Dancing with Kelly Ch. 01


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Whatever. I put the speculation aside as one of the assailants raised himself to his hands and knees. I kicked his ribs, which sent him sprawling and moaning in pain. I then went around and collected all their wallets, taking their driver's licenses before returning their wallets to them. "Good news and bad news, boys. Good news is I'm not calling the cops. Bad news is---well, you'll find out what the bad news is soon enough."

(As an aside, I handed the driver's licenses to Jake, who handed them over to a couple of shady friends of his, who---well, best not to go into details).

After a few more well placed kicks and stomps, I gathered up the remnants of Kelly's clothing and put both them and Kelly into my truck. During the whole time, Kelly tried to maximize physical contact between us as much as possible. You really can't blame her, can you? It was a pattern she learned as a kid; always trust Uncle King the Protector.

As soon as I got in the truck, Kelly had slid over the seat and was hugging to me tightly. I picked up my cell phone and tried calling her house. Nobody home. I turned to Kelly. "Sweetheart, any idea where your Dad and Stepmom are?"

"They're out of town this weekend, Uncle King."

That's right, I thought. Lance and his new wife were thinking of buying a health food franchise. "You want to stay with me then, Kelly?"

Kelly nodded as she pressed her face into my chest. Now let me say that up until this point, I hadn't had any salacious thoughts about Kelly enter my mind. Looking down at her, though, snuggled against me, with her legs visible from mid-thigh downward, and an image of her clad just in panties still fresh in my mind, I had a momentary stirring in my loins. However, I realized how wildly inappropriate those thoughts were, and focused solely on getting Kelly and myself home.

When we got back to my house, I pulled the truck into the garage, closed it behind us, and let Kelly and myself into the house. As soon as we got into the house and I had locked the door behind me, Kelly again rushed into my arm and pressed herself hard against me, as if her continued safety and well-being depended on how much of herself she could get into contact with me. She had started shaking, so I stood there in the utilities room (the room the garage door led into) holding her, stroking her hair, and just saying reassuring words. We stood there for awhile before she backed up a couple of inches and smiled up at me. "Thank you, Uncle King."

I know those four words might seem somehow inadequate for the situation, but there was a whole volume of accompanying body language that said everything in the world. I smiled and cupped her face with the palm of my hand. She pressed her face into my hand while covering it with her own.

"It's been a long day, sweetheart. Why don't you go upstairs and get cleaned up in one of the guest bedrooms? I'll fix us dinner and we can watch some movies. How does that sound?" Again, I know how inane that sounds, especially after having rescued Kelly from an attempted gang rape, but I just wanted to establish a series of routine activities, to provide Kelly with a little psychological security, if that made sense.

Kelly nodded, then as she headed upstairs, she hesitated halfway up. "Uncle King, could you----could you come upstairs with me? I just want to know I'm not alone right now."

For a moment, I had a vision of Kelly wrapped only in a towel. I violently suppressed that image. Considering not only our mutual history together (technically, I may not have been family, but I was the closest thing you could get to being family without sharing blood ties) as well as the traumatic events that Kelly had had to endure today, trying anything with Kelly would send her over the deep end.

"Sure, sweetheart."

Kelly smiled and gave me another hug. It was obvious that as long as I kept on being the strong, safe protector who was within easy reach, Kelly would be able to keep herself in control. Nonetheless, I was keenly aware of her breasts, covered only in the thin material of my T-shirt, as she pressed into me.

Where were these thoughts coming from? I had never entertained such thoughts before in my life...at least not consciously. Maybe it was the combination of the testosterone and adrenaline pumping through my body from the encounter (and subsequent thrashing of) Kelly's attackers. I'll be the first to admit, rescuing the "damsel in distress" is an amazing aphrodisiac. And, as I had just discovered, Kelly was a fantastically attractive damsel. But these thoughts had no place in my mind. None. As I hung up my car keys and followed Kelly upstairs, I tried less to concentrate on the exposed length of her shapely legs, the sway of her cute bottom under my T-shirt, and the jiggle of her cloth clad breasts, and more on any image that would stem the flow of blood to my groin.

When we got to upstairs, she headed toward the master bedroom' bathroom. I didn't object. Now, my bathroom isn't what you would call a showcase of sybaritic pleasure, but it's nothing to sneeze at either. The tub is big enough for two, and serves as a mini-Jacuzzi as well (trust me, as a pro-athlete, that's a necessity, not a luxury. At 35, there were times I came home feeling twenty years older than I was). There was a stand-alone shower that was roomy, two separate sinks and counter on the opposite sides of the room, and...well, you get the idea. The kind of bathroom you expect to find in a house my size in the kind of upper class neighborhood I live in.

I walked Kelly to the bathroom door and told her, "I'll be right out here, kiddo, until you get out."

There was a look of consternation on Kelly's face as she looked into the bathroom and then back at me. "Couldn't you just sit in here with me until I get the tub filled, Uncle King? Please?"

It was understandable, I suppose, the amount of discomfort she was feeling at the prospect of being left alone, even with me on the other side of the door. I nodded, though for some reason my mouth was beginning to feel especially dry.

We went in and I sat in one of the vanity chairs while Kelly sat on the edge of the bathtub and filled it up. I had a jar full of bubble beads (a remnant of a past relationship), which Kelly took two out of, and placed them in the tub. We made small talk a the tub filled with warm water and a substantial amount of bubbles. I tried not to take too much notice of the amount of leg Kelly had exposed. And the temperature of the bathroom must have been cooler than I thought, as Kelly's nipples were obviously erect under the T-shirt I had given her to cover herself.

Soon enough (perhaps too soon!), the tub was filled and I took my leave. As I reached the door, I heard Kelly's quiet voice behind me ask,

"Uncle King? Could you---could you stay in here with me? Please?"

I felt as if my heart were lodged in my throat as I turned back toward Kelly, her pleading eyes looking straight into mine.

"I mean, the bubbles will hide everything, and I really don't want to be alone."

I knew...I KNEW!---that I shouldn't, that a barrier of soapy bubbles was insufficient protection for Kelly against my growing lust for her. I didn't think I would be able to answer her, as it seemed every bit of moisture in my mouth had disappeared, but somehow I managed to croak out, "OK."

Kelly gave me a brilliant smile, as it seemed a load of tension left her shoulders (only to find an immediate home on mine). "Thanks, Uncle King. I guess you better turn around."

I did as instructed, until I heard her clothes fall softly on the bathroom and her body enter the bath water. Then she said in that sweet voice of hers, "You can turn around now."

When I turned around, I saw one of the most beautiful and innocently seductive visions of my entire life. Kelly was sitting in the bathtub, only her head and the top of her shoulders visible above a mound of bubbles, with her hair partial submerged and partially fanned out behind her.

I must have stared a little too long because Kelly blushed and turned her head. I stuttered, then moved to sit on the edge of the tub. "Kelly, do you want to talk about what happened? You don't have to worry about anything. Trust me, those guys won't do that to you or anyone else ever again." I only had a vague idea what I was going to do. But I figured it I put the boy's name and addresses in the hands of Jake the Snake, the situation would be resolved more than satisfactorily.

Kelly shook her head emphatically "no." "I know I don't have to worry about anything, Uncle King. I know you'll take care of anything. And I always feel safe when you're around, no matter what."

We started having "small talk." It was, as you can imagine, a surreal situation. There was Kelly, her beautiful body shielded from my eyes by soap bubbles, carrying on a conversation and not wanting me to leave because, considering the evening's events, needed my continued presence to make her feel safe. I suppose I could console myself that a lesser man would have taken immediate advantage of Kelly, but then a better man would not have had to battle the lascivious images of Kelly that were continuously flooding my brain.

I had said something funny, or at least something that Kelly found funny, and in the process of laughing, had dislodged some of the bubbles covering her left breast. A few bubbles remained, but enough had been removed to make her nipple visible. Again, I couldn't help but stare, and again, Kelly caught me. When she saw where I was looking, she blushed and quickly moved bubbles to cover herself up. I stammered an apology, but she just shook her head.

"It's OK, Uncle King." Kelly giggled nervously. "It's not like it's anything you haven't seen before. Besides, I trust you and know you would never hurt me." Kelly gave me this look that make her brown eyes look enormous. "You won't let anyone hurt me, will you, Uncle King?"

I scooted over enough to place a kiss on her forehead before lifting her chin so I could look her straight in the eyes. "Never."

I meant the moment to last only for a few seconds, but somehow that gaze kept on stretching on and on. Kelly looked up, licking her lips nervously, as she unconsciously parted them just a quarter of an inch. The next thing I knew, I was leaning down to kiss her.

Her lips met mine, timidly at first, before pressing harder with passion. Her tongue shyly reached out to touch mine, as she put a hand behind my neck to deepen the kiss. In the process, she lifted herself partly out of the tub, exposing both her beautiful breasts.

We broke the kiss as we both realized how she had exposed herself at the same time. I gazed in wonder at her beautiful orbs (I was to learn later she was a 34D). The soapy water running off of them seemed to enhance their beauty. Their was just the tiniest trace of sag, due to their sheer size. But other than that, they were both firm and perky in appearance, due to Kelly's youth and athleticism.

I just sat there for the longest time, staring at her beautiful breasts, while Kelly made no move to cover herself, just watching me watching her. Almost as if it was moving on its own volition, my hand trailed down Kelly's throat to between her breasts in one long, slow, luxurious movement. Kelly watched wide-eyed, her breathing becoming more rapid. Then, as gently as I could, I cupped Kelly's left breast with my right hand, letting my thumb trace across her instantly hardened nipple.

Kelly gave a shuddering moan as I begin softly kneading her breast with my hand, my thumb occasionally grazing across her nipple. It was far from being the first breast I had ever held, but it was a memory that would never be equaled. Her skin was softer than any I had ever felt. I'm not a man with small hands, but Kelly's breasts more than filled mine. I was in awe of their firmness and softness, and of Kelly's reaction to my touch. I knew my hands were the first to touch her in this fashion, and she was giving herself over completely to the experience.

I'm not sure what made me reluctantly move my hand. Perhaps some twinge of conscience that had survived the sensations that were determined to overcome both me and Kelly. Kelly's eyes opened as I leaned back, but she made no immediate move to cover herself. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of emotions: relief, confusion, frustration....too many to list.

"Kelly, I'm---I'm sorry. I shouldn't have---I'm sorry."

Kelly seemed to almost reluctantly to lower herself back into her covering of bubbles. "It's OK, Uncle King. I---you didn't---it felt." Kelly paused, and took a deep breath. "It's OK, Uncle King. I still love you."

We sat there in silence, neither of us brave enough to look at the other. Finally, Kelly said, "I'm---I'm going to take a shower now."

I nodded and got up. "I'll be in the hall." Again I turned and again I heard her voice behind me.

"Uncle King? Please don't leave. Just let me get in the shower first."

I nodded and behind me I heard Kelly get out of the bathtub and into the stand-alone shower. When the door the shower closed and the water turned on, I turned back around.

The glass in the shower was somewhere between transparent and translucent, if that made sense. I couldn't actually see Kelly showering, but there was enough of her form visible to make my heart race, as well as increase the size of my ever hardening erection. I'm sure that Kelly must have seen me as I watched her showering, but she never said a word. And what little I could discern made me want to see more.

Finally the water stopped and Kelly called out, "I'm coming out now." I again turned dutifully around until Kelly told me it was safe to look. When I turned around, it felt as if my heart had lodged in my throat. Kelly was standing wrapped in one towel while she was drying her long hair with the another. The towel showed off her legs from her thighs downward, and was wrapped so that a generous amount of her cleavage was on display.

We again stood there entranced, me taking in Kelly's beauty, while she watched me consume her with my eyes. Finally, Kelly shook her head as if waking from a dream and made her way to one of the vanity mirrors. She lifted a hairbrush and then paused. Turning back to me, she hesitantly asked, "Uncle King, do you want to brush my hair for me?"

I didn't say a word but walked over to Kelly. She stood there motionlessly until I was standing behind her. Since I was still clad only in my running shorts, I was standing close enough to barely feel her damp hair against my chest. There was a small step that led p to the vanity mirror she was standing in front of, but the top of her head still only came up to my shoulders. She didn't say a word as I took the brush out of her hand, but her breathing quickened as I placed it on the vanity counter. The next thing I knew, my hands had reached around in front of her and undid her towel, letting it drop to floor.

Kelly didn't move. Her hands remained firmly at her side as she watched wide-eyed at me taking all of her beauty in. And she was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

Her skin was smooth absolutely flawless. The tan lines were obvious on her breasts and panty line, which added to her sexiness. Her breasts had almost no sag to them, despite their size. Her nipples, harden by a combination of excitement and cool air, were neither too large nor too small; they were somewhere between the size of a half dollar and a silver dollar. Her stomach was flat, her waist enticingly narrow as it flowed into slim but very womanly hips. Between her thighs she had trimmed her pubic hair just enough to wear a bikini. I let my gaze continue to slide down her slender, shapely legs before returning to her face. Her eyes were wide, but still Kelly made no move.

I wrapped my hands around Kelly's waist and pulled her against me. She leaned back against me as my hands slid up to just below her breasts. Kelly's eyes were closed and her body seemed to be tensed with anticipation.

"Kelly? We can stop---"

"Don't stop, Steven."

Kelly had never called me anything but Uncle King. I guess we had moved beyond the honorary uncle/niece relationship. As soon as my hands cupped her breasts, Kelly moaned softly. Her hands came up and rested lightly on mine, as I gently kneaded her firm, wondrous globes. I then just touched her nipples with the tips of two fingers, rotating them lightly, then brushing my fingertips back and forth across them. This drove Kelly crazy. Her arms went over her head as she wrapped her hands behind my neck, pressing her body back into mine. My erection had been hard before, but when Kelly pressed her bare ass against it, with nothing between us save my running shorts and underwear, I became rock solid.

I cupped Kelly's left breast with one hand, massaging it, as my right hand slowly slid down across her stomach. I felt her catch her breath, as I paused, lightly stroking the skin underneath the jewel that was her navel. When I continued downward and tentatively touched her wetness, she moaned loudly in response. I placed two fingers over her clitoris, the tips of my fingers just barely entering her, as I rotated my fingers in a slow, lazy circle. My cloth clad erection was firmly lodged between the fantastic cheeks of Kelly's ass; even if she wasn't aware of it, I most definitely was. Kelly's right hand had come to rest lightly on the back of my right hand, as if to encourage it. As I increased the speed of the movements of my finger tips, this elicited even louder moans from Kelly.

Soon my hand was moving rapidly, as Kelly grunted, her body shaking. Her grunts took on a higher pitch, and then she went stiff in my arms with a high pitched "Uhhhnh!" She stayed almost frozen for a few seconds, then started breathing heavily as she nearly collapsed in my arms, her arms falling down to her side. I held her up for a few seconds until her breathing returned to normal. As she opened her eyes, she saw me staring at her in the mirror. She blushed and smiled shyly. Turning around, she put both her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. I placed my arms around her shoulders and hugged her back just as tightly.

Kelly backed away from me just far enough to look me in the eyes. "Steven, that was wonderful!" She had a trusting smile on her face.

I just smiled back, not sure what to say.

"Steven, I want to do...more."

At this point, my conscience was torn. My body had no regrets about what had happened so far, and the concept of more sounded...enticing. I wasn't sure what to say, so I stalled for time.

Kelly lowered her head, seemingly unable to meet my eyes. "I...I want you to be my first."

(Let me know if I should continue!)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Waiting for the next installment...

I absolutely loved this story. I am waiting very impatiently for the next installment. Please hurry!!!

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Great reading!

Yes, you should continue....but the build-up to this erotic tale is all too long. If she is the age of an adult, you should have been fucking her long ago....and it is about time that you and her are becoming a Mommy and Daddy...

IndyMSpankUIndyMSpankUabout 18 years ago
Keep going

This is possibly the best uncle-niece story that I have seen. Great character development, I just hope the sex in the next chapter is up to the build-up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Please keep going

That was awesome. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I loved it, this is the first story that ive read like this that i like. U HAVE TO CONTINUE PLEASE. Keep up the good work

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