Daring Lisa Marvell Ch. 05


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"I don't think we're going to let you off that easy, Miss Marvell," Natalie said with the hint of a smile. "But I love the idea, Ashley. And it should fit very nicely into something that I was just kicking around with Bryan and the other writers."

"Oh, and what's that?" Lisa asked.

"I think you're going to have to wait until the broadcast tonight to find out," she said with a teasing tone to her voice.

Pouting chiefly for Natalie's benefit, Lisa turned to Ashley and explained. "You see, that's when we usually tell our viewers the dare that Natalie has selected for the week.

"Meanwhile, Ashley," the dark-haired anchorwoman said, taking the younger reporter by the hand, "why don't you join the writers and me in my office so we can flesh out this idea?" She then turned to look directly at Lisa. "After all, I think that an element of suspense makes things more exciting, don't you agree?" she added as the two reporters walked away, leaving Lisa to finish her cup of coffee by herself.

Sitting there by herself and fantasizing about what might be in store for her on Friday, the warm feeling pulsing through Lisa's body told her that Natalie was right.


It was now a routine part of the Monday late night newscast to include a brief exchange toward the end of the broadcast between the reporters. So it came as no surprise to the audience to see Lisa and Natalie seated together at the anchor desk after Tim Willis had concluded his sports report.

"Well, Lisa," she began, "it's a new week, and of course that means a new dare for you."

"I was wondering if you had forgotten that, Natalie," the blonde reporter responded with a mischievous grin.

"I certainly haven't, and I bet our viewers haven't either. We have so many naughty ideas to choose from, but we picked one that's a little different this week. It comes from David, who says he and his friends are big fans of trivia nights at their local bar. He's sure you'd be great at that game, so he's daring you to play it with us on air."

"That sounds like it could be fun," Lisa responded with a smile directed toward the camera. "Do I get any help from the rest of the news team on this?

"That would be cheating," Natalie replied, shaking her finger at her colleague as if she were scolding a child. "You'll be all on your own, and you'll be playing against another team. So, whenever they answer correctly or you give a wrong answer, you'll have to pay a penalty."

"Penalty?" the blonde reporter asked, with just a hint of nervousness creeping into her voice.

"That's right," Natalie continued. "I'm afraid you'll have to forfeit one article of clothing each time you guess wrong or the other team gives the right answer. We're calling it Strip Trivia."

Lisa's mind seemed to be absorbing the implications of Natalie's rules, and she paused momentarily before she responded. "Well, I guess I better start studying up on my trivia this week," she announced.

"If you think that will help," the anchorwoman replied. "But I know our viewers are counting on us to come up with some really tough questions for you, and that's exactly what I intend to do. Meanwhile, I'll remind everyone out there to continue to email us with their suggestions. Send them to our mailbox, and be sure to join us every night this week for the news."


For the Friday night broadcast, Lisa had chosen to wear a white collared, half-sleeve top that buttoned down the front and a black knee-length pencil skirt that fit snug around the nips and accentuated her legs. To this she added a broad black belt, with a large gold buckle in the middle. She left the first two buttons of the shirt undone, displaying just a hint of cleavage.

Natalie began the 11:00 Friday night special with a report on a major story that was just breaking. After that, they switched to Jim Simpson, who was on location with an update on a local criminal investigation. That led directly into a commercial, and when they returned, Natalie and Lisa were seated at the anchor desk.

Natalie reminded viewers that later in the broadcast Lisa would be performing her dare for that week, playing a game of strip trivia. "We've recruited a special guest to play against Lisa and we've come up with a very interesting set of questions for our game tonight. They're going to be based on a special report from our reporter Ashley Miller."

"So that means that all of the hours I spent studying trivia topics this week were wasted?" Lisa said with a note of frustration in her voice.

"I'm sure the time wasn't wasted," her colleague replied, chuckling at Lisa's look of surprise.

"And who will I be playing against?" Lisa asked with a slightly confused look.

"You'll find out in just a few minutes. Right now, I suggest you pay close attention to Ashley's report," Natalie said with a smirk. "I know our audience will be doing that as well. You see, she's going to reveal some very interesting research sponsored by the fashion industry that matched women's interests and personalities with their choices in lingerie. So Ashley, over to you."

The camera switched to the rookie reporter, who launched into the segment. The first few minutes were devoted to a prerecorded interview with Alexandra Goodwin, the psychology professor who had conducted a survey with sponsorship from a national chain of clothing stores. "Curiously," Alexandra offered, "our survey found that both color and style of lingerie seem to be linked to certain personality types. For example, a woman between 21-25 who is self-described as having an active social life is more likely to prefer black or red underwear. Among our survey participants, less than 5% over the age of 40 wear thongs. But, a married woman in her thirties was more likely to wear one than women in their twenties."

Most of the segment used shots of Ashley interviewing Jennifer. Two brief clips with models on a runway were incorporated as examples of several styles of undergarments - French cut panties, a new style of push-up bra, and boy pants. But no particularly revealing shots were incorporated.

When the report concluded, she was joined by Natalie who was holding a half dozen 8 ½ x 11 inch photos. "We thought," the anchorwoman began, "that Ashley and I would explain how all of this fits into the game we have planned for our colleague Lisa Marvell tonight."

"That's right," said Ashley. "We decided it would be fun to match the personalities of our news team with their choices in lingerie."

As she began pulling various items of clothing out of a tote bag, the dark-haired anchorwoman continued. "We asked the six members of our Friday night team - Danielle King, Sue Thompson, Nicole, Lisa, Ashley, and me - to lend us a pair of panties from their personal wardrobe."

"And along with the pieces of clothing, each of us posed for a picture wearing that particular style of lingerie," Ashley said as Natalie casually waved the photos she was holding in her hand. "And I'll be back later in the broadcast to help us match the personalities of our reporters to their personal preferences in undergarments."

"Now, if you're playing along with us at home," Natalie pointed out, "we discarded one pair of panties from the tote bag just to make it a little trickier. For instance," she continued, holding aloft a pair of pink bikini briefs, "do you think you know which Channel 4 reporter owns this pair of panties?"

"Or what about these?" Ashley said as she displayed the additional items - black boyshorts, a white g-string, pale green French cuts, and a red lace thong. "Five items of clothing and six possible owners."

"Now," Natalie continued jokingly, "those French cuts suggest real elegance to me. I wonder who that might be?"

"I'm waiting to see who owns up to this little number," the young reporter said pointing to the g-string dangling from her finger.

"Probably you," the anchorwoman added with a laugh.

"So don't go away, and I'll be back at the end of the broadcast," the young blonde concluded.

"And don't forget," Natalie continued, "I'll have someone here in the studio competing against Lisa as they try to match each reporter to a particular piece of clothing." Glancing off camera at her friend, she added with a devilish grin, "With rewards and penalties for each answer." And with that, she introduced a report from the field about a major traffic accident that had occurred during the afternoon commute.

Over the next quarter hour, the newscast proceeded as usual - the weekend weather report from Nicole, several more local stories, and Tim's sports update. The sports segment concluded with an in-studio interview with Ron Moore, an all-star on last year's high school basketball team who had been entertaining offers to play pro ball but instead had opted to attend a nearby university.

Ron came across as a very likable young man, who despite his extraordinary talent on the basketball court, remained modest and grateful to have the chance to earn a degree while continuing to develop his athletic skills. "And I feel that if I can stay healthy, I'll be a stronger, more well rounded player when I graduate, and I'll be in a better position to achieve my goal of making it in the NBA."

"Based on what we saw last year and what I've observed during the early season workouts this year, you're well on your way to that goal, Ron," Tim concluded with great sincerity. "Now just one more thing before you go," the sportscaster continued. "We're all big fans of yours here at Channel 4. In fact, you may have heard our anchorwoman Lisa Marvell mention on air once or twice that she was certain you had big things in front of you," the sportscaster added with a smile. "Well, we've got a couple of big things planned for the conclusion of tonight's show, and I'm hoping you can hang around to help us out with them."

"Happy to, Tim," the young man said with genuine excitement. "I heard Natalie and Ashley talking about that earlier, and I was hoping I'd have the chance to see if Lisa's brought her A-game tonight."

"I'm sure she has," Natalie chimed in as she joined Tim and Ron on camera. "I'll bring you up to speed in just a second," she said with a smile. "And viewers, I'll explain everything to you right after this commercial message."

When they returned from the break, Natalie was positioned in front of the news desk. As she spoke, the camera panned out to reveal Lisa standing to her right and Ashley, along with the lanky basketball player, to her left. One of the high swivel chairs that was usually positioned behind the desk had been pulled out to the side and was situated right next to Lisa.

"We're ready to find out which piece of lingerie belongs to each of our talented reporters," Natalie began. "I'm sure you've been working this out at home, putting together your guesses. And here in the studio, we're all set to begin playing Strip Trivia with our very own Lisa Marvell." Gesturing to Lisa, she asked, "Are you ready to begin?"

"All set, Natalie," the blonde reporter chimed in, confident in her ability to match most if not all of the panties to the right women.

"Now we want to be as fair as we can," the anchorwoman explained. "And since the goal is to match up reporters with their choices in lingerie, Lisa has an advantage since she knows the personalities of our news team extremely well. So Ashley and I may give Ron a few hints along the way," Natalie said with a wicked grin.

"Well," Lisa hesitatingly responded, "that seems fair enough." Silently she thought to herself, "That's just what I should have expected from Natalie," realizing she was secretly excited that most likely the game would be conducted in a way that guaranteed she would lose.

"We'll start with you, but whenever you give a wrong answer, you'll have to forfeit a piece of clothing and we'll then direct the next question to Ron. "And, she added slyly, "you know what happens if Ron gives a wrong answer?"

"He loses a piece of clothing," the blonde replied with genuine enthusiasm.

"No, I'm afraid that's the wrong answer. Those are the rules for you, not for him. After all, this is your dare, not his. So, since you answered incorrectly, you'll have to pay your first forfeit. Why don't you give me that attractive belt that you're wearing?" Natalie asked with a broad wink at the camera.

The blonde reporter has about to object but realized that would be useless. Instead, she slowly stood up and unbuckled the item, letting it dangle from her hand before turning it over to Natalie. "Well, I guess it's all up to Ron," she said, smiling bravely.

"And remember, whenever he gets a right answer, I'm going to remove one item of clothing from you."

"I understand the rules now," Lisa added emphasizing the last word. "And I made sure to be wearing just six items of clothing," the blonde reporter said as she gestured with her hands to the outfit she was wearing. "Shoes, skirt, top, and my bra and panties. And, of course, the belt that I just lost."

"Then we're all set." Turning to Ron, she said, "Let's get started. I'm sure our audience is rooting for you to be perfect tonight."

"I'm sure they are," Lisa thought to herself, as it dawned on her that if Ron got all of the questions right, she'd be left totally naked with nowhere to hide.

The camera now panned over to Ashley and the young man. "That's a lot of pressure," he said with a chuckle. "You know even on a good night I don't always shoot 100% from the free throw line."

"Well, let's see how you do," Ashley began, holding up the pair of pale green high cuts.

"Okay, these don't seem to fit the style of any of the ladies I've met here tonight," he said thoughtfully, making a play for time. "So I'm guessing they belong to either Sue Thomson or Danielle King."

It seemed to the basketball player that Natalie had looked away when he said Sue's name but then nodded her head when he mentioned Danielle. Feeling confident that he was getting an assist on this one, he stated, "It's a complete guess, but I'm going to say Danielle."

On screen, a picture of Danielle wearing the French style high cuts with an equally elegant lace bra appeared as Ashley called out, "That's right! You've gotten the first one correct."

"Which means," Natalie chimed in as the camera switched to her and Lisa, "that our daring reporter loses her shoes. Why don't you sit down," she said, directing the blonde to the tall chair, "and allow me to take them off." With that, Natalie knelt down and slipped the pair of black heels off of her friend.

"Oh, but I see someone has been cheating," the dark-haired anchorwoman called out. Running her hand up and down Lisa's calf, she announced, "It seems that our daring reporter is wearing stockings tonight. Trying to sneak in an extra piece of clothing just in case Ron got all five answers right tonight?" she asked in an accusatory tone.

"Lisa, I'm surprised," Ashley said with a look of mock horror on her face. "That doesn't seem fair."

The blonde reporter vehemently denied any attempt to circumvent the rules. "I just assumed they wouldn't count," she said pleading her innocence. "Everyone knows that bare legs look terrible under these lights," she explained.

"We'll let our audience be the judge of that," Natalie said as she reached up under Lisa's skirt, grabbed the top of her stockings, and quickly pulled each one off. "And just in case you're thinking of trying any other tricks," she added with eyes flashing, "let's make sure you don't leave this chair." And with that, she took the first stocking, wrapped it around the base of the chair and then secured Lisa's ankles with a knot. "Ashley, while I'm finishing up here, why don't you continue with the next item for Ron."

The camera panned back to include all four people. Natalie could be seen positioning Lisa's arms behind her and using the second stocking to secure her wrists to the back of the chair. Ashley, trying to keep the look of amazement off her face at seeing the reporter essentially being bound on live TV, held up the red lace thong. "Here's a slightly more daring style," she said. "Now, which of our Channel 4 reporters owns this piece of lingerie?"

"I think you said it all when you described it as daring," Ron beamed. "That's got to belong to Lisa."

"Hey, no fair," Lisa called out. "You gave him a hint!"

"See," Natalie said, "it's a good thing I've made sure she can't escape. Otherwise she'd probably be storming off the set right now," she chuckled.

The blonde reporter responded good naturedly to the teasing. "Our audience knows I've never backed down on a dare," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "So go ahead, take off the next piece of clothing. I just want to see how you're going to do that now that you've tied me to this silly chair," she added.

"No problem at all," the anchorwoman responded moving to the other side of Lisa. She quickly tugged at the zipper on the side of her skirt, grabbed it, and deftly pulled it down her legs as the reporter arched her back so the garment could slide out from under her butt. The crumbled skirt came to rest on the floor still wrapped around her ankles, and Natalie simply left it there.

"Well, we've just learned that Lisa has a preference for thongs. Looks like she's wearing a black one tonight," Natalie pointed out, making sure that viewers noticed her exposed butt cheek as Lisa squirmed to straighten herself up in the chair

"Item number three," Ashley continued as she pointed to the black boy shorts. "These might offer a little more protection under a skirt, especially when the weather is cold. So who do you think owns this piece of underwear?"

"That's another tricky one," Ron said, a note of hesitation in his voice. "But you mentioned cold weather, so I'm going to go with Nicole."

"That's right, our late night meteorologist Nicole Lewis! And these do belong to her," she said as a snapshot appeared on the screen behind them showing the weather reporter with her back to the camera as she modeled the panties. "Just amazing, Ron," Ashley exclaimed.

The camera now cut back to Lisa, who was shaking her head at the obvious clue that Ashley had provided. Natalie, standing next to her, was already reaching over and undoing the buttons that ran down the front of Lisa's top. Halfway down, she stopped and, grabbing both sides, pulled hard as the remaining buttons popped off and clattered across the studio floor.

With Lisa's hands tied behind her back, it was impossible to completely remove the garment. But Natalie pushed it off the blonde reporter's shoulders and then tugged it down her arms until the fabric was bunched up around her wrists and across her back.

"My goodness, it looks like she's down to her bra and panties," she exclaimed as the camera focused on Lisa, sitting somewhat awkwardly on the high chair. Her bare feet rested on a circular bar at the base of the chair, and she tried to push upwards as she struggled to position herself more squarely on the seat. In removing her top, Natalie had brushed against Lisa's hair, causing several large strands to fall across the blonde reporter's face. With her hands tied, she was helpless to push the locks away from her eyes, so she tried twisting her head sideways in an ineffective attempt to get her hair back in place.

"Keep up the good work, Ron," Natalie added.

It seemed like the basketball player needed no words of encouragement. He was clearly enjoying his part in stripping the blonde reporter. "Just doing the best I can," he grinned.

"So," Ashley resumed, "there are still three of us left - Sue Thomson, Natalie, and myself. Which one of us do you think decided to make a splash by donating this pair of pink bikini briefs?."

"I was going to say Natalie but when you said 'splash,' that made me think of the new swimming pool at the college. And I remember seeing Sue do a report on that when it opened," he said with a chuckle as he realized how easy Ashley was making this for him. "So, I'm going to have to say Miss Thomson."