Deliver Us From Evil Ch. 03


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... The Guardians of Justice M.C.

The Federal Agents were stunned as the dozens of Guardians walked up. One of them came up to us. "Afternoon, sir, ma'am." he said to Teresa and me. "Where do you need us?"

"Encircle the Cathedral." I said. "O'Leery's inside, and he doesn't leave unless and until he is in my custody. And help protect the Wrangler Circus people." The leader acknowledged with a quick salute by touching his temple, then stalked off and disseminated the instructions.

The men and women of the GOJMC began filing down the streets on either side of the cathedral. The Wrangler Circus people were in the 'front', i.e. between the building and the GOJMC people, and a lot of backs were now between them and potential bullets from Federal Government guns.

"Hey Bonnie!" one GOJMC member said to the redheaded woman.

"Clyde!" she exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in years!" They hugged, and introductions and new friends were made.

The Media was at an outpost near the parking lot where the GOJMC had parked their motorcycles. They'd gotten good footage of the riders rumbling in, and now they were filming the encirclement of the Cathedral. Bettina and Tim Sioban didn't realize they were on a 'hot mic', and it was broadcast as they discussed where best to situate their cameras when the Feds started shooting and killing as many GOJMC and Wrangler Circus people as they could.

That would cause a scandal in the coming days and weeks, but in the 'here and now', I had the problems of keeping those Patriots alive, serving Cardinal O'Leery with the warrants, and preventing him from escaping to the safety of diplomatic immunity. And I knew I could not do that alone...

Part 18 - Oath of Office

Peter Page got a phone call, and left the command tent as he talked animatedly with whoever was on the other end. Jack Muscone got a text, and said to me: "Hey Dog, the plane is less than 30 minutes out, and its under City International Airport's approach control. And I think that phone call that Page just got is coordination for the diplomatic vehicle."

"Damn." I said softly. Then I said more loudly: "Well, we don't have a choice. We're going to have to go in and just take the bastard out of there."

"You may lose your Court case if you do." said CPD Captain Kari Vance.

Muscone added "And create an international incident. I don't know if the State Department could charge you with a crime for disobeying their orders to not go in, but they'll damn sure try."

I looked towards the Cathedral. Armored State Patrol Officers had set up behind the Guardians of Justice M.C. people, giving them some shielding. I saw the black-shirted Wrangler Circus people at the corner of the property, their haggard faces showing their grief at the loss of one of their own, and also the hope and anxiousness of being so near their dream of seeing Justice meted out to the brutally evil man that had ruined so many of their lives, yet so far away. I remembered my promise to them. And I decided.

"Okay, I'm going in myself." I said. "Teresa, I won't ask you to come with me---"

"And you don't have to." Teresa said. "You know I'm going with you."

"Let me do it."

We all whirled around. Town & County Police Captain (Chaplain) Alberto Romano was standing there, in his Police uniform with a clerical collar around his neck. He said "The Federal order was that no one but priests could go in there. And last I checked..."

"You got your armor on?" I asked. Father Romano tapped his chest; he had on armor underneath his shirt.

"Put on armor over your shirt, too, then your black robe over that." I said. That was quickly done, then I handed Romano the two warrants. "Go with God, Father."

"Thank you, sir. Go with God." Father Romano replied. He and Teresa fist-bumped, then he headed to the Cathedral. Teresa and I followed him, she carrying an extra armored vest.

We were allowed through the blockade, and went up the steps to the front door. I was prepared to jimmy it open with my crowbar, but the door was not locked.

"Stay outside, Teresa." I said as Father Romano went inside. I stood right in front of the door, facing it, like Buddy does at home when he hears a car driving up. I was acutely aware that I could be shot in the back at any moment...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The body of Christ, broken for you." said Claude Cardinal O'Leery as he administered the Eucharist to one of the six young priests kneeling before him. Then he looked up and saw Father Alberto Romano coming up the aisle in his Police uniform, having shed his black robe as he entered the Cathedral.

"What are you doing here?" O'Leery thundered. The six priests turned, then drew powerful handguns and aimed them at Romano.

"I'm unarmed." said Romano as he raised his hands, but still slowly coming forward.

"Lower your weapons." O'Leery said. "Romano, I order you to turn around and leave."

"I can't do that, not yet." Romano said. When he reached O'Leery, he handed him two folded pieces of paper. "Your Eminence... you've been served." he said. "And you are under arrest."

"Why you filthy traitor!" O'Leery roared, his face red with furious anger. He held up his Cross and rosary. "You have broken your sacred vows to the Church. Satan has possessed your soul in life, as he will in death. You are excommunicated!"

"Come now, Eminence." Romano said, almost serenely. "I'm not excommunicated, and I never will be... unless I commit a real act of sacrilege, which this is not. But even if I was, I am abiding by the Oath I took long before the vows I took to the Church... the Oath of a Police Officer. And I am here to escort you outside, where you will be taken to answer for your many earthly crimes."

"Get thee gone!" O'Leery hissed. "Or you will die!"

"As will your young acolytes here." said Romano, indicating the six young priests. "The Iron Crowbar is outside the doors. He is going to come in here and take you down, and he will do whatever it takes, whatever the cost, to do that. And this cathedral is surrounded by dozens of people... unarmed, unprotected, but ready to die to stop you from going anywhere, except to City Police Headquarters for booking."

"If they are so eager to die," said O'Leery, "we will accommodate them. I'm going to Rome, and there is nothing you nor the Iron Crowbar nor anyone can do about it. Federal Agents are eager to kill the Iron Crowbar, and they will kill anyone else who gets in my way!"

"Verily verily I say unto thee, Your Eminence: you will never make it to the Vatican's plane, nor even the diplomatic car." Father Romano said.

"And that is your fault, Romano." the Cardinal hissed. "You could have helped the Church, helped me. Instead... you took the wrong side, the side of the Police. And now, people will die because of your choice."

"Is that all you care about? People dying?" Romano asked, his voice unnervingly quiet and even. "Has your soul been that deeply corrupted?" O'Leery's face got even redder with fury.

Romano continued: "How many more must be slaughtered to shield you from earthly judgement for your crimes? And for what? Your death? The deaths of these young men under your charge? Come, Eminence. If there is any good left in you, any capacity for caring... for the Church, for your flock, for your life... for your soul... do the right thing, and come with me."

O'Leery looked into Romano's face, and saw only resolve and a certain peace with his decision at the possible cost of his life. He looked at the young priests, and saw the fear on their faces.

"It's over, isn't it?" the Cardinal finally said, tears in his eyes. So close to his ultimate goal, yet so far away...

"Yes, Your Eminence." Romano said, knowing O'Leery's thoughts. "The news is out, in public. You'll never be elected Pope now, even if you could get to Rome. Continued resistance will just stain the Church's reputation. Please, Eminence, come with me. Let the bloodshed end."

After a long moment of consideration, O'Leery finally made the right decision. He nodded sadly, and said "Okay."

"No!" said one of the priests. "I won't let you!" He aimed his powerful handgun at Romano. But O'Leery stepped between them.

"Thank you, my son." the Cardinal said. "But put your weapon away. All of you, put them away. I am no longer of use to our Church. You all must carry on, and do the Church's blessed work in my stead." He took off his rosary and Cross, and handed them to the young man that had pulled the gun on Romano. "Go with God, my brothers..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Of course Father Romano had been wearing a wire, so when I heard him say "We're coming out", I knew it was over and had been resolved. I also heard Romano recite to O'Leery his considerable legal rights as they walked to the door.

Teresa opened the door as Father Romano and Cardinal O'Leery got to it, but did not go inside. She handed Romano the armor and said "Put this on, Your Eminence."

"Why?" O'Leery asked.

I stepped up behind Teresa and said "Your Eminence, there are a great many people that want to deny you your right to a fair trial... by killing you. And it's my job to not let that happen." Romano helped O'Leery put on the armor.

"Cuff his hands in front of him." I said, so that O'Leery could break his fall if he had to dive or be taken to the ground. Father Romano took the handcuffs from Teresa and affixed them to the Cardinal's wrists. "Okay, stay right behind me. If anyone shoots at you, Eminence, they'll hit me and my armor."

"Why are you doing this for me?" O'Leery asked. "You're not even a practicing Christian. Why would you put your life on the line for mine?"

"Because it's my job, and my duty." I said. "Let's go." I led the way as Romano and O'Leery stepped out of the Cathedral behind me. Teresa took the Cardinal's left arm and Romano his right arm, shielding his sides with their bodies.

As we began descending the steps, shrieks of joy erupted from the Wrangler Circus people as they realized what their eyes were seeing. "Oh my God, he did it!" I heard them shout. "The Iron Crowbar did it!"

City Police Detective Tony Long drove the armored SUV inside the circle of people and to the base of the steps. Father Romano got in the shotgun seat as I opened the back door. Teresa climbed in and scooted over to the left side. I had O'Leery get in and slide to the middle.

As I was about to get in, I heard a chorus of Wrangler Circus voices yell "Thank you, Iron Crowbar!" I looked over at them, seeing the tears on many of their faces. I waved at them and then gave them a thumbs-up, then climbed into the SUV and shut the door.

As Detective Long drove us to CPD Headquarters, I took a moment to reflect. Two people had given their lives to make this moment happen, and the moment was happening. And I had kept my promise to George Aurus and the people of the Wrangler Circus, who had given up hope, which one should never do. And because hope never dies...

...Claude Cardinal O'Leery was under arrest and in Police custody.

Part 19 - Cleanup on Aisle 3

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Friday, August 6th, from the copse of trees on College Street with the Catholic Church in her background. "Commander Donald Troy makes his most stunning arrest ever!"

After the hard-charging intro music, Bettina began: "A standoff at the Catholic Cathedral in The City was resolved when Claude Cardinal O'Leery surrendered to authorities and was peacefully taken into custody. Roll tape."

Tape rolled, showing me, Teresa, and Chaplain Romano escorting O'Leery to the SUV and driving away. Bettina's voiceover said: "Acting in his capacity as SBI Reserve Inspector, Commander Troy arrested Cardinal O'Leery in spite of orders by the U.S. Department of State to allow His Eminence to fly to Rome, where all the world's Cardinals have been called to congregate as His Holiness Pope John Paul IV nears the end of his life."

Back to Bettina live on the feed: "Spokesperson for the Department of State Michael J. Parker issued a statement saying that Commander Troy and Commander Croyle did not disobey the State Department's orders because they did not enter the cathedral. Mr. Parker also said that The Vatican has withdrawn its request to give Cardinal O'Leery safe passage to fly to Rome, and the State Department considers the matter closed."

Bettina: "FBI Special Agent In Charge Jack Muscone issued a statement praising Commander Troy, Lieutenant Commander Teresa Croyle, and Captain Alberto Romano for their professionalism in effecting the arrest of Cardinal O'Leery, and thanking them for resolving the situation with no lives lost in the standoff."

Bettina: "Channel Two News has learned that members of the Guardians of Justice M.C. formed a ring around the City Cathedral to prevent Cardinal O'Leery from leaving. U.S. Attorney General Derrick B. Harland has ordered an investigation to determine if the GOJMC acted in a manner consistent with Christian Nationalist domestic terrorists, and if they should be subject to arrest and prosecution. AG Harland also praised FBI and ATF Agents at the scene for their professionalism in not escalating the crisis into bloodshed."

Bettina: "Our former colleague, journalist Keith Madden, will be honored at a private service at the Frank Freeman Funeral Home tomorrow at 2:00pm, followed by a public service and interment at the Town & County Cemetery..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Not one word about Johnny, nor his death." Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle said bitterly as the Usual Suspects watched the propaganda-cast and drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room. "That man gave his life for his friends, for those protecting a testifying witness against O'Leery... and not one fucking word about it. Not one."

I said "I'm not trying to troll you nor upset you... but did you really think they would?"

Tanya Muscone said "Why wouldn't they?"

I said "And have to explain who Johnny was, who those other Wrangler Circus people were? And that his daughter died because BigBenefitInsurance cut off her insurance and bankrupted her mother? Noooo... KXTC wants all that buried as quickly as possible, along with Johnny's body."

Cindy said "Bettina gave you and Teresa a lot of credit, though they left out Father Romano's name as the one making the arrest. Not gonna give her credit for that?"

"Not one bit." I replied. "They're only mentioning my name to keep it in the news. I'm waiting patiently for the other shoe to drop, and for Derrick B. Harland to announce an investigation of me for interfering with them getting O'Leery out of there and onto a diplomatic plane."

Tanya said: "You'll be waiting very patiently, and for a long, long time. The State Department and all the American Government want this story to go away. Harland will do what he can to harass Patriots like my GOJMC buddies, but Washington, D.C. wants the O'Leery story to die down and disappear."

"And it willll." said Chief Moynahan. "The great Rush Limbaugh called them the 'Drive-By' Media... and he was corr-eckt."

Sheriff Griswold said "Crowbar, I understand O'Leery asked you specifically to interview him at City Police Headquarters. What was that about?"

"Well, let me tell you." I said, beginning a narrative...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After O'Leery was taken through booking, he was taken into an Interrogation Room wearing the stylish orange jumpsuit of CPD Jail guests. He surprised everyone when he said he wanted to talk to the Iron Crowbar. I was curious, so I went in.

"I don't think you need these, at least not in my presence." I said as I uncuffed his hans from the ring on the table, then sat down opposite him. After all, he was a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church. And in the same manner of faux respect Tokugawa Ieyasu showed Ishida Mitsunari after the Battle of Sekigahara, I gave the same to my defeated Enemy.

"So, Your Eminence," I said. "What did you want to see me about?"

"Alberto Romano." said O'Leery. "He was a good cop, by all accounts. But he's going to find after his treason in arresting me that he will be a pariah in the Church. I excommunicated him, but he'll be restored soon... but that won't mean much. He's going to need something besides the Church to count on for his future employment."

Seeing the look on my face, O'Leery said "You think he'll be more respected for what he's done. And in Police circles, he may be. But I'm sure you remember how the Consultant of Crime damaged your reputation before you finally defeated him. And I know that your good reputation and standing were damaged after the Betty Morelli scandal, even though you survived it." (Author's note: 'Along Came A Spider', Ch. 03-04; 'No Way Out'.)

I said "But the accusations were false. And so I survived. And Father Romano has done nothing but good, and the right things."

O'Leery: "You'll see. You'll see. But you can help him, and you should."

I said "I'm sure things will work out for the best. Is there anything else?"

"Just to advise you to look to your life." said O'Leery. "That's not a threat, just an admonition. You are a brilliant man, Commander, and honest within your heresy. But you have many enemies, and they are powerful and abundant."

I stood up. "I'll take everything you've said into consideration. Farewell, Your Eminence..."

"Au revoir, Iron Crowbar." replied the Cardinal, perhaps optimistically...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

9:00am, Friday, August 6th. Commander Tanya Muscone brought her husband FBI Special Agent In Charge Jack Muscone to my office. Jack poured them cups of coffee at my invitation. EAD Owen Lange had come to TCPD HQ with Jack, and had gone on down the hall to the Chief's office.

"Whassup?" I asked as we got settled in with our mugs of coffee.

Jack Muscone said "Well, it didn't take very long." He extended his iPad to me. As I examined the photos on it, he said "Cardinal O'Leery is dead. Hanged himself in his cell. Not a good look for the City Police Department; they were holding him until his arraignment this morning."

The City PD holding cells were typical ceiling-to-floor jail bars with crossbars a foot from the top and bottom. The pictures showed that a sheet had been tied to the upper crossbar, and Cardinal O'Leery had jumped off the lower crossbar, his feet barely touching the floor. His hands were tied in front of him, and he was leaning forward.

"Suicide like Epstein." I said, very sure. "He wasn't on suicide watch?"

"No belt or shoelaces, and he was a 'keepaway', and so he was in a single occupancy cell." Muscone said. "But he wasn't on formal suicide watch, and somehow had a sheet. They found him during a routine hall check at 2:00am."

"Anyone visit him?" I asked.

"Yes, about 10:00pm last night." said Muscone. "One of the Cardinal's bishops visited him in an interrogation room. We have video but not audio." Muscone brought up a file, and handed me the iPad again.

As it played, Muscone said "The Bishop heard the Cardinal's confession, that's where their backs are turned to us. Then they sat at the table, well, the Bishop stood, and he gave O'Leery the Sacraments."

I was studying the video. "I'm trying to read their lips." I said "I'm not so hot with the Latin, but it looks like he's giving the Cardinal absolution." I handed Muscone the iPad back.

Tanya asked "Why didn't we hear anything about his death on the news this morning?"

Jack replied "They're keeping it under wraps for now, and so far the Media hasn't found out. The Feds got a tip about 6:00am this morning, and bullied their way into taking over the investigation, citing the problems with City I.A. a while back." (Author's note: 'Who Watches The Watchers'.) "Like I said, it's not a good look for the City PD."