Diana's Dark Desires Ch. 05


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'Yes, Miss Diana,' she said, through her tears.

'And do you deserve two more strokes?'

She didn't at first reply.


'Yes, Miss Diana,' came a little voice.

'Then ask me for them. If you're ever to be a slave, you will need to!'

'Give me two more strokes, please, Miss Diana.'

I struck her twice more, across the upper thighs, causing her to writhe on top of the sofa. Then I told her not to move, and felt her newly-shaven pussy. She had a neat crack, with concealed inner lips, and they were wet through, though how much of that was the black worker's cum and how much her own secretions was impossible to tell.

I told her to go and make the Mistress's bedroom look as if nobody had been in it.

'Thank you, Miss Diana,' she said, and no more mention of the incident was made. When, days later, my Mistress noticed that Su-li's arse still looked red, and asked why, I replied that she had been lax in her housework, but was now forgiven.

Our Mistress returned, first of all, to the office, straight from the airport, looking tired after a transatlantic flight. She lost no time in calling me into her office.

'I am having Donald take me home now, Diana, to get some rest – these trips are very tiring, you know. Tomorrow is Saturday, however, and we shall have a special evening. I have written and invited your friend Cindy. If she wants to work for me, she will have to be initiated, won't she?'

I looked at her a little uncertainly. Cindy belonged to a time in my life before I had been 'initiated' as she put it.

When we got home, our Mistress had already gone to bed, suffering, no doubt, from jet-lag, and we didn't see her until midday next day, when, however, she looked fresh as a daisy, sitting in her favourite chair, and smiled when she saw Astrid and me returning from a brief shopping expedition.

'Ah, good,' she said, 'I can give you two – and little Su-li – your presents, that I got you in New York.' She rang a little hand-bell, and Su-li came clicking in on her high heels, her hips swaying.

'First you, dear,' said Mistress Helen, to the little Asian, 'open your blouse!'

She unbuttoned the transparent black garment, and her almost flat, boyish, chest was revealed, with its big, brown aureola so prominent, her nipples puffy and swollen.

'Come closer!' ordered our Mistress, and, when she did so, she put the palms of her hands on the girl's breasts, and then kneaded them slowly, tweaking the growing hardness of her nipples. Letting go with her right hand, she reached down into a bag beside her armchair, and fished out a velvet covered box. Almost before she opened it, I knew instantly what it contained. She took out a pair of exquisitely-crafted gold nipple-clamps, connected with a fine gold chain.

'This will hurt, at first, my dear,' she told Su-li, 'but you will grow accustomed to them, and learn to enjoy the pain.'

When she tightened the first clamp down onto Su-li's right nipple, the girl screamed, and the Mistress slapped her hard across the face.

'Be quiet, or you will have to be gagged!' she told her sternly, and continued with the other clamp.

When she had finished, and Su-li had fastened her blouse again, we admired the effect. The fine gold chain was clearly visible under the transparent material, linking her lovely nipples.

'They hurt terribly,' she said, with tears in her eyes, but when I kissed her better, there was an urgency about her embrace which I instinctively knew had to do with arousal, and as I felt her grind her pubis into my thigh, I knew she was well on the way to an orgasm.

It was Astrid's turn for a present, and our Mistress bade her approach.

'Turn around, girl,' she said, and, when she presented her arse to her Mistress, she told her to raise her skirt to her waist, and open her arse cheeks.

'Mmm,' mused Mistress Helen, and produced another box, longer one this time, from her bag.

From it she took a thin, silver-coloured cylinder, about six inches long, and a tube of Ky jelly, which she used to anoint the cylinder.

Astrid was, meanwhile, looking over her shoulder with some apprehension, and her eyes grew wider when thee Mistress said, 'Relax as much as you can, dear,' and, without further ado, pushed the cylinder slowly up Astrid's virgin anus.

She gasped at first, then shrieked with pain as the offending instrument invaded her anal sphincter, wriggling its inevitable way deep into her bowel.

'This is a special rectal trainer, my dear,' said the Mistress, and taking a remote control from the end of the box, pressed a button.

'Oh, oh, oh, oh, argh, argh!' moaned Astrid, 'No, no, I can't, I really can't stand it, please, Mistress, please, pleeeease!'

'It grows inside her,' smiled Mistress Helen to me, 'I tried it, and it's wonderful, really! It's amazing what they can do these days.'

But Astrid was sobbing, her arsehole violated for the first time, and the Mistress eventually took pity on her, and reduced the cylinder to a manageable size.

'You can wear it like that for the afternoon,' she said, 'that's the idea.'

It was my turn, and I couldn't wait to see what she had bought for me.

Like the other two, I had to approach her, and raise my skirt. She had another velvet-covered box, smaller this time, for me. When she opened it, I saw it contained a short silver chain of three links. One end had an elaborate screw fitting, and from the other hung a claw containing a stone which looked like a ruby. It was very pretty, and must have been about four inches long. The Mistress unscrewed the top link and deftly fastened it onto my clit ring. She told me to stand up and walk about, and when I did so, the effect was amazing. The chain was heavier than it looked, and pulled at my clit in such a way that I felt I should be in a state of permanent sexual fervour.

'I hope that will remind you that you are mine,' said my Mistress.

'Oh yes Mistress. Thank you,' I said.

As I walked, I felt the chain swing around, brushing the insides of my thighs, touching the brand of my Mistress, of which I was still acutely aware. At first I wondered if it would do me any damage, but I knew that my Mistress would have made sure that this wasn't the case, and found out later that she had bought it from a New York store which specialised in supplying esoteric articles such as this.

We now had to prepare for the 'special evening' our Mistress had planned, and Su-li had some temporary help in the shape of a catering company, who sent two young girls to prepare the food. I noticed with amusement that they couldn't take their eyes off Su-li's nipple-clamps, every time their paths crossed as they set up the tables.

I was still intrigued to know what was so special about the evening that was in store for us, and got my first intimation when I was asked by Mistress Helen to help her with the table settings.

I immediately noticed that all of the twenty-four people to be seated around the big dining table were women! Amongst them, apart from my old friend Cindy, I found that my old flatmate Laura had been invited, as, it appeared, had our friends Val and Mandy, although their names were disguised as 'Valerie' and 'Amanda.' I was disappointed not to see the lovely Talia represented – she had always been a great favourite of mine back in the days when I had shared a flat with Laura – but I still looked forward to seeing some of my friends again, and wondered what they would make of my new lifestyle as Helen Barrington's slave.

I decided to ask my Mistress what Astrid and I should wear, for this special evening.

'Yes, my dear,' she said, 'I'm glad you have asked. As my slaves, I should normally have you shackled, but it wouldn't perhaps be appropriate tonight. I will, however, dress you both, if you come to my room at eight.'

I glanced at my gold Cartier watch – an earlier present from my Mistress – it was already seven, so that we had barely time to go and shower and make-up before presenting ourselves.

I showered, thoroughly perfumed myself, had Su-li put my hair up in a French twist, rouged my nipples and labia, and slipped into a robe, then went to my Mistress's room, where Astrid was already sat waiting, while Mistress Helen, resplendent in a gold, fur-trimmed negligee, rummaged around in the wardrobe.

Eventually pronouncing herself satisfied, she draped two long, diaphanous garments across her bed, one black, one white, then went back to her wardrobe and returned

with a large box, which she also placed on the bed.

'Diana,' she said, 'you first!'

I stood in front of her and she looked me up and down.

'I'm glad to see you put your hair up, my dear,' she smiled, 'that way it won't be in the way.'

My eyes widened when I realised the implications of that remark, and remembered that she had promised to punish me upon her return.

She plucked from the bed a long black nylon gown, completely transparent, with long sleeves. She slipped it over my head, and I had to wriggle my arms into it – they were a tight fit. But it was quite backless, right down to the start of the crack between my buttocks. The skirt snugly fit about my legs, and when I looked in the mirror, the silver chain hanging from my clit glinted through the thin black nylon.

My Mistress completed my ensemble by taking a wide silver collar from thee box on the bed, and clipping it around my neck. It had a ring set into it at my throat, and to this she clipped a diamond studded leash about a metre long.

'There, my dear,' she said, 'a pair of your highest black stilettos, I think, and you'll be ready.'

'Thank you, Mistress,' I said, 'I feel wonderful.' And I really did.

It was Astrid's turn. Mistress Helen summoned her to stand by her, then whisked off the bed a long, white silk gown, which she slipped over the slim Scandinavian's blonde head. She had to wriggle her way into the tightness off the garment, which fitted her like a glove. When she was finally encased in it, I gave a low whistle.

'My God, Astrid, you look good enough to eat,' I said. Her gorgeous young body was outlined in thin silk, so that every detail could be seen, the shape of her breasts and buttocks profiled as if she were naked, her leg-movements restricted by the tight skirt.

'I trust your cylinder is still in place?' enquired Mistress Helen.

'Of course, Mistress!' said Astrid, not daring to glance in my direction. I had chided her for taking it out of her anus during the Mistress's absence, and she had put it back in, with my help, just an hour before.

'Good,' said Mistress Helen, and reached for her handbag.

Almost instantly, Astrid's eyes widened, and she gasped, 'Oh, oh, oh, no, Mistress!'

'Yes, my dear, you will learn to enjoy taking much bigger things up there shortly, you may be sure!'

But Astrid was now biting her lip, grasping the arms of the chair she had been sat in, but writhing around.

'There!' said our Mistress, grinning, 'I've set it to pulse for a few minutes. Try to relax and enjoy!'

'Oh, but Mistress, the pain is terrible, it's so big. I can't take it!'

Mistress Helen moved over and took the girl in her arms, kissing her full on the lips, and Astrid responded readily. It was, I thought, the first time she had been kissed by the Mistress, who wasn't much given to such shows of tenderness.

Watching, I started to be aware that her cries of pain were mutating into something else, as her Mistress's caresses combined with the erotic fire that was being ignited in her arsehole, and doubtless spreading to her vagina.

But suddenly, Mistress Helen pushed her away, and thrust a hand in her handbag.

'That's enough,' she said sharply,' we don't want you staining your gown, do we? I've turned off the pulse and returned the size to just a little more than normal. I've a collar for you, like Diana's, and then you can both go and put on some shoes. Our guests will soon be arriving.'

As soon as Astrid was equipped with her collar, we both left, our leashes dangling in front of us, Astrid's steps restricted by the tight skirt. When we had stepped into our stilettos in our respective rooms, we reported back to our Mistress's chamber, and helped zip her into her long black velvet evening gown. Apart from the fact that she wore needle heels, and that beneath her gown she was tightly restricted in a satin, whale-boned corset, and wore nothing else, it would not have been possible to guess at her proclivities.

I helped her put finishing touches to her make up, and she asked Astrid to pour us all dry sherries from a crystal decanter. A buzzer sounded, and Mistress Helen leaned over her bedside cabinet and pressed a button. A small television screen high on the wall flickered into life, and we watched black and white image of Su-li opening the door and welcoming guests – two women from whom she took fur wraps, leaving them standing in long evening gowns. One was blonde with long hair, the other dark-skinned with short hair, but I recognised neither.

'They are starting to arrive, then,' said our Mistress, 'we should go down and greet the guests.'

She stood, and picking up our leashes, led us slowly out and down the wide staircase to the spacious entrance hall.

There several women were already stood around while Su-li plied them with trays of drinks. I didn't recognise any of the beautiful women there except Cindy, who had arrived early, and looked at me in astonishment when she saw me at the end of a leash, wearing my utterly transparent gown, the chain hanging from my clit glinting in the light of the chandelier. She gulped as she approached, but then my Mistress spoke softly to her: 'It's good to see you here my dear. I know you are surprised to find that your old friend Diana is now my slave. I think she will tell you she is happy with the arrangement.'

I took my cue, 'I am very happy, Mistress Helen,' I said.

Cindy looked from me to my Mistress and back again. She had had her hair cut and styled, and wore long, heavy pendants in her ears. When she kissed me, I noticed that, like myself, she had had a tongue-stud fitted, and she let it graze my lips – she wanted to tell me. She wore a long red satin dress with a deep slit up one side.

I could tell that she was unsure of how to address Mistress Helen, and still surprised by what she had seen, but then the Mistress unclipped Astrid and myself from our leashes, and I was free to talk to my old friend more freely.

She was fascinated. 'I always knew you were a slut,' she said, grinning, but, well....?'

'You don't know the half of it,' I said.

'I can imagine,' said Cindy, wow!' She sat back in an armchair, and, just then, Laura appeared, and I was able to introduce my old flatmate to my oldest friend.

Laura had encased her petite blonde form in a long tube-dress, which consisted of nothing more than a lot of brown rings, about an inch in diameter, sewn together. It covered her from neck to ankles, but her nipples poked through the rings on the end of her firm, pert breasts. She had made the concession of wearing a pair of red silk panties under the dress, and they were tied at the sides by red silk bows, which projected through the rings of the tight dress at her hips. Her feet, as usual, were in a pair of ultra-high stilettos.

No sooner had I finished introducing her to Cindy, than our two friend from the block emerged from the cloakroom to join us. The voluptuous Mandy, with her impressive tits perched on the platform of a ferocious looking white satin corset, had Cindy's eyes popping out of her head. From her left nipple hung her trademark dull metal ring, and this could be seen clearly through her transparent bolero top she wore over the corset. Around her waist was cinched a little silk skirt, and I said to Cindy, 'Just wait till you see her other piercings!'

'I can't wait!' she said

The rather more sophisticated Val, her long brown hair soft and pretty, was dressed in a long white gown, vaguely 'Greek' in style, fastened at the shoulders with big gold clasps, open down each side from armpit to floor, joined only by two gold clips each side, showing clearly that she wore nothing beneath. I knew from past experience that Val's breasts were lovely, sharp and firm, with long, hard nipples, and they now stuck out, jutting so prettily against the thin material of her gown.

Val could scarcely contain herself when she saw me, and all her natural reserve cast aside, she flung herself at me, and enfolded me in her arms, my Mistress looking on in amusement. Val then held me out at arm's length, and said, 'You look ravishing, darling – and what's with the chain?' She looked pointedly at my mound. 'Is it your clit that's pierced? Didn't it hurt terribly?'

'Yes,' I said, 'it's my clit, and it hurt for a while, but it's very exciting, and reminds me off my Mistress.' I went on to introduce Val, Laura and Mandy formally to Mistress Helen, who then showed them to their places. After she had done that, she pulled me to one side and asked me about Val.

'Laura's nice,' she said, 'and I suppose Mandy might be fun, but your friend Val is absolutely gorgeous. Can I have her?'

I had an instant flash of jealousy, but understood, and felt much the same way about Val anyway, but had to tell her that she was, so far as I knew, happily married.

'You can't win 'em all,' she sighed, fondling my arse through the thin nylon of my gown.

We all took our places at the huge table, and Helen stayed on her feet, tapping a glass to get everyone's attention.

'Good evening, ladies,' she said, quietly, 'and welcome. I hope you will all enjoy the simple food and good company. I think all my guests enjoy similar pleasures.' She paused, smiling. 'After the meal, I have a modest entertainment laid on for you, consisting of two brief items, and then we may dance. I hope it will be to your liking.'

I looked around, and, for the first time, saw that a low stage had been erected at one end of the dining room. On it was a low couch, upholstered in red velvet.

I had Cindy at one side of me, and Astrid at the other, whilst across from me sat Laura and Val.

Conversation ebbed and flowed as we ate, and seemed to centre on fashion more than anything, but I was merely fascinated by the novelty of sitting down to dine with a table-full of beautiful and desirable women, many of whom were dressed in exotic and revealing costumes. More than once I caught flattering stares in my own direction, causing my nipples to harden and the damp warmth between my legs to spread. I was acutely aware of the chain hanging from my clitoris, whose weight seemed to increase as I became more aroused. When we had finished eating, I felt Cindy's hand stroking my thigh, and my chain felt as if it suddenly grew to double its size.

'I can't wait to join you in the office, darling,' she whispered, 'I'm so turned on by all of this.'

'What are you going to do there?' I asked her.

'Oh, just computer stuff,' she said, 'but your boss told me I may well get the chance to come and join you at her house if I want.'

'I didn't think you were into .......well, into the sort of things I like, if you know what I mean?'

She lifted her hand from my leg and took my hand under the tablecloth, putting it on her own thigh, nestling under the slit in her heavy satin dress. Her flesh was warm to the touch, and firm, silky-smooth. She turned her head to look at me, and her lips were slightly apart, her tongue edging its way along between her white teeth, conscious of her new stud.

I looked at her pretty, familiar face, and found her eyes hooded, her breath coming just a little shorter. At that moment, the lights were dimmed, and a bright spot shone on the stage. Our attention was focussed on a lithe, feline figure which emerged from the door behind.

As the spot picked out her face, I saw the slanted eyes, the erotic lips, that could only belong to my friend Talia! I shot a look at my Mistress, and she was looking at me pointedly in the gloom, with a look that said, triumphantly, 'I can do anything!'