​DIXIE Ch. 02: Impregnated by Daddy

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​I wanted Mama in bed with me and Daddy.
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As always, I write real and plausible. Like life, stories wander. Not all characters will walk off into the sunset hand in hand. I don't do fairy tales. Characters may come and go. Characters are never monogamous.

Dixie is impregnated by Dad Tucker and guess who comes to help? Mama Mae! But she's a lot more help for Dixie's man than most daughter's want. Give me your love at the end of the story!

Dixie Chapter 2

Tucker got me a telephone before he left, and I would call him every day before Mama got home. She did not know I either of these things. Incest would never have occurred to her.

After Tucker left, we never talked about him. She acted like it never happened and I did not want to upset her. Actually, we never talked much about him after what happened in the diner. She must as assumed we had just been seeing each other, dating, and no sex was involved.

When I returned home I called Tucker.


"Hi, honey love to hear your voice... I miss you so much," he said.

"I miss you too. Hey... I think I'm pregnant. I didn't get my period and Jen got me a pregnancy test and it was positive."

"Oh my god." There was a long silence and I did not know what to think. "I want you to come live with me here in Atlanta."

"Move? From here?" I rarely even left this little town, and although I always dreamed of leaving, reality was now different.

"Honey you can't stay in that town while you're pregnant. Besides that, I want you here with me."

"What'll I tell Mama."

"Don t worry, we'll tell her together." Those words were a huge relief to me. "It may be last minute and quick because it's hard for me to get away from work now, so gather the things you want to bring and hide them in your closet or somewhere she won't notice."


"Honey I don't want you to worry or be scared. I'll take care of you."


Tucker called me in the morning and was there by evening. Mama was already home, so when I saw his car, I met him at the door.

It was a scene. Mama cried. A lot. Then she was happy about the baby, then cried because the baby and I would be so far away. Tucker assured her that she could see the baby when ever she wanted. Mama had her own surprise that she had been wanting to move to the front house, but didn't because of me. That helped get her over the shock of me moving out.

She never brought up about Tucker being my Dad and all and neither did we. It was for the best. All water under the bridge. There was no going back now.


Never have I felt so overwhelmed in my life driving through Atlanta. The traffic, the sounds, and the hustle and bustle. I could not imagine what New York City must be like.

Tucker slid a card in for a gate to raise and and we drove into a factory parking lot. I waited while he parked and came around to open my door.

"We're here, honey."

"This is some kind of business. A factory or something?"

He chuckled. "It was, but it has been converted to lofts." As we carried my bag he explained that after he got his graphic design job this building became available for living. At the time you could request whatever square foot you wanted and what floor. He chose space on the first floor for an art gallery, and a loft above for living. They were connected by a spiral staircase.

I walked into the studio and stopped to spin around. "These are beautiful! You painted them all?"

"No no, other artists show their work here on a revolving scheduled basis. Some are mine though, yes."

The ceiling soared and big industrial pipes crisscrossed above. Huge nearly floor to ceiling windows across the front were perfect for the oversize canvases that hung high and low. The walls were exposed brick, and the floors were shiny concrete that was mottled with stains from its former use.

'I love love love it!"

"I'm glad, honey." He put his arm around my shoulders. "Are you feeling okay?" I nodded and we went to the living level via the spiral staircase.

It was easy to see the whole layout from one place. It was all living and studio but for partial walls to close the bedroom and bathroom off. The kitchen and eating area was open and only divided off by a peninsula counter. The furniture was mostly leather and well worn and arranged for a number of people at a time. Half of the space held easels, stools and remnants of recent art get togethers.

"That's me. You finished it." I stared at myself, again having a tough time believing that was me.

"I did. Do you like it?"

I nodded. "Yes. I do. I like seeing myself through your eyes, just not through mine."

"We'll work on that."

He gathered me in his arms and kissed. Just that fueled the flame again and we were passionately kissing and pulling each others clothes off and I found myself under him on the his bed.

"I've missed you so much," I said. "I ached for you, Tucker." He nodded and slid into my wet pussy, groaning. He was home.

My vaginal walls stretched deliciously as they made room for that fat mushroom head and shaft. He dropped to his elbows, his head next to mine. I felt his steamy breath, heavy breathing.

He was on top of me, his hips jerking and driving his cock deep. Grunting with every plunge. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he settled in deeper.

"Your hot cunt feel so fucking good."

"Mmmm I missed this... Daddy."

His cock jerked inside me with a sharp intake of breath. "Oh god..." It was as though calling him Daddy fueled our already out of control fire. "Yes, I am your Daddy, sweetheart."

I planted my feet on the bed and rose up to meet him. The connection we have always had was the power in a momentum that we could not stop if we wanted to. Each time his hard shaft penetrated me I climbed higher and higher.

"Ohhhhhhhh," I whimpered. "Don't stop! I'm cumming, Daddy!" And my cunt began convulsing around his throbbing shaft and I heard him grunting each load his cock erupted in me.

We were both breathing as though we had just run a marathon. He rolled to his back taking me with him and holding me tight against his side. His forearm rested over his eyes.

After a few minutes he said, "Daddy huh?" I giggled. "You are one naughty girl!" He suddenly rolled me on my back and tickled me.

"You liked that though didn't you," I said with a smirk.

"You know I did! You can always call me that... In bed." He grinned.

We went out to dinner that evening and I was painfully aware that my wardrobe was seriously lacking. Tucker said he would talk to one of his models that he would trust to show me the best places to shop.

"The others would have you dressed like some trollop and I'd have to fight off all the guys." I laughed.

"What do you friends know about me."

"You're starting new here baby. You can take my last name, as it should have been, and we can say we're married. If that's okay with you?"

"Yes," I said relieved. I was not sure how this whole situation would be handled.

"Most of them know you from the painting. They know I met you when I went on vacation, painted you and fell in love."

"You love me?"

"Well yeah baby, I love you as my lover and I love you as my daughter. We are joined. We are forever connected. When you have our child, the circle will be complete." I was happy I had tissues in my purse.

It turns out that Tucker as indeed a busy man. He worked for a large firm in their graphic arts department. It was nice that he could work remotely or at their offices. He also taught painting at least one night a week. Another night a week his artist friends were there for wine and painting, or just talking.

"I should mention that ever since they saw your painting, my artists have been haranguing me to paint you.," he said coming into the kitchen. I poured him a glass of wine.

"Your students or your friends?"

He laughed. "Both!"

"Would I be nude?"

"That would be preferred, baby. It's not like they haven't seen your body," he said smiling.

"Yeah, I get that, but my belly..." I patted my growing belly.

"Dixie, I think it would be awesome for others to see your beauty grow as time goes on, but if you're not comfortable with it..." he trailed off.

What he said gave me another perspective on it. "Okay, I'll pose for either or both."

He hugged me and started kissing my neck. "Mmmmm I'm so glad you'll do it. I think you're body is even more beautiful and I want everyone to see it." He bumped his hardening cock into me.

"Hey! No time. Your friends will be here soon and I don't' want you messing up my lipstick!" He laughed and swatted me on the butt.

I had not gone clothes shopping so I wore my usual scoop neck tank and running shorts. As artists, their clothing was all over the place and I fit in just fine. They were all so friendly I felt like I had known them forever. A few of them were a lot of fun and I laughed myself silly. When I'd glance at Tucker, he was smiling. I could tell he was happy.

"They loved you, baby," Tucker said after everyone had left. "I knew they would."

"They're a lot of fun! A couple of them asked if I would pose for them already."

"Yes, they can look but not touch!"

My first night sleeping next to him was heaven. I felt safe and secure and most of all, loved. I thought about, what seemed to be now, my old life. This is a fresh new start for me. No more Dixie slinging hash at the Friendly Diner. No more tight clothes and titty shots just to make a tip. I wanted to start thinking about what I wanted to do with my life. I had to get a job after the baby was born, but I wanted to do something I wanted to do, instead of what I had to do just to stay alive.

I woke up to a hard cock sliding through my pussy lips. "Mmmmm, that feels good, Daddy."

He gave a low growl. "You want some of this Daddy cock do you?"

Those words made me tremble. "Oh my god yeah. You know I love that big fat Daddy cock inside me. I want you to empty your balls deep in my body."

He lifted my leg over his hip and slid in from behind. "You impregnated me with your seed already. The same seed you made me with." He growled and shoved in, grunting with each thrust.

"My daughter is carrying my baby," he growled. "The same seed that made her."

He reached around and squeezed and kneaded my tits. They were even more sensitive than before I became pregnant, and were getting larger. The cups of my bras could barely contain them.

He grunted, his speed increased and I knew he was cumming soon. My words inflamed him and I loved saying them.

"Cum for me Daddy. Your daughter needs her Daddy cock in her cunt."

He slid his hand down and touched my clit. That was all it took to send me over the edge. I shouted and arched. My cunt clenched and milked his cock and I felt the heat of his seed filing me.

His hot body was against my back, his cock still in me. "Oh baby, you are going to kill me one of these days."

"Mmmm, okay Daddy, whatever you say, Daddy." He growled into my neck and I started giggling.

Seemed like every day my tits and belly got bigger, but my tits got way ahead of my belly. Tucker walked in when I was drying off from the shower. I was bent over drying my legs and he said, "Good lord are your tits getting that much bigger?" When I stood up he looked, then took one in each hand. "They are!" He ran a finger around my enlarging nipples too. "Oh god, I'm never going to leave these alone now."

"Good, because they need attention."

"At your service ma'am," he said groping the growing mound in his pants.

I giggled. "Daddy, you're a horn dog!" And got a swat on the ass and chased onto the bed for that.

"I am, am I?" He put his face between my legs and started growling, making me giggle and making me wet at the same time. He sucked and licked my clit and before long I was moaning and arching. Before I could catch my breath he was licking my pink slit and flicking his tongue across my clit, and I held his head as another orgasm rocked through me.

Before I came down from that his throbbing cock was probing and entering me. "You're killing me," I whimpered.

He put my legs over his shoulders and jack-hammered his cock into me. I sobbed through another orgasm and he shouted as he went over the edge.

"We are going to fuck ourselves to death aren't we, Daddy?" I said petting his head on my chest as he caught his breath.

"Baby, we just might."

That night was his art class and I wanted to remain in the background. Tucker talked me into at least meeting them.

They were just as fun of a group as the others. I also met the model, Maria, that would take me shopping. It turns out we had the same figure, so she knew my pain at finding bras that fit and were sexy.

"38D. You?" Maria said.

"38D." We both started giggling. "I think I might be bigger with pregnancy tits."

"Sometimes they stay bigger even after the baby."

"Ugh. I hope not. I have a hard enough time finding bras that fit."

"Tucker said he wanted me to take you shopping, I'll show you where to go to find great clothes and lingerie!"

"Okay," I said, excited to replace my old thrift store clothing.

I sat in the back and watched the class. They were well into a painting of Maria. She was nude, but unlike my pose, she sat on a chair with her arm over the back. She leaned on her hip and had her legs crossed leaving just a peek of her pussy and it was very erotic.

Tucker constantly circled the room behind the artists giving them some pointers about their paintings to just a pat on the back. He was in his element. I could see this is where his heart was.

The first place Maria took me to was called the Smutty Prima Donna, a high end lingerie shop.

An employee whisked me into the fitting room and measured me for a bra. She took my Walt-Mart bra and holding it with two fingers, dropped it into the trash can telling me it was the wrong size.

They had new vintage style lingerie and it was all beautiful to me, since everything I word was from Wal-Mart. Maria picked out a pile of colorful laces and satin lingerie and I chose new bras and thong back, high cut panties that I could wear through my pregnancy. I wanted to look sexy if I could, even if I was going to be as big as a house.

We came back to Tucker's studio loaded with bags of clothes. Maria knew all the outlets and discount stores and I was able to get an all new wardrobe, including pregnancy pants and nursing bras that she suggested.

"Whoa, you got a load," Tucker said, meeting us at the door and taking my bags. "I knew Maria would do it right for you."

He sat on the bed while I went through the bags and showed him all I bought.

"So what about your new underwear?"

"Trying to decide if I should model it for you....?"

"Hell yeah!" He stretched out on the bed and propped a pillow behind his head. "I'm ready for you baby."

I chose a red bra and panty set. I admired my breasts in the bathroom mirror. No bra had ever made them look like this. My old bras made them like two bags hanging on the front of me. I walked out and stood in the doorway for a moment.

"Holy shit." He swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat on the edge. "Come over here."

He pulled me between his legs and traced the curve of my hips with his hands. He tucked the tips of his fingers under the elastic of my panties and slid them down between my legs. A few blonde hairs curled around the edge, but I kept my pussy lips shaved smooth. He ran his hands over my bulging belly and up to my breasts.

My red bra was lace edged with sheer red cups and he held my tits, rubbing his thumbs over my nipples until they poked through the sheer. He moaned, his thumbs circled and teased my bullet hard nipples. This was the first time I have ever been proud of my breasts. They were always too big, too heavy, hard to support and men usually were not very nice about them. Especially at the diner.

"You're beautiful, Dixie," he said, understanding her feelings. "You didn't need new clothes for others to see that, but I can understand you feeling better about yourself with them. And that's okay, baby."

"Thank you," I said, blushing. With my hands on his shoulders, I kissed him. Gently pressing my lips against his, angling, nibbling his lower lip and running my tongue over it. I pushed the tip of my tongue into his mouth and ran it over the edge of his teeth and lightly touched his. Our tongues danced and I angled my head again. He moaned, moving his hands to my ass and squeezing.

I unbuckled his belt and he pushed his pants to the floor. His cock standing hard and mighty in his lap. I slipped my panties off and straddled his lap. Wet and oh so ready, I slid down his stiff pole and ground, taking him deep.

"Oh baby, you feel so good on my cock. Hot and so tight. He sucked my nipples through the red sheer, leaving the red dark and wet. Watching him do what was so hot my nipples pushed through the sheer even longer and he tugged them with his teeth. I bounced on his cock while he squeezed my tits and sucked on each nipple. Suddenly he groaned loud, held my hips and thrust up. I came as soon as his hot seed pumped into me.

When we regained our breath, I said, "I've thought about it and I want to model. Can you just set it all up for me?'

"Of course I will, baby. I"m so glad you decided to do it. It will be different than when you were just sitting for me, but I really think you will enjoy it."

A few weeks later I was even bigger and had second thoughts about posing for the art class tonight, but I did not want to disappoint anyone. My blonde hair was past the middle of my back and fell in soft curls. I wore a robe into the class until they were ready to seat me.

Tucker promised a small class to begin, so the easels were all set up on one side. I dropped the robe and stepped up on the stage, to the full length divan. I heard some soft gasps and murmurs.

"You look so beautiful pregnant, Dixie," Lisa said, one of the students. "We don't often get to see a pregnant nude woman, which is a shame. I"m so glad you're comfortable doing this!"

I smiled my relieved thanks and Tucker positioned me on the divan. "Are you comfortable, baby?" I nodded. I reclined on my side, body slightly tipped back. He had one knee in front of the other, and my head rested on my hand. My other hand was on my belly. My breasts were heavy and full with traces of pale blue veins. Nude, but nothing provocative.

I knew what to expect from the first time when Tucker painted me and it went the same way. I had plenty of breaks and stretches. They wanted me to see their paintings so far, but I asked to see them at the end of the night.

I do not think I will ever get over seeing how others see me. The paintings were all of a beautiful woman. I still just could not see me. I was seven months and they painted me looking like I was five months pregnant, not fat and huge like I really am.

Later, Tucker was up against my back in bed and said, "Did you enjoy posing for the group, baby?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"You're not too enthused? If it was too much for you, we will cancel the rest of the sessions," he said with concern.

"I was alright. Was just that they didn't paint me right and I don't know why."

He rolled me back and looked into my eyes. "What do you mean? Not right?"

"I'm a lot bigger than that and fat."

"Oh honey, you are not fat," he said, smoothing my hair back from my face. "You're beautiful pregnant. If it weren't for the fact we can't have sexy anymore, I'd keep you pregnant all the time," he smiled and I laughed a little.

"Yes! And no sex For a long time," I said, pouting.

"I know, but it's for the babies good and until you heal. It will go fast, I guarantee."

Still feeling like a hippopotamus, I sniffled in my pillow.

My back and feet hurt and my stamina was terrible. It took me forever to get a simple dinner together. Laundry was a small load every day. Tucker did what he could to help me, but he had a business to run and I did not want him to start having to help me.