Decent into Darkness


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Holly's hand was shaking as she closed the laptop. It wasn't a dream, it was real, it had really happened.

A stray memory returned to her and she reached for her coat which was hanging over the back of the chair. With a shaking hand she reached into a pocket and pulled out stained, linen handkerchief. The fine cloth and delicate lace was stained crimson with blood. A vision of Anastasia filled her mind,

"...and now my dear, be sure to arrive at my townhouse precisely at eleven tomorrow. I would hate for you to miss my little Halloween Surprise. And do be a dear and be sure to wipe that knife clean as you go past. We wouldn't want my fingerprints being traced back to all this unfortunate business now would we?"

"No Mistress."

Holly stared blankly at the linen in her hands as more of last night returned to her. She recalled walking away from her Mistress and...

Her mistress? Why had she thought to call Anastasia that? And why was she going over to her townhouse?

But the more she thought about it, the more proper it all sounded. A woman of her standing should be addressed by her proper title. And if Holly had been summoned to her home then she should be grateful that a common woman such as herself would even be allowed in, let alone invited. She would go and present herself to her mistress.

A distant part of her mind was screaming at her that this was all wrong, that these thoughts were not her own but had been planted in her. But that small voice of warning was pushed aside and ignored.

Holly finished her breakfast and got ready for work, eagerly anticipating tonight's party and the chance to see her Mistress again.

* * *

It was a an unusually cold and windy night for this time of year, Holly thought as she walked out of her front door and headed up the street towards her mistress' townhouse. With a shiver she pulled her long, wool overcoat more tightly around herself. She was glad it wasn't a long walk because while her coat was quite warm, the costume she was wearing under it definitely was not.

The streets were quieter than they had been only a few hours earlier but there were still more people out at this time than was normal. The children and their parents were long since done with the night's Trick-Or-Treating but the teenagers and young adults were still out, causing mischief, wandering around drunk after leaving bars, or maybe heading to late parties like herself.

She studied the people she passed as she walked. Most were in costume, some were not. She saw the usual assortment of Halloween favorites, werewolves, mummies, some kind of ghost and also some more creative costumes. A tall, thin man passed her dressed as a Vegas showgirl, complete with feathered headdress. A very attractive, middle aged woman passed her dressed in a tight fitting zebra striped bodysuit complete with pointed ears, mane and tail.

Holly found the look of the woman appealing in some way that she wasn't quite used to. She found herself repeatedly turning around to watch the woman's backside retreating as she walked on down the street.

What did she do that for? What was she looking at another woman for?

She pondered over her odd behavior until she reached her mistress' front steps.

Holly looked up at the huge edifice and wondered if she was in the right place. A quick glance above the door to check the house number told her that she was. Her eyes roamed over the structure for a few moments in awe. It was a large house, bordering on a mansion really. Made of dark stone with tall narrow windows it had a gothic look to it. Hints of the detail work could be seen around the windows and the dull green of the old copper trim could be seen in the glow of the moonlight. The house was set back from the street slightly and surrounded by a ten-foot high wrought iron fence. Holly studied the detailing along the top edge of the fence and was surprised to see that what she first took to be delicate lacing was actually stylized spider webs complete with spiders cast into the iron. Holly found it fascinating and beautiful if not a little creepy. The spider theme was repeated by two large spiders cast into the center of each gate that seemed to be studying all who dared to pass through the gates.

Holly decided that the house was probably quite lovely during the day but in the dark it seemed to have an ominous, almost brooding quality. As if it was some giant predator waiting for its next meal.

Shivering again, both from the cold and her nerves, Holly fortified herself and passed through the gates. She quickly crossed the small courtyard and mounted the wide stone steps. The inside of the house was dark and Holly hesitated on the small porch. A dim light glowed overhead providing the only illumination in the covered alcove. No sound could be heard from inside and Holly wondered if she had the wrong house after all.

With resignation, she reached for the door knocker which repeated the spider theme. The heavy, black iron spider stared at her through red eyes that seemed to glow faintly. She could hear the hollow boom echo through the house as she dropped the knocker three times. Holly stepped back and waited, hoping she was in the right place. Several seconds passed, followed by several more without any kind of response. She was debating on trying again when, without a sound, the door swung slowly open.

A petite woman in a classic French Maid's uniform bowed her head slightly in greeting and stood aside, motioning with a hand for Holly to enter. "Good Evening Madam. May I take your coat?"

"Oh, yes, thank you." Holly said as the woman helped her shrug off the overcoat. Even in the relatively warm air of the house Holly shivered in her skimpy costume.

She had found the package on her doorstep when she got home from work that afternoon, wrapped in black paper with an orange ribbon around it. The note tied to it had said,For you to wear this evening. I'm sure you will look delicious. A~."

Eagerly, Holly had taken the package inside and wondered what her mistress had picked out for her. The eagerness she felt turned to surprise and hesitation when she saw the costume. Pulling out the top she perused the very sheer, red fabric covered bikini with an intricate pattern of gold sequins. The bottoms were even skimpier, just a small thong covered with more gold sequins that would barely cover her sex. Under those was a long flowing skirt the fell almost to the floor. So sheer it was completely see-through but covered with more of the lacy gold sequin pattern like the top. A shiver of nervous anticipation ran through Holly as she held it up to her waist. She saw she could see straight through it. Wearing this costume would be comparable to being almost completely naked. Completing the costume was a veil made of the same sheer material and gold sandals.

Standing in the entryway she pulled the veil up so it covered the lower half of her face and waited for the woman to return. She felt very exposed and uncomfortable in the costume and crossed her arms over her breasts in a vain attempt to cover her near nakedness.

The woman returned and gestured down the hallway, "The mistress is awaiting you in the library. Please follow me." She turned away without waiting for a reply.

Holly walked along behind the maid wondering if the skimpy French Maid's uniform was her costume or if she always dressed like that. The black and white ruffled skirt barely covered her bottom and the top was cut so low that Holly was sure her breasts would spill out at the slightest provocation.

She caught herself staring at the girl's shapely legs and once again wondered at herself. She recognized the warmth between her legs and tightness in her stomach but the idea that a woman would be causing this kind of reaction in her body confused her. She had never before reacted to another woman like this, so why was she now?

At the end of the hallway was a massive set of dark wood doors that stood closed. The maid opened them both wide and then stood aside with her hand out, gesturing Holly inside.

Holly stepped through the doors out onto a small landing. Her eyes opened wide in amazement. The room was dark and she couldn't see much but what she could see was impressive enough. When the maid had said they were going to the library, Holly had pictured a small, cozy room with two or three bookshelves and a few reading chairs.

The library she walked into was immense. Stretching off into the gloom as far as she could see were row upon row of shelves. The massive dark wood shelves towered over her and were crammed full of tomes of all sizes. Looking up she saw a wide balcony running around the edge of the room with yet more bookshelves ringing the upper walls. She couldn't even begin to guess the number of books the library held but she figured it was well into the millions.

Holly stepped down three stairs to the main floor and looked around and saw no one. Her quiet footsteps in the gold sandals seemed incredibly loud in the hushed silence of the dark room.

"The mistress is awaiting you in the reading area." She pointed deeper into the stacks. Stepping back into the hall, she pulled the double doors closed and Holly was alone.

When the doors closed the room became even darker. The only illumination came from a flickering light somewhere ahead of her. She headed towards the glow, hoping it was the reading area the maid had spoken of. Once into the stacks, Holly felt as if she had entered a cavern. The narrow isle between the shelves stretched on ahead of her and the books soared overhead. She tried to read some of the spines as she walked but it was too dark. Even without reading them, she got the distinct impression that the books were old, some of them very old. The whole room had the musty smell of dust and old paper with just a hint of smoke.

The light got brighter as she approached the end of the isle and she could see that it opened onto a small area with several overstuffed chairs, a long table and a large desk. On her right were two ornate high backed chairs facing a massive stone fireplace. A small fire glowed in the fireplace, its flames providing the only illumination.

"Good evening my dear. So glad you could join me tonight." The voice of her mistress came from one of the chairs in front of the fire but she couldn't tell which. A hand appeared around the edge of the chair on the right and gestured for her to come closer.

Without hesitation Holly walked up and stood beside the chair. Anastasia sat comfortably studying the flickering flames. She was wearing the same skirt and blouse that Holly had seen her in last night but the coat was gone. The ruby at her throat gleamed in the firelight, reflecting red sparkles that dazzled Holly's eyes. Holly sucked in a breath at the sudden increase of heat between her thighs. Her mistress was even more beautiful than she had remembered.

Again that small voice in the back of her mind started screaming at her. This wasn't right, she shouldn't be here, these thoughts were not her own. Something was desperately wrong. She should run while she still could. A wave if dizziness swept over her and she suddenly didn't know why she was here. Confused and scared she took a tentative step back.

Anastasia's eyes looked up and locked onto her. Holly froze and the little voice in her head turned silent. She could feel her mistress gaze burning into her soul, reading her mind, twisting her thoughts, she opened her mouth to cry but no sound came.

Anastasia tapped one of her red lacquered fingernails against the arm of the chair and smiled. "Now my dear, let's have a little chat, shall we?"

Holly startled as if she had just snapped awake from a dream. She opened her eyes and wondered if she had fallen asleep standing up. The fire had burned down to coals and the room was now even darker than before. Staring at the orange glow, she wondered how long she had been standing there. She turned and her eyes met Anastasia's again. The warmth between Holly's legs flared into an inferno at the sight of her beautiful mistress and her luscious body. This was her mistress, she was here to obey.

Her mistress held her gaze for a few moments before she smiled. "Are you ready for your private party my dear?"

"Yes mistress."

Anastasia's eyes seemed to brighten at Holly's response. "Excellent." She stood and walked slowly around Holly, studying every inch of her.

Holly could feel her arousal increasing with every passing second. She thought she could actually feel her mistress' eyes tracing over her sensitive, nearly naked skin. Her lips trembled as she tried to remain silent and still but a small whimper escaped her when her Mistress ran a fingernail lightly over her shoulder and up the side of her neck.

Continuing to circle her, Anastasia's eyes studied Holly with a lust filled gaze. "Do you know anything about the costume you are wearing, my dear?"

"It's a Harem Girl costume."

"Yes." Anastasia purred, "It is. Do you know why you are wearing it?"

"No mistress."

"Because after tonight you will be a member of my Harem, so to speak. Does that please you, my dear?" She stopped behind Holly.

Holly was panting with need. The passion between her legs was rapidly consuming her self control. If her mistress wasn't standing behind her she would have succumb to the urge to drop to her knees and finger herself to a furious orgasm. Even without touching herself she thought she might cum soon anyway. The sequined thong of her costume was pulled tightly into her crotch and she was acutely aware of the feel of the material on her pussy. As she opened her mouth to answer she felt a bead of her hot wetness trail slowly down the inside of her leg.

"Yes mistress."

Anastasia took a step closer. Holly could feel her mistress' cool breath on her neck. She moaned softly. Her nipples stood out painfully stiff and her hands shook as she fought to control herself. She could feel the muscles in her pussy tightening, the tension building. She was nearing her limit and didn't think she could hold on much longer. Another drop of her arousal ran down her leg and she moaned with pleasure and frustration.

Holly shuddered as her mistress' fingers wrapped around her bare shoulders. Those strong, slender fingers were ice cold, making her skin tingle with each touch. A louder moan escaped from her as her mistress' breath caressed the side of her neck. Loosing control, her hands came up and ripped off the sequined costume top, exposing her aching breasts. Her fingers grasped her stiff nipples and started pulling and rolling them with a desperate need. Her expression pleaded with her mistress for release.

Just when she didn't believe she could take much more Anastasia asked quietly, "Are you ready my dear?"

"Yes mistress!" Holly cried.

Soft, cold lips kissed the side of her neck and Holly went over the brink. Pleasure exploded in her mind and she screamed with her release. The climax was intense, far stronger than anything she had ever known. Her pussy convulsed and throbbed with wave after wave of mind numbing ecstasy.

She barely heard the sharp hiss at her ear over the pounding of her heartbeat but she felt the sharp, stabbing pain as Anastasia bit deeply into her neck. The pain mingled with pleasure and created a lustful forbidden feeling that Holly hadn't experienced before. It felt deliciously perverted and somehow evil and other-worldly. She screamed louder.

She crested again and again, each time flying to new heights of pleasure. Her body convulsed with powerful spasms and her cries of lust were ripped from her lungs. But with each climax she felt herself slipping away. The room was becoming dimmer and her body weaker. The stabbing pain in her neck faded and she could now only feel her mistress' lips suckling her. With a final, weak cry Holly collapsed to the floor and the darkness claimed her.

* * *

The moonlight glinted off the river in the distance as Holly looked out over the rooftops. Her long, flowing hair rustled softly in the cool air and her long dress fluttered around her legs. She leaned out over the balcony railing and looked down at the nearly deserted street below. A single young woman was walking along the sidewalk.

A sudden hunger flared in Holly's pussy as well as her stomach. She brushed her tongue over the razor sharp points of her fangs and smiled.

Anastasia wouldn't be back for days and Holly suddenly felt very bored. Having a new playmate around might be a pleasant diversion. She didn't think her mistress would mind. In fact she would probably enjoy a pretty new addition to her Harem. And besides, Holly was hungry.

Her smile broadened as she turned and headed into the darkness.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Amazing story. Would be nice to eventually have a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

More Mistress....pleeaaassse!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
please please carry this story forward brilliant writing

this story deserves to be carried forward and it would be a crime not to

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Please add a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Such a brilliant piece.......

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