Discovery of the Moment Ch. 04


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"I feel it, Daddy!" Kelly cried. "I can feel you cumming inside me! Oh, my God, it's so fucking good! Oooooh, FUCK!" Again, her body convulsed and shook violently as my cock continued to erupt inside her, right at her cervix.

I quickly let go of her ankles and grabbed her quivering hips, pushing myself just an extra eighth of an inch deeper. My cock continued to spurt within her tiny body, but the contractions in my loins were becoming increasingly weaker with each successive time that my seed was ejected into her. We both just held our voices in check, along with our breaths, as our bodies fought to regain equilibrium.

Finally, almost mercifully, my orgasm ended and Kelly's began to quickly subside. Her legs and hips twitched and spasmed gently as our euphoric sexual high came to an end, but I stayed right where I was, buried in her wanting, hungry hole as her pussy walls rippled and fluttered around my shaft appreciatively. When both our orgasms had completely ended and I began to soften inside her, I pulled out completely. I watched as the head of my dick once again came into view. A thick dollup of my cum still lingered at the very tip and the shaft was streaked with white lines of our combined juices. I reached down and tapped the head against her hairless pussy lips to dislodge that last drop and then looked down at my daughter's face. "Well," I said breathlessly, "that's one."

Much to my surprise, there were tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked back up at me. "Thank you, Daddy," she said in a small voice, a voice that reminded me of times many years before when she was much more innocent and pristine. "Thank you." And then her face broke into a wide smile and her voice took on an almost animalistic tone. "But I want more!"

I nodded and smiled at her beaming face as I pulled away from her body completely, breaking phyical contact altogether. I slipped the strap of the backpack over my shoulder and said, "Then that is what you shall get."

"Wait a second before you go," she told me quickly. Then she reached under her backside and produced a regular watch and a stopwatch. To this day I don't really know where she was hiding them. Kelly handed me the watch. "I want to see just how long this takes on my end and you can keep track of time on the other side. We'll compare when we're done. See you in a sec," she said playfully as she hit the start button on the stopwatch.

"Yep," I answered and then I went Between.

The world was once again silent and I was its king for the next week or so. I looked down at my naked daughter, frozen in Time, and the sight was just amazing. She had a look of such contentment on her face, but it was mixed with an unmistakable gleam of excitement. Her cheeks were flushed, encapsulating a most wonderful and slutty smile. Her upturned pussy looked perfect and already inviting despite the fact that I'd just deposited one load of cum inside of it just moments before. I was sorely tempted to go get the digital camera and flip it Between with me so that I could take a picture of this auspicious moment in both our lives, but thought better of it. Taking pictures of one's naked daughter can be the first ingredient to a recipe for disaster. Plus, I wouldn't feel good about taking a picture without her knowing about it. But, oh, what a picture it would be! Perhaps, at a later date, I might ask, but for now this moment would live forever in my mind only. And, somehow, that felt more proper than anything.

Still winded from my extraordinary exertions, I decided to move to the kitchen and set up the laptop on the table, to see what my sinfully wicked daughter had loaded on there. Within minutes I had the machine up and running. I began to peruse the folders that Kelly had created for me, idly checking out one video after another. Most of them catered to audiences with a creampie fetish, but some were badly acted, yet still exciting, videos with an incest theme- all of them, of course, focused on dad/daughter couplings. Just having watched a few minutes of each video, I already had a pretty solid hard-on, but I vowed not to jack off to them- any and all ejactulations would be given to my daughter. I closed the video folder and opened up the one simply titled "Stories." I had already guessed the theme of those tales, but I was curious just the same to read some of them. In all honesty, even though I had often fantasized about my beautiful daughter before all of this came to pass, I had never tripped upon the idea of reading incest stories or watching videos. I suppose that my imagination had been enough to satisfy me and I never really wanted for anything more. But now that I was being exposed to such materials, I found that they greatly exacerbated my dreams and fantasies. The first one I read, titled "My Daughter's Garter Belt" which had been downloaded from LitErotica.Com, got my pulse racing like mad. I read it from start to finish and found that my erection needed some tending to with a quickness. I slapped the laptop screen down, stuffed it into the backpack and went straight to the living room with the pack slung across my back.

I got into position over my daughter's nude form, dropped the pack on the cushion next to me, grabbed her ankles, and immediately, slowly inserted myself into her moist folds. I pushed inch after inch inside her frozen opening with patient deliberation, wanting to relish every nuance of sensation as my cock invaded her small, tight body. The best way to describe it was pushing my cock into the softest yet firmest, tightest cup of pudding. Absolutely none of my previous load of cum came out of her as I thrust my cock into that most sensational cunt, probably due to the fact that my cum was now about as thick and viscous as tar. My mind kept repeating the last scene of that story I'd read and I felt my desire grow by leaps and bounds while I watched my penis become engulfed by my daughter's tiny hole. When I was finally seated to the root within Kelly's pussy, my testicles gently grazing her puffy lips, I smiled to myself and I imagined what Kelly might be feeling on the other side in Normal Time. When I had taken her in the bathroom weeks before she had orgasmed instantly, the second I returned to Normal Time. I supposed that she must be one of those rarest of women, a girl who is blessed to be stimulated both vaginally and clitorally. Well, she was about to get the slow fuck of her life right then and experience it all in the space of a second in time, a gift of instantaneous and pure pleasure. I worked my hips up and down slowly for endless minutes, playing back in my mind that story's last scene, imagining myself in the narrator's role, and reveled in the knowledge that my own experiences with my daughter far surpassed his by leaps and bounds. I kept thrusting into my little girl's pussy, heady with eroticism and wanton lust, until my second load of the day began to surge within me.

With a nearly Herculean force of will, I staved off the inevitable orgasm I felt rumbling in my balls long enough to grab the backpack's handle and then flipped back to Normal Time while my cock was still ensconced within my daughter's tight pussy. Kelly was once again animated and alive with sensation, her hips bucking in response to the treatment she'd just gotten while I was Between.

"OOOOHHHH MY FUCKING GOD!" Kelly immediately screamed and tensed up as her body tried to catch up. "Daaaaaaddeeeeeeee!"

That did it. My testicles gave an almighty heave and, just like that, I was cumming for the second time inside my daughter. My cock jumped and twiched wildly in her tight confines, spewing what felt like much more sperm into her small body than the first time. I tilted my head back, my spine frozen in a torrent of impulses, and let loose with a hearty growl as I shot off again and again inside her. For timeless seconds we both twiched and convulsed involuntarily until our orgams subsided.

"Jesus-fucking-Christ, Dad," Kelly said between heavy breaths. "That was fucking incredible! God, I hope I never get used to that feeling!" She reached up to where we were joined and ever-so-gently grazed the inch or so of exposed penis that wasn't still buried inside of her. "How long has it been for you since the first one?" she asked.

I glanced at the watch she'd given me, now wrapped around my wrist. When I first flipped it had been five-thirty in the afternoon. According to my watch, it was now six-thirty in my subjective Time. "Only an hour," I said with considerable surprise. "Quicker than I expected."

Kelly smiled happily at that news. "Not me. I expected it. After our discussion about how energetic we felt and how it might be some sort of side-effect of being Between, I figured that you'd recover a lot faster than normal. Looks like I'm right."

I looked down at where we were joined and slowly withdrew myself from her body. As soon as my cockhead was out of her, Kelly's pussy immediately closed back up, almost as if it instinctively knew that Kelly wanted to hold as much of my cum as possible inside and not lose a single drop. I was breathing heavily from all of the activity and the powerful orgasm, but found that I wasn't anywhere close to as tired as I ought to be. "I guess you are," I said carefully. "But a body still has its physical limits and I'm going to need to rest eventually. I'll also need to get some fluids and protein to replace what I just deposited inside of you. So," I said with a quick kiss to her ankle, "I bid you adieu until I come back to cum some more."

When I was sure that we were no longer touching, I flipped back Between and went to go make myself a sandwich. After that was a short nap, which left me feeling incredibly refreshed and ready for more action with my daughter-turned-Daddy's-personal-cum-dumpster. It would take far too long to recount each episode after that, so I won't even bother to try. But I will tell you this: Kelly was absolutely right. The more time I spent Between, the healthier and younger I felt. Still nothing changed about my appearance, but I felt every bit as virile and powerful as I had when I was her age. On that first day alone I came eight times, each as powerful and intense as the first, and Kelly was utterly delighted with each helping of cum that I left inside of her. The volume of cum that could be ejected from my balls, too, seemed to improve. Not outrageously so, but noticeably enough for me to realize that this whole exercise would probably go a lot quicker than I'd originally predicted.

I went to sleep in my bedroom with the curtains drawn after my eighth time of cumming. I'd eaten a few protein bars and had completely emptied a bottle of Propel, but by the time my head hit my pillow I was completely wiped out. I didn't even bother to set the alarm on my watch because, let's face it, for a man who can pull himself out of Time's flow, a schedule is a totally moot concept. I would wake when rested and sleep when tired. Eat when hungry and fuck when horny. For the next indefinite amount of time, I would allow myself to be a complete and total slave to my body's wants and desires. It had to be the most fucked up vacation a person could ever go on, but it was undoubtedly the most exciting.

I won't go into details about my visits to the bathroom and whatnot- suffice it to say that I had them and using the commodes in the house in sequence worked out well enough to suit my needs. On a few occasions when I flipped into Normal Time to cum inside Kelly, the toilet could be heard flushing in the background and during those times I would enjoy a few restful moments with my daughter in Normal Time and go Between when I was sure they had refilled properly. Eating was no problem and I was able to keep my stomach full the whole time I spent Between by eating protein bars, making sandwiches and drinking water. At some points I found myself wishing dearly for a nice, hot steak, but I considered it a worthwhile sacrifice for my beautiful and sexy daughter. I had also decided to limit myself to eight cums per day (a 24-hour cycle in my subjective time, of course) and, when I wasn't reading or eating or fucking Kelly, I would exercise. General calisthenics and running did me a world of good, I must say. And Kelly noticed the effects it was having on me, too- on the twentieth cum, she pointedly asked me if I was working out in my free time and seemed very glad to hear that I was.

Kelly, for her part, took the entire experience quite well. Each and every time I came inside her, however, she would have an intense orgasm. At one point I had to stay in Normal Time for a few minutes longer just to let her recover and catch her breath. But those times were few and Kelly enthusiastically urged me onward as much as possible. One the thirty-sixth load, though, something extraordinary happened.

I had flipped over to Normal Time and was cumming inside Kelly's perfectly tight pussy (which, I might add, had never lost its tightness during all of this), when Kelly's body sky-rocketed into what has to be the most intense and powerful orgasm any woman has ever had. Her legs went completely rigid and her body straightened out like an arrow. Unfortunately, I had moved her ankles into the crook of my armpits at the time, so the powerful force of her feet kicking upward literally sent me airborn. I felt myself lift up off the sofa and over as my daughter's voice wailed in erotic agony and, next thing I knew, I came crashing down on the floor next to Kelly's head. My shoulder struck the coffee table which normally sat in front of the sofa (Kelly had moved it to the side so that she could have more room), which resulted in a severe gash high on my arm, just below my right shoulder. With hardly a thought, I went Between, experiencing the most excruciating pain I'd suffered in many years. As I stood up to survey the scene I saw that Kelly's body was still stiff as a board, locked in Time, but everything else seemed relatively okay. I reached with my good arm at the wound and looked at the blood on my hand. The pain I felt quickly subsided to a dull and throbbing ache as I stood there, not really sure of what to do next or how to deal with this situation. I was naked, my daughter was naked, I was badly injured and there were no doctors available to help me- and the only one I trusted was miles and miles away. I sure as hell didn't want to go back to Normal Time looking like this because I was certain that it would scare my daughter to death and, besides, it might cause her to feel guilty.

I decided to go to the bathroom and take a look at this wound in the mirror, to see just how bad it really was. When I got there I was surprised to see that the bleeding had completely stopped. I looked at the gash in my shoulder and saw, to my utter shock, that it was mending right before my eyes. It wasn't a quick process like you see in the movies and TV, but it was clearly evident as I stood there and watched. For nearly twenty minutes I just gaped in awe as my body healed itself at an incredibly accelerated rate. I could not, for the life of me, figure out why this was happening, but I had to accept the reality of it, for the evidence was right in front of me. The pain, too, started to dissipate until it was little more than a slight throb. After thirty minutes the wound had completely closed. I got a washcloth from under the bathroom sink, dipped it into the bath tub that was filled with "frozen" water, and began to gingerly wipe away the blood from my injured arm until it was all gone. By the time I'd finished cleaning myself up, the wound was now a rather garish-looking inch-long scar, but it had slowly begun to fade. A wound like this would have taken weeks, possibly months to heal in Normal Time. But here, in Between, it took less than an hour before it was completely gone with not a trace of it ever having been there in the first place.

This amazing process, I decided, was not really coming from me. I think it was an affectation of being Between, like the way I felt stronger and more youthful. It was a side-effect. Time, I guessed, worked in a funny way there and threw out all conventional rules of physics and mechanics. Like water couldn't flow, but it still retained its wetness. Or Kelly's body, despite me having shoved my cock inside her pussy more than thirty times, was still as fresh and tight as ever. Odors which seemed unnoticeable in Normal Time were more pungent and richer. Everything having to do with the senses, really, seemed to come in louder, clearer and stronger than ever before while, at the same time, staying within the confines of Normal Time's limits. Fire was hot, but didn't flicker. Ice was cold, but didn't melt. Even gravity seemed to behave differently as things seemed to weigh less, even though I seemed to weigh the same. In a world where Time holds no sway, things simply work differently, including one's capacity to heal.

And it was with this discovery that I realized what good I could do for my wife. When I was done with Kelly, I could stay in Normal Time long enough to let the sun go down completely and then I could go to the hospital. While my wife slept peacefully, I could bring her with me to the Between, where she could hopefully convelesce much more rapidly and still remain blissfully unaware of what her husband can do. With luck Sarah could be home and completely healed by the next day. But then, upon giving it more thought, I realized that I couldn't do any of those things. Not because I didn't want to- I desperately did- but because doing so would create more questions and give rise to more suspicion. It would draw undue attention to our family and cause more problems than we already had. It would be difficult enough to hide my improved physique from her without having to also explain everything else that had occurred lately. As terrible as it seemed, the right thing to do would be to let Sarah heal as she normally would and follow the natural course of things. During my visits to the hospital I could easily hide the changes I've undergone recently with baggy clothing and I could slowly introduce to her the idea of me working out while she was away- then, when she finally did come home, she wouldn't be so surprised to see me looking so differently.

I went back downstairs to the living room where I'd left Kelly frozen in the throes of her mega-gasm. I couldn't help but marvel at the position she was in- feet and legs pointed straight upwards, arms splayed out and rigid, tummy and ass clenched, eyes tightly closed and lips drawn to a thin line... the poor girl looked for all the world like a human dart which had been shot into our living room's carpeting. A comical sight under normal circumstances, but a distressing one since I knew that, as soon as I re-entered Normal Time, she might injure herself next. I pulled every pillow from around the house and laid them underneath her so that they would soften her fall once she came back down. I also got a strong hold of her legs for good measure. Once I was sure that my daughter's immediate safety had been seen to, I flipped back to Normal Time and held on tightly.

Kelly's body, if it was possible, went even more rigid as her nervous system overloaded every circuit in her body. Even her skin seemed to vibrate with barely-contained energy as I held onto her for dear life while several involuntary convulsions wracked her small body. Seconds later, however, she passed out and went completely limp and almost dropped from my hold. But I didn't lose my grip and gently laid her back down in something slightly resembling the position she'd been in before all of this. I placed her legs on the sofa cushions and knelt beside her, to make sure she was still breathing. Her nostrils flared slowly, which was a relief to see, but she didn't respond when I called her name. I softly tapped her cheeks with the back of my hand, trying to rouse her, until her eyes finally began to flutter open.