Devil's Due


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"Would you be able to handle someone else, baby?" I asked, after she finished her last aftershock. We came together, when I'd shot a huge load of cum into her.

"Fuck no!" she gasped, then giggled. "I'd fuckin' die! I swear, y'all got the stamina of an elephant, Rick! You come in quarts, too!"

So saying, she drew my attention to her gushing pussy. I laughed and grabbed a towel to clean up the mess. Yeah, life was going pretty damn good, but you knew it would have to end sometime, right? I didn't. I was a wicked stupid fuck, though.

Don't misinterpret what I'm fuckin' saying, here. I didn't actually fuck up. Shit happened beyond my control, though.

Just after our one year anniversary, our idyllic life together came to an epically fucked up end.

It started, innocently enough. I was up in Gainesville, doing some IT house calls. The last one was on the University campus. I'd just finished up and left the dorm, when I saw her and she saw me. Was I surprised to see Alysha coming towards me with a huge smile on her face? Fuck yeah, I was! I grinned and grabbed her, hugging her tight.

"Damn, girl! What are you doing here?" I asked with a laugh.

"Engineering Expo," she smirked, pointing to the big banner above the auditorium doors. "My employer sent me here to check out some new tech. It isn't as big a show as the ones in L.A. and New York, but they still have some wicked good stuff, here."

"Hey, it's still great to see you," I said, hugging her again. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I returned the favor.

"Are you in a hurry, or can you grab a bite with me?" she asked. "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast."

I looked at my watch. It was only a quarter past four, so I still had time. "Sure, why not? I always got time for you, Aly."

"Awesome!" she grinned. "C'mon, let's go get some BK."

We ate, talked, and laughed. We got caught up, and she apologized for not being able to make it to the wedding.

"Don't worry about it," I chuckled. "Would you like to come by the house and meet Sophie? I can give her a call and have her pick up some extra food on the way home."

Alysha got a look on her face that I couldn't quite read. Then her expression turned to one of regret. "I wish I could, hon. I have to get going, though. My flight back to L.A. leaves in two hours. Next time, I promise."

I was a little disappointed, but I shrugged it off. "No problem, sweetie. You're going to have to take a vacation pretty soon, ya know. Come on down to visit us, here. I know Sophie would love ya, and I know you'd love her."

For a brief instant, her face went blank when I mentioned my wife. Then she was all smiles again, but with a sadder smile than before.

"That sounds awesome, Rick. I'd love to, sometime soon! I'll call you, ok?"

"Sounds good, Aly. Let me know when, and we'll set up the guestroom for you!" I promised.

I walked her outside, where she'd parked her rental car next to my Camaro. She looked at me, then threw herself into my arms. She hugged me so tightly, I started to have trouble breathing. Then she let me go, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"See you soon, Rick," she said, getting into her car.

"Yeah, hope so," I replied. "Bye, Alysha."

"Bye, hon," she said, then backed out of the spot and headed off towards the airport. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a tear in her eye. Yeah, it was probably just the humidity here. Then I heard someone cough, but when I looked, nobody was there. Huh. Go fuckin' figure. I put it out of my mind.

I drove home, in no hurry. So imagine my surprise, when I ran into Deputy Dawg when I entered our town limits. I rolled my eyes, and he smirked as he motioned me to pull over. All I could think of was "what the fuck now?!"

"Hey there, Rick," he said, giving me his shit-eating grin. "We got an anonymous tip that a fella matching your description, driving a black and silver '69 Z28, was seen at a drug buy. Y'all don't mind if I give her a quick once-over, do ya?"

Fuck! I knew he was bullshitting, but what could I do? I knew what I'd do afterwards, but at that moment, I had to fuckin' comply!

"Fine, Deputy. Just make it quick," I said, a bit testily. I never saw his fist hit my jaw. I felt it, though. I opened my door and got out quick, ready to beat this bumpkin into the ground.

"Nuh uh, uh Rick," he said, shaking one finger at me. I noticed his other hand was on the hilt of his gun. "Ya want me to haul y'all in for assaulting an officer of the law? Or, maybe I could just shoot you dead? What's it gonna be?"

"You want me to show you what happens to fuckin' dirty cops up in Southie, motherfucker?" I shot right back. "You assaulted me first, asshole! Undo your belt and fight like a man. Or are you a chicken shit as well as a chicken fucker?"

"Hmm, lemme see here," he sneered, not rising to my bait. "The word of a fine upstanding law enforcement officer and Southern Gentleman, against the word of a Goddamned Yankee Devil. Now, who do ya think they're gonna believe, Rick?"

"Fine," I said, backing down for the moment. I raised my hands and shook my head. "Do what you gotta do, Deputy." I'm gonna file so many fuckin' complaints against you, you'll be lucky to get a dog catcher's badge, I thought to myself. Shit, I hoped the stupid fuck couldn't read my mind!

Strangely enough, Deputy Dawg didn't "find" anything in his search, although he tore up the lining in my trunk. Then he started for the backseat, when his cellphone buzzed. I caught only his half of the conversation, though.

"Yeah. Uh huh. Ok. Let me go clock out, and I'll meet y'all there. Bye." Then he turned to me with a shit-eating grin. "You're free to go, Rick. Be safe, ya hear?"

With that, he went and got back into his squad car, then roared off towards the sheriff's station.

I closed my trunk, got in, buckled up, and drove home. When I got there, I pulled into my driveway, next to Sophie's car. I was already mad as fuck, but when I saw Dwight's squad car parked on the street, I was ready to kill some stupid fucks! I left my laptop and repair tools in my car, and ran up to my door. I threw it open, to see Sophie sitting on the couch, crying. D-Bag sat beside her, rubbing her back.

"What the fuck, Dwight?!" I snarled. "I thought we had this settled, dickhead! Deputy Dawg just pulled me over and spent almost a half hour trying to find some fictitious drugs in my car! You'll be lucky to keep your fuckin' badges after this shit!"

"Why'd you do it, Rick?" Dwight asked, shaking his head sadly. "Why'd you have to go and fuck around on Sophie, here?"

Then Sophie looked up at me, and her look of despair turned to one of pure, unbridled rage. "You fucking piece of shit!" she yelled.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted right back. "Someone needs to tell me what the fuck is going on here, right fuckin' now!"

Sophie just sneered, looking at me like I was something to scrape off her shoe. Then she took her phone and threw it at me. "Look at that, asshole! A black girl?! Really?! A fucking black bitch?!"

I caught her phone and opened it, bringing up her pictures. There, plain as day, were pics of me and Alysha, outside of Burger King. One where we were hugging, and the two where we gave each other pecks on the cheek. I looked up and glared at both of them.

"I didn't cheat on you with anyone, Sophie!" I shouted at my wife. "That's Alysha Murphy! You met her mother Amelia! Remember?! Alysha couldn't make it to the wedding, but she was here for that tech expo at the University! We caught a bite to eat, and caught up on each other's lives! She's my best friend, for Fuck's sake! Holy shit! You really think I'd do that to you?!"

I was about to go on, but I felt something slam into the back of my head. Out went the lights.


Wicked. Stupid. Fuck! Yeah, this is where I started my narrative, back before all the background stuff. How didn't I see this coming?! Well, for starters, I thought the stupid fuckin' rednecks had given up. No such fuckin' luck.

I didn't know how long I was out, but when I came to, I found myself cuffed to a chair. Before I could move, I heard them talking.

"Don't worry none. We're gonna teach that Damn Yankee something he'll never forget!" D-Bag laughed. "You sure you're ok with this, Sophie?"

"Teaching that cheating bastard a lesson? Hell yeah, I'm ok with it!" Sophie replied, laughing. I looked up, and the sight shocked me to my core. There were D-Bag, Dawg, and Gumshoe, all naked on our bed, with Sophie. They were kneeling there, talking as the assholes pawed her.

"Well, well. Look who's awake, now!" Sophie sneered at me. When I tried to talk, I realized for the first time that they'd gagged me. All I could do was try and shout around the gag, but that only made them all laugh more.

"Then let's get this party started," Dawg said, leering at my wife. He leaned in and kissed her, and I had to look away.


I don't remember what happened during the next hour or so. I'm pretty sure my mind shut down, in order to spare what was left of my sanity. My first coherent thought after that initial shock, was Sophie tilting my head up and removing my gag. Then she turned and laughed at the three assholes. "Well, he ain't dead yet."

I vaguely noticed Sophie's body, now marked with bites and hickeys. I leaned to the side and puked my guts out.

"Oh shit!" Sophie said in disgust. "Now I'm gonna have to steam the whole damn carpet, again!" Then she laughed.

"Don't worry about it, Sophie," Dawg said. "I'm sure we can clean it up, after we clean him up. He'll be dead, soon enough. I think we should tell him what happens to cheaters, around these parts."

"He'll find out soon," D-Bag said, cutting off his butt buddy. "Sophie don't need to know."

"Right," Dawg said, suddenly sober. He zipped his lip.

"So this wasn't enough punishment?" I slurred, still trying to get my head and ass wired back together. "You know that you're gonna have to kill me, so you make me sit through this shit first?"

"That's what all cheaters should get!" Sophie spat, then spat in my face.

"Sophie, for the hundredth time, I didn't cheat on you!" I shouted right back. "You're really gonna believe these stupid fucks over your own husband? You know that they've been looking to fuck me over to get to you, for a long time now!"

The anger quickly dropped from her face, leaving her with a horrified look. She turned those eyes on Dwight and the other two.

"Is that true, Dwight?" she asked, her expression changing to one of realization.

"Hell no, Sophie!" D-Bag bristled. "We've known each other all our lives! Do you think I'd do that to you?! It was a coincidence that Gerry here was up in Gainesville when he saw that Damn Yankee and the black bitch together! Do you think we could've planned that?!

Sophie then turned her accusing glare back on me. "He has a point, asshole!" she snarled at me.

"Just because it was a fuckin' coincidence," I snarled right back. "That doesn't mean he didn't take advantage of something innocent, to turn to his own advantage! He did just fuck you, which is something the stupid fuck has wanted for a long time! All three of those ass biters got to fuck you, Sophie! No matter how this ends, our marriage is over! You didn't trust me, again! I don't think you've ever trusted me, no matter what you said you did! If those pics had been of me and some chick, naked in bed together, then you'd be right! But they weren't, were they!"

Sophie looked like she might've been having second thoughts, but D-Bag spoke next.

"Gerald, shut that damned Yankee Devil up!" Dwight said with a sneer.

"Cut me loose and see how long you last, Gumshoe!" I taunted, ready for more. I really hoped the stupid fuck would take the bait. Too bad he wasn't quite as stupid as he looked. Instead, he slammed his fist into my jaw.

He didn't knock me out, that time, but I couldn't let him know that. I slumped down, letting my body go limp.

"Maybe he's telling the truth," Sophie said. "Dwight, maybe it was all innocent, like he said."

"Nah, it wasn't," Gerald chimed in, now lying through his teeth. "I saw them coming out of the Motel 6, and followed them to Burger King. They came out of the same room, Sophie."

I wanted to shout that it was all bullshit, but I had nothing left to fight for, anymore. Well, nothing but my life. Just the fact that Sophie took their word, and some innocent pics of two friends hugging, over my word, after the long conversations we'd had about trust... it boggled my simple Southie brain. It also told me that our marriage was wicked over!

I heard them all dressing, and then I felt the cuffs get taken off. They cuffed my hands behind my back after lowering me to the floor, though. It took all I had, not to puke again when my face hit the puddle I'd already left on the carpet.

They lifted me, but I stayed limp. To them, I was unconscious dead weight. Dawg and Gumshoe carried me out to my car, then set me down before putting me in the passenger seat in my Camaro.

"You know the plan," D-Bag said in a low voice.

"Yeah, Dwight," Dawg confirmed, keeping his voice down, too. "I'm driving, while Gerry takes his squad and follows me. When we get to Big Roscoe's pond, we throw him in, wait for the gator to grab him, then we set his car in gear and send it in, too. It'll just look like a tragic accident." Dawg laughed as he finished.

"It's kind of a shame to waste this classic, though," Gumshoe protested slightly. "I'd love to drive her at least once, ya know."

"No time for that, boys," D-Bag laid down the law. "You get it done, quick. That way, nobody sees it. No witnesses. No complications. Just for God's sakes, make it look like an accident! Got it?"

"Yeah, Boss," both of them replied, at the same fuckin' time.

"Get it done, then get back here. You can each have Sophie again tonight, if ya hurry. After tonight, she's all mine!" D-Bag laughed. That sack of fuck buckets!

I heard his footsteps walking back towards what had been my house. Then the door slammed shut, and I heard the driver's side door open, a moment later.

All I could do, was sit there, acting unconscious, until I could make my move. I really hoped I could make it soon, though!

The drive went by quickly, since Dawg loved gunning my engine for the sheer speed. I kept a running tally in my head, of everything they now owed me. I'd never killed anyone, before. I felt like I would finally be pushed far enough now, though. It was them or me, and I wasn't just going to lay down and take it! Let these stupid fucks die, instead!

I cracked my eyelids open a bit, and saw that we were almost there. He pulled into the clearing next to Big Roscoe's pond, so I made a show of coming around.

"What?" I slurred. "Where am I?"

"End of the line for you, Ricky-boy," Dawg said with glee. Yeah, glee. There's no other fuckin' word to describe it.

"I knew you stupid fuckin' rednecks couldn't fight," I sneered as he opened the passenger side door. "You can't even knock me out for a whole quick drive." Then I started laughing.

"Shut up!" he said, then hit me again. This time, I didn't even try to fake unconsciousness. I spit out the molar and laughed at him some more.

"Is there a problem, Brad?" Gumshoe asked, as he shined his flashlight on us.

"Nah, Gerry. Just dipshit getting mouthy in his last moments," Dawg said, grabbing me and pulling my back against his chest, so he could walk me towards the edge of the pond.

"Hey, you gotta take your cuffs off him first," Gumshoe pointed out.

"Thanks, Obvious-Man!" Dawg laughed again. Then I felt the cuffs open, and made my move. I know how cops are trained to take someone down in hand-to-hand. I also know how to counter it.

First, I slipped my toe behind his heel and pushed backwards. He lost his balance and his grip, and I turned and grabbed for his gun. Wrong move on my part. He fell heavily, and I fell on top of him. He rolled me over on my back, and pulled back a bit to raise his fist. My fist met his face first, though. He reeled back, and tried to get up off of me. Then he put his hand up to Gumshoe.

"No! Don't shoot him!" he shouted. "The town will hear your gun, dummy! Besides, we have to make it look like an accident! Remember?"

"Yeah, you're right," Gumshoe answered, holstering his gun. They didn't see my foot come up and kick Dawg right in the jewels.

Deputy Dawg staggered backwards, holding his balls. I'd put some stank on that kick with my good right leg, too. Then I rolled up and exploded upward, pushing him back towards the water's edge.

Then Dawg did something stupid as I moved in on him. He drew his gun on me.

"Fuck it! I can shoot once! Nobody'll know!" he snarled. As I went to rush him, I stopped dead. If I hadn't shit earlier that day, I would've shit myself right there!

The biggest alligator in the world came out of the water like a shot, grabbing Dawg's leg in a viselike grip. Dawg dropped his gun, grabbing for anything he could grasp to keep from being pulled backward into Big Roscoe's jaws.

When his gun hit the ground, it went off, and the sound cracked through the night. Then he screamed, and so did Gumshoe, back where he now lay on the ground in a pool of his own blood. When the old Colt 1911 hit the ground, the bullet it fired hit Gumshoe right in the inner thigh. Now, I've seen femoral artery wounds, before. One kid got knifed in Juvie while I was there. From what I saw that night, that bullet had destroyed Gumshoe's artery. He'd be dead in moments.

I walked over and grabbed him, grabbed his keys, and finished un-cuffing myself. Then I grabbed him by the collar of his uniform shirt, and dragged him towards the water.

Dawg was gone, already. He was thrashing around a bit, and I heard gurgling from under the surface. Bubbles popped up top, but then they stopped.

"Pl... please," Gumshoe begged. "Please d... d... don't kill me."

"I'm not gonna kill ya, Gumshoe. Either that bullet, or Big Roscoe is going to do the job for me," I snarled. "And after this, D-Bag is next!"

"You can't win, Rick!" he said desperately. "You'll be up for murder here! If you help me, I can make things easier on ya, though! I promise!"

"Shut the fuck up, you dumb, wicked stupid fuck!" I shouted. Then I heaved him up and threw him at the water.

He screamed until his face hit the water. Then he started thrashing around, as even more of his blood flowed out of him. I shook my head and turned to leave. Then I heard him scream as his head broke the surface, only to have those huge gator jaws clamp down on his melon. I heard a sickening crunch, and turned back to look again. Two reptilian eyes shown in the moonlight.

"Enjoy your meal, Roscoe," I said, under my breath. Then I got into my Camaro, which Dawg had left running, and threw it in Reverse. I backed out of the clearing, careful to avoid Gumshoe's squad car.

I considered going back to town and finishing D-Bag too, but then I realized that Gumshoe's last words were true. There's no way in fuckin' hell I'd be cleared of this! I couldn't count on the Sheriff, who ignored complaints until they got piled up too high to ignore any longer. The Good Ol' Boys looked out for each other. I sure as fuck wasn't one of the Good Ol' Boys. I was just the Yankee Devil.

Part 2: The Yankee Devil

2015 - 2016

I hated to do it, but I ran. I fuckin' ran! I drove north to Gainesville and pulled out my phone. I called Dwight.

"What the fuck are you calling from that asshole's phone for, you idiots?!" D-Bag raged. "It was supposed to go into the pond!"