Damaged but Renewed


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She looked down past her lean, powerful body at where it joined his. She gently stroked the peak of her sex. Bud felt her pussy squirm around his cock in response. "Because I think I needed a wake up call of some kind."

He just stared at her. Her short brown hair was matted and her small, sharp features were relaxed and happy. She wore a smile of simple satisfaction. As he watched, it turned just slightly to one of need. "But this time, let's take it slow and see just how horny I can get."

He didn't know her intentions so he just watched. She stilled, sitting erect on top of him. She closed her eyes and worked to slow her breathing.

April wanted her body ready to feel every nuance of what was to come. Because it had occurred to her that she was twenty-two, fit and sexy but really very inexperienced. A couple of frankly quick, frustrating dorm room trysts and a lot of flesh-toned pixels on phones had failed to kindle a real interest in sex.

But Bud Tanner's buff body and huge cock, along with the glistening oil and bright lights and even his arrogance made for a fundamentally different experience. It made her feel sexy for the first time in her life.

Slowly, she began to rise off him. She concentrated on how it felt. The rub of his shaft against her entrance, the pressure her clit experienced from being pulled in tightly by his girth. The flare of his apple-sized helmet forcing apart her walls. Even the hollow emptiness he left behind.

She reveled in every inch of him. And when she finally rose far enough, having to shift to her feet to get get high enough to release his length, that big knob pulled at her labia as they stretched to allow it past.

When his massive log finally popped free, it fell to his stomach like a redwood. And April froze, crouched above him, shivering with excitement.

She made herself pause three long seconds before opening her eyes and looking down at Bud's cock.

It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. And while her vagina clamored and drooled, begging to be filled again by him, she wanted to do other things to get better acquainted with her new toy.

She pulled her bunched up leotard down her legs, first freeing one and then kicking it away.

Giving Bud a look of pixie innocence, she nudged his legs apart until they fell to either side of the massage table. At 5'4", April wasn't as petite as some of her gymnast friends but when she curled up between Tanner's thick thighs she felt tiny and delicate.

Almost reverently, she held his sex at its base and stared up at it.

Watching the little girl crouched like a cat, almost hiding behind his pulsing cock made Bud feel like a god. His heart pounded and fresh bubbles of pre-cum rose from his slit.

April's mouth watered seeing the lube flow from his circumcised mushroom. None of these feelings and ideas have ever crossed her mind before in her life but now it seemed natural and necessary.

For the first time in her life, she wanted to put a penis in her mouth.

For a split second, Bud saw the eagerness in her eyes and he swore her butt wiggled before she brought her head up and touched the slow fountain with the tip of her delicate pink tongue.

The drops of seminal fluid spread into her mouth and seemed to directly stimulate her nipples and clit. The taste... there was almost no taste to it. Just a warm and salty sensation. But there was something about the nectar that just opened all her senses to full.

She breathed in deep through her nose, smelling him. Sweat and musk and cum. She smelled herself on him. She licked again, tongue wide this time, savoring all the flavor she could like an ice-cream cone. The effect re-doubled and she immediately needed that intoxicating fountain in her mouth.

She opened her mouth as wide as she could and tried to engulf the purple helmet.

Bud hissed and put a hand on her head. He just managed not to try to squirm away.

Her teeth scraped his delicate, velvety flesh but the big knob couldn't get past. She had her mouth open as wide as she could but she wasn't even close to fitting the head into her mouth.

She pulled back and pouted. But the lube continued to flow.

So she licked him. She licked every centimeter of his fat cock. Many, many centimeters. She tasted herself, she tasted the massage oil and the sweat and the musk of man. And she tasted the slick nectar of his arousal.

She began to slobber all over his dick. As she did so, she pulled the rest of her body closer and closer. She used both hands to jack and massage the tower before her. She rubbed the head all over her face, across her little tits and chest and neck. She tickled and drooled on his balls, giggling as they danced on their tethers. She made out with his sex.

Bud was cross-eyed with lust. "Fucking Christ, girl. You really dig big cocks, don't you?"

His voice actually startled her. He wasn't a person to her at that moment; he was just a set of highly stimulating sensory experiences. The smells, the taste, the heat and the subtle movements of blood and muscle.

But at his words, reality set in. Or perhaps better to say, a different version of the mad sex world she'd become caught in asserted itself. And she realised that her pussy was wet, hot and way too empty.

She lightly sprang up his body, one hand latched onto his cock, the other touching down lightly at the center of his chest as she once again crouched above him. Without even looking at his face, she centered his sex in hers and did the most amazing thing Bud had ever experienced.

She sank down on his cock.

Or perhaps we could say, she impaled herself on his dick.

Or she fucked herself down onto his rod.

Sorry, this isn't working. None of those phrases fit. They're accurate but they miss the point.

April Martinez every so slowly engulfed Bud Tanner's entire cock with her tight, dripping pussy.

So slowly that at times she wasn't moving. Inch my inch, millimeter by millimeter, she focused on the feel of every pore of his nob, ever pulsing beat of his heart and every fat, pussy stretch chunk of his girth.

It took her two minutes to descend nine inches. And when his enormous apple-tip was lodged hard against her womb and her clit was mashed against his groin she came like an earthquake.

Bud again visually drank in the anatomy lesson before his eyes. He reveled in the dripping heat of her and replayed in his mind over and over again the excruciating pleasure of her slow journey down his manhood.

And then, still in the middle of her climax, she began fucking him.

April fucked herself on his big stake right through that mind blowing orgasm because she just needed to. No thought, not even will. Just an animal urge to wring every last erg of pleasure from the experience. Here hips swept and bounced and twisted in every direction possible as she sought more and more new sensation.

"I'm going to cum again." she sang, leaning back and and fingering her clit. "Oh shit this feels so good." The plunging impacts of her motion began to splash as she squirted all over Bud's glorious beast.

Before the climax ended, Bud made his move. Watching this slut fucker herself on him was hot but he needed to be in control to really get off. He reached up and wrapped a hand around her slender throat. He levered himself upright with his other arm and stared into her eyes for a moment. They were rolled half back into her head as she continued to frig her clit and climax.

With one hand on her throat and the other under her arm, Bud lifter the girl until his cock popped free. She whimpered, muttering "no", wanting his monster back.

With powerful grace he turned and stood next to the table. He kept April held high, eye to eye with her. As she dangled, she tried to recapture him with her legs but quickly he spun her and pushed her face first across the table.

He slapped her upturned ass hard. She yelped then moaned and flexed her glutes at him. His hands grabbed her cheeks. Her baby smooth skin felt like it was stretched over a piece of concrete. Her entire back rippled subtly with toned muscle.

Glistening trails of girl cum were running down her leg.

He spread his legs to crouch his hips low enough to line up with her ass. He slapped her ass one more time even harder and at the moment of her shout he rammed his cock back into her drooling hole and pinned her against the side of the table.

And then he just stayed there. He leaned forward and put a hand on the back of her neck, forcing her to keep her face on the table. She was moving constantly, not fighting his hold but trying desperately to fuck the enormous tool buried in her core.

Bud chuckled as she struggled. The minute movements against his cock were actually quite wonderful. "What did you say little April? You want to find out how horny you can get?" He slid slowly out then firmly back in, pressing her hard against the table once more. "You seem pretty fucking horny right now."

Still she fought him. She placed her arms on the table and strained against his hand and his hips. Her powerful body flexed and forced Bud back. Then she relaxed and let him fuck her into the table again.

Bud was seriously trying to keep her pinned to the table but over and over again the little powerhouse forced the baseball player away only to happily take another pounding thrust into the table.

Finally, he partially released her and grabbed her hips with both hands. "Now you're going to get it," he muttered.

And then he began long-stroking April hard. "Yes!" she said. "Don't stop. Fuck my hot cunt!"

April let Tanner control the pace now. Her mind went blank as thrust after thrust filled her pussy. It was tight and inexperienced but was learning quickly to wring pleasure from fat cock. She came at least twice under his vigorous instruction.

"Turn over," he said. "I want to see your face and those rock'n tits." He swung an arm under her legs and spun her on his cock. April laughed with joy. As she settled on her back she spread her legs wide. Very wide, the way only a gymnast could, each leg lying along the edge of the table.

He wrapped a hand around each straining thigh and continued to fuck her split gash. April grabbed his wrists and lifted her head and shoulders off the table so she could watch.

She shaved mound as swollen and deep pink, stretched so tightly around his girth. Bud was staring down at their sex as well, watching her labia pull out from her body as he withdrew and then cave in as his shaft thrust back into the little lady.

He saw how she watched so closely. Grinning, he withdrew for a moment, fisting his soaked shaft. April gasped to see the swollen, throbbing club again and also at the feeling of emptiness she suddenly felt.

Bud beat on her splayed mound with his club and then shifted forward to lay it atop her tight abdomen. She looked so small beneath his maleness.

In another second he plugged her again, feeling the head of his cock beat against her limits and his balls wedge between her hard ass.

He managed to bring the girl off one more time before roaring, "Now watch this!"

She wasn't sure what he meant. He pulled from her quaking body again. He laid his meat on her stomach and jerked it briefly, huffing.

April didn't blink once as she watched his cock erupt. Shot after shot of white heat blasted from the slit at the tip and splashed across her body. She felt the heat of it as he painted her tits and abdomen with his seed.

She began running her hands through his cream. It was filthy but deeply satisfying to feel his essence all over her body.

Finally, Bud collapsed on the massage table next to her. She to let her legs fall limp and her head loll back. They both laid breathing heavily for a good five minutes.

"That was hot babe. Never would have picked you out for a freak." He finally said as he struggled to his feet. He stared down at her glazed body. "You got off good, didn't you girl?"

April made a vaguely affirmative noise. Words were slightly beyond her right then. And she didn't think Bud really needed any affirmation from her. She knew he had used her. The fact that it had been an enjoyable and perhaps life-altering experience for her didn't make him any better a person or make her think she loved him or anything.

Bud Tanner thought he displayed supreme courtesy and class by tossing a towel onto her body. "You suck as a masseuse but I may have to ask for your services again some time." He said, grinning as he wrapped his own towel back around his waste.

"Maybe." she answered quietly. "I could get used to these happy endings."

He laughed as he opened the door and left.

He was even courteous enough to close it behind him to give her time to compose herself.

Inside the disused massage room amid the reek of sex, covered in cooling sperm, April evaluated her life.

She'd been feeling that her life had nothing left in it. That she had nothing to live for.

That also means she had nothing to lose. There were entire aspects of life she had almost no experience of.

Rio had been her best shot at the Olympics but two months before qualifications her damn ankle fractured again. She'd known the tumbling run would be hard on it but she needed it to be perfect. She practiced it obsessively. It was fatigue that actually did her in. She couldn't control that last hand-plant and had under-rotated. She landed very badly.

She'd known she broken it again instantly. And her world had come down around her.

Laying on that massage table, she felt it ache slightly still. But it didn't interfere with anything in her normal life. It had healed well but would never be up to the rigors of performance again. And at 21, Rio was her last practical shot anyway. For London, she had just not been good enough; there was too much competition that was just better than her. Which is why she had pushed herself so hard in the intervening years.

So. That part of her life was over and she had truly accepted that. But gymnastics hadn't merely been part of her life; it was her entire life. So now she had nothing.

She got off the table and walked over to the full length mirror on the back of the door. She stared at herself. Her matted hair and Bud's leavings were sick but also sexy. She ran her hands along her perfect body. Her hard little tits still felt warm, her nipples were still erect and sensitive. A year ago they'd been non existent but her looser diet and lack of constant training had a pretty quick effect there at least. She was finally beginning to justify buying B cup bras.

She felt the faint grooves of her abdominal muscles and flexed them. For a while when she had been in peak condition, those grooves had been like cut marble. Almost unnatural looking. Now the lines were softer which was probably sexier really.

She'd kept her pussy shaved her entire adult life. It was the only practical thing to do for the sport. Her labia had never hung open like that before though. ~That is a well fucked pussy.~ she thought to herself. The words made her shiver.

Her legs were thick and powerful. She'd never worn high heels in her life; she wondered how they would make her look.

Smiling at her self, she lifter her arms in a pose, flexing first her biceps and then pectorals. No one would mistake her for an actual bodybuilder but she had very noticeable guns.

Perhaps it was damaged but it was still one hell of a body. One she now knew was capable of levels of pleasure she had sort of assumed were myth.

Things were going to change for April Martinez.

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BruceWoBruceWoover 4 years ago
Great story but...

It is waiting for chapter 2 to be written

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Totally revisit April. Lovely woman with depth.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Fix the spelling errors.

There are FAR too many, and detract from actually a pretty good story.

arrowglassarrowglassover 7 years ago
Well done!

Nice one...HOT!!!

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