Darla's Games Day 07


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While the house was large, it was rather distasteful in décor. Apparently, this was a very blue collar family judging by the country style throughout what could easily be turned into a palace of sorts. No big deal, just the musings of my artistic mind.

I finally found Julie in a corner in a loveseat kissing Chad. They were making out pretty heavy and I almost felt guilty when I screamed to her. "Jules!"

She ignored me, softly broke the kiss and I guessed told him she would be right back. He smiled and waved at me. She popped up and ran over to me with the widest guilty grin. He was staring hard at her ass and I saw the bulge in his jeans that made me giggle.

She ran over and grabbed my hand so hard I squealed. "Oh sorry." She drug me into the other room.

"Be right back" I smiled at Charles. We ran around the corner and found a vacant part of the room to consort in.

"God, he is a good kisser." Julie squealed when we were semi-alone.

"I guess so," I laughed. "I thought your tongue was stuck."

"So, what is Charles like?" She asked, beaming in love.

"He's, well, unexpectedly wonderful." I admitted and smiled with my luck.

I told her all about him and she told me about the chat they had on the ride here and how quickly they ended up in that love seat after getting here and how they had barely had their lips detached for the last hour.

I guess we took a little bit too long, because we looked up and saw our dates in the doorway across the room talking to each other and watching us squealing and giggling in the corner.

We waved to them and Julie, the forgetful, love struck bitch grabbed my hand again and I winced as she tugged me over to introduce her to Charles.

"I uh, guess you met Chad." I laughed, seeing the two of them drinking beer together. "Charles, I'd like you to meet Julie, my best friend in the whole world."

He smiled at her, "Well, what an honor that must be. It's a pleasure to meet you Julie." He took her hand and kissed it.

"Oh, what a gentleman." Julie giggled.

"Yes," I smiled at him. "Yes he is."

The four of us found a pool table in a back room and despite the occasional reflection on that fateful game about a week ago, I played. Julie and I got some wonderfully sweet watermelon wine, which I had never had before. We sipped slowly and the boys probably finished four beers each by the time we downed a single glass.

I was absolutely having the time of my life and I wished it would never end. But, usually, at least in the past six days, I have continuously discovered that every time things seem normal and everything seems to be going well, it is like a harbinger of doom.

We had just finished a game with an unexpected eight ball sink by yours truly, when I saw Farin at the doorway. I felt embarrassed that I hadn't sought her out earlier. She looked very sad at me and then turned and walked away.

"Umm, take the break Charles, I just saw someone I need to talk to." I excused myself.

"Want me to come?" Julie offered.

"No, just be a minute or two." I called back. "You ready for another glass?"

"Sure." She called after me and the three of them went to chatting. It was surprising how well the four of us were getting along.

Once out of sight, I ran to find Farin. In retrospect, I should have let it be and dealt with her later, but I felt guilty, especially at the sadness in her eyes. I ran through the rooms looking for her and saw her at the front door, talking to April and crying. April hugged her and tried to console her.

I sighed. It was everything I had feared. I walked up to her and touched her shoulder. She turned on me angry that I would dare to touch her, though she didn't say anything. "Come on Farin," I smiled, "Let's go get some air."

April agreed that was probably a good idea and Farin came with me out the front door. We walked down away from the party and when we ran out of asphalt, we kicked off our shoes and walked barefoot through the grass. We walked in silence for awhile, hand in hand, her sobbing softly now and then and me wincing in pain every time I squeezed her hand.

When the sounds of music and laughter faded behind us, I stopped and turned her to face me. "I'm not a lesbian Farin."

She shook and cried, "I know."

"At least, I don't think I am." I added. "I know I am not ready to go public with my relationship with you. You never pushed me on that before, so why is tonight such an issue?"

"He's handsome." She sobbed. "I don't blame you. I'd be all over him too if I were..."

I looked at her so sadly; I knew the word she couldn't say was straight. She felt like I had felt last night, sort of. I pulled her into a tight hug and let her ruin Julie's dress with her tears.

"Farin," I whispered. "I love you..."

She shook in my arms, "But?" She said, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"But not like you think you love me." I whispered and in spite of her superior height, with her head on my shoulder, I softly played in her hair.

"Don't treat me like a child Carrie." She growled at me. "I know I love you, I'm not some love struck little girl like you want to pretend."

I was taken aback by this. How did she even know I felt that way? "Okay then, I don't love you like you love me." I whispered.

She shuddered and cried harder into my shoulder. "Why? Because I don't have a cock? I could strap one on for you." She laughed sadly.

I couldn't laugh, I was breaking her heart and it burned me badly. "I don't know." I mused. "I think it is more that I am so new to women that I haven't made my mind up yet. I love being with you. I love to make love to you. You are beautiful and fun and I'm really lucky that you love me. In honesty, I'm probably an idiot for not returning your love with all my heart."

"But, for now, you wouldn't want me to lie to you and I wouldn't want to live that lie." I breathed out heavily.

"You know, I'll probably be a bitch to you now." She laughed sadly.

"No, I don't think so." I smiled and kissed her head. "We don't have to be over unless you can't handle it Farin. And if that is the case, then yes, you will be a bitch to me and I'll understand. You will try very hard to hurt me and I will be stubborn and not let you know you are hurting me and we will both cry alone in our rooms every night."

"And so, I find myself in the unique position of asking you what you want for the first time in a week." I giggled.

"Oh Carrie." She sobbed. "You won't give me what I want. But, I'll take what I can get."

"Just until something better comes along." I whispered.

"There is nothing better." She cried.

"There is always something better." I smiled. "No matter how good what you have is, short of absolute perfection, there is always something better."

"Will you make love to me?" Farin asked and kissed my neck.

"Here?" I asked. "Now?"

"I guess that would be a bit much." She giggled.

"Yes, I am sure we would quickly garner the attention of the entire party." I laughed. "And would be the talk of the school on Monday."

"I wouldn't mind that." Farin sighed.

"I know love, but I would." I said, kissing her head.

She pulled my face down and pressed her lips to mine and we kissed. It started sweetly, but soon exploded into a passionate, tongues-throat-deep kiss that went on and on. We moaned into each others' mouths and had our hands on each others' asses and breasts. I knew I had to stop this soon or we would be in a 69 on the lawn in front of a house full of our schoolmates.

I lightly squeezed here and there and I softly pulled my lips away with a gentle smack of the lips. I held her face in my hands, and she held mine in hers. "Don't go." I whispered.

"It's torture to stay." She smiled weakly and I understood what it must be like for her.

"How are you getting home?" I asked.

"Darla will take me. I'm pretty sure. She is kind of pissed that you are in the other room. She wants to get you into some party games and humiliate you. I hear that is your thing, you lesbian whore slut pig." She laughed.

I couldn't help but gasp that they had told her and laugh with her.

"Listen Farin, don't do anything stupid okay? I wish you would stay. I'll introduce you to Charles if you want. We can take turns playing pool..."

She shook her head no. "I'm sure he is a great guy. Knowing it first hand would just be worse. At least this way, I can pretend he is an asshole and he will break your heart and you will come running back to me and I can make you crawl to me." She laughed, actually laughed for the first time.

"I understand." I smiled. "Let's go back up. Maybe someone inside can change your mind. After all, Charles isn't invited to Rebecca's after the party, you are." I winked.

"Fucking one track mind, horny little slut." She laughed.

"Yeah, that's me, a big ole slut." I laughed.

We hugged again and went back up to the house. We got our shoes back on at the drive and I checked her face in the light from the house outside before we went in.

We walked in hand and hand and Charles, Julie and Chad were in the main throng of the house now. I guess we had been gone a bit too long. Julie looked at me puzzled when I walked in with Farin. She chastised me with her eyes and pointed at Charles with her eyes.

She was hung on Chad's arm. Charles didn't look out of place or lonely at all. He was rather a natural at making friends and was chatting with Allison and Addison, which somehow, only made me a little bit jealous. After all, I was just kissing my girlfriend. I laughed to myself. I gave Farin a soft kiss on the cheek and she smiled and walked over to where I saw Darla for the first time tonight.

I walked over to Charles and listened in on their conversation before interrupting. The fucker was asking about me. "Ahem!"

Charles had seen me approaching the whole time and wasn't surprised. The twins, however, gave a start when they looked over their shoulder and realized I was the rude bitch who interrupted them. "Go find your own men. This one's taken." I laughed.

We all laughed, but they left. "Miss me?" I asked.

"Not at all." He smiled. "Great party. They are playing strip poker in the back room. Want to watch? Or play?" He laughed.

"No way. Julie lent me this great dress and I am not taking it off all night." I smiled.

"Bummer." Chad joked.

"No doubt." Charles added.

"Who was that?" Charles asked, nodding to Farin, who was gliding through the crowd towards her sister.

"That is Farin." I smiled. "An extraordinarily beautiful and wonderful friend who just got her heart broke."

"Pity." He sighed. "She is pretty hot. If I were alone, she'd be easy pickings. I bet I could even get a blowjob." He looked at me and laughed.

I punched him in the ribs, hard. "I doubt it." I smiled, looking at her talking to Darla. "I seriously doubt it." I chuckled at the thought of her telling him she was a lesbian.

Julie asked me to join her and we excused ourselves to the powder room and the guys went to get us some more wine and beers, since I had neglected to get our wine during my side trek with Farin.

Once the bathroom door closed, Julie tore into me. "What the hell was that all about?"

"She was crying, so I took her for a walk." I answered, kind of bothered that she was making me answer to her.

"You were gone for a long time. Where did you walk to?" Her tone was not questioning but accusing.

"We walked down the front yard a little ways. What is with the interrogation?" I shot back.

"If you just wanted to ditch your guy on me and Chad to entertain, then you should have told me. I would have said no and gone back to the loveseat!" She shouted.

What was she talking about? What did she know? "I didn't ditch him on you and if you want to go make out with Chad, who is stopping you? Go fuck him for all I care!" I yelled back.

"Fine. See you later." She shouted at me. "By the way Carrie." She said my name with venom. "Your fucking lipstick is smeared."

She slammed the door behind her and was gone. I looked in the mirror. It was smeared. I locked the door and sat on the toilet and cried. She knew. My secret was gone, at least from my best friend.

Someone started pounding the door after a few minutes with polite knocks. I got up and said, "Just a minute." I wiped my eyes and my lips and opened the door to let April in.

I walked downstairs and saw Charles in the kitchen. I went over to him. I looked around for Julie, but didn't see her anywhere. "Hey Charles." I waved.

He smiled and waved me over to him so I went. "What's going on?" I watched as Allison slid to her knees and pulled a guy's zipper down with her lips.

"Truth or dare." Charles laughed. "She is supposed to try to get his cock out without hands."

"Jesus!" I exclaimed. "A bit too heavy for me. Let's go play some pool." I suggested.

"Wait, I want to see if she can do it." He laughed.

Allison was pulling his fly open wider with her teeth and then smashed her head down to try to open his boxer fly with her tongue. There was a pretty sizable group in the room, all laughing at her efforts. She swished her tongue and the recipient was moaning, a bit for effect, a bit in actual enjoyment. "Oh yeah baby." He laughed.

It was demeaning. I wanted to yell at Allison to get up, but she was giggling and having fun, so no harm. I glanced around for a sign of Julie, but I couldn't see her anywhere. I hated leaving things like they were. "Tell me how it ends." I whispered to Charles.

He was getting drunk, I could tell. He grunted and I walked away to find Julie. I saw a bottle of wine on the table in the dining room with some glasses and went to make myself a glass. "Here," Rebecca smiled and came in the room with Brad, "Let me get that for you."

She was drunk, so was Brad. I suddenly wondered if she would let me drive us home. "I um, better not Rebecca. I think I should drive home, okay Brad?" I had to be delicate; I know how protective drunks are about their ability to drive. I also knew I was not riding home with him in his stumbling condition.

"Okay." Brad smiled and handed me his keys. "I'm sure Rebecca won't mind being in the back seat with me." He chuckled.

"We are going to be here awhile." Rebecca smiled, her eyes glossy. "Why don't you have another glass of wine, it will wear off by the time we leave."

I considered it. "No, I'm okay; I'll just get a soda."

"Suit yourself." Rebecca went back to making out with Brad.

I wanted to leave, but now I knew I was here for the long haul. I went through to the next room and saw Darla and Farin were still here and talking nicely on the couch. "Hey!" I waved at them and smiled. "Have you seen Julie?" I asked.

"She rolled." Farin said. "Looked a little pissed, but Chad had her smiling when they left."

"Oh, thanks." I smiled weakly. I'd have to make up with her tomorrow.

"You okay?" Farin asked.

"Yeah, Julie and I had a fight." I answered.

"Oh, sorry, want to sit with us awhile?" Farin asked.

I looked back where Charles was undoubtedly drinking his sixth or seventh beer while watching Allison pull that cock out with her mouth. "Sure." I smiled and sat down.

Farin and Darla were sipping wine. "Want a drink?" Farin asked.

"Naa, the drunkenly appointed designated driver, I waved Brad's car keys." I laughed.

Darla and Farin laughed with me. "Kids shouldn't drink, they can't control it." Darla smiled.

"Well, am I a kid?" I grinned.

"Yeah, and a nasty one too." She laughed.

"Want a soda?" Darla asked.

"Sure, I was actually going to get one after I found Julie, but ..." I trailed off.

"Sit tight, I'll get you one." Darla smiled.

I sat with Farin and told her what Julie had said in the bathroom.

She was wide eyed when I finished. "Do you think she knows?"

"I'm not sure." I answered, "She could have thought you were just covering for me kissing some other guy. Of course, no guys came in with us." I laughed sadly.

"Sorry Carrie. I didn't mean for that to happen." Farin apologized.

"Not your fault. Don't worry about it." I answered.

"Here ya go." Darla said, offering me a can of Diet Dr. Pepper.

"How did you know?" I asked, I didn't think she ever saw me drink a soda and somehow she knew what I drank.

"I've seen your refrigerator." She laughed.

"Oh yeah." I chuckled.

We chatted about nothing and everything. I imagine an hour or more passed before I saw Charles come into the room. "Hey!" He came over and I smelled the beer on his breath, it was very strong. I could tell he must have had some liquor too because I smelled that as well. He practically stumbled and knelt down in front of me.

"Where have you been?" He laughed.

"Did Allison get the cock out?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah." He chortled. "It was hilarious, took her forever. I thought the guy would blow his load on her face by the time she got it out."

"So are they done?" I asked. He was little use now. Most guys become more aggressive when they get drunk, but few are entertaining anymore.

"Not at all. You should come with me, its fun." He offered a hand.

"Umm, no thanks," I smiled. "But you can go if you want. I'll check on you in a little while to make sure you are being a good boy." I laughed.

Now, I know he wanted to get into my pants, but all guys are controlled by their cocks and cocks crave variety. I knew giving him the okay to be playing with all those teenage girls without me was exactly what he wanted. Sure enough, he didn't surprise me at all.

"Okay, I really wish you would join us though." He smiled and struggled to his feet. He didn't know it, but he just let slip he had been playing already.

He stumbled back out and they all cheered his return. I'm sure he was the life of the party.

"We were going to go." Farin said finally. "But I'll stay if you want me to."

I smiled at her. "God, I desperately want you to Farin, but I have no idea how long it will be before the liquor runs out or I can convince the drunks to quit for the night."

Darla smiled at us. "Stay Farin. I doubt there will be an after party at Rebecca's, but if there is, I'll pick you two up in the morning."

"Thanks Darla." I smiled at her. "So, where are you going to go?"

"Ah, things didn't work out as I planned. I am finding this party very boring with you being so responsible. But, I wouldn't change it. You're a good kid Carrie, stay that way. I'm going to go hang with Jill and the gang for awhile. Maybe if they are too drunk you can ditch the three of them and slip by Jill's for the night."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't see why not." She smiled. "Hold on."

She went in the other room and a few minutes later came back and handed me a paper with directions on it. She waited for me to read it and when I concurred that I could find it she bid us both a good evening and congratulated me on being so responsible.

With Julie and Darla gone, and my 'date' immersed in the games in the back room, it left Farin and I quite alone. I was eternally grateful that she hadn't gone with Darla and I told her so. She was pretty happy too.

"Mind if I have another glass of wine?" Farin asked.

"No, go ahead." I smiled, taking a last sip of my soda.

I decided to join her and we went towards the louder-by-the-minute game in the back room. The game had moved from the spacious kitchen to the much more spacious dining room. Farin and I stayed close and I knew we should try to slip by as quietly as possible.

The group was getting very loud. It was obvious that there had been way too much drinking. One guy was passed out on a chair in the corner of the dining room with drool all over his mouth, dripping down his chin. I saw, with a quick glance around the room, that Brad and Rebecca had joined in the fun.

The twins, Allison and Addison, and most of the other cheerleaders were playing. I saw Britney, April, Kelly and Sheila, only Karen was elsewhere. There were some other girls from school, only a couple who were girlfriends of some of the popular players on the team. There were about eight football players besides Brad.