Disciples of Caine Ch. 02


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"Yes, Master," Andrea meekly replied as she took care of business. Out of practice now, she washed her whole body, shampooed her hair, and was mostly dry within five minutes with her long red hair done up in a towel that she found. She'd even found a shaving kit in which she used to take care of her body hair that had been slowly creeping back over the past month now. Armpits, legs, pussy; all body hair was taken off to be clean shaven just like her captors liked. She also liked it as well as it made her more sensitive in her pussy to be bald down there. By the time Brain returned, she was ready to go. He took her to the small bed to lock her chain leash to the headboard and to remove her nipple caps, taking her hair towel away in the process. She lay there submissively with her hands folded on her stomach, waiting for the first raider to come in after Brain left. It was a big, burly, beer-belly, biker of a man with scraggly grey hair and beard. When he grinned at her, she could see that he was missing a couple of teeth. Whether the tooth loss was from fights or some other means, she didn't know. All she knew was that she had to spread her legs for this man so that he could take her, which she did when he took his clothes off and mounted her.

"Yer probably the finest piece of pussy I've seen in a while, missy," he said as he lifted her legs up to jam his fat cock into her, his belly spilling out over hers.

"Ungh..." Andrea grunted, feeling his cock spread her wide open as she arched her back when he lifted her hips. "Thank you, Master," she whispered, closing her eyes and rolling her head to face away from him. She became lost in her living fantasy of being forced to fuck man after man while her husband looked for her. "Ahhhh... Unnngh... Mmmmm..." she continually moaned as she was taken by this stranger. She felt him spill inside of her, cock pulsating within her pussy. Andrea bit her lip and shuddered from the feeling of his hot cum shooting up into her body even if her womb was now closed off for the next eight months. She didn't orgasm but by god she was close.

Biker man left to be replaced by another one of his gang. This one was another big bruiser of a fellow who was younger and clean shaved. When he disrobed, she saw that his cock was much bigger than his predecessor. Andrea spread her legs again when he approached. This one kept her legs flat to the mattress as he eased his cock all the way into her, making her moan deeply. He reached down with one hand to play with her left breast while supporting himself over top of her with his other. Then he started to thrust his hips into hers, fucking her softly to prolong the moment he had with her. Andrea moaned and writhed under him, feeling his cock slide in and out of her pussy while he teased and tormented her nipple. When he saw the moisture seep out, his mouth latched onto her breast to start to suck. He kept the attention to her breasts while he fucked her, sucking milk out of each one until finally he let out a low groan, his body shuddering, as he came inside of her.

Andrea trembled and shivered again from the feeling of a man coming inside of her until he pulled out. When he left, she moaned deeply, playing with her own breasts and rubbing her thighs together until the next man came and took her... and the one after that... and the one after that... orgasming or nearly orgasming each time with each man.


CHAPTER 7: Day 84.

"Finally," Brain breathed with relief as he got a bag full of tabs handed to him. Andrea felt her leash being handed to someone else. "Enjoy yourself in your new home, bitch, you've been more trouble than you've been worth over the past three months." She felt him slap her hard on the ass before he walked away, talking with his three compatriots about their take for this job.

So... I've finally been sold... Andrea thought as she let whoever it was who had her leash now lead her away. She knew it was a Farm of some sorts as she heard them talking and haggling over her price. She'd even been thoroughly inspected to the point where fingers probed inside her every orifice, her nipple caps removed to verify that she'd been lactating, and her breasts hefted a lot to see just how full they were of milk. Her new unknown owners then led her down a ramp by her leash into a seemingly large, noisy room, judging by the way the sounds echoed off of the walls. Sounds of machinery was all around her as motors and pumps whrred. She even picked up the sounds of passion as they passed by women moaning and squealing in pleasure, caught in the throes of their own pleasure.

Eventually, she was stopped and made to kneel on all fours, resting her body in the middle of a metal frame with a cloth cot to support her body. Holes were in the fabric to allow her breasts and her belly to dangle free. Her chain was taken away and her collar clipped to something metal in front of her. They were keeping the hood on her, she figured, as hands then went from her head down to her breasts where she felt two suction nozzles get attached to her nipples. They immediately started sucking the milk from her breasts in their rhythmic gksh... gksh... gksh... sound, alternating from her left nipple to her right, and back again. Her moans joined the cacophony of sex going on all around her. Then she felt dildos inserted up into her ass and her pussy. Whatever machine that they were attached to was then engaged, making distinct whrring sounds behind her. The dildos started to fuck her enough to fill her up but not enough to cause her any harm by going too deep. Obviously, they did not want to hurt her baby, that was now starting to show with her slight belly bump.

Feeling her first orgasm of the day well up from within her loins, Andrea started pushing back against the dildos fucking her. "Ah... Ah... Ah..." she grunted and moaned in time with the milkers. "Mmmm... Ah... Oh..." she groaned, her mouth hanging open. Someone came by and she felt a man's cock get shoved down her throat. She greedily started sucking on it, rocking her body back and forth now that she was penetrated in every hole. "MMmmmm...." she groaned again, her body now shaking in a good, powerful orgasm. The man inside of her mouth blew his load and she swallowed every drop his cock had to offer. Once he was spent, he pulled away and Andrea started working herself up on the dildos fucking her for the next orgasm.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..."


The man that Andrea referred to as Brain counted the tabs by the campfire, he and his remaining three compatriots. "See, what did I tell you?" he said with satisfaction as he finished. "This was far more lucrative than that quick job we'd originally been hired for; we have a newer and better truck, all the pussy we could've wanted, we're swimming in tabs, and we're in a warmer climate in time for the winter months."

"Yeah..." a voice said from just beyond the light of the fire. "Problem is... you forgot the guy who originally hired you." All four of them jumped to their feet and went for their weapons when they heard the distinct sound of a shotgun chambering a slug. "Ah, ah, ahhhhh..." the mysterious figure said, holding a hand up and wagging a warning finger at them. They could see him now, cloaked in shadows, with the moonlight behind him to keep him in a dark silhouette. "If your hands touch steel then you won't live to see tomorrow," he said. "Now, you idiots had one, quick and easy job that you were hired to do, and, in that task, you have failed me. All you had to do was kidnap the girls, sell them to the farm south of The Valley, and be done with it. But noooooo... you had to go and get greedy, didn't you?"

Fuck... I thought that we'd lost him... Brain thought as he lowered his hand back down to his side from where it had been resting on the hilt of his pistol. "So... what happens now?" he asked. He'd figured that their employer was just going to give up and go home but in that he hadn't calculated that their employer would be this persistent. "She's still impregnated and in the dairy farm. There's nothing that you can do to change that or change the fact that one of us is the father."

The mysterious man's body jerked as he harrumphed in amusement. "I don't care about those trivial details. What I do care about is the four idiots standing before me who broke a contract. That, I'm afraid, is unforgivable."

Brain's eyes went wide behind his glasses as the barrel of the shotgun swung his way. Before he had a chance to react there was a brilliant flash of orange and white along with a loud, sharp blast of sound. His body doubled over as he was hit in the groin. His vision went white with pain unlike any he'd ever felt in his life. Brain's hands went to cup genitals that were no longer there, instead clamping over a bleeding, gory mass in between his legs as he fell over to the ground. He couldn't think of anything else other than the pain as three more reports of the shotgun fired off and his men hit the ground, dead or dying. Someone was screaming an unholy, unearthly sound of intense pain and it took him a moment to realize that he was the one doing it.

Oh God... this is it...he thought as a boot kicked him in the right shoulder, making him roll to his back. He looked up in time to see the big circle of the smoking barrel of the shotgun pointed right in his face with their employer standing over him with no emotion on his face. "Why..." Brain managed to croak up at him.

"Because you pissed me off, that's why," the employer said. "Now look here, smile, and wait for the flash." Then his finger tightened around the trigger.

There was indeed a flash of light and then... nothing.


"Well, that's fucking done now..." Jon muttered as he reloaded the shotgun. Sure, it was a bit cruel of him to waste the leader by blowing his dick and nuts off first, but like he'd said; the guy had pissed him off. What was supposed to be only a month vacation and the fulfillment of a capture and impregnation fantasy for his wife had dragged out far longer than he'd originally intended. He slung the shotgun back over his shoulder and went back to his truck to pull it up next to the camp. Then he proceeded to loot the raiders of anything of value; fuel, guns, ammo, food rations, clothes, everything. He packed it all up into his truck before piling the now naked bodies up in their own truck, dousing them with gasoline, and then setting the whole thing on fire. He drove off from the newly made conflagration, not once looking back.

He'd hired those idiots back when Sean and Mel announced their wedding and when Leroy announced, as best man, that he'd selected Andrea to be Matron of Honor. At first, Jon wasn't going to do anything about it until he saw that Leroy was too busy strutting about, bragging about how he was going to bang Jon's wife during the wedding night and honeymoon. Then, when Leroy wasn't doing anything about security, since he was too busy trying to bed Andrea before the ceremony, Jon took his reservations to The Valley's governor, Wayne. Jon and Wayne cooked up this raid to get people to take security seriously as they'd gotten sorely lax over the past couple of years with the return of Caine. All they were supposed to do was take Andrea on the assumption that she was the bride, fuck her nonstop until she was pregnant, sell her to the Farm close to The Valley to be milked for a bit, and then go on their merry way. Andrea would've been gone a month, tops, while living out her long-time fantasy. But then Moron-with-a-Brain back there decided to change the plan that led them to here.

Jon drove up to the front of the San Antonio Farm, parked, and marched up to the front door with the bag of tabs in his hand. Since night had now fallen, it took a while for someone to answer. The guy took one look at him and said "Go Away."

Irritated, Jon stuck his foot in the door and held up the bag of tabs, jingling it. "You all just paid this amount of tabs for a pregnant, redheaded woman earlier today," he said. "That is my wife and I want her back."

The guy scoffed at him. "She ain't for sale and it's your fault for losing her in the first place," he sneered. Then he pulled a gun on Jon. Now get out before I shoot you."

Jon's eyes narrowed. He pulled his foot back. "When this is over, you're going to remember this moment and wish that you'd given her back," he said before turning and walking away.

Time for the next plan on his list...


CHAPTER 8: Day 85

Andrea knew it was daytime since she could feel the heat of the sun on her body. It had to be streaming in through a window as she woke up on a bed. She was still collared and hooded, so she had to feel her way around her new room. After pacing it out, she found that it was ten square feet of floor room with the push twin bed to one side next to the window. The door in was on the opposite side of the room and it was locked. There was a second door off to the left of the entry door, if she were facing the bed, that led to a small bathroom. She quickly utilized it, reliving herself and then stepping into the shower to wash her hair and body with the shampoo and soap she found inside of it. She moaned as she washed the dirt, sweat, and grime off of her body under the warm spray and then moaned again as she played with her sensitive breasts.

That got her pussy to tingle and soon she was laying down in the bottom of the shower with the water cascading down over her as she spread her labia and began rubbing her clit vigorously. "Oh God... Oh God... Oh God..." she moaned as she fingered herself with one hand and squeezed her breasts with the other. Hey, if no one else was here to fuck her then she was going to get the job done herself, she figured. After all, she'd been kept perpetually horny and on edge for, what, three months now? A tiny orgasm rippled through her body, giving her a moment of satisfaction, but still left her feeling empty. She wanted more.

The door to her room flew open, making her jump in shock. Two men barreled in and dragged her dripping wet body from the shower. "HuCows are not allowed to orgasm on their own, slut!" One of them growled, slapping her bare ass five times in quick succession as they put her on all fours on the floor. She yelped from the stinging on her ass as her wet skin amplified the spanking.

"We'll put her in the machine," the other one said as they dragged her from the room and down the hallway. "She'll cum so hard that it'll hurt." They didn't even let her get to her feet to walk. They just carried her under each arm, kicking her feet out from under her every time she tried to stand and walk on her own. Eventually she just gave up, went limp, and let them pull her along with her feet. Andrea had no idea where they took her. She still had yet to get the layout of the place in her head. She wondered why they'd come for her and how they knew she'd gotten off. Did they have vidcams in her room? Not that it mattered, she relished the chance to cum so hard that it'd be painful.

"Yeah... that'll teach her. We'll also take pics so we can show her hubby if he comes back again to try and buy her," the first man chortled. "Show him how much she's enjoying it here," he laughed

Ahhhh...Andrea figured. They were punishing Jon by proxy. He must've been here recently. They were probably coming by for her anyway and were capitalizing on her masturbating to make an example out of her. Whatever... she thought. They gave her even more reason to hang on to her sanity rather than easily lose herself in the constant, non-stop sex. Jon was nearby and was working on getting her. She'd known he was close from listening to Brain and his boys talk, but she never knew how close exactly he'd been until now.

The two farmers lifted her to her feet and rolled her onto a plush mattress that seemed to conform to her body. It was really comfortable and felt like she was laying on a cloud. They yanked her limbs far apart, latching her ankle and wrist cuffs so that she was spread-eagled on the new bed. Then she felt oil being dribbled onto her chest, stomach, and thighs from two different sources before she felt two pairs of hands rub it into her body. She moaned from the impromptu massage and rub down as they got the oil onto her skin from head to toe, making extra sure that they lubed up her pussy and her ass. Andrea shuddered under their touch, her body aching for release again already. But then they pulled away. They were back a moment later. One pushed a fleshy, rubbery cylinder of some sort to her lips. Her tongue darted out in automatic response, tasting the tip. It reminded her of a smooth dildo tip but it had two slits in the end arranged in a cross. Odd... she thought as it was then pushed in past her lips. She opened her mouth, again in automatic response, and relaxed. They pushed it in until she was deep throating the thing and that's when she realized that it was a tube of some sorts.

At the same time one worker was making her deep throat the dildo tube, the other was shoving two similar tubes deep up her ass and deep down into her pussy. She moaned around the tube in her mouth as she was now properly triple penetrated. It didn't stop there. Milking rods and tubes were attached to the tips of her breasts, the suction already making her nipples perk up. Then they put a tiny clamp directly onto her clit before covering her loins with a plastic cup of some sorts that had a bit of suction to it as well. It apparently had the tubes that went up her ass and pussy snaked through holes because she felt the thing end at behind her back at her tailbone. That made her curious. Then she felt them wipe the excess oil from her body before affixing small adhesive circles with wires on them to either side of her abdomen, inner thighs, the underside of her breasts, and to her chest just above the breasts but under her collar bone.

Then they turned the thing on.

At once, the tubes started a low throb in each of her holes. It wasn't enough vibration to make her cum but it did feel good. The milking rods on her tits started to pump the milk from her breasts. That always felt good. Then she heard a ticking sound off to her left. Tick... Tick... tick... She cocked her head trying to figure out what that was about. One of the farmers filled her in. "That's a rotary clock. Each tick is a second. After sixty seconds when the hand reaches the top, it completes the circuit and paused for five second while you get zapped for," he said. "Don't worry, it's enough to give you a jolt but not enough to harm the baby inside of you. We wouldn't do anything that'd endanger the kid that we'll give to far more deserving parents than a mere HuCow."

Uh oh... Andrea thought, wondering how many ticks had already gone by. She got her answer soon enough when she heard the bell ring and tiny jolts of electricity. Her body tensed up as it coursed through her body, making her loins tighten up, her legs quiver, and her body to shake violently in its bonds. It lasted for five seconds but felt like an eternity. Her whole body relaxed, making her feel suddenly exhausted. Now she got why the suction cup was around her loins between her legs. Had she not relieved herself already this morning then she probably would've lost control of her bladder. The suction cup was there to get any waste; be it urine or her juices squirting from an orgasm. The throbbing from the hoses and the sucking of the pumps continued on all throughout the electrocution. A minute later, she was shocked again for five seconds; breasts, belly, clit, and inner thighs all lit up as electricity shot through them with just enough pain to be a discomfort. In the back of her mind, she likened the sensation to the one time as a kid when she touched an electric fence. It wasn't enough to do enough permanent damage, but it did hurt enough to make her not to want to touch it. It was even accompanied by the quick snap, snap, snap, snap, snap sounds as the machine put out the charges.