Demon's Craving Ch. 03

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A homophobic foreman loses his virginity to a sleep demon.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/08/2021
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Three rich servings of potent cum... Normally, that would be more than enough for the devious sleep demon. His hunger was satisfied and he felt as energized as he always was after a good meal. He was almost ready to leave the Miller house for the night.


Just as he was about to look for the safest way out, he heard footsteps. Angry footsteps, coming from the floor above. He looked up and sniffed. No doubt about it... there was still some unreleased sexual energy left in this house.

Tenzurr gave it a thought for a minute. Each milking was, in a way, dangerous for him. If he messed up and his target caught a hunch about what happened, they could involve a local priest. And that was a rather unpleasant affair for the demon.

Still, his curiosity ran wild. William F. Miller was an older man, but as virile and hotheaded as if he was twenty years younger. Tenzurr smelled anger, secrets... and desire.

After a minute, Tenzurr smiled to himself and disappeared into the shadows. He decided that perhaps he still had some room for dessert.

The oldest member of the Miller family, William Franklin Miller, was a widower in his fifties. Time has been fairly gratuitous to him - only a few gray hairs, just a handful of wrinkles here and there, and he still kept his handsome face. Women of his age group - and perhaps even some younger ones - would surely be interested in him, if only he could control his temper. William never seemed to be happy. He was grumpy on a good day and out-of-control pissed on a bad one. Not particularly violent or anything like that, but scary enough to drive people away.

Nobody was able to figure out what exactly made William such a hothead. Except for Tenzurr. He knew from the first second what the man needed to calm down.

William worked as a foreman at a local construction site. The workers there seemed to be the only ones who were able to somehow get along with his temperament. He was a respected boss and a fairly good leader - most of the time when he wasn't shouting at somebody over something insignificant.

The incident that happened earlier that day was one of those incidents.

"Stupid fuckin' little fairy," William grunted to himself as he circled the room for the twentieth time, reaching for his bottle of whisky, "Got me all riled up, that pansy-ass bastard."

He sipped some of his favorite drink, but it didn't help. He kept thinking about the new rookie they had on the site. A young, twenty-something-year-old fellow who everyone called Julian. Everyone except William - he called him "pretty boy", always using a tone that implied that the nickname wasn't a compliment.

Julian was, for lack of a better word, a beefcake, and he wasn't afraid to show it. Rather than a real construction worker, he resembled a construction worker you'd see in a cheesy porn flick. His long, black hair was tied in a ponytail. His eyes and his devilish smirk could seduce almost anyone with the right look. And his olive skin, chiseled muscles, and the fact that he liked to show a lot of his skin only amplified that.

Given the rumors about his sexual prowess with women, Julian was very popular among the others from the construction crew. Just about everyone wanted to hang out with him, have beers with him after work or just to be considered his friend. Everyone except William.

William only hired Julian out of necessity - the crew was short on men and there weren't many who applied for the position. He disliked the boy ever since he first laid eyes on him. He didn't like anything about Julian. For starters, he didn't like any man with long hair, period. Someone like that was automatically a hippie or a pansy for him. Another thing that bothered him about Julian was his smug attitude.

Julian didn't look like it, but he had very tough skin. Even when William was shouting at him, the boy only laughed it off and turned it into a joke, usually at William's expense. He still did his job, eventually, but William could sense that other men were starting to be like him, respecting William less and less with every day.

It all came to a climax that day, where William got into a huge fight with Julian because the boy pierced his ear and wore an earring to work. William hated earrings on men, but what irritated him even more was the fact that it was just another obvious attempt to undermine his authority.

"You can turn your ass around and head over to the club two streets away," he stopped Julian the moment he saw Julian walking around with that thing, "Heard they're more open to guys that choose to dress... that way."

"Really?" Julian was quick with a remark, and never lost the smile on his face, "Thanks for the educated tip, Will! You must go there a lot."

A couple workers in their vicinity chuckled at that. William already started going red in the face.

"I FUCKING dare you to take that tone again with me, boy!" he shouted, "And for the LAST time, it's MR. MILLER to you!"

"Why?" Julian wanted to know, still smiling, "Everyone else calls you like that."

"You're not everyone else!" William pointed his finger at Julian and then turned it to the earring, "And take that thing off! It's against the safety regulations!"

"Um, is it, Will?" one of the workers, Vincent, joined the conversation, "I mean, that only applies if it's dangling, or something, right? That way it could get caught into something. Julian's more like a button, seems pretty safe."

William slowly turned to Vincent. Of course, the big, bald meathead suddenly had something to say! The guy could barely count to a hundred, but all of a sudden, he was an expert on workplace safety! A while ago he was one of William's favorite employees - always obedient, always reliable, too dumb to question any orders that William gave him. But since he started hanging out with Julian, he started talking back more and more.

"Did I ask you a question, Vincent?" he asked in his trademark, menacing whisper. Vincent quickly got the right idea and promptly left the conversation, which made William feel more confident.

"I am going for a break now," he said as he turned back to Julian, "And if I see you wearing that thing when I come back, I swear to god, boy, you won't be able to sit on your ass for a week!"

"Oh, lord! What are you gonna do to it, Will?" Julian mocked him, "Are you gonna use a trick or two that they taught you in that club you mentioned?"

Most of the crew gathered around to witness that conversation at that point, and all of them absolutely lost it at Julian's comment, laughing their assess off. William looked around, confused and angrier than ever. Julian bested him.

"EVERYONE, BACK TO WORK!" he shouted so loudly that it echoed through the unfinished walls of the building in construction, "RIGHT! NOW!"

That shout seemed to work for the moment, but William could see on the faces of his men that he was starting to lose their respect. He marched away with anger, and couldn't shake that anger off even now, late at night.

Usually, a glass or two of his favorite whisky calmed him down from almost anything - but not that night. No matter what he did to make himself forget, he kept seeing Julian's stupid face in front of his eyes, laughing at him and undermining him. He circled around the room, trying to calm his thoughts.

Tenzurr watched William's process through the keyhole of William's bedroom door. His supernatural smell told him a lot about William. He was angry, that much was obvious. What was less obvious though were some other feelings fueling the anger inside William. Over the centuries, Tenzurr grew very familiar with the mind of male humans, and he knew exactly what was going on.

William always screamed at everyone around him, because he was insecure about control. As long as everyone around him was obedient, he was happy - on the outside. But deep down, the anger was covering up something that was so repressed, that William didn't even know about it. He never thought much about his feelings, and he never tried to experiment in the bedroom. He wasn't aware of who he was and what he wanted. But those desires were still in him, agitating him, pushing him to be the obnoxious, homophobic brute that he was.

Tenzurr decided to help William that night, and feed on him in the process.

"Damn that fucker..." William muttered to himself, "Even got me to stay up late, just to think about him."

The man sighed and rubbed his forehead. He was starting to get a headache from thinking about the day. Maybe he just needed some rest. Yes, a good night's sleep would for sure make everything much clearer.

He undressed to only a pair of loose boxers. He was a piece of a man - a beer belly, a pair of broad shoulders, thick thighs and body hair everywhere. His thick cock hung between his legs, unattended for an unhealthy amount of time. Tenzurr knew that despite the man's age, William had lots and lots to give.

William turned off the lights and crawled into his king-sized bed. He kicked the sheets away, as usual, and rolled around a couple of times before finally drifting off to sleep. With only a thin piece of clothing covering him, he couldn't have been an easier target for Tenzurr.

The sleep demon crawled into the room silently and made himself comfortable at the foot of the bed. Slowly, he started penetrating William's mind.

William didn't dream much and when he did, it was mostly about work. Tonight was no different. In his dream, he sat in the trailer he had on site that served as his personal office, going through some papers. A fairly boring and uneventful dream - at least until Tenzurr showed up.

Quickly, he created his dream puppet for himself to control - a character representing Julian. He copied his appearance, voice, and attitude as well as he could, based on William's memories. Then he took control of Julian, just like he did with all the men in the dream of William's son before. He had the hunky rookie come up to the trailer and knock on the door.

"What is it?" William growled impatiently, not looking up from his papers.

Julian stepped into the office, wearing his smug smile, not even bothering to close the door behind him. William turned around and narrowed his eyes at the man in frustration.

"You," he whispered, "What do YOU want?"

"Just wanted to show you something, Mr. Bossman," Tenzurr said through Julian's mouth and turned the left side of his head to William. The sleep demon gave Julian an earring to the other ear as well.

"Nice, huh?" Tenzurr taunted Will through Julian, "Matches the other one. Symmetry is everything."

William got so pissed that he started unconsciously crumpling up the piece of paper he was holding at the time.

"You really got some nerve, son," he growled, "I'm sure you're very proud of those things, right?"

"I am," Julian shrugged, still smiling, "Shouldn't I be?"

"As far as I'm concerned, no," William responded, "I don't see a single reason why should a man be proud of looking like a candy-ass fairy."

Julian's character stepped confidently in William's direction, looking directly into his eyes.

"I guess that's the difference between us, huh?" Julian continued with his vaguely mocking tone, "I'm the candy-ass and you're the man. A man's man. Right?"

William looked at him, confused about what was happening. Julian crossed the entire trailer, now standing directly in front of William.

"And as a man's man, you would never, EVER, enjoy a single thing that, say, a woman would enjoy, right?"

"Julian, I don't know where the fuck you're going with this, but I'd appreciate it if you stopped wasting my time."

"Oh," Julian said, while bending down, "I want to do a lot of things to you, but I'm sure not a single one of them will be wasting your time."

After he said that, he raised his strong hands and placed them on William's meaty pecs. William was so shocked that he froze in place. His employee stepped so far over the line that he didn't know how to react.

"What... what do you think you're..."

"Most women I've fucked really enjoyed having their nipples played with," Julian said as he slowly grazed his fingertips over the two soft nipples under the thin tank top William was wearing in his dream, "So I suppose that as a man, you would absolutely hate it if I did that to you, right?".

"JULIAN!" William shouted, "I SWEAR TO GOD, I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU DON'T... oh... oooooh!!"

His expression turned from anger to shock when Tenzurr - through Julian's hands - started squeezing William's nipples. His hands started trembling and he dropped the crumpled piece of paper he was holding. The sensation wasn't coming only from the dream - back in his bedroom, Tenzurr's claws were now gently squeezing William's naked pecs for real. The demon knew how some men reacted to have their nipples played with.

"Hmmmm, how strange," Julian said, as he started slowly rolling his fingertips all around William's nipples, which were now starting to harden, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're enjoying this. But that would be anything but manly, wouldn't it?"

"Julian," William attempted to do his angry whisper, but with the electrifying sensations that were coming from his pecs, his tone almost sounded eager, "You crossed the line earlier today, but this is on another level."

"Then let's see how many levels there are, Willy," Julian said and shoved William's chest without any warning. Tenzurr took control over the dream and manipulated the man's fall in a very specific way. William flew out of his chair and landed right on the old couch he kept in his trailer. Before William could recover, Julian got on top of him, pressing his entire weight against William's body, with his expert hands working the old man's hard nips again.

"Aaaah!" William moaned and wiggled under the pressure of Julian's body, "Fuck! Julian, don't... aaaah!"

William's hands weakly got up to push against Julian's chest, but the man was merely trying to save face - his cock was already raging hard from the action his nipples had been receiving. No matter how much he hated to admit it, Julian's devilish hands were exactly what his body needed for a long, long time. And the old man was desperate for more.

Tenzurr decided to push a little further.

As his demonic claw started running down William's chest, so did Julian's hand, sliding under William's tank top in his dream.

"You want this, don't you?" Julian teased him, still rubbing his left nipple while his other hand started opening his boss's pants.


"I asked you a question, Willy!" Julian raised his voice and twisted William's nipple painfully.

"Ah!" William squeaked, in a much higher pitch than he usually did. His cock throbbed even harder. Tenzurr was right, as always. William Miller was a slut, wanted to be used.

"Julian," he said in between his gasps, his hands now squeezing the cushions of the couch he was pinned to, not bothering to play defensive anymore, "It feels... it doesn't matter how it feels, you shouldn't be doing this."

When he got hesitant like this, his voice sounded almost exactly like Danny's. And just like with Danny, Tenzurr knew this was just a matter of pushing the envelope a tiny bit more.

Julian's handsome face hovered over William's in his dream. Tenzurr saw the confusion mixed with excitement in his eyes. He was new to this, he needed to be led - at least for the beginning. After a few minutes, he would turn into a total cumslut under the demon's experienced touch.

"It's 'sir'," Julian said firmly, before planting a kiss on William's lips. The confused foreman didn't fight back, and let Julian slide his tongue deep into his warm mouth. In reality, it was Tenzurr's tongue, sliding between the pair of moaning lips, pushing his inhuman tongue far into the old man's mouth. William's hard cock was proof that he was doing a good job.

One demonic claw on William's cock, the other on his nipple, and a warm maw pressed on his lips - all embodied as the handsome prick, Julian. That was enough to break the old William Miller.

"...yes," the foreman sighed, "Yes, sir."

"Good boy," Julian growled and stroked William's chin lightly, "Now, you're going to admit what you want me to do to you. Right. Now."

Tenzurr already knew what the old man wanted - but he wanted to hear it.

"I... I..." William stuttered, "I think I want you to..."

"You 'think'?!" Julian interrupted him, twisting his nipple once more.

"Ah! Sorry, sir, no, I KNOW... I know I want you to... fuck my ass real hard."

What an amazing transformation. Just a few old tricks and Tenzurr had this old, homophobic foreman begging to be fucked, right into his tight, virgin ass. Both in his dream and on his bed, William Miller started spreading his legs, exposing his hole for the taking!

Tenzurr was very flexible when it came to milking the cum out of his targets. He knew that if a demon wanted to survive in this world, he had to adapt, and he knew that no matter how good his mouth was at sucking, sometimes it just wasn't enough.

His claw reached into the dark spot between his legs to unleash another hidden demonic power. Out of nowhere, his crotch got enveloped in smoke, before a shiny, phallic shape started growing out of it. In a few seconds, the demon grew a large, thick, wet cock, that he was about to use to take the old Miller's virginity.

Julian copied Tenzurr's motion as he descended down between William's thighs. Yet another use for the demon's crafty mouth. William's mind was where Tenzurr needed it, but his body wasn't - the old man was too tight for comfort. Nothing that the demon couldn't fix with just a few experienced pushes of his wet tongue.

"Oh fuck..." William whimpered as he felt the tongue lapping on his backside. His own hands reached for his nipples now, eager to play with them, as Julian/Tenzurr started eating his hole. He loved it from the first second, slowly losing all inhibitions he had about a man doing things like this to him. The tongue on his hole just felt so good! The warm sensation caused Miller to relax and open up as if his body instinctively started preparing to be penetrated. He even opened his legs wider for easier access!

Tenzurr thought for a minute about how easy it was to pinpoint eager sluts like Miller was. He didn't complain though - instead, he was tonguing that mature ass with his thick, demonic tongue, spreading it wider and wider to accommodate for the thick black rod that was pulsing between his legs. Miller was about to experience something out of this world - quite literally.

"Yes, sir!" William moaned like a whore, "Tongue that ass! And then take it, make it yours, you magnificent fucker!"

In the dream, William got pretty loud, knowing that the door to the trailer was wide open. Tenzurr wondered. Maybe he underestimated him. Was the old man such a kinky slut, that he wanted witnesses?

The demon smiled and snapped his fingers. It took a lot of focus to conjure multiple characters in a dream, but what wouldn't he do to maximize the load he was about to milk out of the panting slut in front of him?

In the dream, William's construction crew started to notice the sounds coming from the trailer. Curious, the guys formed a group in front of the open door, and when they saw that their boss was about to get plowed, they smiled and walked in.

"Now that's a sight I didn't expect to see today," Frankie, the bearded hunky one, said as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"Wow..." Vincent said, watching the long licks Julian was covering William's willing asshole with, "Never would have thought that the jokes Julian was making about you were actually true, boss!"

"G... guys..." William exclaimed between moans, pretending to be shocked that they were going to watch him get fucked. In reality, it only made his cock more painfully hard.