Darla's Games Day 12


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I thought about it. I had only ever sucked one cock in my life and that was Brad's. If I played this game, I'd be sucking at least four other guys off and hoping to do more than that. I tried to recall how bad it was to suck a dick. But my memory was faded with time. There was no way I could do thirty in a night, there wouldn't be enough time. Time. I needed my life back. I was desperate.

"Okay." I whispered. "Sorry little girl, I couldn't hear you." Darla smiled. The game was set but she wanted to push me.

"Yes Mistress, I will play the game." I said with an even tone, fighting the urge to be flippant.

"Much better Carrie." Darla smiled. "Now, I know your asshole is still sore from yesterday, so I'm going to give you a break until tomorrow to put the twenty-nine pencils in your ass on the video camera in your room for us. Tomorrow, you will go visit Courtney after school, so it will have to wait until Thursday."

I groaned. I knew it would come back to me, I just didn't know how or when.

"And you are making my sister very upset lately with your infidelity." Darla giggled. "Why don't you invite her to spend the night and make up with her?"

I looked at her. Was she being sincere or was this just another jibe at my expense that I didn't quite get?

"We'll make another game of it if you like." Darla smiled widely. "You have a five orgasm quota, same as the cocks you are going to suck Friday. Every orgasm below five earns you an extra week, every one above five saves you a day."

"I can't make Farin a game." I whispered. "I'm sorry Mistress, thank you for the offer, but I'd rather not cheapen what we have."

Darla laughed at me and I flushed in anger. "You really are a sweet kid Carrie. You'll probably get her off a dozen times anyway and would have saved yourself a week. Well, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."

I needed to get out of there before I bought myself more trouble. "May I go Mistress?"

"Not yet." Darla smiled. "A few more things. First, let me see one of the tats, take off your jacket."

I did as instructed and we both noted that they were barely faded.

"Okay, cover back up. Nothing sleeveless until they are gone. You looked far too normal today with that jacket on."

"Now, you aren't going to like this next bit, and really, I don't care. I am going to give you a choice though, because, well, you seem to get more humiliated and turned on when you make choices and it is far more entertaining for me."

I waited for what I was sure would be a horrible decision to make. "You have been late for class too often. So, in order to encourage you to get through your between class assignments, I have an exciting new game for you to play."

I groaned. I hated her games in case I haven't mentioned that before.

"I love that look on your face." Darla smiled. "For the rest of this week, you will get a text at the end of class for which bathroom to go to between classes. This is going to happen anyway, so hear me out before you decide on the parameters of the game."

"Every time you are late to class, you will owe me two days, for every class you are on time, you get a day off. There will be a task for you in the handicap stall each time. For every task you complete, you get a day off, for every task that is left incomplete, two days added."

I thought for a moment. "If I don't want to play for time?"

"Suits me, you have won every bet we have made to date, I'd rather have my thirty days and make you do it all and not care if you are late to class." Darla smiled.

"Will it be fair? Will the tasks be able to be accomplished in the five minutes between classes?" I asked. Yeah, I would do the tasks anyway, but I sure as hell didn't want to add days on some bullshit impossible tasks.

Darla kept smiling. "New rule with our relationship. With the exception of when other people are in hearing distance, any time you do not finish a statement, question or response to me with 'Mistress' I may or may not be honest with you. And you will definitely get a single hit with my paddle or each indiscretion on Friday night or Saturday after I add them up."

I bit my lip. "Will the games be fair Mistress? Will I be able to complete then in the allowed time between classes Mistress?"

She smiled brightly. "Yes Carrie. I promise all the tasks will be achievable in the allotted time if you don't hesitate."

"I will play the game for time then Mistress." I replied.

She laughed. "Little girl, I want you to start thinking things through, but you will figure out why tomorrow. Not that I couldn't do it anyway, but the negotiation of parameters is something I hope to teach you through this training. Everything is negotiable up until the point that the agreement is made. You could have changed your parameters on everything, back to the bet we made in the pool hall, but you neglected to do so. You are tough Carrie and I like that about you, but you are also naïve when it comes to your perceptions of a fair world."

I guess my face showed my confusion. I never felt I had any power of negotiation. Where the hell was this coming from?

"May I leave now Mistress?" I asked, needing time to process this new information.

Darla laughed. "A lot to digest. I understand. Go find Farin, I'm leaving."

And I got out of the car and walked off in the direction that Farin stomped off. Darla, true to her word, drove away.

I caught up to Farin about two blocks down, she was talking to Julie. When they saw me coming, their demeanor changed visibly and I got the distinct impression that they were talking about me. As I got closer, my thoughts were confirmed by an embarrassed look on both their faces as if they felt guilty.

"Darla left you, said you could crash at my place tonight." I broke the uncomfortable silence.

Julie looked upset for a moment. Ten days ago she was pretty much the only person to spend the night. This bet was really hammering our friendship.

"Hey, why don't you both come crash at my house?" Julie offered. "I can give you something to wear to school tomorrow Farin, we are closer to the same size." More likely, the same style as all I seemed to wear anymore was slut clothes. But, I kept that thought to myself.

"I..." As soon as I started I saw Julie's expression change and I thought better of it. "Sure, or we can all crash at my place, either way." I smiled.

Farin looked a bit put out for a moment, then smiled the same forced smile I was wearing. "Yeah, it will be fun. Let me call my mom."

Farin walked away then, as if talking to her mom on the phone was a very private matter. I shrugged and Julie and I started talking about ... well, it ended up being Farin.

"So?" Julie started as she walked in the opposite direction of Farin to afford our own privacy. "Did you get lucky last weekend or not?" She giggled.

I blushed. "Do you really want to know?" I asked.

Julie frowned for a moment. "Carrie, you are my best friend in the whole world. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. It wasn't that I was freaked out about you being a lesbian. I mean, I kinda was, I guess I knew it for a long time and I just didn't want to believe it. I kinda always pictured us getting married and having play dates with our kids and ... well, it was a bit of a blow to hear you say it the first time. I'm okay with it really."

She looked sincere. "I think it was more that I was angry about you lying to me. We are best friends. We shouldn't have to ever lie about anything. I guess this has been a hard time for you. And I thought, I would always be the one you came to first. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes. I mean, I hope I would come to you first, not as an afterthought."

"Jules..." I started to feel those tears well up. I hated crying, why did I do it so much?

"Shh." Julie smiled and hugged me tight. "Let me finish."

She stepped back. "I am sorry Carrie. I am so sorry I acted like that when you told me. That was probably the one thing in my life, that if I could go back and change it, I would. You... I know it took a lot to tell me that, and then when you needed me, when you were finally opening up about what has been bothering you since that night you went out, I acted like a total bitch about it instead of being your friend."

Julie started crying then and I felt my own tears were okay so I let them flow. We hugged tight and held on like we were fighting someone from ripping us apart and we cried on each other's shoulder. "Please forgive me Carrie." She sobbed into my ear.

"I already did." I replied.

We just held on for a very long time. Tears of sadness for the brief departure of our friendship. Tears of joy perhaps that we were putting it behind us. It wasn't sexual in any way. It was pure. It was friendship. It was the kind of love that only two best friends can share.

I'm not sure how long she had been standing there, but when I looked up over Julie's shoulder at some point, Farin was standing there, a good distance back, whispering on the phone. She looked sad and she looked troubled. I took the cue and gently backed out of the hug.

"My mom wants to talk to you." Farin said to me and handed me the phone.

Julie wiped her tears away and stepped back for some air. I put the phone to my ear and wiped my own tears away.

"Well little girl," it was Darla, I should have expected as much. "This truly complicates matters. The question is, how much do you want Julie to know? I won't make that decision for you. The rules still apply so if you take her to your house, she will see all your tattoos because you will be naked in your bedroom. You can tell her whatever you want. Lie to her, tell her about me and our bet, I leave that decision to you. If you decide to go to Julie's house, then you will still fill your quota of five orgasms for Farin."

"Yes Ma'am." I said, hoping that was okay since Julie was in listening distance.

"Carrie, Farin and I aren't really close, but we are sisters and I love her. It's time to make up your mind. If you can't handle Farin during this bet, let me know tomorrow and I'll pull her out of it and you two can make a go of it after the bet is over. That honestly might be best. I haven't seen her this conflicted ever. She really does think she loves you. And I'm pretty sure you think the same. But I am not going to go easier on you because you are in love with my sister. In fact, the more you two defy me, the harder I am going to be on you. Think about it. Now, put Farin back on."

"Yes Ma'am. Goodbye." I answered and offered the phone back to Farin. She took it and walked away, leaving Julie and I alone again.

"So..." I smiled. "I guess it makes more sense to crash at your place since you are lending Farin clothes tomorrow. I'll go home and get some pjs and a change for tomorrow."

I wasn't ready to tell everything to Julie. I'm not sure I ever could. How would she handle the knowledge that I was the gimp suit girl the previous times? It was too much to ask of her. How could she handle any of it? I would be pissed if I found out this was happening to her. I'd want to kill the bitches responsible or call the police or tell her mom. How could I think she would do any less?

"Sweet!" Farin interrupted. "So where are we spending the night?"

"Julie's house." I replied.

"I guess I should tell my mom." Julie laughed. "Let's go inside and start on homework, you can call your mom and get your change of clothes in a bit." She said to me.

So we went inside, sat at the kitchen table and did homework. It was so normal. It was so comfortable. We laughed and talked. We consulted Julie on our math homework, which was way beneath her.

We broke for dinner with Julie's parents and had some nice dinner conversation. I went home and got a change of clothes and kissed my mom goodnight.

When I returned, Julie's parents were watching television and we sat at the kitchen table. The subject of Brad's party came up. And I made my excuse then.

"That sucks!" Julie exclaimed. "Let me talk to her." She meant my mom.

Panic filled me for a minute. I was lying again. I was lying to Julie who I had just reconciled with and made a silent promise to never lie again. I was lying to the one person in my life who would probably check in on me, not to question my honesty, but to make sure I was okay.

What was I going to tell her though? 'Jules, I'll be at the party, but I can't see you because I'll be in a closet sucking cocks and not even knowing who they are because they are going to stick their dick in a hole in the wall. Oh and hey, maybe Chad will even get in on it and stick his dick in there for me to suck. Best friends forever, sharing everything!' Yeah, that wouldn't come out too well.

Still, I had to curb her from contacting my mom somehow. I thought too long about it and Julie took it as an invitation as she picked up the phone to call my mom.

"Wait." I stopped her mid-dial. She looked at me. I exhaled deeply.

"Let's all go to your room." I said almost in a whisper. "I have something to tell you."

Farin looked panicked. She knew I was going to open up, but what else was there to do? Julie was my best friend. I had to hold onto that. I had to believe that I would understand if our roles were reversed and I'd have her back.

We packed up our books and Julie dutifully kissed her parents. Farin and I thanked them for their hospitality and bade them a good night.

Once upstairs, I closed and locked the door behind us. Julie sat on her bed. Farin looked at me wild eyed and shook her head 'no'. I breathed deeply and settled against the door, ready to tell her everything, but pondering where to start. I opened my mouth to speak.

"Carrie and I are going out on a date Friday night." Farin blurted out and walked towards me with a warning on her face. I opened my mouth to protest and she grabbed my head and kissed me.

I wasn't expecting it, of course, and I kept my eyes open looking at Julie who looked like she felt like a third wheel, which made sense. But then she smiled at me.

"Why didn't you just say so?" She said. "I don't want you two fucking in my bed, but I'm happy for you Carrie." She paused a moment and added. "And you too Farin."

Farin finally withdrew her tongue from my mouth and gave me a sharp look to play along. "Umm..." I tried to formulate a thought.

"Oh my God!" Julie exclaimed. "You two did the nasty!" She laughed.

I blushed and Farin turned around beaming with her hand around me, resting comfortably on my hip.

"So! Spill it bitch! I want details." Then she noticed Farin as if she hadn't just raped my mouth with her tongue. "Sorry Farin. I mean. You know?"

Farin laughed lightly. "Well, after the party, Brad let us borrow his car and Carrie drove us out to this very private spot by a river. Well, probably more of a stream, but it was pretty wide."

And I stood there watching Julie smiling happily as Farin recounted our sexual excursion in my private place. Julie knew the place. She had gone fishing there with me and my dad back when the world was normal and he was still around and not dating a woman young enough to be my sister. While it was a bit embarrassing at times, I was quite happy with both Farin's recollection of the details and Julie's complete lack of judgment.

She actually looked like a kid on Christmas listening to the juicy details and more than once our eyes met and I had to shake those odd thoughts out of my head again. Julie is hetero. Why was I seeing jealousy or lust every time I looked at her? It had to be my perverted mind. Still, there was no denying that she was paying rapt attention to every word from Farin's mouth.

I was ... thrilled if that word is strong enough. So happy in fact, I put my arm around Farin and pulled my hip tight against hers. She looked at me, smiling like she used to smile. I think she was just so overjoyed to finally tell someone about us, that it made her disappointment with me over the last couple of days disappear.

I felt very loved at the moment and it was a wonderful feeling. I let the weariness over the past week and a half drip away like wax falling from a happy, dancing flame.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

darla and jill dont undertand what love is and maybe the doesn't either

LupusDeiLupusDeialmost 6 years ago
Gimp suit round robin

You need to write a story where every girl of that squad (Julie including) get their turn in the suit for the others, no holes bared. Worst of all, by the end of the round everyone is pretty much figured out what's going on; previous before last time the mask is already more ritual, and everyone knows who the last one will be. A revelation for her, but she can't get out of doing it anyway. Rebecca could be that last.

Well, just getting really cruel fantasies over this story.

pilgrim2sybarispilgrim2sybarisabout 11 years ago
Better and better

Again, this is great stuff. The time away has served you well. The characters are developing wonderfully in these later installments. It's a rich story you've created. I'm looking forward to future chapters.

lovercat2942lovercat2942about 11 years ago
Great chapter

Jessica, this chapter brings out your ability to create suspense situations, thus making this a real page-turning experience. Makes the reader want to come back for more. Glad you are bringing Julie and Carrie back together again, but then again, what happens when Julie finds out that Carrie was in the gimp suit the first 2 times? Next, Julie was starting a friendship with Rebecca; what is to happen with that once Julie and Carrie are back completely as friends? Next, why the substitution of gimp suit girls? Maybe the answer is in the next chapter? It appears that Darla is beginning to get a bit soft, that she really respects Carrie and wants to let her off the hook, thus the games to decrease time, however debasing in the moment they might be. And Farin--it must be difficult for her, loving Carrie as she does, to have to accept deep down that Carrie has to have these encounters with other girls as a part of the game. Farin is a good kid, the type of friend I treasure, but she needs to put her deep feelings on the back burner and realize why Carrie has to do what she does. Anyway, I look forward to reading the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I seriously fucking love this story (most especially this installment). I really, really hope Julie and Carrie get together. Keep up the badass plots!

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