep pockets of course. The politicians they had bribed, I mean donated too, all attacked us through the media for being irresponsible in using experimental technology.

Never mind that not one person had died, and hundreds of thousands with terminal illnesses were now perfectly healthy. Perhaps the healthiest people on the planet, with an expected lifespan of several centuries. Nope, they were happy to ignore all the facts, and just blast us as irresponsible to the point of being evil. How fucked up was that?

At least they were honest. I mean, once they were bought, they stayed bought, even if what they said was obviously stupid and they couldn't possibly believe what they were saying.

Regardless, several people had already flown to one of those third world countries to get their own nanite injections. The FDA was rather pissed about that, but there was nothing they could do about it either, leaving the US for an experimental medical treatment wasn't exactly unknown after all. Except of course, they could and did audit our nanite study from start to end, but of course Emma's work had been flawless, A.I.s don't make those kinds of mistakes. They might not be perfect, but they could juggle red tape all day long, and never miss dotting an I or crossing a T.

We came out of that audit easily, we just had egg on our face as some people still seemed dumb enough to believe what came out of politician's mouths. Except of course, the desperate, and the terminally ill or debilitated. They all wanted the nanites and they wanted them then.

It would all work out, and I had no doubt we'd be approved in nine years, until then we would save a lot of people's lives in the meantime. It was worth dealing with protestors and mud slingers, when I could see a small girl with cancer come back to the US healed.

Fuck them all, in short.

It was Saturday morning, a Bellona Saturday, and my sweet Bell looked great. She had on a light white sundress with red, brown, blue, and green flower designs, that was obviously maternity, and loose enough to hide the baby bump, but she still looked amazingly sexy and mischievously beautiful in it.

"You are a goddess, and so fucking sexy, I love you."

She smiled widely, and bit her lip, "Hi, I love you too, master."

I winked. Normally on a Bellona Saturday we'd be going for laser tag, or paintball, or rafting, or something competitive, but those weren't activities for mothers to be that were entering their third trimester.

She walked into my arms, and we rubbed noses, then she playfully nipped my lip as we stared into one another's eyes. I loved her green eyes, they were stunning.

"What's the plan?" she asked.

I hadn't told her where we were going, it was a surprise. The last Bellona Saturday had been great, but I knew she hadn't enjoyed herself as much as she usually did, since we'd taken in a show and had done mainly sedentary things, like a walk in the park. I was perhaps, a mite overprotective of my pregnant ladies.

I scooped her up into my arms, and then started up the stairs.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and then she snuggled into me and let out a sweet sigh. She'd never complain about it, and would even enjoy my company, but I knew her well enough to pick up the signs of disappointment that we weren't even leaving the house.
