Degradation of Peg

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Store clerk meets sexy wife.
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All my stories deal with interracial sex, especially large dicks and small pussies. If this isn't your thing, find another story.


Ron was working at his brother's adult video store. It didn't pay much, but, he figured the fringe benefits would more than make up for the money. He had been watching the white wimps reading the interracial books and renting the same kind of movies. It must really make them jealous to see those black cocks stretching those white pussies. He was thinking they probably go to sleep dreaming it's them instead of the black dude.

Ron was 28, single, and enjoyed his freedom. He was only 5' 7", and weighed a muscled 170. He was good looking, but not someone to die for. His big assets were his ready smile, easy going manner, and a cock that could stretch any white pussy in the city.

Ron had his eye on this guy that seemed to come in once or twice a week. He was hooked on blacks fucking white women while the husband watched. There was nothing special about him. He wasn't the athletic type. Nor, was he especially handsome. Just a white wimp with a fucked up head. He was about the same age as Ron, and wore a wedding band. Ron was getting impatient, and decided to dangle some bait in front of this wimp and see if he could get a nibble.

"Hey man, you find what you like? Can I help you with anything? I know where every movie is located." Ron asked.

The guy turned beet red before answering. "No, thanks. These will be all for tonight."

"Okay, but remember, I'm here to help keep our customers satisfied." Ron was smiling.

"Thanks again." Paul said, as he placed his latest choice of movies on the counter.

"It's slow around here during the middle of the week and your familiar face breaks the monotony. My name is Ron. My brother owns this place and I'm helping him out until something better comes along." Ron picked up the two movies and looked at the titles. "I've noticed you are interested in our large interracial selection. You'd be surprised how many white men are curious about black and white sex."

Paul turned red again, before stammering, "You mean a lot of guys rent this kind of movie? I thought something was wrong with me. Everyone I know would think I was a sick pervert. I thought black guys only rented them."

"No, no, black guys make them. White guys rent them. There's nothing unusual about how you feel. Thousands of husbands have this fantasy of watching their wife being fucked by a black's huge cock. A few of the lucky ones actually get to live out their fantasy. It takes a strong, loving marriage to survive such an experience."

"Why? She wouldn't love him, just have sex." Paul questioned.

"Haven't you seen their length and girth? How many white men have something that size? Have you heard the expression, once you go black, you never go back? That's because many women are never satisfied with their small dicked husband, after experiencing a long, black cock in their stomach." Ron was dangling the bait.

"It's just a fantasy, and will never happen anyway. My wife would kill or divorce me, if I even brought the subject up." Paul explained.

"Does she know you are watching these movies?"

"God, no. She goes to community college three nights a week. I watch them while she's at school."

"Well, it's time I was closing up. You're the only customer I've had in the last hour. You want to stop around the corner and have a cup of coffee?" Ron asked. He wanted to see a picture of this guy's wife. If she wasn't a complete dog, he was going to fuck her and make her a slut for black cock.

Relaxing over a coffee and feeling more at ease sitting in a booth, Paul exclaimed, "I didn't even tell you my name. It's Paul."

Grinning again, Ron said, "Pleased to meet you Paul. If I'm not being too personal, could I see a picture of your wife?"

"Sure," Paul said, while reaching for his wallet. "Her name is Peggy, but, everyone calls her Peg."

Ron was amazed that the beautiful brunette in the picture was married to a nothing like Paul. What the Hell! She must see something I don't. Maybe he does have a donkey dick. One thing for certain, it would be pure pleasure to fuck her pretty head off. "You have a very beautiful wife and are a lucky man. With this gorgeous wife, why would you have a fantasy of another man fucking her? Why would you take the chance of losing her?"

"I believe it was something that happened when I first went away to college. I made an unexpected visit home late one evening. Approaching the house, I could hear noises coming from behind the house. Curious, I went around the house and the noise was coming from inside the back bedroom. I could see around the drapes, and there was my mother being fucked by a large black man. She was thrashing around and groaning. Her legs were wrapped around the back of her lover. My father was at the foot of the bed watching my mother get fucked. He was naked and beating his meat. I went back to school and never visited again without calling first. Ever since that night, I have been watching movies and reading books about interracial sex. I married soon after graduating, and we have been married two years. She was twenty-two when we married and had never been with a man before. The first year, I supressed my feelings, but now, they are stronger than ever. I watch the movies and masturbate so often, I can't get it up to fuck her." Paul slowly explained. Paul couldn't believe he was telling his new friend his life story.

"Just out of curiosity, how big is your dick?"

Paul got red, and quietly said, "almost six inches and not very thick."


"Well, closer to five."

"Closer to five, and she's satisfied?" Ron asked, astonished.

"I told you, she's never been with another man. Maybe, when you are in love, any kind of sex is satisfying. We love and respect each other very much. She is going to night school, so she will have a better chance in the work market. We want to start a family in another three or four years."

"I"ll tell you now, Paul, if you don't get this fantasy out of your head, you won't be married in another three or four years. If you've had it since your first year in college, you are not going to get rid of it, unless you actually live it. What you need is a black man that knows and understands your problem, also one that is willing to help you out. You need someone that is clean and free of disease. More important, you need a man that has the equipment to completely satisy your fantasy once and for all. You want a man that will exit after the fullfillment of your fantasy, never to be seen again."

"How in God's name could I ever find someone like that? I'm scared to approach anyone on the computer. Even if, by some miracle, I did find someone, how could I ever get Peg to go along with it?" Paul was getting interested.

"What if I told you that I am willing to be the one to help you? You seem to be a nice guy and you have a problem. You have my word that after you watch me fuck her, I will leave your life forever." Ron had a nibble now.

"You? But, we don't even know each other. You sound as if there is no problem getting between her legs. I told you she has never been with another man, and I don't believe she would let another man fuck her. Especially, a black man. This is my fantasy, not her's." Paul was swallowing the bait.

"I'll tell you what. If I can't fuck her within a week, you can have all the movies you want for the next year. Do you have more than one bedroom in your home?" Ron asked.

"Yes, we have three. In a few years, we planned on needing them. What does that have to do with anything?" Questioned Paul.

"What if your best friend from college just happened to be in town and needed a place to stay for a week? You did have friends in college, didn't you? You said 'especially, a black man,' is she prejudiced?" Ron wondered.

"Yes, I had good friends, but I have never talked about them. It's a sore spot about me going to college and her not. No, I don't think she is prejudiced. We have never discussed it. When am I supposed to break the news to her about your visit? What if she says, No?"

"Thanksgiving is coming up. Does she get off extra time for the holiday?"

"Yes, there's no school that week."

"Okay. That's a week away. That gives you time to sweeten her up and get her to agree to having an old college chum come calling. That will give us time to become better friends and get to know a little about each other's past. To be on the safe side, don't mention my race. Let it be a surprise when she opens the door. Oh, something else. Have you and her ever smoked pot?" Ron had him now, hook, line and sinker.

"Pot? We tried it a couple of times. All it did was make us giggle and get the munchies. It was kind of fun, but too expensive to become a habit." Why? You going to get her high on pot?"

"Why not? A good joint and a bottle of wine will make her so high, she'll be out of her mind. We will work out the details during the next week. Another thing, if I fuck her the first or second day, you have to let me stay the whole week and fuck her as often as I like. Agree?"

"Since I don't believe you will be able to fuck her the first time, I agree."

"Come by the store tomorrow, and we can go over more details. Here's my cell number. What's yours? I have to call and get invited to visit. Remember? Does your phone take and send photos?"


"I'll give you one tomorrow. I want you to take half a dozen photos of Peg without her knowledge. I need side views, not full frontal. Preferably, close ups, but if not, I can edit them. Think you can do that?"

"I guess so. This is getting complicated. Are you sure this is going to work? I have this obsessive fantasy, but, I'm still happily married and I want to stay that way."

"Leave everything to me. It'll work like a charm. Once I'm in your home, I'll handle everything." Ron was thinking, you naive fool. You have no idea how well it will work. Your stupid white boy fantasy is going to destroy your virginal wife. Better yet, it's going to put a black baby in her innocent belly. Then, you can look at the results of your fantasy for the rest of your life.

After that evening, everything worked like a fine Swiss watch. Paul got Ron the photos he needed. Peg, surprisingly, agreed to having an old friend of her husband's spend a week in their home. Paul explained about Ron being a party animal, and since they had no social life, she believed this might be the chance to get their marriage back on track. Paul had seemed to be distant and inattentative lately. If Ron was a party animal, maybe, they could all go to a nightclub and dancing. It had been ages since she had been dancing. If she danced with Ron, would Paul get jealous? What a wicked thought! But, Paul had never seen her in another man's arms. Maybe, she would make him jealous on purpose. It would serve him right for all the nights he turned his back and went to sleep. This mood set the stage for Saturday morning and Ron"s knock on the door.

Before Ron went to work for his brother, he had worked for an escort service and as a part time male model. He had been fired for going too far with a client, and she reported him. Modeling jobs were few and far between right now. He did have a thirty minute DVD of his prowess with white bitches. This film was his resume, so to speak. Now, he was going to use it to break down the barriers in the mind of Peg. He had taken the six photos of Peg and duplicated each one twenty times on his computer. He downloaded the DVD and with his software pushed the edit button. Now, he could drag and paste the one hundred and twenty images onto the DVD, anywhere he wished. The short film had him getting a blow job, eating pussy, and feeding his cock into white pussy. It took him all afternoon to drag all the images throughout the film. Some people doubt that subliminal suggestion works, but Ron knew it did. Watching the film, her picture couldn't be seen, but, it would register on her mind. He had her face next to his dick. Her face was there when he was shooting his cum into the other woman's mouth. Same thing when he was devouring her pussy, and fucking her out of her mind. All he had to do was make sure she got to see the movie.

"See who's at the door, will you hon?" Paul said, since he was still shaving.

Peg answered the door, wearing shorts and a halter top. Weekends were lazy days. She saw a neatly dressed black man, about three inches taller than herself. He had a big smile on his face and there was a piece of luggage at his feet. She thought he was some kind of salesman. Nobody smiled like that, unless he wanted something.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Hi. You must be Peg. I'm Ron. I hope Paul told you I was coming."

"Ron? But, you're not supposed to be here until tomorrow."

"I caught an earlier flight. I'm sorry if I have caused a problem."

"No. No problem, but, we're not dressed for company." Especially, black company, Peg was thinking. I'm going to kill Paul as soon as I get him alone, she fumed. "Well, come on in, such as it is. Paul will be down in a minute. He's still shaving. Just set your bag down anywhere and come into the kitchen. Coffee is hot and I was ready to have a cup."

"That sounds great, and again I am sorry for surprising you like this. I'll take you and Paul out to dinner to help make up for it." Ron said, smiling again.

When Paul came in, he was more surprised than Peg. But Ron, being a good conversationalist, had everyone at ease. You couldn't be in the escort business without knowing a little about everything and a lot about nothing. Peg and Paul were laughing and enjoying themselves. Peg had noticed that everytime she looked at Ron, he seemed to be memorizing every visible inch of her body .

Later, Paul said, "Let's get you settled into your room, and then how about you and I going to the driving range and hitting a bucket of balls. We can catch up on old times."

"Good." said Peg, "That will give me a chance to straighten up this house."

"The bedroom downstairs is being used for a computer room, so you'll have to sleep upstairs, across the hallway from our room." Paul apologized. "Don't worry, we won't disturb your sleep."

Ron unpacked haphazardly, but made sure he left a large manila envelope laying in plain sight on the dresser. He had written, 'My Photos" on the front.

Peg had pretty much cleaned the downstairs and decided to check the upstairs. She made their bed and walked across the hall, to see if Ron's room needed anything. The first thing she saw, was the envelope. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it was not going to kill her to see what kind of photos were in that envelope. Pulling out the pictures and seeing the first one, almost did kill her. There was a naked Ron, with a huge, half turgid cock, hanging between his legs. She was so shocked, she dropped the pictures. Picking them up, she couldn't help seeing the others. His dick was erect, sticking straight out like a baseball bat. Another, had a blonde on her knees, kissing the large head. Each was more explicit that the last. Masturbating, crammed inside a white pussy, dripping cum into a woman's mouth. There must have been a dozen photos of the most disgusting acts imaginable. What kind of animal had they let into their house? Why did he carry such pictures? What kind of person would leave them laying around for anyone to see?

After Peg had calmed down, she had to admit she had no business looking at them. If he carried those, what kind of work did he do? The more she thought about it, the less disgusting it was. She was actually excited and became wet between her legs. What would it be like to touch or kiss a dick that big? Would a woman really enjoy having her pussy stretched by such a monster? Could she take all of it inside her small pussy? What was she thinking? No way was she going to have that inside her! She had to get her thoughts in order and calm down!

When Paul and Ron returned, Ron knew from her attitude that she had seen the photos. She was still polite and joined the conversation, but now, she seemed withdrawn and he caught her looking at him.

Finally, Peg could keep it back no longer, so she asked, "Ron, Paul has never said what kind of work you do."

"Oh, I thought you knew. I'm a male model, and when I can find it, an actor in adult films. I've never been very ambitious, but I believe in doing something I enjoy. I have some pictures and a film that I carry to show prospective employers. My resume, if you wish to call it that. I earn pretty good money, but I'm not rich. I have clients all over the country, who call and want my private services. I could never find a more enjoyable and exciting line of employment."

Paul's mouth had dropped open, but he never said a word. Peg was now the curious one, and she had to know what he did. "Are you saying women pay you for your private services?"

"Yes, of course, and very well, I might add." Ron said. "Let's drop the subject about my life, and go have a good dinner. You pick the place and I'll pick up the tab."

After a very good dinner, they were finishing a bottle of chilled wine. The band was playing soft music and a few couples were dancing. Paul and Peg were not drinkers, and both were slightly dizzy. Ron asked, "Paul, do you mind, if I ask your beautiful wife for a dance?"

"Go ahead and ask. I'm going to sit here and relax."

When Ron asked, Peg was undecided whether to say yes or no. But, she thought, why not? It's just a dance and it's been so long since I've been on a dance floor. She said, "Sure, but I'm a little rusty. You may have to guide me."

Moving onto the floor, Ron held her in a close embrace. Immediately, she could feel his bulge pressing just above her pubic mound. She could swear she felt it moving. She halfheartedly tried pulling away, but he just held her more tightly. He wasn't doing anything inappropriately, so she couldn't walk off the floor. She relaxed and went with the flow of the music. When the song ended and before they could leave the floor, another began. They continued dancing, but now, he was lifting her to her tiptoes. In this position, his semi-hard cock was rubbing against her clitoris. Everything looked normal to other people, but she was getting excited and very wet between her legs. The song ended and he led her back to the table. She was kind of wobbly, but he had a firm grip on her arm.

"Thank you very much for the dance. You are a wonderful dancer and light on your feet." Said Ron.

Peg calmed down, and thought of how foolish she must be. Why should she get excited dancing with another man than her husband? Was it because Paul hadn't been paying attention to her lately? Was it the atmosphere and wine she had drunk? Was it because Ron was so good-looking and so sure of himself? Was it because he was black and hung like a horse? Whatever the reason, she was a happily married woman and would always be true to her husband. Suddenly, she wanted to go home, she was scared he would ask for another dance. "What say we go home. I'm feeling tired." Peg said.

On the way home, they stopped and Ron picked up a bottle of brandy. Sitting in the living room, drinking coffee with a dash of spirits added, everyone was very relaxed. Paul was feeling the alcohol, or he would never have said, "Why don't we watch your resume film?"

Peg almost agreed to watch with them, but better sense prevailed. What kind of woman would she be to watch a sex film in mixed company? She decided to retire to the kitchen and straighten up, then take a shower while the film was showing. Paul loaded and started the movie. The very first scene was of a naked Ron laying on his back, while a beautiful brunette was kissing and licking his cock. Paul let out with a loud, "WOW."