Desiring Desirae Ch. 03

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Desirae & model friend take captain to new heights.
2.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 10/22/2005
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I lay on Waikiki's golden sand and basked in the mid-morning warmth. Desirae had gone for her bikini and lesbian shoot with her friend, bikini model Chrissy, and had ordered me to be ready and waiting for her on my bed at 4pm, cock erect because "a lesbian shoot always makes me randy".

I stretched out and a saw a large, blonde woman lying a few feet away, smiling at me. About my age and wearing a nice bikini, sensibly not too small for her ripe, mature figure. We chatted, she was from Omaha, and what did I do, oh I love airline pilots, all the usual shit.

Normally I'd have chatted her up and ended with her sitting on my face most of the afternoon, but I had Desirae Spencer to look forward to, so I didn't give a fuck.

Around one o'clock after several swims, I pulled on my Sperry topsiders, put on a white T-shirt and shorts, said "Bye" to Mrs Omaha and went to one of my favourite Mexican restaurants outside of Mexico and Chicago, a couple of blocks back from the beach.

I mulled over the menu while sipping an ice cold San Mig and the barmaid-cum-waitress came over and chatted. Pert, blonde and about 20, she was stacked, great legs, healthy chest.

"Where you from?" I asked, after ordering my lunch.

"Portland, Oregon," she smiled.

I smiled back and told her I only knew one joke about Portland. "And what might that be?" she asked in a "Let's get together" manner.

"Seems the Dave Brubeck quartet was in town, but Brubeck didn't wanna play because it was Mozart's birthday," I said. "So the rest of the group pile into this cab and tell the driver 'Take us to where it's all shakin' in Portland'. So he drove them to this bridge where they fish illegally."

She had the good grace to laugh at my little joke. "Sorry," I added, in my sincere airline pilot's manner, "you're too young to even have heard of Dave Brubeck."

I had a great lunch, washed down with another San Mig, tipped Miss Portland too much and strolled back to the hotel to shower and prepare for 4pm.

I was lying back on my bed, stroking my eight-inches of lust, when there was a knock on the door. I must have dozed off, I checked my Rolex and saw it was 4.05!

I dashed to the door and in swept Desirae, wearing a shiny red plastic mac! "Yeah, I got some stares in the lift," she smiled. "But I'd have got even more if I'd done this!"

And with that she untied the belt and slipped the raincoat from her body. Beneath it she was nude! But she was as tall as me because on her feet were these sexy red high heeled shoes.

"Now Captain Cock," she smiled, "you claim to like my legs. On your knees and worship 'em - starting behind me at the left ankle. Down boy!"

I stepped behind her glorious body and knelt, then placed a tender kiss on her shapely ankle, before running my tongue over her calf, licking her little cleft behind her knee, then over her luscious thigh to her buttocks.

"Now the other leg," she ordered, and I resumed my oral adoration of the best legs on the best fuckin' lingerie model-cum-pornstar in the entire fuckin' world!

"Now the fronts of my legs," Desirae told me, after I'd reached her lovely right buttock.

I knelt in front of her and kissed her left leg, then her inner thigh until I was enticingly close to her perfumed garden.

"Now the other leg!" she snapped. Once more I kissed, licked and laved my way up her leg and thigh until she snapped: "Stand!"

I stood and smiled, my penis waving in front of me, turgid and lusting for her. "Was that nice, Captain Leg Man?" she asked.

"It was fuckin' wonderful," I said huskily, hot and eager for her.

"Now worship my pussy!" came the next command.

Again I sank to my knees and placed my tongue on her piss flaps, licking her there first. There was a wonderful trio of tastes and aromas - of sex juice, of chlorine, because I assumed she'd been in a swimming pool, and a faint trace of piss, because I assumed she'd had a piss. The combination of all three smells and tastes was intoxicating and soon I was licking and lapping hungrily at her gorgeous pussy.

As I did this, Desirae backed away slightly until her calves were pressing against the mattress at the foot of the king-sized bed. "Now fuck me!" she said, as she fell back onto the bed, splaying her thighs wide. I boarded and as with the night before found she was first fuckin' class all the way!

My cock rode into her snatch smoothly, her cunt was warm and wet, her mouth was hungrily eating mine. "Of fuck, I just love to taste my sex on a man's mouth, it's so fuckin' sexy," she panted, licking and nibbling at my mouth.

"That's because your pussy is so fuckin' sexy," I panted, as we thrust and heaved against each other, my hands roaming from her gloriously-shaped tush to her perfectly formed breasts. God she was sexy!

Then, in a flash she was twisting beneath me, squirming until she lay on top. Desirae then knelt and slowed the pace of her fucking until she was sliding up to the tip of my helmet, almost disengaging, then squishing back down so my cock was deep within her.

I extended my arms and cupped her fantastic 34-inches of CC cup boobs in my hands, grinding her nipples between thumbs and forefingers.

This drove her wild and she fell forwards imploring me "Suck 'em, Captain Cock, suck 'em" and I took her breasts more gently, licking and kissing and nibbling across the firmness until, as I concentrated on one nipple, she roared and moaned to a noisy orgasm.

After she had quietened I turned her over onto her back and thrust myself to ejaculation in her cunt, making a long low moan of pleasure as I finally released the sperm that had been building in my balls since breakfast.

"Whatever happened to Captain Cock's arse licking fetish," she smiled, running a finger over my lips, wiping a sheen of sweat from my upper lip.

"Sometimes a change is as good as a rest," I told her and she laughed aloud.

"Who says you're gonna get a rest, Captain Cock?" she grinned. "Now fetch me a fuckin' big vodka tonic."

As we lay back on the bed, Desirae with her vodka, me with a Bacardi Gold, she asked about my day. I told her I'd laid Mrs Omaha in the morning and Miss Portland, Oregon, in the afternoon and had only just made it back to the hotel in time for Miss Lingerie Pornstar.

"In other words, a pretty routine day for you, eh Captain Cock?" she laughed.

"And how did your shoot go, Miss Fuckability?" I asked, licking her lovely little earlobe.

"Grade A fuckin' disaster," she said, sipping on her Absolut. "We'd got through all the bikini stuff and were about to get into the muff diving and such, when the photographer's wife called to say their daughter had broken her arm in a fall from their trampoline, so he had to fuck off to the hospital."

"That's bad news." I said, not really caring a fuck.

"Yeah, well the good news is that Chrissy has invited you along for the lesbian shoot tomorrow, that's if you can tear yourself away from Mrs Portland and Miss Omaha," she smiled.

"Miss Portland and Mrs Omaha," I corrected her. "Well, let's see, oh OK, I'll come," I said in mock "who gives a damn" style. "I've got a rental car, we can use that. How far is it?"

"Some great big mansion on a hill way out on Kanefuckinole Highway, or whatever it's called," said Desirae.

"I think you'll find it's Kalanianaole," I said, correcting her Hawaiian.

"Yeah, like I said," she smiled, putting her vodka on a bedside table and leaning over to suck me back to stiffness.

The following morning after the valet had got my Dodge Viper from the hotel car park, we drove out towards Chrissy's mansion. Most of the morning commuters were making their way into Honolulu and it was plain sailing out to the lovely house, perched up on the hills looking out to Diamond Head to the right, Koko to the left.

Desirae explained that her friend Chrissy was a 26-year-old former bikini model who had done a little porn work, but had won some state lottery in Illinois and had bought this mansion and retired to the permanent summer of Hawaii, rather than remain in the blistering summer heat and winter chills of Chicago.

Desirae led the way, clad in a summer dress and high heels, me in my T-shirt, shorts over a thong and topsiders. The door to the huge house was unlocked and we walked through to the back of the house, where a large kitchen overlooked a spacious and secluded pool.

Waiting there was a stunningly-built, very attractive brunette, sporting a dark brown tan which gleamed by the application of sun tan oil. Her breasts were just covered by two tiny strips of black-cupped bikini, and a similarly small patch which just about covered her mons and pubis.

"Hi," she smiled, standing from her seat at the kitchen table and I saw she was almost as tall as Desirae. She held out a hand and shook mine. "You must be Captain Rex Coburn," she said, using the correct pronunciation. "Desirae has told me so much about you."

We exchanged pleasantries, with me trying to divert my gaze from her breasts - bigger than Desirae's - and her pussy. When the small talk was done, Desirae came back from changing into an attention grabbing little red outfit, which must have been made by the manufacturer of Chrissy's bikini and showed a similar minimalism.

"We're gonna do the lesbian pix, Rex," said Chrissy. "You're welcome to watch, or if it gets too boring, by all means splash around in the pool. We'll only be an hour or so."

I stepped outside, was introduced to Karl, the photographer, stripped off to my thong and lay on a recliner opposite the area surrounded by lighting gear, which I assumed was where the action would take place.

For the next hour or so I watched with an erection which threatened to burst through my thong as Desirae and Chrissy got naked, then ate and kissed and licked at each others pussy. After a while, I had to dive into the warm water and cool off, swimming several lengths.

I was busy concentrating on my freestyle stroke, when there were some girlish giggles and I felt two warm naked bodies plunge on top of me. The shoot was obviously over, and Chrissy and Desirae were grabbing for my cock.

Soon, Chrissy with a whoop had pulled the thong from me and thrown it with a yell onto the tiled side of the pool. We romped and splashed around for a while, then Karl called out "See ya, ladies" and we had the place to ourselves.

Finally, they were "cooled down" and we towelled down, before I was allowed to get back into my thong, while the models put their bikinis back on.

We lunched in Chrissy's well-appointed kitchen - salami, olives, cheese and dill pickles washed down with cold Heinekens - then Chrissy looked at me and smiled: "Ever tried bondage, Rex?" I was a bit taken aback. I'm a randy bastard, I'll be the first to admit that, but being tied up never entered my head. "No, actually, Chrissy," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Well, it's time you tried," she said, and in a flash both women were by my place at the table and were dragging me into a bedroom. OK, so I could have prevented it, but I only put up token resistance.

The curtains were drawn and the room was in semi-darkness, but as they laid me on the bed I felt the coolness of a rubber sheet. Soon my ankles and wrists were in sort of rubber cuffs, my feet spread wide, my arms also wide because they were pulled up by the posts at the head of the bed.

Chrissy then pulled the curtains back and as she did I saw a nude Desirae climbing onto the bed and planting her pussy square on my face. As I started to tongue her wonderfully wet snatch, Desirae bent to suck on my rapidly erecting cock.

Within moments, I was as stiff as a policeman's nightstick and Desirae removed her adorable pussy from my face and impaled herself on my hard-on. Then, to my surprise - and intense pleasure, I must add - Chrissy lowered her totally shaved snatch onto my mouth, still wet from contact with Desirae's pussy.

A strong aroma of sex invaded my nostrils as Chrissy ground herself about on my face, while Desirae pumped up and down on my penis. Then I sensed Chrissy move forward and although I couldn't see it because I was buried in her snatch and arse, I heard unmistakeable sounds of kissing going on above me.

Next Desirae was calling out "Oh Chrissy, that's great, don't stop, keeping going there like that, keep going" and I realised the brunette sitting on my face was fingering her blonde friend to orgasm. My thoughts were confirmed when Desirae let out a high-pitched yell and bellowed "Finger fuck me, finger fuck me" as Chrissy worked at her clitoris. Then Chrissy pulled away and Desirae fell forward onto my sweating torso, her mouth eagerly working at mine, tasting on it the mixed aroma of two pussies.

But if I thought this was going to be the signal for some rest, I was very much mistaken. Even as Desirae was coming back to earth after her climax, Chrissy had slapped her on her pert little bottom and then the 26-year-old brunette was climbing aboard my still rampant prick.

"Take me flying, Captain Cock," she smiled down at me, her lush big breasts bouncing as she heaved and humped on my erection. This time I was not forced to lick at a pussy, Desirae obviously satiated for the time being, but Chrissy leant over me, her beautiful big boobs waving just above my mouth.

"Suck my nips, suck 'em," the brunette ordered, and as I sucked first one, then the other large nubbin, the bikini model stormed her way to a noisy climax.

After enjoying herself on my body, the brunette pulled off and smiled at me. "And how does Captain Cock like to come?" she asked, sweetly. I looked around and noticed that we were alone.

I told Chrissy of my fetish and her immediate response was one of delight. "Ooooh, great," she said, clapping her hands together and rubbing them lasciviously, "I adore arse worship!"

After she had released me from my bonds she lay down in my place on the bed, spreading her thighs wide to allow me access to her anus, a dark etched cleft between her lovely bronzed buttocks.

I traced my tongue over her rear entrance, delving occasionally down to her cunt lips, tasting the sweet sex juices, before rising again to her arsehole. Soon, as I rubbed my cock on the rubber sheet, I could feel an immense surging in my balls and then I raised myself, pointing my throbbing helmet directly at Chrissy's buttocks, before spurting a wad of semen on them, then another, then a third small dribble.

"Warm up a face cloth under the hot tap in the en suite and clean me up, Captain Arselicker," I heard her say, her voice muffled because her face was buried in the rubber pillow at the head of the bed.

After I had cleaned Chrissy up, Desirae returned with a tray, standing on which were three champagne flutes and a chilled bottle of Veuve Cliquot.

We lolled around on the bed, me the thorn between two exquisite roses, and made quick work of the French bubbly.

"Well," said Chrissy, as the last of the bottle went into her glass and quickly down her throat, "how did you enjoy your first bondage session?"

I kissed first her, then Desirae, on the cheek and confessed: "I think I'm bound to like it."

Chrissy made a pained face. "That's a fuckin' terrible pun. I think we'll have to tie him up again, Desirae."

And they did.

To be continued...

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