Dan and Cock Socket Ch. 11

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Dan and Cock Socket attend a party.
10.2k words

Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/21/2012
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Cock Socket toweled the sweat off her forehead as she finished her workout. She was very proud of her body and pleased that she was in such good shape, but she had to admit that she wouldn't have the discipline to work out every day if her Master hadn't ordered her to. That was just one of the choices that she was grateful had been taken out of her hands.

She was, of course, naked as always in their home, and was heading toward the shower when she heard her Master angrily slam the phone down. She skipped the shower and quickly headed for his office to see if there was any way she could help him out with whatever was wrong. The door was open so she went straight in. Her Master, Dan, was seated at his desk tapping his pen on the surface in frustration.

"Is there anything I can do Master?" she asked as she approached. She assumed he had a problem with work that she wouldn't be able to help with per se, but at the very least she could give him a blowjob to help relieve his stress.

"What? Oh, no Cock Socket. I just have to figure something out," he said. "I was just talking to Dr. Samuels about the party tomorrow and he asked me who I was bringing as a date because the party is for couples only. I told him I was bringing you, of course, but he said you can't be my date because you're going to be there to work."

"I'm sorry Master," Cock Socket gasped. "I've caused you trouble."

"It's not your fault Cock Socket," he said waving his hand dismissively. "I think Dr. Samuels was intentionally vague earlier. I don't think he wants me there. He probably thinks I'll interfere or try to occupy your time."

"What are you going to do Master?" she asked.

"Find a date," he replied with a grin. "Don't worry Cock Socket; I'll be attending the party."

He turned back to whatever he was working on so Cock Socket left to take her shower. She hoped her Master could quickly find a date. She didn't want to go to the party without him. She couldn't decide anything for herself anymore.

Dan calmed down and started thinking. Only one name came to mind and he pulled out his cell phone and called. He expected to get her voice mail but was presently surprised when Dr. Ramirez actually answered. After they exchanged pleasantries, Dan explained the situation and asked if she would go with him to the party.

"Dr. Samuels' parties aren't really my thing, Dan," she said. "I've been to one before and I didn't really enjoy it very much."

"I'm sorry," Dan said. "I'll find someone else."

"Wait!" she said quickly, "I didn't say I wouldn't go. I would love to get better acquainted with you and your big cock so I'll go if you promise to give me a good fucking." Remembering how sexy the doctor was Dan readily agreed without hesitation. "When you pick me up, could you come to the door by yourself and leave Cock Socket in the car? I want to tease Needle Dick a bit before we leave."

"Sure, no problem," Dan said.

Dan felt a great deal of relief as he said goodbye and hung up the phone. He didn't think Cock Socket would be in any danger at the party, but he still didn't want her to go alone. He did wonder why Dr. Ramirez didn't like Dr. Samuels' parties though.


The next evening, Dan and Cock Socket drove to Dr. Ramirez's house. Cock Socket sat in the back so that Dr. Ramirez could sit up front with Dan just like a couple on a date. When they arrived, Dan got out and went to the door alone. He noticed another car parked on the street in front of the house but didn't think much of it.

Dr. Angela Ramirez answered the door looking stunning in a tight black dress. She welcomed Dan inside after he complimented her on her attire. "Come with me Dan while I tell Needle Dick we're leaving," she said taking his hand and leading him upstairs.

She led him to her bedroom where he was greeted with a shocking sight. Needle Dick was bent over the bed with his arms tied to two of the bed posts and his legs spread wide and tied to two of the legs. He was naked, which Dan found surprisingly normal, but what he didn't expect was the large man holding a paddle poised over Needle Dick's butt.

When they entered the room the large man grunted and moved away from Needle Dick so that Angela could talk to him. "I just wanted to say goodbye my pet," she said, patting the naked man on the head. "I'm off to a party with Dan. You remember Dan Henderson don't you?"

Needle Dick looked up at her pathetically. "You're leaving? I thought we were going to have a special night tonight Mistress," he whined.

"We will," she told him with a smile, "just not together. I'm going to have a special night with Dan and his big cock, and you're going to have a special time with Larry and his big cock."

"Nooooo," Needle Dick whined. "You know I don't like that. I'm not gay!" he protested. "I thought he was here for you."

"Now, don't complain Needle Dick or you'll have to be punished. Larry is here to babysit you. He'll be in charge tonight and whatever he says goes, and he told me he was looking forward to fucking your ass like he did last time," she said in a motherly fashion.

Needle Dick was practically sobbing while he begged and pleaded for his Mistress not to leave but she would not relent. She took a step away from the bed and Larry took up position behind the bound slave's ass with the paddle in one hand and his very large cock in the other.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she said to Needle Dick, "we're going to have a baby!"

"You're pregnant?" the bound man queried, his voice picking up.

"I will be at the end of the night," she replied. "I stopped taking my birth control a few weeks ago and Dan promised to shoot all of his sperm inside my pussy tonight. I'm sure his big cock will manage to impregnate me."

"But Mistress, you promised that I could get you pregnant," Needle Dick said. He was near tears again and Dan could hear the hurt in his voice.

"I'm sorry, but I decided that I just couldn't take a chance on having a boy with a small penis like yours," she said. "That's why I chose Dan. He has such a nice big cock."

"Mistress, please! Please Mistress! You promised!" Needle Dick screamed as Angela and Dan left the room. Dan heard a strange strangled cry and turned around just as she was closing the door and saw that Larry had started to work his massive tool up the bound man's ass. It wasn't something Dan really cared to see and he turned away quickly.

"That was fun," Angela said with a laugh. "Tonight's going to be worth it just for that."

"I'm glad," Dan said with a smile, "but I don't remember agreeing to get you pregnant, and he seems genuinely upset."

"Don't worry," she said, "there's no way you could get me pregnant. I'm already pregnant. I found out two days ago. I've been off the pill for a while and let Needle Dick have sex with me a couple of weeks ago. It was horrible; I could barely feel him inside me, but it got the job done. And if Needle Dick really wanted to stop me from leaving with you and Larry from abusing him, all he had to do was say the safe word."

"Well, congratulations on the pregnancy," Dan said. "Are you ever going to tell him the truth?"

"I don't know," she said with a sigh. "I suppose I will at some point; maybe after he does something special."

"What do you plan to do after the baby's born? Will you still have Needle Dick as your slave?" Dan asked curiously.

"Of course, but we'll have to tone it down and put some of our stuff in storage until he or she is old enough to understand about our lifestyle. I wish I had a secret room I could set everything up in that we use to play," she said.

"So you'll treat him like a normal person in front of your child?" Dan asked.

"Yes, mostly. Needle Dick has been begging for a child but I don't think he realizes what it's going to mean for him. Despite his whining and crying he really enjoys being used and abused. He'll have to give that up on a regular basis for several years."

"I've been thinking about what it would be like if Cock Socket and I had a child," he said as he helped her put on her coat. "I don't want to change what we're doing, but at the same time wouldn't want to expose our child to it."

"Just think of it as the normal sacrifice that goes along with having children. Couples with 'normal' relationships have to do the same thing. They can't have sex wherever and whenever they want anymore either," she said.

"I suppose you're right," Dan said. He opened the car door for her and she climbed in and then he ran around to the other side and climbed in himself. Angela turned around and looked at Cock Socket. She was wearing nothing but a sheer white dress that only came down to the tops of her thighs. The fabric was stretched tight around her large bust and it was obvious that the slave wasn't wearing a bra and her nipple rings could be clearly seen.

"You look lovely tonight Cock Socket," Angela said. "Doctor Samuels' guests are going to adore you."

"Thank you Dr. Ramirez," Cock Socket replied.

"Why don't you like Dr. Samuels' parties?" Dan asked Angela as they pulled away from her house.

"They're a little too tame for my taste," she answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "They're swingers and there will be plenty of swapping, but not much else. Needle Dick and I attended once as guests and everyone treated him like a normal person. He even got to have sex with several of the other female guests! He was so cocky afterwards that I had to beat him several times to bring him back to reality," she explained. "Besides, I find Dr. Samuels boorish. He only invited me so he could get into my panties. He had been after me for sex for several months and I kept turning him down. I suspected he would be a lousy fuck and I was right. Completely inept."

"So what do they need Cock Socket for?" Dan asked.

"To fuck," Angela said. "They like to have an extra pussy around, especially one that won't say no. Sometimes they hire a pro and sometimes they invite a slut like Cock Socket, but all they'll do is fuck her. No spanking, no degrading, no nothing."

Dan nodded his head slowly in understanding. "So for us, pretty boring," he commented.

"Yes," she replied with a laugh. "Promise me one thing Dan," she said.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't leave me alone tonight," she said. "I only want your cock. I don't want to take a chance with any of the other guests. I know it will seem rude of us, but I don't want Dr. Samuels trying to paw all over me again."

Dan looked at the sexy woman and smiled. He would miss out on the other women at the party but he knew she would be enough for him tonight. "I promise," he told her.

"Good," she said. "I'd hate to have to give our host a black eye for trying to stick his dick in me." Dan almost laughed but the expression on her face was so serious that he knew she wasn't kidding.

They made small talk for the rest of the drive and were soon at Dr. Samuels' house. There were already several cars out front so Dan had to park at the end of the block. They were greeted at the door by the doctor and his wife.

Dan thought Dr. Samuel's wife looked about the same age as her husband, and while he considered her attractive, she had the look of someone who had resorted to plastic surgery to retain her youthful appearance instead of exercise and healthy living. She was by no means overweight, but her body was not toned and fit and he suspected she had had liposuction. Overall she had a kind of plastic appearance that he didn't completely appreciate.

"Well Dan, I see you found yourself a date," Dr. Samuels said. "Welcome Angela, you look beautiful as always," he said taking her hand and bending down to kiss it. She allowed it, but quickly withdrew her hand and visibly wiped it off when he was done. "And Cock Socket looks absolutely delicious," he continued unfazed by Angela's behavior.

"Thank you Dr. Samuels," Dan said.

"Please, call me Gene," he said, "and this is my wife Leanne."

Dan followed Dr. Samuels' lead and took Leanne's hand and kissed it. She seemed flattered and smiled politely. As they entered the large house, Dan could see the party was well under way. There was a long couch in the living room where two men were seated. An attractive woman was bouncing up and down on one of them with her dress bunched at her waist. Her hand was jacking the cock of the other man as the two men were talking to each other casually.

Everywhere Dan looked he saw people talking and engaged in numerous acts of sex and various states of undress. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but most of them appeared to be average people having a good time.

"Cock Socket seems to be overdressed for her part tonight," Dr. Samuels mentioned.

"I didn't want to get arrested on the way here," Dan commented as he motioned to Cock Socket to remove her clothing.

"Oh my! Everyone's going to adore you," Leanne gushed as she flicked one of Cock Socket's nipple rings. She took Cock Socket by the hand and led her into the living room to a group of two men and two women who were talking and drinking.

"I hope you save some time for me tonight, Angela," Dr. Samuels said after his wife left.

"Actually Gene, I was going to keep Dan occupied for you and the other men," she said. "You see, his cock is so big that once the women see it they'll all ignore the rest of you and want nothing but him," she told him in a patronizing voice as she stroked her hand up and down Dan's crotch

Dr. Samuels looked at Dan in alarm. Dan gave the doctor a sheepish grin and shrugged. "I'm afraid it happens wherever I go," he said following Angela's lead.

"Why do you think I agreed to come with him tonight?" Angela asked. "I want to feel his big cock stretching me out," she said with a big smile. "We're going to find a quiet corner and enjoy ourselves. Why don't you do us a favor and let your male guests know that if they want to have some pussy for themselves tonight to keep the women away from us."

Dr. Samuels looked from Angela to Dan and back again and then threw up his hands in frustration before walking off. Angela let out a giggle when he was out of earshot. "Poor Gene," she whispered to Dan. "If only he knew how pathetic he really is as a lover. I doubt any of these women would tell him the truth."

She grabbed Dan's hand and led him into the living room. He quickly scanned the room for Cock Socket and saw that she was on her knees with her face planted in Leanne's crotch. Leanne was stroking Cock Socket's hair while she talked to a couple of guests. It was too noisy, and they were too far away for Dan to hear what she was saying, but it appeared that she was describing to them how much she was enjoying Cock Socket's attentions. A couple of the male guests in the area seemed fascinated with Cock Socket's tattoo as they were bending over reading it.

She seemed in safe hands so he turned his attention back to Angela as they wandered over to a dark corner of the living room. They found an unoccupied leather chair and stopped in front of it. Angela turned to him and gave him a wicked smiled before kneeling down to undo his pants. Dan didn't feel the least bit self conscious as his cock was out for anyone to see. She yanked his pants down to his ankles and then pushed him over so that he fell into the large chair.

He let out a chuckle as she pushed a button and the chair began to recline. He was surprised to find that it went completely flattened out horizontally like a bed. Looking up he watched as Angela hiked up the bottom of her dress above her hips, and lowered the top down to her waist. He was pleased to see she wasn't wearing a bra or panties.

His cock was standing stiffly at attention as she climbed on top of the chair and straddled him just above the waist and unbuttoned his shirt to expose his chest. She bent down and they shared a short but passionate kiss before she reversed herself and thrust her cunt in his face while she took hold of his large cock.

"Better make sure I'm nice and wet before you try to stuff this monster in me," she said before engulfing his rod in her sweet mouth. He was more than happy to oblige as he rained kisses on the entire area and then suddenly sucked her erect clit into his mouth. Her body shivered at the shock and she gasped around his penis in her mouth.

He sucked her clit hard, feeling it become engorged with blood and then flicked it with his tongue. She jerked and gasped again at the assault and ground her pussy down in his face begging for more. She had already been fairly wet and was becoming even more so. He lapped at the juices flowing from her cunt and forced his tongue into her tight hole.

Angela was groaning and moaning loudly as she slobbered over his cock and he was surprised that none of the other guests came by to at least take a look at what they were doing. Dr. Samuels must have warned the other men to keep the women away as Angela suggested. Her pussy was getting really soaked as her juices were flowing freely as he worked her clit. His cock was straining and he was getting the urge to bury it inside something tighter than her mouth.

Angela, sensing his desire, or succumbing to her own need to have his cock filling her sat up and reversed direction. She moved down and kneeled above him as she grasped his cock and aimed it at her weeping vagina. "I've been dreaming about this for months Dan," she whispered to him. She didn't waste any time and quickly impaled herself on his stiff member, letting her weight force it inside her. Dan felt her entire body spasm as she hit bottom and he was worried that she was in pain but soon realized that Angela was already experiencing her first orgasm.

Dan grabbed her hips to steady her and keep his dick insider her as she fell forward onto his chest. She was breathing heavily as her body was racked with wave after wave of pleasure. "That's never happened to me before," she admitted after she calmed down. "I usually have to concentrate really hard to cum from 'normal' sex and I've never cum that quickly."

"Well let's start working on another one," Dan suggested as he thrust his hips up at her. She squealed in pleasure and raised her chest off his so that she could move up and down on top of him. She put her hands on his chest for balance and started slamming down on him quickly. She hadn't been this excited in a long time.

Dan hadn't been with anyone who could take his cock this easily except Cock Socket. He knew his penis wasn't huge, but it was larger than normal and every woman he had been with before Cock Socket had struggled and complained about the pain during sex. But Angela had no problem handling him although her pussy still felt tight around his cock.

His hands were gripping her hips, pulling her down hard at the same time he thrust his hips up. Angela was grunting loudly each time their bodies smacked together. Between her grunts and the slapping of her bottom against his thighs they were making a great deal of noise. It didn't bother Dan, but they were definitely a lot louder than anyone else in the house.

"Fuck me Dan!" Angela cried as he rammed into her. "Fuck me with your big cock! Show these little dicks how a real man fucks a woman."

Dan didn't think it was humanely possible for him to thrust his hips up any harder but he sure tried. Angela responded by crying out how good it felt using every filthy word she knew. She exhorted Dan to greater effort at the same time indirectly insulting the rest of the men at the party. His efforts quickly paid off and Angela was experiencing her second orgasm. She was even noisier for this one, letting everyone else know that he had brought her to the ultimate heights again.

Their pace never slowed through her orgasm as Dan continued to lift her up and pull her down as she cried out in ecstasy. It seemed to last forever as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her. She was getting to the point where it was starting to grow painful when, with a final thrust, Dan bellowed and pumped her full of sperm. She collapsed contentedly on top of him while his cock shot its last few jets out.