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"Do you think he'll ask for a divorce? I inquired nervously.

"He hasn't yet but he probably will. You know Sara, if Conrad truly loved me, he would have made an effort to spend more time with me, a lot more time," she replied despondently.

When I glanced at Danielle's left hand, I immediately noticed that her engagement ring and wedding band were no longer on her ring finger. Although I knew that her decision had been well thought out and thoroughly analyzed, I couldn't help but feel some sadness for the demise of her union with Conrad.

Suddenly, I felt like a home wrecker and in my guilty mind, I partially blamed myself for Danielle's marriage woes. In hindsight, it was a ridiculous notion.

"I sort of feel responsible," I mumbled shamefully.

"Sara, you're my best friend. You did nothing wrong except make me feel happy and cared for. Something I haven't felt with Conrad for a very long time," she spoke with heartfelt kindness and candor.

Danielle's sentiments turned my eyes into a mini Niagara Falls and she gazed at me with an adoring expression.

"Are those tears of happiness?" she asked gently.

"Yes," I croaked feebly and looked down.

Danielle embraced me with exquisite tenderness and my heart soared.

"You've become an important part of my life, Sara. When I'm with you, I feel alive and carefree," she whispered affectionately in my ear and lightly kissed my cheek.

Danielle was revealing her inner most feelings to me. There were so many things I wanted to say to her; I was in love with her, I couldn't live without her and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Stick to the basics and tell her how you feel," my brain shouted at me.

I gathered all my strength.

"Danielle, ah...I want to...oh...tell..." but my hesitant words were replaced with sheer panic when from the depths of my mind, I remembered something very important.

"Oh shit! Shit!" I yelled in frustration and frightened Danielle.

"Sara, what's the matter?" she asked with distress.

Nearly hysterical and completely pissed off with myself, I explained to Danielle that my former assistant, Melody was getting married that same afternoon and I had promised from the pit of my soul that I would be there for her.

"I'm so sorry but I totally forgot about it," I said with utter anxiety.

Danielle's gazed at me with a heartbreaking expression of rejection.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked with trepidation and soulful eyes.

"I give you my word, I'll be here!" I declared emphatically and Danielle's demeanor brightened a little.

At the wedding, I was totally preoccupied with thoughts of Danielle. Earlier, when I pulled out of her driveway, she waved goodbye but her face looked forlorn and it was as though she was silently saying,

"Another night alone with just myself for company,"

My beautiful friend had expressed her emotions with honesty and courage. And, what did I do? Run off in a panic because I forgot an important event.

It was past midnight when I arrived home from the wedding reception. There was a message on my phone from Danielle and my heart was hammering in my chest.

I stared at the blinking light and called upon the Almighty with an urgent request.

"Please God, whatever I've done in my life to be sorry for...well...I'm sincerely sorry. But, I love this woman; I'm positively 100% sure. So, I'm asking...please don't let this be bad news," I prayed loudly with my eyes toward the ceiling.

My finger was shaking when I hit the message button.

"Hey Sara, hope you had a good time at the wedding. Sorry I was so moody when you left today. See you tomorrow around noon, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite," she stated in an upbeat voice.

I breathed an enormous sigh of relief.

"Thank you God!" I shouted.

I don't believe that I slept a wink that night as thoughts about Danielle flooded my brain.

"Does she feel the same way about me as I do about her?"

That one was the most popular followed by,

"She probably wants to be friends and nothing more," but I had my doubts on that one because everything pointed to a love connection.

At least that's what I hoped for in my heart of hearts.

But, in the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the reality that Danielle was heterosexual and according to my gaydar, unfamiliar with girl sex.

After daybreak, I fell asleep but woke in a panic when I saw that it was past eleven thirty. I threw some clothes in a bag and drove at breakneck speed to Danielle's. It was four minutes past twelve when I came to a screeching halt in her driveway.

I was panting and disheveled when Danielle opened the door.

"Are you alright?" she asked with alarm.

"...wanted to be on time...didn't want...to disappoint you...happy to see you," I articulated breathlessly.

"I'm happy to see you too," she said grinning from ear to ear and lightly pecked my cheek.

"Do you have...a spare...tooth brush?" I asked a confused looking Danielle in a wheezing voice.

After I plopped in a chair, I told Danielle about my mad dash sans shower, brushed teeth, etc. With steely determination, she took my hand.

"Ok missy, upstairs you go," she stated in a very pleased, take charge manner and guided me to her bathroom.

As I followed Danielle, I noticed that she was wearing a hot pink bikini under a long T shirt and my libido did the shake, rattle and roll.

Suddenly, I felt very tired and it took me longer than usual to finish washing. When I exited the shower, Danielle had a fresh terry cloth robe and tooth brush on the vanity for me.

"How bout some toast or a muffin?" she asked cheerfully in the confines of the kitchen.

"Thanks anyway but I'd just like some coffee," I answered appreciatively.

As I sipped hot java from a mug, Danielle sat across from me with a serene expression. I gazed at her with yearning; her shimmering brown hair was twisted in a French braid, her beautiful face full of mirth and her body, her gorgeous body; sleek, tight and fit.

"I'm hopelessly in love with you," I mused in the solitude of my thoughts and prayed that my feelings would not go unrequited.

"Did you have fun at the wedding last night?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Yeah," I answered except I left out the part about constantly thinking about her.

As soon as my coffee mug was empty, we headed out to the pool. It was perfect weather in Los Angeles with low humidity and not too hot. I was just getting comfortable on my lounger when Danielle returned from swimming a few laps.

"Do you mind if I go topless?" she asked with a sly look.

When Danielle was top free, I was mesmerized by her small but perky breasts. Along with her beauty, she radiated a smoky female sexuality.

I figured when in Rome... and shed my top. As I sat back on the lounger with my tits jutting proudly from my chest, I spied Danielle's gaping eyes. She was evidently impressed.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this but you have beautiful breasts," she stated with awe.

In my opinion, they were my best physical asset.

"Hey, thanks but your not so bad yourself," I said with aplomb.

The sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. With powerful female pheromones permeating the air, my desire for the Italian hottie was almost unbearable.

Just about the time I hungered for Danielle, I realized I was hungry for some food also. As we ate a late lunch, I wanted to pour my heart out to her but couldn't find the guts to speak.

Unobtrusively, she reached across the table and took one of my hands in both of hers.

"I'm glad you're here," she purred in a romantic voice and brought my hand to her warm cheek.

We moved back to the loungers and Danielle pushed hers against mine. With the close proximity, she held my hand and wouldn't let go. A dreamy look of love never faltered in her eyes and it made my heart pound furiously in my chest.

"Your hand is sweaty, are you nervous?" she asked very sweetly.

"I guess a little," I replied in a jumpy voice.

"I won't bite you...well, maybe later," she said in an ultra sexy way.

My behavior was perplexing to me; I was supposed to be the mature, experienced lesbian with quite a few notches on my belt. Yet, I was acting like a virginal schoolgirl on her first date with the star football player.

The shadows from the afternoon sun were long when we adjourned to her den to watch a chick flick. As soon as I sat down, Danielle moved her body against mine and gently put her head on my shoulder.

It was a perfectly natural progression of our feelings toward each other. I put my arm around Danielle and held her close. The feel of her body was indescribably sensual and I involuntarily sighed.

Not more than five minutes into the movie, Danielle looked up at me with desire.

"Thank you," she whispered and tears rimmed her dark eyes.

"Why are you thanking me?" I asked kindly and discovered I was shaking.

"I don't feel lonely when I'm with you," she said affectionately and put her arms around my neck, resting her head on my chest.

Her words made my heart fill to bursting with emotion and unbridled longing.

"I can't keep it inside any longer; I want you Sara, she said with urgent need in her voice

Danielle was gazing at me with intense desire. Her admission turned my insides to mush and temporarily I was tongue tied. Suddenly, she looked apprehensive.

"Don't you want me?" she asked crying.

"Yes, more than anything," I moaned and kissed her passionately.

Danielle was gifted with her supple lips and gently held the back of my head as her tongued probed the depths of my mouth.

Danielle's hungry kisses were relentless and made my body ache with yearning. When she came up for air, her face was alive with a look of exhilaration.

"I want you so badly," I groaned and looked deep into her lovely brown eyes filled with longing.

Danielle embraced me and kissed me with feverish zeal. My hands went under her shirt and delicately squeezed her small mounds while my fingers tweaked the hardening tips.

Danielle laid her head on my shoulder and panted breathlessly as I slowly lifted her top up and off. She held my head as I licked/sucked her tight caramel colored clusters with a voracious hunger until she was practically screaming and humping my leg.

While my mouth contentedly suckled a nipple, my fingers were buried in her shorts, strumming her soggy slice and clit like a guitar virtuoso. "Oh God...Sara...oh...you're incredible...oh god!" she panted and cried out as an orgasm seized her body.

When Danielle fell back on the cushions, I quickly removed any leftover attire. Her legs were slightly parted and the heady aroma from her damp sex was thick in the air. We were both panting so hard that I swore there was no oxygen left in the room.

Danielle's eyes were urging me forward; eyes full of want and need for what was to come next. When I looked closer, I rejoiced at the sight of her dark brown muff that my fingers first detected.

I was a devotee of hairy pussy and adored the feel of a full coat on my chin and cheeks. Danielle's was parted in the center and her moist pink slice yawed open for me.

My appetite for Danielle's pussy was formidable as I licked up and down her slit furiously. She rocked her gash against my flattened tongue, pushing hard and I responded by greedily lapping the moisture laden tissue.

My tongue went into high gear and Danielle's delicious pussy yielded its copious juices into my waiting mouth. She forced her body up to a sitting position and ground her sopping crease on my sucking lips.

As my hands gripped Danielle's butt, I sucked the tart fluids noisily and feverishly licked her clit. Her eyes were riveted on me as I gulped her steamy nectar down my throat.

"Oh...umm...ooh...umm," she groaned appreciatively.

I never let up and feasted on Danielle as though hers was the last pussy I would ever eat. My face was drenched with her juices as I drilled my tongue through her bloated slit, eliciting feral cries and moans.

With astonishing ardor, I furiously lathed Danielle's inflamed bud with feathery light licks as she pounded her convulsing gash on my mouth. Abruptly, her thighs squeezed my head very tightly.

"Oh...oh...ooh...oh God!" she wailed and her body seemed to explode with motion.

When her orgasm ebbed, I pulled Danielle's sweaty and quaking body on top of me and lovingly kissed her damp face.

"That was amazing," she crowed in a shaky voice.

I held Danielle close, lost in the wonderful sensation of her embrace. Gently, she pulled back and looked at me with adoring eyes.

"I hope we'll be doing that a lot," she said with childlike enthusiasm and I winked at her.

Danielle slowly licked my sticky face and neck; sampling her juices.

"Hmm, so that's what I taste like?" she commented with charming ingenuousness.

Danielle kept staring at me with deep affection.

"I want to make you feel good...you know...like you did for me," she said earnestly.

"You don't have to do anything, I'll understand?" I said smiling gently.

"No Sara, that's not fair, I want too," she articulated with a frowning face and little tears formed in her eyes.

"You are the dearest," I whispered softy in her ear and held her very tightly.

Danielle threw herself into Sapphic love with such eagerness that it astounded me to my very core. She kissed me with a deep yearning and created a firestorm of craving in my body.

With single minded determination, she trailed little pecks over my skin until she reached my breasts.

Danielle was enthralled with my nipples which are puffy at the base and topped by a long nipple duct. She took great delight in smooching them wetly until they hardened into bullets.

With my tits stiff and jutting skyward, Danielle lowered her mouth to my aching tit. Her lips encircled a nipple and gently sucked the tumescent flesh.

Hot flashes of sensation charred my pussy as Danielle suckled with maddening desire. While her lips tugged contentedly on a nipple, her tongue rasped the turgid end.

"Umm...ooh...umm...oh," I panted and moaned.

Danielle nipped and raked with her teeth sending shots of pure pleasure pulsing in my slit. Her need was remarkable as her lips fed on my throbbing nipples ravenously. I wanted her to nurse my boobs until she was thoroughly satisfied.

"Oh...umm...Oh...ooh...," I groaned loudly and her mouth yanked harder.

Finally, Danielle was sated and smacked my nipples with her lips repeatedly in gratitude. Tentatively, she planted little kisses and pecks on my stomach until she reached my clean shaven mound.

I spread my legs for Danielle and felt her breath on my sensitive lips. When her tongue touched my pulsating slit, I gasped out loud. I felt her hands squeeze my butt and impatiently pull me ever closer.

Lazily, I rocked my slice against Danielle's lips as little shock waves of sensation vibrated through me. My pussy was saturated with creamy juices as she slurped and slathered her tongue through my sopping folds.

Danielle greedily sucked some hot secretions down her throat and feasted on me with satisfactory prowess for a first timer. Sharp jolts of sensation crackled in my box and sent shivers up and down my spine.

I rode rough shod over Danielle's tongue as it raked my clit with high speed satiny licks. An orgasm built quickly and my thighs imprisoned her head as contractions seized my pulsing sex.

I gazed at Danielle with loving eyes, panting heavily. But, she looked a bit crestfallen.

"I hope you aren't disappointed," she said with concern and lowered her head.

"Danielle, you were wonderful," I exclaimed with happiness and embraced her snugly.

"All I want is to make you happy," she said with a hopeful expression.

"I've never been happier in my life," I gushed and tears ran from my eyes.

"Oh Sara, I feel the same way!" she declared with emotion and smothered me with kisses.

With a tenderness that made my heart ache we held each others naked body.

Danielle guided me to her bath where a refreshing hot shower invigorated us. As we lay in her bed, on our sides facing each other, my curiosity about her past reached its apex.

"Have you had any experiences with women?" I inquired in a kind voice.

Danielle blushed and shook her head with a very shy expression. My gaydar was accurate to a fault.

"What about college?" I asked with a questioning look.

Institutions of higher learning were and probably still are the experimentation capitals for the bi curious female.

"I was hit on by both sexes but I was dating Conrad and turned everybody down. He took my virginity" she answered bashfully.

"Were you curious about what it might be like with a girl?"

Danielle looked very pensive before she answered.

"I honestly never gave it much thought until I met you," she said with beguiling innocence and my heart throbbed with intense feelings for her.

"What was it about me...?" I asked but couldn't complete my thought.

"That's an easy one; I fell in love with you," she replied with frankness and bare emotion.

The effect of her endearing sentiment was immediate and I started crying with joy. Danielle drew me close and held me firmly in her embrace.

"I love you," I bawled softly with my head on her shoulder.

"I'm so thankful that I found you Sara," she said with unbelievable tenderness and held me even tighter.

Danielle gazed into my eyes with an expression of pure, unadulterated love.

"I was so very lonely and unhappy until you came along," she said with heartfelt fondness.

My tears flowed unabated as her smiling countenance remained fixed on me.

"I started falling for you in a big way that beautiful day we went out on the boat. You were very brave, taking Dramamine so you wouldn't get seasick and spoil my fun," she chuckled with happy remembrance.

Danielle held me securely and lavished light kisses on my teary cheeks.

"I'll admit my feelings for you shocked me at first but I knew deep in my heart that it was right and true. Although, I was clueless about sex with another woman, I had a strong physical desire for you. It was an intense feeling inside of me and it wasn't going to be denied," she said with solid affirmation.

While Danielle was speaking candidly, her hands lightly palmed my nipples and slowly incited a riot in my loins. It was already an eventful night and she was still hungry.

"Umm...that feels nice," I moaned pleasurably.

My nipples hardened from the stimulation and I groaned with each tweak and roll.

"You were right, Danielle," I panted with yearning.

"Right about what?" she asked in a breathy voice.

"Girl, you are hot blooded to the max," I sang admiringly.

As I positioned Danielle for her first girl on girl sixty nine, I discovered it was just the beginning of a long night. She had a robust almost tireless sex drive that eclipsed my own.

But, it was also the beginning of a torrid hot love affair between two lonely souls who found solace and succor in each others arms; it changed our world.

And The Beat Goes On:

"Come on muscles, pick up that box," Danielle spouted encouragingly.

"What did you pack in here? Bricks?" I stated with irritation.

"That's the china I received as a wedding present when I married Conrad. Oh, on second thought, you can drop it," she said with dark humor.

With Danielle's help, the box fit neatly in the back of her Land Rover. Several boxes on the driveway went into my Explorer and that was it; her house was empty.

Twelve months had passed since Conrad left for Paris and her divorce settlement was finalized.

In that time, our love for each other had grown to dizzying heights and I knew with all of my heart and soul that we would be together until God called one of us home. The sheer bliss that I found with Danielle was beyond any words that I can put on paper. The day after we consummated our relationship, Danielle moved in with me because the home she co-owned with Conrad carried the awful memory of her loneliness.