Deadly Sins

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School girl gets more than she bargained for.
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Staring at nothing in particular outside his classroom window that crisp fall day, Joseph Severino noticed her crossing the open quad. She was hard not to notice, a tall, brown-haired, brown-eyed enchantress, stunningly attractive. At 38 years old, he was a confirmed bachelor that did relatively well with dating attractive women, but nothing that resembled a serious relationship in the last six years, and he certainly noticed her. Perky breasts, beautiful, long 18-year-old legs that led directly to her tight and taught ass. Oh yes, he noticed.

And did she know how to use those looks to manipulate men and boys alike. She was well known to have dated captains of the lacrosse, football and soccer teams in her years at school. She churned through the boys and was rumored to have had some kind of hand in the hush-hush removal of the young history professor, Mr. Peter McLemore, last year. Whispers of an inappropriate relationship between them, followed by an abrupt leave of absence and finally a disappearance of him from the hallowed halls completely, circulated throughout the classrooms and staff rooms. It was explained as a family situation that required him to resign and return home to Chicago, but the rumors still swirled thatshehad something to do with it.

"She" was Gabriela Casimiro, one of his brightest students, already full scholarship in hand for Princeton when she graduated in the spring, and one of the most intelligent students he ever taught in his fifteen years as an English teacher at Hackley School in New York. The boarding school was known not only for its highly renowned academics, but also its proximity to the famous town of Sleepy Hollow, the locale for Washington Irving's tale of the terrifying headless horseman hauntings.

On this final Monday before the Thanksgiving break, Mr. Severino's was the final seniors' class before the entire school emptied and dispersed its students toward family and festive food merriment. He usually didn't enjoy being the last class before student departures, as too many of his seniors over the years would conveniently skip his class to get a head start on their Thanksgiving travel exodus, but today was different. He had allowed one early dismissal this year and excused Stephanie Frallinger, hissecond-best student behind Gabriela. Everything that Gabriela was, Stephanie was the complete opposite: non-disruptive, attentive, always completing extra credit, helping him after class clean up and gather assignments.

Yet time and again, it was Gabriela that always had the best grades, the best essays, the highest GPA. Stephanie, always second. Despite Gabriela's flirtatiousness in class – with the entire male population on campus, including teachers, for that matter – despite her constant texting that he would occasionally need to admonish her for while in his classroom, despite her giggling and seeming lack of respect for his classroom instruction, and despite handing every assignment in at the very last moment possible,stillnobody could best her grades. Not even Stephanie, headed to the Ivy League herself – Penn in the next school year.

But as interrupting as it was, a Gabriela texting incident gave him such pleasure the previous week. Upon catching her sending yet another text in class, he had denied her request to miss this final class as punishment. Even more pleasurable to him was that he knew she seethed in anger when Stephanie was indeed granted that very privilege.

"If you can't show even the most basic level of respect formyclassroom, Miss Casimiro, then how can I give you the same level of respect in return?"

He so enjoyed seeing her clearly enraged face when he denied her request, no doubt assuming her flirtatious charm and teasing would get her what she wanted, as it usually always did. Even more enjoyable when he'd learned that her presence in his class that Monday would mean that it was Stephanie and not Gabriela that would get a ride back home for break from Brad Schmidt, the good-looking class president that most girls swooned over. For whatever reason, Brad had been impervious to Gabriela's seductive charms. No doubt she would have been her most charming that ride home – if she didn't have to attend class.

She had everything, and was casually flippant about it all. While he respected her work, she was one of the few students he actually despised. "And Miss Casimiro, if you don't show up, expect to have a full grade drop in your final marks come the end of the semester." He knew she had no choice then, as Princeton was not usually in the habit of giving out full scholarships to B students. She had to show up that Monday if she wanted that final transcript Princeton would receive to remain filled with A's, and in turn secure her position – fully paid-for position – in Princeton's fall freshmen class.

Once again, always last entering at the bell, she finally made her way into the classroom. Always with a final text, laugh or flirt disrupting the beginning of his class. She took her seat today in the front, most unusual for her. Maybe it was her way of telling him"You are forcing me to come today, you thought my texting was bad before? Just wait, Mr. Severino. Just wait."He cursed silently, not in the best of mood to deal with the little brat now sitting before him. It was perfectly clear in their interactions, especially since the after-school denial of her early leave last Tuesday, that he'd never receive a "best teacher of the year" vote from her. She sat down in the seat Stephanie usually occupied when she was in class, right in front of his desk.

He noticed, beyond the silhouette of the "thank you" apple Stephanie had left on the corner of his desk earlier, Gabriela smoothing down her uniform, clearly rolled up a few inches above regulation, barely covering her ass as she sat. As much as he hated to admit it, he didn't exactly mind the view. He couldn't observe her directly of course, not in the classroom, but he always found himself gravitating to her as she walked across the quad or ran on the field while at soccer practice.

Surprisingly, she wasn't the last to enter the class today. A knock on the door, and in entered Jacob Mills, a new transfer to Hackley, the good-looking son of the CEO of a New York City telecommunications firm. Naturally, he was noticed by Gabriela, who couldn't let a single opportunity to flirt escape her. She smiled coyly at him as Mr. Severino introduced him to the class.

"Class, please welcome Jacob Mills to our discussion of Shakespeare and our young doomed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Mr. Mills, find yourself a seat." Gabriela gave him a nod, that seductive nod Joseph Severino had seen over and over with one Hackley boy after another. She gestured for Jacob to sit next to her, and of course he eagerly accepted her invitation.

Joseph began his lecture, on his favorite Shakespeare play to teach,Romeo and Juliet.Looking down he noticed her blatantly pull out her cellphone and fire off texts silently, paying seemingly absolutely no attention to him. She sat with her legs slightly parted, that short skirt hitched up. Joseph would have liked to have said he was above such immature thrills, to look up her skirt, but he would have been lying. The sight that greeted him had his jaw nearly hitting the desk. Is she not – wearing any panties? Is that her bare pussy he sees? Part repulsed by her wonton display, part turned on immensely, he was relieved his desk hid his now-growing hard-on. But she noticed. To his chagrin, Gabriela noticed his too-long pause in his speech before he had cleared his throat and continued. She smirked slightly, then crossed her legs in a demure manner and sat up straight.

"Are you OK, Mr. S?" she asked, giving him an I'm-totally-aware-what-exactly-your-perverted-eyes-were-looking-at glance. He was embarrassed. She had broken his train of thought; he was suddenly flustered with a mere flash of her cunt. And he was even more discomfited because sheknew.Gabriela knew he had been looking right at her hairless slit. He didn't acknowledge her, not giving into her deliberate taunting.

She was the girl that boys equally loved and hated. They loved her aura of desire and sexuality, and hated that she would never give one boy, one man, her total affection. He detested girls like her and right now, standing in front of his class, he was disgusted for being one of those that secretly desired her. He wanted to know how that tight ass felt in his hands, or even – dare he think it – his cock inside what was surely her tight pussy. Making it worse was the fact she was not even showing his class the proper respect,himthe proper respect. How he hated her right now, for her cheekiness, her sass, the lust she made him feel.

Now with a new flirt target in Jacob, she continued her texting. It was one obviously sent to Samantha Federiks, who was presently sitting in the third row, because they both laughed at the same time. No doubt that message was some sexually explicit mention of young Jacob, naively sitting in his desk next to the seductive serpent.

Raising his voice slightly, he released an agitated "Miss Casimiro! Do we all have your permission to continue with the lesson? Are you quite through texting?"

He was trying not to lose his temper with her, not when less than an hour remained before Thanksgiving break officially began, not when that meant he would have to write a report to the disciplinarian if he decided to make an example of her. That would also mean he would leave later than anticipated, and he wanted to head toward his sister's home in Philadelphia as soon as he could following class. He didn't need to be delayed because of the insolent – sexy insolent, crept into his thoughts – young woman infuriating him. He did hope to embarrass her in front of her classmates, but in that he failed miserably. Gabriela looked up directly at her teacher, slowly, smiling sweetly. "Whenever you're ready, Mr. S?"

"I have been ready, Miss Casimiro. We all have. We've been waiting for you. Is everything OK with you, since theremustbe an emergency with the amount of texts you've sent in the last five minutes?" He was clearly annoyed with her and this smoldering defiance she was displaying. "Please pay attention, Miss Casimiro and put away that phone."

He was furious. Furious with her, but even more furious with himself. How could he be attracted to such a disrespectful littleslut? Had he any standards whatsoever? Was he so shallow that her looks alone would allow him to overlook any flaws in her character for a quick fuck? He walked through the desks as he continued his lecture, thoughts of her still infesting his mind. My, what a fuck it would be. Smooth, young pussy wrapped around his prick as she screamed. And he would make her scream.

But that momentary distraction of her in his thoughts was brought back to reality once more. Even before he turned around, he knew she had that damn phone in her hands. He could hear her clattering of her fingers on the phone's keyboard, and he had enough. Although he wouldn't let her make him even more upset than he already was. "Miss Casimiro! Place your cellphone on my desk,now please!"

Rising with an irritated sigh, she stood up, and leaned over to place her phone on his desk. That lean produced a perfect look at just how alluring those legs, and ass, really were. Her skirt lifted slightly, the bottom of her cheeks flickering into view. Every male in the room was looking, practically drooling. Joseph was aware that even a few of thegirlsnoticed, some lustfully aching for her while some envied her sexual appeal. Once again, he noticed her too, especially her ass. Such a perfect ass. He hated himself, but there front row and center, literally, it was there for him to drink in greedily with his eyes.

Slightly slamming the phone on the desk, she returned to her seat. How he loathed her, that brattiness, the disrespect for his time.His class time."Since you've taken upmytime, Miss Casimiro, let's have you stand next to my desk and read for the rest of us."

That disrespect flushed from her face now, which was now noticeably scarlet. He knew she detested public speaking. She did not move, just staring at her teacher, a defiant "make me" evident in her deep brown eyes. He would not lose this opportunity to dole out some of the anguish she had given him today, however. "Miss Casimiro? Everybody's waiting. Shakespeare'sRomeo and Juliet. A tale of forbidden love. Act II, Scene II."

Bright crimson from both embarrassment and anger, Gabriela stood, next to Joseph's desk, snapping through pages until she reached the right one. Her legs were shaking visibly, a quiver in her voice as she began to read. "A little louder, Miss Casimiro, I don't think Samantha is quite able to hear you." Clearly enjoying her humiliation, Joseph beamed from his vantage point right next to her, seated in his desk. He was so close he could practically hear the names she was undoubtedly calling him in her head.

Joseph was practically giddy with her obvious distress."I taught her something today, didn't I?"he thought, but those thoughts were quickly interrupted, as he caught her scent wafting toward him. The scent of her, aromatic and enticing, a light but pleasant vanilla infused offering, right there next to him. As much as he tried not to allow his thoughts to wander down that path again, there was the lust, the desire, the rage for allowing himself these carnal thoughts. Quickly, he focused again on the Shakespeare.

Finally finishing her reading of the scene, she looked directly down on her teacher with a cocky raised eyebrow, giving him a"are we done here?"glance. "Very good, Miss Casimiro. Now why don't you tell us becausesurelyyou must have been texting someone about this very question what the line"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"from that scene means. Can you tell us, Miss Casimiro? It was in the lesson from yesterday. Unquestionably you must know it well if you had all that time for texting."

Looking as him with cheeks ablaze with humiliation and anger, her face suddenly transformed to a cunning smile, something inside her brilliant, soon-to-be-Ivy-League mind whirling. "She's alluding to the fact that Romeo is a Montague. Juliet is askingwhyis he a Montague rather than questioning where he actually is at that given moment."

He was disappointed. Ofcourseshe had answered correctly; he should have known that she would know that. Why wouldn't she? In his haste to humiliate, he had forgotten whom he was dealing with. She wasn't your average run-of-the-mill spoiled rich, good-looking airheaded bitch. "Can I sit down now,sir?" That very tactic had always worked to disgrace classroom disrupters in years past, but she was in a class all herself. "Yes, very good, nice to see you did indeed know your lesson from yesterday despite your lack of attention. Sit down, Miss Casimiro." Gabriela smirked as she took her place in her desk, her legs still open. She gave her new flirtatious interest a quick wink, which the young Jacob noticed with a blushing smile.

Continuing more Montague and Capulet discussion with both the political and social ramifications of Shakespeare's most famous work, the clock ticked closer to the last minute before the Thanksgiving break scattering of Hackely's population. Joseph walked past the desks as he continued to lecture, with more and more students anxiously looking upward at the clock. He however, was looking down, down onto his desk, and even more onto her cellphone, which now buzzed with an incoming text. Goddamn bitch, can't even get through a class without disruption from her, even when she didn't have her phone in her possession. That agitation was immediately replaced by shock, however, as he noticed what was texted:here's what you wanted to see,along with a picture of the principal's son, naked.Naked.Glaring right at her, he wasn't going to make that trip to Philly quite as quickly as he wanted after all. "Miss Casimiro, see me after class, please."

Angrily looking at him, she snapped back with a "no problem". She was no doubt irate that her departure for the Thanksgiving break was going to be put off for a little while longer, but he was even more maddened by what he had seen. Minutes later, the class bell finally had rung, the break now officially begun for everyone. He should have been on his way to Philly, he should've been beating the rush but instead he had to deal with a self-absorbed, brazen, annoying-bitch-of-a-student.

Standing up as if to casually walk out with the others, no doubt testing to see if he'd just drop the entire chat about her private texts, she was immediately given a stern "sit down Miss Casimiro." He grinned slightly as she fumed, her now forced to sit and watch all the other students filtering out, including her sure-to-be next target of her cock-teasing-but-not-necessarily-cock-pleasing affections, Jacob Mills. She did however, send him onto his vacation with a sex-charged smile and wink.

Joseph closed the door behind the last of the students to leave, and as he turned toward her, he was aware of the barely disguised hatred in her eyes. He walked behind his desk, standing there, calming himself before delivering his disapproving lecture. "Isawthat picture, Miss Casimiro. He's the principal's son! If I have you show that text to his father, Mr. Mooney, do you know what kind of trouble you would be in?"

However, instead of concern for her pending trouble, she simply laughed mockingly. "Sir, I can't control what little boys choose to do with their cellphones. If the boy takes a picture and sends it to me, how is thatmyfault?" His ire now rose, and he came right back at her, even more upset with her total lack of unease. "How would he know your number unless you asked him to text you? And the text,'what you wanted to see'... Miss Casimiro!" Grinning, she responded with that man-eater smile she always flashed. "You mean the number that every boy in school has? And so what, the kid is a little 'confused' thinking I want him. I should really be going to the principal saying I'm being sexually harassed. Byhisson."

He was beyond angry now. Now losing control of his emotions from the sheer audacity she displayed, he grabbed her phone and checked the other pictures.What? What was this?A picture of Mr. Kaplan, the boys' soccer coach, a hard exposed cock in hand. "What in god's name isthis?, Miss Casimiro? Gabriela, what the hell is that?" Immediately she springs up and quickly snatches her phone back, right out of his hand. "Thisis an invasion of privacy is what it is, Mr. S!"

This cunt doesn't care who she ruins, the principal's son, a 34-year-old married soccer coach with two kids. She may have beauty beyond question, but she is heartless! I detest this girl, this bitch! "Did you forget your Student Rulebook, Miss Casimiro? 'Any teacher suspecting unbecoming or illegal conduct has the right to check any student's locker or personal property, up to and including cellphones.' You and your parentsdidsign the Agreement Page in the Rulebook, did you not, Miss Casimiro?"

Once more the familiar redness colored her cheeks, as she took the phone and deleted the two viewed pictures. She placed the phone into her bra, and glowered at him. "What are you going to do Mr. S? Turn me in? Who do you think they'll believe?" Pretending to sob, she continued, "'Oh, Mr. Mooney, I don't know what happened. Mr. Severino, he just grabbed me and told me he wanted to fuck me in the ass.' "