Developing Friends Ch. 13


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Robert moved around, getting photos from behind and the side, trying to get closer to Dave so Anna was more in shot, but not wishing to break the spell between them now. He managed to get a few shots with the slightly bigger lens, the frame filled with Dave's cock, Anna's labia splayed and cradling it, her clit hood squashed onto the back of the head. He moved back after he got the shot as she rose, the exposed clitoris visible just above the tip of the helmet. He could tell from her breathing that she was close and from the wetness of her pussy that she was horny. He smiled and moved back to get more photos of the pair.

Anna was jerking slightly, small tremors going through her and it made her stop. She wanted a different ending and she glanced down at the cock in her hand, soaked with her juice from her open lips, then her eyes went to Dave's. He was still staring at her wide pussy, but he sensed her look and returned it. She smiled widely as she gasped, her body tingling and full of desire. Her eyes shone and she stared right into his eyes as she lifted herself up and guided his cock back, shuffling forward on her knees.

He could feel her heat and wanted to look, but her gaze was too intense, her eyes blazing and slightly distant as the lust took over. Then it was his turn to start gasping as the heat spread over the head of his cock as she opened her body, lowering down to take him inside. He couldn't help it, he had to look down now and watched as she slowly shifted position, holding the end of his cock tightly inside her as she moved forward to rest on her hands, her face close to his, her panting breath stroking his cheek. He didn't dare move, just looked at the beautiful sight of her body gripping him.

Robert was behind his girlfriend now, loving the sight of her labia spread wide by the head of Dave's cock, getting a shot up the shaft as she leaned forward, her lips wrapped around the skin below the head, She held the pose for several photos and then Robert moved to the side again, clicking the shutter as Anna moved her face forward, Dave's mouth open to accept her kiss.

He pressed the shutter and wound on fast as Anna lowered herself down, Dave's head falling back as her body swallowed his cock and her head doing the same when she was fully impaled on him. She leaned back, her hands resting on the bed behind her and Robert clicked as Dave's hands reached for her breasts, his fingers sinking into the flesh as he groaned with her tight grip around his cock. Anna began to shift her hips and Robert gasped as he pressed the shutter to capture a portrait photo, Anna bent back and head almost hanging behind her, mouth open wide, Dave's hands gripping her breasts. Another photo from behind had Anna's face, upside down from the angle Robert captured her, mouth open and eyes closed, only Dave's legs could be seen. It was time to reload the cameras.

Anna started moving faster, grinding her hips to Dave. She was sitting up straight, looking into his eyes now, her hands on his shoulders and he continued to grip her breasts, her pelvis pressing down and forward as she ground her clitoris against his pubic hair.

She was talking in gasps, looking directly at Dave, "You cock is good, David" her breathing making long sentences hard. "Do you like this, David?" and he could only mumble a yes as he was too engrossed in the marvelous sight and feel of having Anna fucking him.

Then she stopped talking and Robert readied the camera. Her head slumped forward slightly as her eyes closed, then sprang up again, her gaze returning directly to Dave as her mouth opened. Robert was sure he saw a flick of her eyes to him just as he took a shot of her riding the younger man.

Anna's hands gripped Dave's shoulders, her fingers starting to dig into the flesh, but he didn't care, his hands were holding her hips as he tried to thrust up, both of them grinding into and onto the other. His head rocked slightly as he felt her tighten, the grip on his cock like nothing he had experienced before. She was soaking him with her juice, but gripped so tight he couldn't move much, just kept thrusting the tip of his cock over her cervix as she ground down on him and pressed her clitoris to his body.

Robert knew what was going to happen and wanted a slight side view to capture Anna, but also have Dave in the shot, he wanted to photograph the young man's face.

Anna's mouth dropped open and a rumble came from her body. It was deeper that usual, interspersed with her gasping as she moved faster, her fingers holding Dave tight, his skin white around them as she grasped him.

If Dave thought it felt good before, his mind almost exploded just as Anna yelled and slammed her body down on him. His cock was gripped so tight he couldn't move, warmth flooded over it as she was cumming on him, Her vaginal walls pulsed, almost pulling him deeper and the head of his cock was wrapped in the most delicious tight wetness as her cum swirled around it. He had no control, he couldn't even open his mouth to say he was close, he just erupted inside her as her cunt milked him.

Robert got the photo, Dave's head falling back, mouth open, his hands holding Anna's hips as tight as hers held his shoulders. Both of them groaning loudly as they were cumming. He continued to wind and shoot as Dave filled Anna with more sperm than he thought possible.

Dave was jerking his hips, trying to move, but he was held tight, despite the amount of liquid being ejected from both of them. He could feel his semen, hot and viscous, swirling around his head as he filled Anna's womb and cervix, joining her own cum as it drenched his cock. He managed to open his eyes to look down and saw the bubbling creamy mess around the base of his cock, spilling out of her, pushed out by her pulsing cunt. He closed his eyes again and pushed up, still cumming, but not sure if there was anything leaving his body now, his balls felt empty, but his cock couldn't stop twitching and his whole body was jerking with the orgasm as he shook.

Anna was still trembling too. Her eyes finally opened and her fingers loosened leaving red marks on Dave's shoulders. She slumped forward, gasping against his neck, her lips feeling his pulse there, heavy and fast.

"Fuck, so good, David." She mumbled.

He still couldn't talk. His cock was still twitching, along with the rest of his body.

The camera clicked to capture the aftermath as Anna slumped forward. Her body still gripping Dave tight inside, streams of bubbling white liquid around her hole and running down his balls, which writhed and moved from his emptying of them. The whole area where they were joined was soaked and Anna's lips, now dark pink and swollen, were coated with the creamy mix of their cum.

She pulled up and Robert got more shots, the drenched cock, cum running down it as she lifted, the white streaks getting thicker as more of him was revealed. She held still with only the head in her and the underside of the helmet was smeared with blobs of his thick spunk and a string dribbled from her inner lips. She wiggled and then pulled up, sighing as her body was emptied, her lips and hole staying open, dark with liquid and the blood that has filled the area as she became aroused. His cock was still hard enough to stand up, quivering as it left her tight hole, the cum clinging to it, shining and thick. A click of the shutter captured the trail that hung from Anna's open pussy.

Robert stayed behind as Anna moved up, Alternating photos of Dave's cock in focus and Anna's pussy as she moved away. Dave had guessed what was happening and almost kicked Robert as he moved down the bed slightly. He was now flat on his back and Robert took the shots from just above the deflating cock as Anna opened her legs wide, labia hanging down and a teardrop of sperm slowly dripping from her open pussy. Dave opened his lips and the camera clicked again and again as his mouth reached up, open and keen to taste their cum. Robert got some wider shots, Dave's cock in the foreground as Anna lowered her pussy down for the younger man to lick. She sat up slightly and Dave opened his mouth wide, lifting his head, almost as if for the camera and then taking her soaked vulva between his lips. Anna reached down to open herself as another white string bubbled from her and Dave stuck his tongue up to catch it,, licking her clean before she lowered herself so her younger lover could lap the cum from inside.

"I need to get more film" said Robert, just as Anna lifted up from Dave's face, his mouth coated with their juices. She turned to smile at her boyfriend and then slid down the bed to hold Dave, who had finally stopped trembling now.

"Did you like that, David?" Anna asked as she rested against her younger lover.

He was still recovering, trying to comprehend what had happened. He tried to find words, but could only mumble "yes."

She looked down his body, he was still quite hard and drenched in cum, Anna had soaked him even before he had a massive ejaculation inside her. "So much cum, David." she giggled.

"I couldn't stop!" he laughed. "You were squeezing me, it was incredible."

Robert had returned and sat quietly as he loaded the cameras again. He laughed softly, he knew the feeling of Anna when she had a big orgasm. It was almost impossible to not cum when she squeezed that hard.

"It was..." and Dave tried to find the words.

"Intense" Robert offered and the younger man nodded.

"Why?" Anna sat up slightly to look at both men, slightly puzzled at their words.

"Well" Robert started, paused and then thought. "You are tight anyway." He looked at her as he spoke, "and when you cum you are tighter and you squeeze." She nodded, but still didn't think that was unusual. "But then, there are times when you have a massive orgasm. It is as if your entire body is squeezing the cock. The feelings around the head of the cock are just incredible. There is no way to resist cumming when that happens, it is if you are milking the cock with a vacuum!" All three laughed a the strange description,

"Yes. It was intense!" Dave agreed.

"Good intense?" Anna was slightly worried now.

"Fucking amazing intense!" Dave said.

"Seconded" Robert chimed in.

"Oh. Good" and Anna went back to snuggling next to Dave as Robert finished with the cameras.

"Wow." Dave's voice broke the stillness of the last few minutes. The three of them had just relaxed in the warmth of the late afternoon. The couple looked at him.

"I am not a virgin!" he laughed.

"Several times over" Robert added.

Anna rested a hand on his chest, feeling his heart beneath her fingers. "I hope you are not disappointed that it wasn't some young babe, David."

He laughed and Anna felt his pulse quicken against her palm. "Disappointed? Are you crazy, that was amazing." He looked to Anna and realised she was serious. "You are a babe. I couldn't have asked for a better person to lose my cherry to." He added and smiled at her, her face still looking worried.

"Really?" she asked, so quietly that Robert didn't even hear the words.

"Really." Dave replied with a smile that flooded over her and made her do the same.

"So good" she whispered as she stroked his chest.

"My friends will still think I am a virgin though" he added, with a hint of sadness. "They still laugh at the handjob I got, saying that is the best I will ever get."

Anna giggled. "Tell them that you have had better, David."

"They won't believe me."

"You have photos." Robert added, holding up the camera. "Once I have scanned the negatives I will send you copies. Proof you have been inside someone."

Dave laughed, nervously. "They will say it is photoshopped. Also, I can't show them photos, they are private."

"Show them, David. Let them see you inside me. I am proud of being your first and do not mind others seeing."

Dave blushed at the thought of proving his sexual conquests with photos of him and Anna, but it was also a thrill to think he could see them, see his cock in Anna's body and show them to others.

"You are both OK with others seeing the photos?" He was constantly being confused by the couple.

"Yes" they both said, with Anna adding, "I like being watched and it's a sexy thought that your young friends will see pictures of us having sex."

"They might want to shag you!" Dave said, slightly worried at that.

"They can want to" Anna responded, "but you are the one who has. You were kind and sweet. That made me want you. They can want me, David, but only David will have me."

He blushed more and his mind raced at the thought of developing the rest of the films and seeing the results before choosing ones to show his friends. Would they believe it was him in the pictures? Would they mock him for being with an older woman? He didn't really care, he would have photos of him and Anna, explicit shots of her giving herself to him. His cock stirred and he heard a soft giggle beside him.

Anna looked down at Dave, his cock was still showing signs of life.

"So, David, do you masturbate a lot?" She was curious as to how he kept his cock down.

He blushed at the question and tried to think of a good answer, but there wasn't one really, he was eighteen and would get hard easily.

"Sometimes, yes." he replied, blushing dark red now. "Depends, I suppose."

"Depends? On what, David?"

"What I am watching, mainly."

Anna thought about this and needed more information.

"Porn, I am guessing." She said, looking at his face as the red spread across his cheeks.

"Not just porn. Sometimes it is other things. Normal TV."

Anna was even more curious now. "Normal TV gets you hard? What TV do you watch, David?" she said with a giggle.

He thought if he should answer, but her eyes on him forced him to.


"Sport!" Anna gasped. "Sport gets you hard?"

"Sometimes, yes. Depends on the sport." he left the remark to hang, then added "and who is playing."

"I need examples, David."

He blushed even more now as both Anna and Robert looked at him.

"Well." He started, then stopped.

"Well?" Anna and Robert responded at the same time.

"OK" he coughed a little as he prepared his answer, "athletics is quite good, the outfits are quite skimpy and tight." He blushed and noticed Robert nodding. "Tennis too." he added.

"Tennis?" Anna queried.

"Yes. For some reason it gets me going. I don't even fancy many of the players, but think it is the flash of underwear and the grunting noises." He was very red now.

"Interesting" Robert added

"So, how many times do you masturbate when watching sport?" Anna was really interested in this now.

There was a small silence, which only served to make matters worse.

"OK, once I wanked four times during a Wimbledon Women's final." He admitted.

"Four times!" Robert gasped. "I hope it was a three set match, or that is just crazy!"

Dave laughed, "Yes, three sets. Had two wanks in the first set, then one for each set after that."

"Who was playing?" asked Anna, over the sound of Robert whistling his approval and respect to Dave's ability to cum.

"I can't remember, it wasn't important, I was a bit carried away." The younger man blushed again.

"So, what is the record for one day?" Anna was really into this now.

Dave thought. Then changed his mind and thought again.

"Six. Pretty sure it was six times."

"Wow" Robert added. "Sounds about right for eighteen though."

"Wow" Anna chipped in, "So much cum."

"Yes and a lot of tissues." Added Robert.

"What were you watching to cum that many times?" Asked Anna. Still slightly shocked that it was sport that got the young man off.

"The Olympics. All day action!" He laughed at the memory.

"Wanking should be a category by itself!" Anna added. "You'd get a medal for sure, David."

All three of them giggled at the thought for the next few minutes, with Anna mumbling "Olympics" under her breath and laughing now and then as she stroked her hand over Dave's chest.

Dave reached down to lift Anna's hand off his chest and moved it to his face, pressing his lips onto each finger in turn, gently kissing the tips. She let out a soft sigh as he did and was slightly surprised when he then kissed along each finger before moving his lips to her palm, gazing at it for a few seconds and then running his tongue over it, causing her to giggle.

"What was that for, David?"

"I wanted to lick your lifeline." he explained, before kissing up and around her thumb.

"Why?" she whispered as the tingles began to move around her body.

"Because you have a great body and I want to kiss it." He said, before turning her hand to kiss the back of it.

"That is my hand, David. You are kissing my hand, not my body."

"When I said body, I mean every bit." and his lips pressed to her wrist.

"Every bit?" She was slightly confused and also getting turned on.

"Every bit. Every single inch of your body." and he turned the hand and his lips touched the sensitive skin on the underside of her wrist, feeling her quickening pulse as his mouth opened over the throbbing veins there.

"Oh!" she mumbled as she watched him kiss her wrist. "It might take some time."

"That is ok, it will be worth it." His mouth moved up her arm as he spoke.

Anna looked at Robert and smiled. He lifted the camera again to get more shots. Anna hadn't heard the shutter firing as she was too busy trying to stay calm. She smiled at her boyfriend again and shifted her position on the bed, lying on her back as Dave moved up onto his knees to allow her to move over on the bed. He had reached her elbow now. Half an arm done and she was already getting wet.

Dave moved slowly, his lips exploring Anna's body, kissing down her chest, over her breasts, under the curve of each breast and onto her stomach. His lips touched gently and she trembled slightly, the electric thrill of his kisses racing through her. She giggled as his tongue licked in her belly button and sighed contentedly as he kissed down each side of her body and then over and down, soft, gentle kisses, his lips barely touching at times as they touched her lower ones. He could taste her, the labia still wet and getting wetter. He took each outer and inner lip into his mouth, pulling them gently with his lips and she pushed up against him, groaning and opening her legs for her younger lover. His journey continued down a leg to a foot, then up again, mouth pressing lightly against her vulva before he kissed the other limb. The sound of the soft kisses just heard above the snick of the shutter as Robert captured the scenes.

Robert changed films when he reloaded the cameras. He needed something faster now that the afternoon was turning to evening. There was still enough light, but he wanted to be safe. These shots would be grainy, but he also figured they would look atmospheric because of that. He stood at the foot of the bed and turned the camera to get all of Anna in, she was on her front now, Dave had guided her over and the young man was kissing across her shoulders.

Dave kissed down Anna's back, on one side of her spine as Robert knelt to get photos looking up from her feet as the lips touched her. He kissed slowly, knowing Robert wanted the pictures, the older man moving to get the best shot, standing to look down at his naked girlfriend being kissed, getting low to include the round buttocks, the cleft framing Dave's face at it pressed onto her back and even resting the camera on the small of her back, the wide lens against her skin as she was kissed.

Anna gasped slightly as Dave's hands pressed on her buttocks to spread them to get better access for his mouth as it moved down. She heard the shutter click before her groans drowned out anything as a tongue licked around her sphincter.

She was feeling very relaxed as the kisses continued, Dave's lips now moving down the back of her legs. She was wet, very wet and her hips were pressing down on the bed to try and grind her clitoris against something. Dave had said he wanted to kiss her everywhere and he was being true to his word and he had reached her left foot, his lips and tongue moving slowly as he lifted and moved her around to touch his mouth to every part.