Date Night

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Couples desire to spice things up.
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I had the shock of my life when my good friend and neighbor told me that she and her husband had contemplated "spicing up" their marriage. When I asked Dee what that meant, she told me that they wanted to expand their sexual horizons with another couple. Her husband Will had suggested Mark and me.

My name is Vicki, I'm twenty-five having been married to Mark for three years. Mark and I were high school sweethearts. We knew each other as friends all through high school but only started dating the end of our senior year. I thought we lost our virginity together, but Mark confessed later that he had a one-night stand on his eighteenth birthday with a woman three years older. That was before we started dating.

I guess you could say we learned sex together. We tried different positions, but after only three years of marriage, we had fallen into a rut. Sex was still usually twice a week but mostly Mark on top of me pumping me till he shot his load then rolling off me going to sleep. Oral had become a forgotten part of our sex time, only on special occasions.

I would admit to myself that our sex life had become boring, but I wasn't ready for my friend to give me such an invitation. "Seriously Viki, we've done the research and 'spicing up' your marriage like this can really help things in the bedroom. You told me yourself that night at the BBQ when that you were bored with sex."

"Dee, I was drunk."

"So was I, but it doesn't mean you weren't telling the truth. That was the night that got me thinking that sharing might be a good idea. Mine and Will's sex life is boring too. Together we can have some excitement."

I tried to politely tell Dee that I couldn't do something like that, but she continued to try to convince me. Getting frustrated with me, she threw out the option of just heavy flirting or swap dating. I had never heard of swap dating and she explained couples would go on a date but switch partners for the evening. She had read about it online as a way for a couple to "spice things up."

Much to Dee's disappointment, I told her no on that too, but I said I would discuss it with Mark. Dee said she wouldn't pressure me but hoped I would consider changing my mind. I also didn't tell her I had no intention of saying anything to my husband, we never talked about sex much less sex with other people.

Little did I know that Dee knew I wouldn't tell Mark about her proposal. She had her husband talk to him, in the hopes Mark would convince me. Mark is a good actor, I actually believed at first that he didn't know that Dee had already talked to me.

It was less than a week after Dee and I had our conversation that Mark brought it up at dinner. "Will called me today to invite us out this weekend with him and Dee. He said they have a crazy idea they want to try."

"What is that crazy idea?" I asked cynically.

"We go out but switch dates for the night. What do you think?"

"Why would I want to go on a date with Will? What is it you think you are going to do with Dee?" I asked with anger.

"Damnit forget I said anything. I just thought it might be fun to do something different. Sorry I even brought up trying to do something different." Will got up from the table quickly leaving the room.

Sitting there alone, I was feeling guilty about the way I treated Mark. My mind started rationalizing how I could do the "date" but nothing else. I cleaned up the dishes and went to bed.

Mark woke me sliding into bed cuddling up with me. "I'm sorry honey, I will tell Will we are not doing that."

"I wouldn't have to do anything I didn't want to, right?" I asked in a whisper.

"No, of course not."

"And if I say it ends, the night ends no questions asked."

"Again, of course."

"And you want to do this, and you want me to do this?" Mark was snuggling up to me from behind, his hard cock was pushing against my ass.

'Yeah, I thought it would be fun to try something different, spice things up."

I rolled over kissing my husband passionately. While we kissed, I reached down slipping my panties off. Mark took the hint pulling his boxes off before shoving his cock into my slit. We fucked hard till Mark came inside me. Like usual I went to the bathroom to wash out his cum before I would go to sleep.

When I got back in bed, I slid over to Mark whispering, "Call Will and tell him we'll do it." I rolled back over pretending to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep worrying about what I had just gotten myself into.

For the next couple of days, I went back and forth in my mind. I went from telling myself that I should call off the "date" and then going the other way that I should enjoy it. I finally decided that I had waited too long to cancel and had to go through with it. There was excitement but a lot of nervousness in my stomach.

Dee called me excited that I had decided to try date night. I knew she had talked to Mark when she parroted back to me my conditions. She told me she had a short skirt and a low-cut blouse picked out and wanted me to wear something sexy too. I wasn't surprised, Dee and I both have similar sized breasts 34 C. She likes to show hers off more than I do. I've always been a little self-conscious about guys looking at my tits.

I had picked out several skirts to wear but all were too short. I chose a below the knee-length skirt with a silky blouse. I normally have my hair up or in a ponytail but tonight I spent a lot of time curling it so it dropped down on my shoulders. Mark even commented how good I looked and how sexy my hair down was. I told him we could skip "the date" and go out with just us two. Mark said he didn't want to back out now. I wondered how far he planned to go with Dee.

We met up at their house with hugs at the door. Dee looked hot, her clothes were club ready. I was surprised to notice when we hugged that she wasn't wearing a bra. It really made me wonder what she had planned for the night. Will gave me a hug, whispering in my ear that I looked beautiful. I had to admit I liked the complements.

Dee announced that the plan. We were to go to dinner at a place that also had a dance floor. After dinner, drinking and dancing we were going to a movie. I was surprised at the movie until she explained that she had reserved two private booths at the theater. Mark and I had been to this theater before, they serve alcohol and if you are in a private booth no one can see what goes on in the booth.

Will was not a big drinker, so he was the driver. Pursuant to our "date" arrangement I sat in the front with Will and Mark got in the back seat with Dee. Being the gentleman, Will asked me to stay in the car until he could open the door for me to help me out. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted. Mark and Dee were ahead of us holding hands walking up to the restaurant entrance. Will held out his hand and I accepted. I had butterflies in my stomach like a teenager on a first date.

We were seated in a booth with Mark and Dee opposite Will and I. Will and I talked some during dinner, but I kept watching Mark and Dee. She was flirting hard with him. I noticed their hands were under the table. I imagined Mark had his hand under her skirt while Dee was rubbing Mark's crotch. Some of my suspicions were confirmed when Mark got up to use the bathroom, he tried to hide his erection, but I could tell he was hard.

For Will's part, he was sitting close to me at first pushing his leg against mine. The first time I pulled away but the second I left my leg where it was. After my first drink and before the main course Will's hand slipped below the table on to my thigh. I looked at him with the intention of moving his hand but when I looked over to see both Dee and Mark's hands were below the table, I left it Will's hand where it was.

Dinner took longer than expected so we didn't have much time for dancing. Dee still wanted to have one dance before we headed to the movie. We paid the tab before moving to the club side of the restaurant. There were two couples on the dance floor. Dee quickly went up to the DJ telling him something. She got back to us just as the song was ending. "Okay, let's dance."

The music started with a slow grinding song. Dee wrapped her arms around Mark pulling him the few steps to the dance floor. I watched as their hips ground together before Will pulled me on to the dance floor. It was uncomfortable at first but slowly I started to enjoy being in Will's arms. I let him pull me tighter to his body. His crotch was pushing against mine and I was letting him.

Before we knew it two songs had ended, and we needed to get to the theater. The guys said they need to go to the bathroom first, I was sure it was to adjust their pants or more correctly what was in their pants.

Hand in hand we walked to the block to the theater. It was mine and Dee's turn to go to the bathroom. Dee asked me if I was having a good time, and I had to admit I was. She said she was looking forward to the movie and continuing to have fun with my husband. I wasn't sure exactly what she meant but I had a good idea.

We got more drinks before moving to our seats. The booths each had a reclining two-person couch with a small table. The configuration of the seats made it near impossible to see anything but the movie screen, which meant that it was nearly impossible for anyone to see what was happening in the booth. Dee gave me a wink then pulled my husband to her booth. Will and I sat down with me still holding my drink. I had already had more than my usual limit but being nervous I drank more.

Just as the previews finishing, Will asked me if he could put his arm around me. I didn't answer, I just leaned up letting his arm behind me. With all the alcohol in me (that was my excuse) I sank into his grasp with my head on his shoulder. I really couldn't concentrate on the movie feeling his body next to mine. Time seemed to slip away with Will's arms around me.

"I love your perfume," Will said with his lips next to my ear. Will kissed his way from my ear to my neck. It felt good, but I felt I needed to put a stop it. I turned my head to tell him to stop when our lips met. The word stop wouldn't come out of my mouth as Will pulled me tighter. It was like my mouth opened involuntarily letting his tongue in. My tongue found his returning the kiss.

My head was spinning with Will kissing me when I felt his hand that was holding me tight move to my stomach. Rubbing my stomach, I knew his hand wasn't going to stay there. I decided I was stopping him if he moved it to my crotch. I moved my hand to my crotch to keep him from going there. I was relieved when his hand slid up my chest rather than going to low. I had resigned myself to let him play with my tits. I let out a low moan when her my nipples over my bra.

We continued to kiss with Will rubbing my tits getting me aroused. When Will pulled me to him tight my right hand was resting on Will's thigh. I stopped kissing Will looking him right in the eyes. I grabbed his crotch through his pants feeling his hard cock. The heat from his dick was coming through his pants as I fondled him. I couldn't believe I was feeling another man's dick in a movie theater, even if it was over her pants. I was startled by Will saying, "Oh shit." He pointed out that the credits were playing.

I released Will's crotch and tried to straighten up my clothes before the lights came on. Mark and Dee met us in the hall, they were hand in hand all smiles. Dee grabbed my hand announcing she had to go to the bathroom.

Dee pulled me aside before we left the bathroom. "I'm having such a good time. Let's go back to our house to have another drink and keep playing."

"Oh Dee, I've done more than I should have." What I really wanted to say to her was that I didn't think I could control myself if Will and I were alone.

"Oh, we are doing it then. I know your Mark will want to, he had to do some adjusting so he wouldn't walk funny." Dee leaned in close to my ear, "I did some adjusting first that caused the problem. I think he needs some relief down there. Let's go!"

Dee didn't give me a chance to respond. She grabbed my hand leading me back to our husbands. "Come on, we're going back to the house for a drink and other things." Dee released my hand grabbing my husbands leading him to the car.

Once at the house, Dee poured drinks while I went to Mark. He asked me if I was okay. I could tell by the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice he wanted to have sex with Dee. "I'm okay honey. I'm not sure if I can, but I want you to do what you want."

Mark nodded to me before getting a drink from Dee. Dee made a toast to friends. We clinked glasses then all looked at each other not sure what to do. Dee took charge, "Honey, I think you should show Vicki our finished basement."

No one was willing to say what was going to happen, but we all knew. I looked at my husband, "Yes Will, I want you to show me the finished basement." I followed Will down the stairs not looking back to see what happened to Mark and Dee.

Will was putting on the farce of showing me around their finished basement. He pointed out the bar, the guest bedroom, ending with the entertainment area. I pulled on his shoulder, "They're going upstairs to fuck, right?"

"Yes I think they are, is that alright?"

"I didn't say no to them." I paused for a second the put my other hand on his shoulder. "Will, I really enjoyed kissing in the theater. I'm really nervous about this. Would you mind kissing some more."

Will put his lips to mine wrapping his arms around me. After several minutes of kissing, I told him I needed to sit. Will guided me to the couch. Just like at the theater, Will's hand started at my stomach creeping up to my breasts. Before he could grab my tits, I pulled his hand away. Will gave me a surprised look but before he could say anything, I unbuttoned my blouse. I unhooked my bra giving him full access to my breasts.

"They are beautiful," Will said cupping my tits with his hands.

He kissed my lips then down to my tits. My hand found its way to Will's crotch squeezing the hardness in his pants. Will moaned as I rubbed him.

I pulled his head up to mine, "Will can you stop for a moment?"

Will pulled back, "Sure, is everything alright?"

"Yes, can you stand up for me?" Will stood up cautiously. I stood up next to him grabbing his shirt pulling it off. Will looked at me with a smile when I reached down to undo his belt. I took a deep breath before pulling his pants down. My God, I thought. I was looking at another man's penis. We sat back down on the couch. I slid my hand up and down his cock. Not sure what I was expecting but it looked very similar to Mark's. It was about the same size and shape. There was some relief and disappointment that he wasn't bigger than my husband's.

Stroking his cock, I looked into Will's eyes. His eyes told me what I already knew, he wanted me to suck it. I took another deep breath before lowering my head to his lap. I kissed the head of his dick before parting my lips letting his cock in my mouth.

"Oh God Vickie, that feels so good."

I was really getting into sucking Will's cock when he pulled me up to him. "I'm sorry to stop you but if you keep going I am going to cum in your mouth."

I kissed him on the lips, "that's okay, I would let you."

Will put his hand on my crotch over my skirt. "I would love to cum somewhere else."

I knew I was going to have to make this decision. By pulling his pants down I virtually assured it, maybe I wanted it. I stood up still trying to decide what to do. I had gone this far, there was no turning back now. I reached behind me pulling the zipper down on my skirt. I stepped out of my skirt then slid my panties off. "Will can you show me that guest bedroom again. I think a bed would be better than this couch for what we are about to do."

Will jumped up leading me by the hand to the guest bedroom. Will pulled the bedspread off the bed before grabbing me kissing me. We tumbled onto the bed rubbing our naked bodies together. Will's fingers found my pussy slipping two inside. My juices were flowing.

"Will, I'm ready." I rolled onto my back spreading my legs. He crawled over me. Will's cock hovered above my pussy before pushing past my lips. Mark and I had sex countless times since we started dating. This felt new and different, it was great. Once fully inserted Will started pumping me. Will was fucking me good and hard.

I couldn't believe it, I was going to cum. An orgasm was building inside me and I so wanted to cum. Will kept pounding me kissing me along the way. "Oh fuck," I called out as I started to orgasm. I held him tight kissing Will hard.

Once I calmed down, I released Will who rolled off me. I could feel Will's fluid inside me, he came too. "Oh shit Vickie, that was incredible. Thank you."

"Yes, it was incredible, what do we do now?" I asked.

"It's going to take me a little bit before I'm ready to go again."

"No, I meant the four of us. After this, what do we do?"

"Can make game night more interesting," Will said with a laugh. "Seriously, if I have a vote, I say we do this again."

I smiled feeling Will's cum draining out of my pussy. "You know, I think I would like that too. Not sure how I feel about Mark having sex with Dee, but I guess I can't complain after what we just did."

"You do know that they are upstairs in our bed with Marks cum oozing out of my wife's pussy just like yours is right?"

"I Knew when I agreed to come to your house that they would be fucking, I wasn't sure I would be able to cross that line myself, but I guess I wanted it too."

Will kissed me on the cheek, "Are you happy with your decision?"

"I'm not sure if that makes me some kind of a slut but I'm glad we had sex." I looked down to see that Will's manhood was coming back to life. "Looks like your friend down there about ready to go again. You mind if I get on and take a ride?"

"Damn, I would love that."

I climbed on Will letting his cock slide into my messy pussy. He played with my tits as I ground my pussy into his dick. We both were moaning and grunting having a great fuck. Will was grunting hard getting close to cumming. "Yes Will, cum in me." Will grunted letting loose another stream of jizz inside me.

Suddenly we heard clapping behind us, "Wow, that was hot. Did you fill her up good honey?" Dee asked.

I quickly slid off Will to see Mark and Dee standing in the doorway naked. My first thought was to cover my nakedness but decided that was stupid. I had just fucked my friends' husband and she had just fucked my husband. "I assume you two had as good a time as Will and I did?" I asked.

"I'm not sure we topped you guys, but we had a good time." Mark walked over to me cautiously. "You okay?"

I pulled Mark's head down to me kiss me. "I'm good, I can't wait to get you home and make love to you."

Will and I got up going back to our clothes getting dressed. Mark and Dee did the same meeting us at the door. We all hugged and kissed. I looked at my husband who was holding my hand. "I would like to suggest that we have dinner next weekend at our house to discuss if we want to do this again."

Not surprising they all agreed.

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RocketMan12RocketMan123 months ago

Not much of a story

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Not bad erotica, but it didn’t pull me in, unfortunately. Maybe an actual plot would’ve helped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really don’t like cheating stories.

Bill S.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 years ago

I am in the group that asks how sex can be mundane or boring after just 3 years or so? Also, the dialogue read like a basil reading book. The character Dee is portrayed to be willing to fuck a rock if there's a snake under it. On the one positive observation, the wife characters were developed as somewhat opposite in forwardness so the husband’s experience was different than with their wife. BTRH...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This could be a primer for how NOT to begin swapping with another couple. None of these characters has the communication skills required to make a marriage work and navigating the hazards of extramarital sex is way beyond their respective skill sets. If this turns out well, it is only through the magic of fiction.

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