Destined to Keep Cumming Ch. 04

Story Info
Steffi cums hard but the doctor cums harder.
9.2k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/26/2017
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Copyright © October 2017 by CiaoSteve

CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work.

This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.

Author's Notes

Foreword #1 : All characters in this series are over 18

Foreword #2 : This is pure fantasy and should be read as such. It is not intended to be factual and could not happen in real life . . . . well at least I would expect it could not happen, but maybe you can prove me wrong

Foreword #3 : This is part 4 of "Destined to Keep Cumming". Although there is a little recap at the start of the story, you may want to read the earlier part to get up to speed with the journey to date

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Emma Wilkes, a university research assistant was finding her world turning upside down. It all started after an encounter with a modern day vampire as she continued her studies on the history behind Bram Stoker's Dracula. It was an encounter though which delivered much more than it originally promised. Transfixed by his charm and good looks, Emma had ended up being fucked by the same. Deep in the throes of orgasm she had felt the vampire's bite, those sharp teeth digging into her neck.

Initially treating them with contempt, Emma now realised that his parting words on that eventful evening may just have a little more truth behind them than she could ever have imagined.

"Remember this, my girl. If a vampire bites you mid orgasm then you are destined to cum forever more. That, my dear is the consequence you will have to live with.

When I say cum forever I mean forever. Not instantly but eventually. You'll find desires you never knew you had, but, for each that you satisfy another will take its place, only greater and stronger. And so it will go. The question is how long you can last."

Yes, initially nothing seemed to happen but over time the urges built, irresistible urges each one stronger than the last. She had progressed from fingering herself through to a large dildo. Each one bringing short term relief. Deep down though the urge had become a hunger. A hunger she hoped would be satisfied by a large cock.

And so, one evening, Emma had set about finding a willing partner. A young lad, barely twenty was the one. Reluctant at first, but easy to convince, she had given him the ride of his life. A ride which had left the lad in a delirious state, his story making the local news.

What had she done? What was she now? Emma needed to find out, and to find out quickly. There had to be a rational explanation . . . a physical explanation . . . . a medical explanation. That was it, maybe a visit to her doctor would help give her some explanation as to why she was behaving like this.

Time was of the essence as Emma already expected that it would only be a matter of days before the urge returned.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was the day after her dogging adventure and for the first time in quite a few weeks the hunger inside had gone. Emma was back to feeling herself again. Yes, she still had a lower than normal appetite when it came to food but not to a worrying degree. After all she had gotten used to her new shape, the slightly thinner waist maximising her hips and chest.

Her mind was made though. Despite feeling normal again she had to find out why she had behaved in the way she had. Why had her body reacted that way? What if those feelings came back again? Everything has a rational explanation and there must be a medical reason for her behaviour. She was still going to get herself checked out, it was just a matter of where. She couldn't go to her own GP, not about this kind of matter. It needed to be a specialist and somebody discreet. Then she remembered, a couple of years back an older colleague had confided in her about health problems she was having. She'd been to see a Harley Street consultant who specialised in women's problems and she'd been more than happy with the results.

All Emma had to do was remember the name. She racked her brains. It was something like Pickwick, but that was Dickens. Pickwick, Pickfield, Pickworth. She sat down at the desk in her university room and powered up the laptop. A few minutes later and with the power of Google she had found the answer. The Picton Clinic, a discreet service specialising in a variety of health issues. More importantly they were open to new clients and offered appointments daily.

Emma picked up the phone and dialled carefully. It rang, once, twice and then, taking her by surprise, there was a voice on the other end. It was a young sounding female who answered.

"Picton Clinic, you're speaking to Danielle, how can I help?"

Surprised by the speed at which the phone was answered, Emma now found herself lost for words, a sudden lump in the back of her throat. She grabbed a glass of water, listening as Danielle introduced herself again. Taking a big mouthful Emma cleared her throat.

"Oh, hello. I was wondering if you had any appointments?"

"Let me take a look," came the reply on the other end of the phone "now could I just take a few details?"

There was something about Danielle's soft-spoken voice which, although young, put Emma totally at ease. She was efficient, polite and respectful in a way which belied her youthful tone.

"First things first, have we seen you before?" came the first question.

"Mmmm, no," Emma replied "but a friend did recommend you."

"Very good, now can I take a name and address?"

Emma hesitated. She couldn't give her real name could she? After all it was a bit embarrassing. But what if there was something wrong, how would she know about it? Quickly she pondered her reply.

"Emma, Emma Wilkinson."

"And your address?"

Emma thought again before replying with her work address. The name was close enough for her to recognise any mail but there was nothing actually to tie up the visit to herself per se.

"Now, how about your date of birth?"

Emma replied quickly with her actual age.

"And how would you like to pay?"

Easy one, "Cash" replied Emma.

"That's fine. Now what is it I can help you with? What type of appointment were you looking for?"

"Damn" thought Emma "I hadn't reckoned on having to explain to a receptionist, a mere kid probably younger than I am."

"I'm sorry," continued Danielle recognising the obvious sensitivity of the question she had just asked. "I really do need to know as we have several consultants who all specialise in different areas. I'd hate to send you to a foot specialist if you had a problem with your head, if you know what I mean."

Emma laughed gently then replied. There was no easy way, she just had to get on with it.

"I need to talk to somebody about women's problems. You know, sexual. It's a bit hard to explain, but I'll try. I have no problem with intercourse, but it does tend to end up a bit painful."

She was being as vague as possible. Emma could hardly say that men scream when she cums and then end up delirious from the after effects. There were just some things she had to keep secret.

"Oh I see, Mrs Wilkinson."

Without thinking Emma immediately corrected the receptionist with her marital status.

"So sorry, Miss Wilkinson. Now let me see what we have available." There was silence for a few minutes and then Danielle returned to the phone. "OK, so we have a couple of options. Mrs Johnson or Mr Dean could see you on Wednesday. They are both highly respected sexual health consultants. Would you like me to make you an appointment?"

Wednesday was just two days away so not too bad. Hopefully she could last that long without the urges coming back again.

"Could we go for Mrs Johnson?" replied Emma, feeling more comfortable with the idea of being examined by a female doctor.

"Could you get down to us for 09:30?"

"That would be a bit tricky," came Emma's response having already considered the times of trains down to London. "Do you have anything a little later?"

"I think that was Mrs Johnson's only appointment. Let me check Mr Dean for you."

Emma's heart sank as she racked her mind to see if there was a way of getting down to London so early. Her train of thought was broken by the voice at the other end of the phone.

"Actually I've just noticed a cancellation. Mrs Johnson could see you in the afternoon at 16:30. Is that any better?"

"Yes, that would be fine" came a quick reply.

There was another pause then Danielle confirmed the appointment. After a few final pleasantries and confirmation that Emma knew how to find the clinic the two said goodbye and hung up.

All set, all Emma had to do was survive another two days. Suddenly she was a little more cheerful. Now she was going to find out the medical reason for her recent strange behaviour.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. Emma was very much back to normal to the point that she even bought a bottle of wine to celebrate. Picking Steffi up, the two drove back to the converted barn, grabbing a takeaway en route and settled down for a cosy night in with a movie and bottle of wine. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary for those evenings when neither had any work to finish. The only difference was Steffi's choice of movie. Usually she would go for a rom-com of some sort but this time the choice was a little left-field. She'd picked a little known film called "The Handmaiden" set in Japanese occupied Korea. The blurb told of a time of occupation, a con-man and the two women he tries to deceive, of their journey through the hand that life had dealt them and their discovery of each other.

Steffi concentrated herself with setting up the movie whilst Emma poured a couple of glasses of wine, placing them on a side table and then sitting herself down on one end of the sofa. Movie playing, Steffi picked up her wine and set off to her normal chair but was stopped mid way by Emma's voice.

"Come and join me. There's room for two."

Steffi smiled then sat down on the other end of the sofa. She took a sip of her wine and pondered. The platonicity of their relationship had disappeared in a flash the evening when Steffi had walked in on Emma fucking herself with a dildo. Since then Emma had been behaving a little strange, distant yet at the same time closer than ever before. Deep down Steffi always hoped that one day the two of them would get it on but was too scared to say anything. There was just too much to lose. Was now the time to come clean on her feelings?

"Emma," came Steffi's nervous voice "I'm so sorry for walking in on you the other night. I was . . ."

"There's no need to be sorry," replied her friend "I'm the one who should be apologising. I really don't know what came over me and I shouldn't have put you in that position."

Steffi smiled inside. Little did Emma know but it was a position Steffi always hoped she would be in one day. Pumping a dildo in and out of her friend's sopping pussy, and hopefully having the favour returned, was a dream she had held for some time.

"I like you Emma." Steffi continued "You have been a friend for a long time and I want you to know that we will always stay friends. I was a little afraid that our friendship wouldn't be the same after the other night."

There was a pause and then she continued.

"What the hell am I saying. Afraid that our friendship wouldn't be the same. Actually I wanted, have longed for, our friendship to change. What we did that night is what I've always dreamt of doing. I've known for some time that I like girls, not that I don't like boys, and that there was one in particular I longed for. But I know what we did was wrong and I do hope we can stay friends."

There, it was said, there was no going back. The ball was firmly in Emma's court.

There was silence but for the sound of the movie in the background. It was only a moment but seemed like an eternity. Steffi's stomach was doing cartwheels wondering whether she had just set herself up to look for new digs. It seemed like time had stood still until, slowly, Emma opened her arms in a welcoming manner.

"Steffi, darling Steffi, come here now. I had no idea and I'm truly flattered. But maybe I'm not the person you think I am. Actually, maybe I'm not the person I thought I was but that is another story. I don't know if I can be yours, only yours. I do like you Steffi and I hope I haven't broken your feelings. I just need to be honest with you that life has become a little complicated."

Steffi shuffled across the sofa and lay back into Emma's arms. There they lay snuggled together for some time, neither moving and neither talking. Emma had her arm wrapped around Steffi's shoulder, her hand just under the younger girl's breasts feeling her breathing long and hard. They watched the movie, okay watched is probably a bit of an exaggeration as they only had one eye on the screen with the other on each other, and finished the wine between them.

Whether it was the movie, which had now reached one of its raunchier lesbian scenes or the words from her younger friend, Emma didn't know but without thinking she found herself moving her hand upwards slightly and cupping Steffi's left breast through her blouse. Steffi smiled again inside. Maybe, just maybe, she hadn't shot herself in the foot with her outburst. Whatever, she was happy with just seeing where things went. She snuggled deeper into Emma's arms and waited.

Emma meanwhile continued to cup her friend's breast, feeling the lines of Steffi's bra through her the thin material of her blouse. She squeezed gently at the soft flesh underneath, massaging as much as she could in the confines of the bra. Then her hand moved, focusing now on the buttons of Steffi's top. Slowly, from top to bottom, Emma undid them one by one. With each button she revealed a little more of her friend's torso. A rose pink bra containing a pair of large breasts. Containing? Actually more like restraining as it looked like the breasts could pop out at any moment, the size of the cups slightly too small to hold all of the young flesh. Buttons all undone, Emma gently pulled the blouse out of the top of Steffi's jeans.

She looked down over her young friend's body, admiring the beauty of those large breasts. Leaning forward Emma kissed Steffi on the forehead then whispered in her ear.

"I can stop if you want"

"Please don't . . . I really want you Emma."

"Are you sure? It could be the wine talking."

"I've never been surer about anything. I want us to be more than friends."

Emma squeezed her arm tightly around Steffi's shoulders and kissed her once more on the forehead.

"I guess these are going to get in the way," she whispered tugging at the top of the jeans. "Why don't you slip out of them."

She released her arm and Steffi stood up, turning round to face Emma. Suddenly she had become a burlesque striptease artist. She slipped her blouse over her shoulders and let it ride down her arms to the floor. Then the trousers. Steffi undid the button and pulled down the zip, giving Emma a glimpse of a matching rose pink pair of lace knickers. She eased the trousers over her hips and down her thighs, bending at the waist when they reached her knees. What a view, large melon like breasts dangling down in the confines of that small bra, eager to be released.

Steffi turned around, her back now facing Emma. Reaching behind she released the clasp on her bra then allowed the straps to dangle down. She eased the strap over one shoulder then the other before letting the bra fall down to the floor. Turning her head round she smiled back at Emma and winked.

"Enjoying the show?"

Turning back, Steffi reached behind and hooked her thumbs over the waist of those rose pink knickers. Slowly she peeled them back revealing the crack between her pert ass cheeks. She paused before running them down her thighs, again bending at the waist when they reached her knees. The view was equally impressive, this time between the top of her thighs, revealing a perfect pair of young pussy lips. Removing the knickers, she lingered, bent at the waist for just a little longer than necessary, before standing up and turning around. In an instant Emma was stood in front of her, arms wrapped around, embracing her now naked friend.

"God you look fantastic Steffi," she whispered in her friend's ear.

Emma proceeded to remove her own top and skirt, with just a little help from Steffi, but she stopped short of removing her lingerie. This was to be Steffi's evening and not her own. The two girls embraced once more, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies as skin touched skin. Emma locked her lips on Steffi's, probing with her tongue looking for the slightest opening. It didn't take long before she found one, forcing her tongue deep inside her friend's mouth. There they stood, locked in a deep embrace tongues entwining and setting off sparks each time the ends touched.

Still locked together, slowly Emma eased forward making Steffi take a step back. She continued as such, moving gently forward and turning slightly to the side, with each step forcing Steffi back once more. Unable to see backwards Steffi just had to trust that she wasn't going to bump into anything. After several steps Emma surprised her by breaking off from the embrace and giving her a shove backwards. Caught off balance Steffi gasped as she fell back, landing deep into the soft leather covered cushions of her favourite armchair. There she sat, trying to get her breath back, looking up at Emma towering over her.

"So, what are we gonna do with you then?" asked Emma, kneeling down in front of the chair and grabbing Steffi's ankles. She pulled them hard and Steffi sank down into the chair, her bottom now right at the front of the cushion. Finally, one by one, Emma lifted each ankle up and back leaving them balanced on the chair arms. There was no hiding now.

Here was Steffi, a young undergraduate, slouched in a leather armchair her legs spread wide and her pussy on display for all to see. And what a fine pussy it was. A neatly trimmed bush of wispy brown hair covered her mound before disappearing away just above her hidden clit. Her outer labia almost joined forming a sleek line from her clit to her rosebud, with just the tiniest hint of what delights were hidden inside.

Emma wondered to herself if she was the first to go down on this exquisite young thing. It wasn't time though to ponder though, she had work to do. Leaning forward Emma blew gently along the line of her pussy lips, a constant cool breeze causing Steffi to shiver slightly. Reaching closer and closer the breeze became more intense, eventually being replaced by the gentle stroke of Emma's nose as she took in the aroma of young sex.

Steffi closed her eyes at the feel of Emma's warm, wet tongue running up and down her lips, teasing them apart as it went. Probing in little circles the tip eased its way inside, tasting the sweetness of the young pussy. Fingers on both sides, Emma slowly stretched the outer lips apart giving easy access to the enclosed delights. Still with the end of her tongue, she found the hardened nub of a clit. For a while Emma concentrated on this little bundle of nerves, flicking her tongue constantly across the top.

"Mmmmmm," came low sounds from Steffi's reclined body.

Running further down Emma then turned her attention to the pussy itself, probing away at the opening to her love canal. By now it was well and truly on fire, dripping with juices which Emma simply lapped up. Back to the clit and more moans from the young girl below.