Dark as Daylight Ch. 07


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"You're just like your brother and I could not be prouder of you. You can smack your brother now. I know what he did to you at Kennedy."


"Don't get carried away little brother, I'm always around, and I still can hit you back."

"I don't care, because I'm going to give you a good one, and today you can't hit me."

William knelt on the floor. He kept his back, neck, and head as straight as a pin. Through the corner of his eye he watched Patrick as he stood by his left side getting ready for the big event.

Patrick stiffened, as a golfer would, as he turned his hips, rotated his trunk, and arms back, until they were nearly 190° from the back of William Jr's. head. He hesitated for a microsecond, before releasing every ounce of strength he had in his body, like an uncoiling spring, into his swing.

As soon as Patrick dropped his left knee, began pulling his hips through, and throwing his hand through his target area, William slumped like a rag doll. He drooped his shoulders, arched his spine towards the ground, and dropped his head.

Patrick's hand flew by his brother's head hitting only a few strands of his hair. The inertia of his swing forced his body to continue moving through his point of intended contact, until his forward momentum was drained. Patrick fell to the ground, flat on his back, alongside his hysterically laughing brother.

The words that fell out of Pat's mouth were not polite, even at a trucker's or longshoremen's convention. What made it worse was the reaction of the people around him. His father, mother, and sister-in-law were laughing unto tears."

As he was finally able to control his mouth, he said to his brother, "I'm going to get even with you for that. If it takes me the rest of my life, I'm going to get even with you. I know you will tell everyone about this most embarrassing moment of my life. Whether it be at a party, a business function, wedding, or funeral, you will tell someone this story to cheer them up. They will laugh, and you will be the toast of the town. One day, I will think of something that will make us even."

"Little brother, I will look forward to that day. The only thing I wish is there was a camera in this room recording the event. I would enlarge it, and play it on the largest screens in the country.

I had you whipped before you knew what was happening. It was almost as good as watching you lose to dad. You know what they say, 'All good things come in three's.' I can't wait to see with the 3rd one is".

"After the first 2, I can't wait either."


Jennifer walked into the room holding two birth certificates, with her daughter's names on them, and her signature on the dotted line.

"Sign these William, and I will have them notarized in the morning."

William took the certificates and the pen from Jemma. He looked at the names she chose, and did a double take.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"You didn't do it. I was tired of waiting. You said 2 weeks, and it's nearly a month. Those are the names I picked for my daughters. Sign the papers William."

"I will not allow my daughters to have these names. Snow White Zabo. Rose Red Zabo. Have you gone mad?"

"Did you have anything else in mind?"

"Of course I did."

"Then you should have said so, instead of delaying it all this time. Sign the fucking papers."

"I will not sign these papers. My daughters will be the laughing stock of every school they go to."

"Buy the fucking school, and if anyone laughs at them, throw them out."

"Jemma I can't do this; I can't do this to our babies."

"What did you want to name them?"

"I wanted to name them Jemma and Jennifer. I just didn't know how you would take it. It's the reason I kept delaying saying the names."

"You are the dumbest man in the world William; and I love you."

Jemma climbed on her husband's lap, and forgot anyone else was in the room with them.

Junior said, "I think we better leave, especially you Patrick. I have a feeling mom and dad are going to be doing things you are not allowed to see."

"Hell no I'm staying. I want to watch."

Gwen yelled, "Patrick move your ass now."

"No, I...OW. Dammit William that hurt."

"All good things come in threes Patrick. Now move your ass."

"I miss seeing everything."

"I didn't miss you, did I."

"Are you starting already?"

"Yes I am."

"I'm never going to live this day down."

Gwen kissed him. "Soon Pat, you will have days like this for your very own."

"Fat chance with him around."

"You are going to be in either Washington, or Florida. We are going to be in South Carolina. You are going to have plenty of opportunities to make your own memories."

"Yes he will Gwen; especially with Alfonse looking over shoulder 24/7."

Gwen glared at her husband. "Sometimes your mouth is larger than that peanut size brain of yours."

"Way to go Gwenny!"

"Shut up short stuff. Madam, you and I will discuss that statement in the privacy of our room later. You should fear for your backside."

"Sir, you should fear for your former sex life."

"Strike Two for the good team."

"You are looking for a beating Pat."

"I am just a humble observer, calling them as I see them."

"I will bring flowers to your gravesite on the anniversary of your birthday every year."

"You are too generous.

Over the emergency system someone yelled, "Everyone Get Down."

The house light went off, and the floor track lights came on, just as two RPG's hit the front windows of the Zabo townhome.

Junior yelled, "Safe Room."

Gwen grabbed Patrick and pulled him along with her. Junior went to get his parents, who were struggling to get dressed.

"Forget your dam clothes, and get to the safe room now."

"Patrick is not..."

"Mom, I'll carry you if I have to."

"Okay, Okay. Come on old man, our youngest son is going to get an advanced education."

"Watch who you..."

"Would you two stop this nonsense."

"Okay, can we have breakfast first."

"Mom, if they don't kill you, I will."

"Such a good boy we raised William."


The RPG's did only minor damage to the Windows in front of the townhouse. They were made to the same rigid standards as those of the White House, but there were 3 of them, one inch apart, with Halon gas in-between each layer to prevent fires.

The attackers were stunned. They expected easy entry into the home through these windows. These men were not like the 6 men in Florida, these were trained warriors, and there was an unknown amount of them to deal with.

Heavy machine gun and small arms fire was heard continuously, coming from the rooftop of the house across the street.

The Zabo defensive team did not fire a single round in return. They stayed invisible, and quiet not giving their positions away, while waiting for the frontal assault.

Junior listened as the weapons continued to fire at them. He counted 9. He said into his communicator, "Alfonse, we have 9 in front; the main attack is going to come from the rear. Give our friends a very warm reception please."

"I didn't think we would test the sprinkler system so soon. It will be interesting to see what happens, when the temperature rises."

"No one opens fire, until they are past the halfway mark."

"We are very patient William, very patient indeed. On that note, here they come. Are the police on their way?"

"I'm sure they are. I hope they don't get caught in the crossfire."

"When they get this address, and realize who lives here, they will probably call first, and shoot later."

"That would be very wise of them. How many can you see?"

"18, no make that 20. They are being very cautious."

"Turn the system on full, after 15 seconds, light them up."

The attackers heard the sprinkler system come on, but thought nothing of it. The explosives expert attached a small C4 charge to the rear door, and put two detonator caps into it. He unfurled the primer cord and stepped well back from the door. He was attaching it to the firing unit when he asked, "What the hell is that smell?"

A small, smokeless, lighter was thrown from a hidden point behind the intruders, and a wall of flames engulfed them in seconds. The sprinkler system was spraying a mixture of kerosene, and mineral oil. Kerosene to wet the attackers down, and mineral oil to keep the fire attached to their clothing.

It could have been a killing field if Alfonse wanted it to be, but they wanted prisoners. He shouted over the loud speaker, "If you want to live drop your weapons. You are surrounded; if you give up, we will douse the flames."

These warriors were alight in flames. In seconds they would be burning like pigs at a barbeque, as the polyester in their night gear began to melt, and burn their skin irreparably. They dropped their weapons, and tried desperately to keep the flames from their faces and hands.

As soon as their weapons were on the ground, high pressure hoses were turned on them, and the fires were put out. They were told to get out of their fire damaged clothing as quickly as possible. Alfonse ordered them to throw their clothing on top of their weapons, and away from them. They were prisoners. They could not see anyone holding a weapon on them, but they could sure feel them, because the hairs on the back of their necks were standing up.

Alfonse walked out the back door. He removed the 2 detonator caps, and the block of C 4, and gave them to Dick to add to their assortment of weaponry.

"I am not going to interrogate you, that will come later. I all need to know who is in charge of this group?"

Standing in his skivvies, a man said, "I am."

"My name is Alfonse, what's yours. Please don't lie to me, because they will get it out of you later."

"Max, short for Maxwell."

"Bring your clothes with you. Needless to say you are in a lot of trouble. You no longer exist. Your men across the street are dead, and unless you want to join them, you better be willing to talk openly and honestly. The men who will be interrogating you have had extensive method training, in Bulgaria. You have had extensive military experience, so you know what that means.

The remainder of you will be taken away by the police, and will be interrogated by them. You don't know this man, and if you mention him to them, strange things have been known to happen to men who talk while in prison. Don't do it if you want to live."

"George, Dennis, take him away."

From an unseen lair, both men dropped a hatch 6 inches, and slid it back silently. George pointed his weapon at the group, while Dennis used plastic handcuffs to restrict Max's hands behind his back. As he completed this task, he pulled the prisoner to their warren and helped him in. The door closed, and that was the last time any of his men saw their leader.

Alfonse asked, "Who's in charge of this group?"

"I am; my name is Pete."

"Who did we just take away?"

"I didn't see you take away anyone."

"I can see you are a very fast learner Pete. Make sure these men are also."

"I will make sure they do sir."

"I am not a sir; I work for a living. I am a Sergeant."

"Yes, Sergeant."


"Mr. Zabo should I bother asking you what happened here, or should I wait for your lawyers?"

"Why would I have you wait for my lawyers, Captain. As you can see our home was attacked, and we defended ourselves. We were attacked in Jacksonville on our way to the airport. Now we were attacked, while we were here, in our home, enjoying an evening together. Do you think someone is trying to give us a message, or do you think these are isolated incidents? Who walks around with 2 RPG's and fires them at your windows at 9 p.m. Who starts firing heavy caliber machine guns from the rooftops of buildings across a residential street immediately afterwards? We know who they are, but there is no way you can touch them. They think they are so far above the law they can't be touched. The only way to get to them is through the courts, and that's what we are going to do in Texas; if we live that long. That's what this is all about Captain. They don't want us to be able to testify against them. If we're not alive, our testimony is no good, because they cannot cross-examine us. We must survive, until that trial is over. Why do you think our home is an armed fortress? We don't like living like this.

Next week, we have scientists coming here to evaluate some very important pieces of paper we received from Dr. Even Luck. We are going to be out in the open. We know they are going to make another attempt on our lives. When we leave this house, we leave at our own peril. However, when the President of our country asks us to do something for the benefit of our country, you cannot turn him down."

Junior's cell phone rang with a particular ring.

He said, "Oh fuck, I'm a dead man."


"I forgot to let my parents out of the panic room."

"You are a dead man."

"Hi dad, are you okay in there?"

"Oh yes, we are as comfortable as a bug in a rug. What the hell is going on out there."

"Our guys finished making a sweep of a 3 block area 30 minutes ago.

Capt. Blahnik wanted his people to do another sweep just in case we missed something. All the perps were taken away. I think it will be another 10 or 15 minutes before the captain's men give us the all clear, and I can let you out."

"Junior, you are a terrible liar. Let us out of here now, or Gwen will beat you to within an inch of your life."

"Dad, you know you could let yourself out anytime you want by using the keypad on the right side of the door."

"There is no keypad on the right side of the door you numbskull."

"Dad, what good is a panic room, if you can't get out? Don't you remember; 3 gray tiles, 3 blue tiles, 3 white tiles, and then repeat. The 3rd gray tile in, from the 3rd tile up, push it."

"Oh yes, I am a sneaky son of a bitch. All I have to do is remember what I did."

"Do you remember the code dad?"

"Ummm, no."

"Dad, look at Jemma, and think about the code. It's not her birthday. It's the day she scared you to death with her driving."

"I could never forget that day. It was the finest day of my life."

"Then put the day into the keypad, and let yourself out. The tile will close automatically, so get your fingers out of the way."

"I may be old son, but I'm not that old."

"We will discuss that later, dad."

"Smart ass."

"If I am smart, it's because of my parents. Did mom ever figure out how to get dressed?"

"The door just opened Junior, and your mother heard that. If I were you, I would protect myself."

"It's too late dad, she's here."

There was a loud crash, and his phone went dead.

"Gwen, his mother has him, you may be a widow."

"It's okay dad, I'm pregnant."

"Yes, but you're having girls. It will be the end of the Zabo line."

"Aren't you forgetting about Patrick dad?"

"Patrick, my son, you are going to have one wife after the other, until you produce a son for me."

"I don't have to be married to produce a son for you, dad. Just send the girls up to my room, one after the other, and I'll work on it."

Gwen smacked him.

"OW, what was that for?"

"It was for letting your libido get ahead of your brain. Think above your belt, not below it. The big head has the brain. The little head only has one thing in mind, and it will get you into trouble 90% of the time."

"Gwenny, right now my big head is thinking about my little head, and it is telling me that it wants to get in trouble."

"Dad, he is 16 years old. I think it's time for him to get into trouble with a Catholic school girl, from out of town, in her school uniform. I believe they have a long weekend coming up. Possibly, we could arrange for her to spend a few days with him, instead of one night. Someplace nice and safe, but close to where she lives?"

"Do you think you are going to get that past my wife?"

"Woman to woman, yes I can."

"If you can, and you come back to me with both arms and legs attached, I will try to make it work."

"Gwenny I heard you, and I love you."

"I don't care if you love me, you're not getting into my pants."

"Why would I want to get into your pants?"

"Do you see what I mean dad, he has so much to learn."

"Tell me Gwenny, why would I want to get into your pants?"

She blushed. "Pat, ask your mother."

"Am I going to get hit when I ask her?"

"Just tell her how it happened. You told me you loved me. I replied, 'I don't care if you love me, you're not getting into my pants.' I told you to ask her what it meant. You will be very safe if you do it that way."


Angela walked past them carrying the large medical kit.

William asked, "Did one of our men get hurt?"

"Yes sir, he's bleeding from his head and ears. I'm not sure if he has a concussion or not, but I'll know as soon as I examine him."

"Which one is it, should I call his family?"

"I don't think that will be necessary sir. He's lying down in your living room."

"Oh my God, she tried to kill him."

Gwen ran to her husband, and knelt down beside him. She kissed his forehead. "Don't do that, it hurts."

"Didn't you ever learn how to fight a girl when you were in school?"

"First, that wasn't a girl, it was my mother. 2nd, it wasn't human, it was a Tasmanian devil. She was coming at me from every direction at one time. I've never seen anyone move so quickly. She could have fought Sugar Ray Leonard, and beat the crap out of him, because he would never have seen her coming. I never did. She was magnificent, while she was trying to kill me."

"If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead."

"Mom, you don't have a mark on you. Look what you did to my husband."

"He made me go into the safe room naked in front of my 16-year-old son. I don't think he'll ever do that again."

"Mom, the next time something like this happens, I will throw you in there for your own safety. We were born naked, and there is nothing wrong with the human body. We were in a dire emergency and all your son was trying to do was keep you safe. Did you notice he didn't come in there with us? He directed the defense of our home to make sure no one would find us.

At the peril of his own life he made sure we were safe. It was his only concern, and you were worried about being naked in front of the 16-year-old boy? Dad and I have just come to an agreement, and you are going to say yes or I'm going to put my fist down your throat.

Patrick is going to have an assignation with a nice Catholic school girl in her hometown. Hopefully it will be for 3 or 4 days, so they can become used to one another and have some fun. It will be difficult to find a secure place for that to happen, but we will make it happen for Patrick's sake. What is your answer?"

"You're not giving me much of a choice in this are you?"

"No, especially after you listen to what I have to say next."

"Okay, Patrick can go on his field trip with this young lady. If she has the mumps, I'll kill you both."

"Mom, this Catholic girl will jump through every hoop I know of. It will be a wonder if she can bleed when I'm finished with her."

"Now, what were you going to tell me?"

"When Patrick asks you this question, you are going to act shocked, and laugh, but you are going to answer him."

"Okay, what is it?"

"After a brief exchange, Pat said, 'I love you Gwenny."

I replied, "I don't care how much you love me, you're not getting into my pants."

He looked at me confused. 'Why would I want to get into your pants?"
