Decisions in Paradise Ch. 03


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Cindy came during their sex. She always did. But it was only sex and only an orgasm. Abbey, on a bench, had excited her more. Cindy wondered; she wondered what sex would be like with...somebody like Abbey.

Cindy hadn't lied. She'd never been with another woman. She never wanted to. Maybe she still didn't. But she wondered.


Abbey looked at her watch for the third time. Five minutes past noon. This time when she looked down the street towards the condos, she saw a small figure. A female with blonde hair. Tall. It was her.

Abbey's pulse quickened in direct proportion to how close Cindy got. When she was close enough for Abbey to make out the grin under the large sunglasses, Abbey's entire chest pounded with each heartbeat.

Abbey saw the woman's tank top and full breasts and wonderful legs below her shorts. And she saw the smile.

"Sorry I'm late," Cindy said when she was within ten feet.

"You're not."

They kissed each others cheek and lightly hugged. "Isn't it a beautiful day?" Cindy said.

"It is now."

"This is why I came," Cindy said. "You say the sweetest things."

"I was afraid I'd never see you again after yesterday," Abbey admitted.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Ready to shop?" Abbey said.

"I'm ready."

Abbey pointed to the window. "I think we should go inside and look at those more closely."

Cindy knew she meant the cover-up, and she couldn't agree more. A small bell above the door announced their arrival at the otherwise empty boutique. It was fairly narrow, but deep, with racks built into the walls and displays spread around the floor. Colorful bikinis, shirts, and beach wraps fought for attention.

Cindy immediately strolled towards the display that seemed most likely to have the item from the window. Abbey was close behind. From the back of the store, a girl barely out of her teens came towards them offering help.

"No. We're fine. Just looking for now," Cindy told her.

The girl dutifully retreated to the counter, folding a couple of shirts along the way that previous customers had inspected.

Cindy was holding one of the swim suit cover-ups; a brightly patterned piece that was not at all like the sample in the window. She put it back.

"Too much pattern," she said.

She dug deeper and found a darker, solid one.

"I like that better," Abbey told her.

"Do you?" Cindy held it against her hip. "Me, too."

Abbey found a similar style, but in a much lighter shade. She offered it to Cindy, who held it up to the light.

"Much more translucent. I like that," Cindy said.

"Not sure what that means, but if you like it..."

"See through," Cindy said.

"Oh. See through is good."

Cindy giggled. Ten more minutes of shopping caused her to decide to go with the lighter one Abbey picked out. The women were across the store from each other, but when they got back together, Cindy said, "I'm going to look for a new swim suit and then I'll be done."

Abbey was NOT in the need of a new swim suit, but picking one out for Cindy was too tempting. She found a display of bikinis and soon had an obscenely tiny white one in her hand. She waited for Cindy to look at two or three on her own before strolling over to her.

"I think you should try this on."

Cindy's expression of surprise was met by Abbey's own mischievous smile. Cindy took the hanger from her friend and held up the bikini.

Abbey said, "I think it would look marvelous against your tan."

"You mean I'd have to be seen in public in this?"

Abbey hesitated for only a second. "Well, at least try it on in private."

"Did you find one?" Cindy asked.

"I wasn't looking for me."

Cindy turned and motioned for Abbey to follow her. "Come here."

Cindy pulled a bikini from the rack and handed it to Abbey. "This is the one for you."

Abbey inspected the tiny suit, including the bottom piece with metal rings holding it together on the sides. "How many forty year old women...," Abbey began to say.

"C'mon," Cindy said, pulling on Abbey's arm toward the back of the store.

The young girl behind the counter pointed the way to the dressing area. It consisted of four tiny stalls with curtains in front. A door separated the dressing area from the rest of the store.

Cindy had already gone into the first stall. Abbey immediately turned back, rummaged around in her purse, and pulled out a twenty dollar bill.

She handed it to the girl. "Tell any customers the dressing area is full. Got it?"

The girl nodded, stuffing the bill in her jeans pocket. Then Abbey went in and silently closed the door behind her. She walked past Cindy's stall and entered the second one.

After about two minutes, Abbey heard Cindy say, "Oh my God."

"What?" Abbey said, only half dressed but hurriedly trying to catch up to Cindy.

"This can't be legal."

Abbey laughed. "Cindy, there are clothing optional beaches on this island. How can a bikini be illegal?"

"Well, it is on ME."

Abbey finally tied her top in the back and said, "Let me see."

She flung open the curtain at the same time as Cindy.

"Oh my God," Abbey sighed. Cindy stood nervously, with her legs tightly together and her hands at her side. But even in that less than provocative stance, the magnificence of the bikini on Cindy's lithe body was stunning.

Her breasts were scarcely covered by triangular pieces of fabric that allowed the nipples to protrude as if nothing was restraining them. The top clung to the side and bottom of each breast, permitting their natural shape to invite the eye.

All of that was inconsequential compared to the sight between Cindy's legs. The tiny patch of white material may, in fact, have covered Cindy's pussy. But anybody seeing her could easily envisage the beautiful woman without anything on.

"Turn around," Abbey said.

While she turned, Cindy held her hands together on top of her ass as if to add a little extra coverage. It didn't help the fact her petite cheeks were not completely enveloped by the bikini bottom. Cindy's perfectly smooth skin shimmered even in the dim light of the dressing area and all Abbey could say was, "Wow."

Cindy laughed nervously, having looked at herself in the mirror and knowing what Abbey was now staring at.

"You're not going to wear that in public, are you?"

"See. I told you," Cindy said, turning back around. "And by the way, I'm not sure you should be talking much. That suit doesn't hide a whole lot."

Abbey looked down at her own bikini clad body. Then she took the couple of steps it required to get to Cindy. They stood nearly touching, their eyes uninhibited in their examination of each other from head to toe.

"I can't let you out of this store," Abbey said softly. "Every man on St. Maarten will want you."

Cindy looked into Abbey's dark eyes. "Maybe I don't want every man on St. Maarten."

Abbey gently placed her hand on the side of Cindy's left breast. "What do you want?"

Cindy peered down at the hand and watched it rest on her bikini; not fondling or kneading her, just resting. "I don't know what I want any more, Abbey."

Abbey moved her hand up to the side of Cindy's face. She brushed the soft skin and let Cindy's blonde hair sweep across the back of her hand. Cindy closed her eyes.

Abbey leaned in and kissed the cheek. Her hand slid down the back of Cindy's head, caressing the fine hair. Abbey then kissed Cindy's lips and got a timid kiss in response.

Abbey's mouth moved to Cindy's chin, and then her neck. Cindy's eyes were open again, watching the top of Abbey's head move down the front of her chest and Abbey's mouth finally come to rest on the top of her left breast. Abbey kissed her delicate flesh, lower and lower until the lips touched the top of Cindy's bikini.

Just when Cindy thought Abbey was done, she felt her nipple being squeezed by the tender lips that had kissed her just seconds before. An audible sigh escaped Cindy's mouth. Emotions of every type flooded her brain.

"Abbey," she whispered, "what if somebody, another customer..."

"Shhh. Don't worry. The door's locked."

Abbey leaned up and pulled Cindy into her tiny stall. "Now kiss me."

The passionate embrace that followed was their most loving moment together since they met the day before. For Abbey, it was a release of sexual desire. For Cindy, it was an awakening.

Their bodies came together. Their hands roamed freely. Their tongues probed.

Cindy was moaning, aroused like she'd never been aroused before and not knowing what to do about it. Unconsciously, her hands slid inside the back of Abbey's bikini bottom and caressed the tender skin. She was almost embarrassed when she realized what she was doing. But she didn't stop.

Abbey was the first to separate. She lowered her head once again to Cindy's breast, but this time she used a hand to pull down the bikini and expose the tender nipple. Abbey licked it twice before placing it in her mouth.

Cindy gasped at the first combination of licking and sucking that Abbey performed on her. She reached behind her and felt the wall of the little dressing area. She stepped back and braced herself against the wall, unsure that her legs would hold her up if Abbey kept sending shock waves through her body.

Abbey had succeeded in uncovering both of Cindy's breasts and alternated between them, providing extended treatments with her mouth. Still not totally satisfied, Abbey grabbed the bikini top and lifted it until both breasts hung free. Cindy's moans grew louder.

Cindy's stimulation rose to the point where she felt she HAD to somehow return the favor to Abbey. All she knew to do, and all she felt comfortable doing, was reaching out for Abbey's breasts. She clutched at them, feeling the thin material of the bikini sliding across Abbey's skin under her hands. She felt the nipples hardening.

It was Cindy's first contact with another woman in this manner and it felt good. Abbey's mouth on her own breasts felt even better, but there was no denying the fact she liked the feel of Abbey's tits in her hands. Cindy purposely avoided touching Abbey's skin as much as possible. Yet, the sensation was definitely exciting.

Deep inside her stomach Cindy's body reacted every time Abbey's teeth closed around a nipple. Her pussy grew wetter by the second and the urge to touch herself was becoming unbearable. But Cindy desperately wanted to avoid accepting the fact that what was happening was sexual. She wasn't quite ready to take that plunge.

"Abbey. Stop. Stop!"

Abbey obeyed, but only after a couple of final licks.

"You don't like it?" she said mournfully.

Cindy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I like it too much."

Her eyes opened again and the women looked at each other carefully. "Do you know what you want, yet?" Abbey asked.

Cindy wanted to answer. But she didn't trust herself to express it correctly. She needed time; time away from Abbey, away from her beautiful body.

She put her hands on Abbey's hips. "Can we meet again tomorrow?"

Abbey smiled. "Of course. But we aren't done shopping, are we?"

Cindy laughed, partly from the humor and partly from relief. This time, it was Cindy who initiated the long, loving kiss.


"I can't believe you made me do this," Cindy said, sipping on a tall drink.

"My God, Cindy. You have a cover-up around your waist. All they see is a very fine-looking bikini top. Trust me; what they see is much appreciated. Don't be so shy," Abbey told her.

"But the wrap is translucent, remember?"

Abbey rolled her eyes. "Of course. I forgot. It's the same as being naked."

"Practically. My panties are three times the size of this bikini."

Abbey leaned forward across the table. "Then your husband is very unlucky."

Cindy didn't answer that one. She looked out over the beach, still searching for a woman who had anything on as revealing as her. There might have been one, but the girl was a teenager. There was, however, one redeeming factor: Abbey liked the bikini and the cover-up. And its what Cindy wore when they were 'together' in the stall. For that reason alone, Cindy liked the outfit.

"I'm keeping you from your family, aren't I?" Cindy said.

"I told them I made a new friend. My family is very understanding," Abbey said. "The amount of time you and I have been together hasn't been exorbitant. They probably like having me out of their hair for a while."

"I doubt that," Cindy said with a smile. "I'd want you around."

She waited a second and added, "I DO want you around."

"And you're not mad at me for suggesting you buy that bikini?" Abbey asked.

"I'm learning to trust all your shopping instincts. Now, it's just a matter of sitting on the beach and waiting for dudes to fall all over me."

"Shit," Abbey said disgustedly. "I knew it."

Cindy reached out with her bare foot under the table and rubbed Abbey's leg. The message was received.

"One more drink and I think I'll have the courage to lie out," Cindy said.

Abbey concurred and another round was followed by a search for an open plot of sand, followed by the spreading of towels. Cindy took off her cover-up and quickly, it seemed to Abbey, sat on her towel. Just as Abbey had suspected when she first saw the white bikini in the store, it looked incredible against Cindy's tan body, especially in the bright sun.

"I know one thing. I'm not going into the water in this suit," Cindy said.

Abbey nodded. "Yeah. Maybe it's better to leave a little to the imagination."

Cindy frowned. "Well, there's not much left."

"Just relax and wait for the dudes to start arriving."

The women eventually settled in and were able to sunbathe in relative peace. About an hour later, when Abbey rolled over and looked at Cindy, she saw her friend was sitting up and staring out at the ocean. Abbey did the same.

"I need to get in out of the sun pretty soon," Cindy said, looking over at Abbey through her expensive sunglasses. "It's no fun being blonde."

"Where do you want to go?"

Cindy said, "If you want to, I can drive us back to my condo. It's only five minutes."

Cindy's expression was bordering on one of pleading, but Abbey wasn't about to refuse under any circumstances.

"What about your husband?" Abbey asked.

"He's over on St. Barts. Something to do with a new development they want to buy into. He won't be back until late tonight."

Abbey lit up. "Well, then. Let's go."

It took more like ten minutes, with traffic, to drive to the stunning condo that Abbey would have more likely called a mansion. Cindy parked and eagerly guided Abbey into the home through a garage door.

"Wow!" Abbey exclaimed once setting foot inside. "This is awesome."

"Thanks," Cindy said shyly. "It's much too big for two people. But it's what he wanted."

"I take it he gets what he wants," Abbey said while they laid their bags on a table in the eating area. "I mean, he got you."

"He might regret that," Cindy said, turning to lead them into the living area.

"I doubt it."

Abbey was too busy looking around at the magnificent furnishings and wall coverings to argue with Cindy. She nearly stumbled over a glass table in front of the couch. Cindy giggled, dropped onto the couch, and patted it for Abbey to join her.

"Something to drink? Eat?" Cindy offered.

"No. I'm fine." Abbey said. "I can't imagine what your real house, back home, must be like."

"Actually, not much different. A little more spread out."

"You're too modest," Abbey said.

"So you understand why I said I get lonely?"

"I'd get lost," Abbey said with a grin. "Besides the bedroom, do you have a favorite, I mean?"

Cindy grabbed her hand and bounced off the couch taking Abbey with her. She sped them down a hallway and into a room that Abbey first thought was a library, or reading room, mainly because of a floor-to-ceiling bookcase on the wall to the left as they entered. Straight ahead, and curving all the way around to their right, were ceiling high glass windows looking out over the ocean. There was another bookcase to their right, and a long couch under one half of the window.

"Wow!" Abbey said.

"Not bad, huh."

Outside the windows and maybe a hundred yards away, a brilliant white sand beach was dotted with a handful of people and colorful beach umbrellas. The sky seemed to be an extension of the room because of the high windows.

"I come here to relax," Cindy said.

"And spy on people on the beach?" Abbey said.

Cindy leaned over the end of the couch and pulled up a pair of huge binoculars. Abbey roared with laughter.

"And don't even try to tell me only your husband uses those," Abbey said.

"Want to try it?"

Abbey glanced at the binoculars and then back at Cindy. "No thanks. The best scenery is right in front of me."

Cindy put the binoculars on a table and smiled. "There you go again."


"Tempting me," Cindy said.

"It was a compliment," Abbey replied.

"I'm not used to compliments. When somebody says something like that to me I figure they want something."

"Speaking of which," Abbey said, gazing at Cindy. "Have you determined what you want yet?"

"Every man on St. Maarten."

Abbey had to smile. "You're a lousy liar."

"Then, yes, I know what I want."

Cindy stepped forward, closing the space between herself and Abbey. She reached out and took both of Abbey's hands.

"I want YOU, Abbey. I never thought I'd feel this way. I never looked at another woman like I look at you. But I want to be with you all the time now. I hate it when you leave me. I, I love you."

Abbey felt a nervousness rush over her that she hadn't felt since she was a teenager, alone for the first time with a guy she thought she loved. All they both craved, of course, was sex. They had it and it was horrible. But the anticipation had been palpable.

Now Abbey felt it again. And she hoped there would be sex. And she knew, this time, that it would be wonderful.

Abbey had to kiss Cindy, or risk having Cindy see the tears welling up in her eyes. They had kissed enough in the last couple days to take the uniqueness off it. They were both more comfortable and natural with the kiss and accompanying embrace. Only this time both of them felt urges inside their bodies that were restrained before.

During the kiss, Abbey fumbled with Cindy's cover-up, eventually getting it open and letting it fall to the floor. Her hands roamed Cindy's body, once again feeling the gentle curves that made the blonde so irresistible.

Abbey moved her head to Cindy's shoulder and untied the top of the white bikini. Seconds later she was tossing it aside and lightly kissing one of Cindy's breasts.

"Lick it, Abbey. Like you did yesterday. Please."

Several licks of the nipple and surrounding area were followed by a more emphatic sucking and nibbling. Cindy moaned her approval and pulled Abbey's head harder onto the breast. When the nipple felt like it was going to burst, Abbey moved to the other tit.

"You don't know what you do to me," Cindy uttered. "Teach me how to make you just as happy."

Abbey leaned up and beamed a huge smile. "Are you sure?"

"I want to make you happy."

Abbey untied her top and pulled it off. Cindy looked longingly at the full and firm breasts with the faint tan lines outlining Abbey's previous bikinis. The nipples sat amid small, dark areolas. The pink nubs were already reacting.

"I've never, um, I don't know...," Cindy began to say.

"Cindy. Kiss them like you're kissing my lips. Lick me. Suck me. I'll be happy," Abbey assured her.

Cindy made that first contact with another woman's breast and, almost immediately, had a good portion of it inside her mouth. Her tongue worked on the nipple frantically, and she used her hand to hold up the tit for even better access. Cindy's lust made up for any lack of experience.

"God, Cindy. That's so good! Just like that."