Djinn in the City Ch. 02


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"Yeah Stosh, yeah. Hey I could the framing myself but I figured you would want the work? No it'll start pretty soon, I think, probably within the month. Right. Right. I'll keep you posted. Thanks." Jack hung up, caught Gin staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing Master. Just looking," she said, smiling broadly. "Are you done spending money?"

"Not quite yet," he said, smiling. He called 1800-MATTRESSnext and ordered a California king sized mattress and box spring for the upstairs apartment. Meanwhile, he looked at flat screen TVs and stereo equipment online, already planning on a home theatre. Once the mattress was ordered he hung up and turned back to Gin. "I think that might be enough money spent today. But I need to buy furniture and appliances for upstairs... And I think we might have to buy you some actual clothes."

"That's not necessary Master," Gin said, as she stood. "I can create any sort of clothing you can imagine. Watch!" Amidst swirls of purple smoke, Gin went through no less than two dozen outfits, all very cute and perfectly fitting her fantastic frame.

"Oo, stop, I like that one," Jack said on a set of low-rider jeans and a cute blouse. "Where did all these come from?"

"I've been learning about fashion!" she said proudly, turning the TV on. "There is this program called 'Friends' that is quite helpful. There are dozens of different outfits per episode! And those commercials, I know you prefer to skip them, but I find them quite interesting," Gin said, stepping closer.

"Well, just don't let them tell you what's what," Jack said absently, gripping her hips lightly. "Are you wearing panties? Underwear?"

"Under the trousers? No."

"Well nowadays undergarments are usually worn under clothes. Although it's very sexy when a woman doesn't."

"I see. Should I put some on?" she asked, enjoying the game.

"Hm... Maybe," Jack said. He reached over to grab the Victoria's Secret catalogue. "Here... See these? That's called a thong panty."

"It doesn't look terribly comfortable, Master. But..." she shimmied her hips a little. "Done. What difference does it make? You can't see what I'm wearing." She continued to shift her hips about. "They feel funny! Women really wear these?"

"They do indeed. But," Jack said, pulling her hips close and turning her around, "there is a way to see what you are wearing." He pulled her jeans down a little, pulling her lace thong out a little. "There. Now, this is called a 'whale tale.' I usually find it pretty trashy, but at the moment I couldn't tell you why..." he said absently, his hands stroking her hips. Gin turned to survey herself in the mirror, noting her panties sticking out.

"That is trashy. If that word means what I think it means?"

"It's not a compliment."

"Then I think I will keep them covered," she said, quickly sorting herself out. "But you can remember that I'm wearing them, Master. And later," she said, her voice dripping sex, "you can take them off of me."


"So what's the deal with Ginny?"

"What?" Jack said, downing the rest of his pint to give him some time to come up with an answer.

"You heard me Jack," Stacy said. "Don't get me wrong, well done, she's gorgeous. But you win a bajillion dollars and all of a sudden she's living with you? Are you sure you can trust her?"

"Two more?" Jack signaled to the waitress.

"Jack? C'mon, you can tell me," Stacy said quietly, signaling for another gin and tonic. "I know how it is when an ex shows up. Remember Neal? It took me three tries to show that asshole the door."

"It wasn't like that at all. Gin and I... We ended in a good way..." They had been at O'Reilly's for a couple of hours already. Jack was indeed buying for the three of them, as well as a few local friends in the bar last night. "It's just... complicated Stace," he said, hoping that would throw her off. "As far as can I trust her, you'll just have to believe me when I say this: I trust Gin with my life, full stop."

"Okay. If you're sure then I'll believe you. But she's," Stacy spotted Gin emerging from the bathroom, "well, a little odd?" Jack just shrugged at that. No sense trying to explain that one, Jack thought.

"What's next?" Gin asked as she took her seat. She'd been trying a different cocktail each round. She'd been astounded by the array of choices when she arrived, and so far hadn't found a bad one.

"That's a gin and tonic, which is Stacy's drink of choice." Gin sipped it, nodded, then took a big gulp. "Very nice!"

"So what's next for the neuveau riche?" Stacy asked, leaning back in the booth.

"Well, I'm moving tomorrow."

"Really?" Stacy asked. Her unhappiness was clear. "What, you're buying something in Manhattan?"

"Like I would be so shallow," Jack said, drinking deeply. He liked that she was unhappy at the thought of him leaving. "You know the Chows? They're moving to Arizona. So with the whole floor, I'm going to combine the two and live up there. Gin's taking the studio," he added as an afterthought.

"Oh wow! You'll have, like, a four bedroom two bath? I think you even have views of the city. Very nice!!" Jack and Gin shared a look. It was true: New Yorkers were obsessed with real estate.

"Yeah, I talked to Mr. Antanopolis. And there's one other thing."

"What?" she asked, polishing off her drink.

"I'll be your landlord. I'm buying the building." Stacy almost pulled a spit take, but managed to swallow her drink without incident.

"You bought the building?"

"Yep. I like the neighborhood, the floors are good. And by charging rent, I can generate a revenue stream. That's why I'm heading out with Kai tomorrow to look at rental properties."

"That's, wow, that's awesome! Want some company? It's always good to have a second pair of eyes for things like that." Jack thought on that. She was right, it might help to have a second opinion before he started throwing millions of dollars around without thinking. And while Gin was great, he didn't think she'd be much help when it came to buying a home. She didn't even know what linoleum was.

"You know what, that's a good idea." Stacy perked up at that. "The appointment's at ten thirty, meet you at ten. And then," he said, turning to Ginny, "we go furniture shopping in the afternoon."

"Alright! Makin' plans is what the neaveau riche is doing! But next you are doing some shots!" Stacy said as she signaled the waitress to come over.

"What's shots?" Gin whispered to Jack as Stacy ordered six shots of tequila.

"Oh boy."


Three hours later, they all stumbled through the front door of the building and half-fell into the elevator. They had stayed at O'Reilly's until two in the morning, and they weren't feeling any pain at all.

"All right!" Jack said as he shambled onto their floor. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning Stace. Thank you for making me celebrate properly."

"My pleasure babe," Stacy said giving him a big hug, holding him tight for a second, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm off to pass out. It was really nice meeting you Ginny," she said warmly as she pushed her door open and headed straight for her bedroom.

"Master," Gin said as soon as they were alone in his apartment, "I'm very drunk. Do you still want to-OH!" Gin squeaked as Jack suddenly grabbed her and pushed her against the kitchen counter. He roughly pulled her jeans down, then tore her lacy panties off her. Gin gasped as he slipped his hand into her pussy, grinding his jeans covered cock against her ass. He yanked her shirt off and tossed it aside, filling his free hand with her boobs.

"Do I still want to fuck you? Is that what you're asking?" he moaned against her ear. He found her already quite wet, slipped two fingers deep into her cunt, bringing a gasp to her lips. His pants were around his ankles in a flash as he quickly pressed his cock into her pussy. He pushed her down against the counter as he pounded her deeply, rapid jackhammer thrusts into her gushing pussy.

"M-Master, oh oh oh," she grunted with each pounding thrust. His hips slammed into her round ass repeatedly, and Jack loved watching the firm cheeks shake with each smack. From this angle he could fuck her deeply, hitting new depths of his genie. Gin gave a small squeak with each deep thrust, her feet coming off the ground as she wrapped back around Jack's thrusting hips as she clung onto the tiled countertop. "Oh, Gods, you're hitting me so deep!"

"I'm gonna, unh.." Jack groaned as he pulled out of her pussy, humping against her perfect ass. Gin gasped as she felt his cock thrusting against her ass, but then she felt him cumming all over her golden back and she groaned in frustration. He stumbled away, managing to reach the futon and collapse onto it. Gin was slower in getting up, joining Jack on the small bed.


The alarm was a harsh way to wake up the next morning. Jack's head throbbed with a pounding headache, and his mouth felt like someone had poured sand mixed with motor oil into it. He stumbled into the bathroom and spent the next half hour recovering from a vicious hangover. After two pints of water, ibuprophen, a hot shower, and a cup of coffee, he was beginning to feel human again.

Gin still hadn't budged. She was still lying on her belly on the bed, Jack's cum having dried on her back. Jack frowned at that. He hadn't meant to be so rough last night, but he had been hungry for her all day. He wet a towel in the bathroom and went to clean her soft back.


"Morning Gin. How are you feeling?"


"This is a hangover. This is what happens when you get very very drunk."

"I know what a hang over is, Master. I just don't think I've ever felt one like this. Ugh." She sat up slowly, her eyes clenched shut. "Excuse me a moment, Master." Ginny dissolved into purple smoke, quickly whipping off to reenter the magic lamp, which Jack had hidden in the closet. Moments later the smoke reappeared and Ginny reformed in the kitchen wearing a thin tee shirt and clingy yoga pants. "Ah. Much better. I'm going to have some coffee."

"That's it? You feel fine now?"

"Yes Master. How are you feeling? Not so great I imagine," she said, laughing. Jack just grumbled as he finished his coffee.

"Uh, about last night..." Jack began.

"What about it? O'Reilly's was fun! Alcohol has come a long way while I've been gone. It used to be if your wine didn't have chunks it was great but now-"

"No, I mean... When we got back. I'm sorry if I was a little... Rough," Jack said, feeling sheepish.

"Master," Ginny said, putting her mug down and coming to sit astride his thighs, "rough is okay. Rough and quick can be very sexy too, you know." She kissed him lightly. "I'm more upset that you fucked me so good and then left me unfulfilled."

"Oh hon," Jack groaned. "I feel like death. At least give me until this afternoon to make it up to you?" he pleaded. Ginny laughed.

"Of course Master. Some of those books are supposed to arrive today, I will read those while I await you," she said, bowing at the hips. Jack agreed and quickly got dressed for his day.

Jack went to Stacy's door and knocked lightly, hoping he wouldn't be waking her up. He was surprised when she emerged looking worse for wear, but still looking better than he felt.

"Alright. Let's make a landowner out of you," she said, drinking deep from a bottle of water.


Six hours later, Jack, Stacy and Kai were exiting the tenth property of the day. Kai had done well, and once Jack had told her about his plans, she was calling everyone she knew for leads. They'd also stopped for a fantastic lunch in Astoria, and all in all Jack was just plain enjoying himself.

"So?" Kai asked, putting on her sunglasses. "That's all I've got for today. Give me a few days and I can probably do a lot better."

"Some of these were winners though," Jack said. "I liked the big guy on Greenpoint, and those two brownstones that were next to each other."

"Jack, that place on Greenpoint had a vacant commercial space on the ground floor and was drastically overpriced," Stacy said flatly. "The brownstones are fine, but they are still asking too much."

"She's right Jack."

"No, no, I know they're overpriced, but I think that's the only real problem with them. Hit the guy on Greenpoint with... 35 percent off his asking price. And if the other guy will take off about a hundred, each, that's fine too."

"35 off? That's a lot Jack," Kai said.

"It's been on the market for almost eight months, and I can pay cash. I think he'll be quite accommodating." Kai nodded.

"Okay, I'll do it. And if you're free," she said, flipping through her schedule, "Tuesday morning? I'll set aside the whole day for us." Jack agreed and they parted ways, he and Stacy heading back towards their building.

"So what's your next move? I mean, like, with your life. You're giving up on the construction game, right?"

"Yeah, I think my new place might be the last time I swing a hammer for a while," Jack said wistfully. " But I don't know... Start a business? I've been thinking of opening a bar or something... Is that crazy?"

"Not at all! Jack, you should do whatever you want. I mean, shit, don't just spend it all on hookers and blow," she laughed. "You can really do something with yourself now. Need a bartender?"

"Ever tended bar?"


"You're hired." Stacy smiled at that. "I'm serious. Every place needs the one hot bartender."

"You think I'm hot?" she asked teasingly, a crooked smile on her lips.

"Oh shut up. You know you're gorgeous. So does Calvin Klein," Jack said dryly, making Stacy laugh. She had landed a shot in the new Calvin Klein campaign, and it had opened several doors for her. "If you want, I'll pay for a bartender course for you."

"You're serious? You're really going to open a bar? And you want me to work there?" Jack nodded. "Thank you so much!" she said as she leapt into him, hugging him tightly. "Oh thank you thank you thank you." Jack could see that she was crying a little.

"Hey, what's the matter? You don't have to take the job if y-"

"Sorry, I'm sorry," Stacy said, dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve. "Um, Chez Daniel? That restaurant I work at? They're trimming. I got my two week's notice a week ago."

"Shit! Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asked, concerned.

"Well, I thought I'd be able to find something else, and I... I was embarrassed, actually. But then, since Ginny told me about you winning I... Well, I didn't want you to think I was trying to... Y'know..."

"Weasel money out of me?" Stacy laughed.

"Exactly!" she said. "Like, look at me. I landed that CK shoot and all of a sudden all sorts of bitches I hadn't heard from in months are calling me up all 'Hey! Heard about your good news, we should hang out soon!' Just trying to get closer to me so they can maybe land a job themselves. And I don't have millions of dollars all of a sudden!" she said a little too loudly, quieting up sheepishly. "Jack, it's just... I like you, you're a great guy. And I didn't want to look like I had my hand out. I don't! My hand is firmly in."

"I know that," Jack said, taking her hands in his. "I do. And I'm giving you this job because I think you can do it and do it well. And if you do a crappy job I will fire you. Okay?"

Stacy smiled. "Okay. I'm sorry for getting emotional!" she said as she dried her eyes off. "C'mon, I'm making a fool of myself out here." She took Jack's arm and headed them down the street.

They parted ways when they reached their floor and Jack returned to his apartment. He wondered how he would find Gin waiting for him. He found her on the bed facing away from the door, laying on her tummy reading a book wearing nothing but a pair of panties. They were tight boy shorts, her round ass looking fantastic in the tight fabric.

"Hello Master," She said absently, flipping the page. "Christendom really got its act together, didn't it?"

"If by Christendom, you mean Europe? Yes, they certainly did. I won't spoil the end for you though," Jack said absently as he got undressed. "I like those panties."

"I'm glad! It was very hot today and I didn't see the need to ge-Oh!" she squeaked as Jack buried his face in her ass. He just rubbed his face in her ass for a few moments before roughly pulling her panties down her thighs and shoving his face back in, slobbering wet kisses all over her ass. He took a moment to pull her into a semi-kneeling position before returning to his work, licking her pussy from behind, his tongue tracing from her clit up to her ass.

"Hold your ass open," he said gruffly. As she reached back and spread her cheeks apart, Jack groaned and focused on her tight puckered hole, bombarding it with quick, teasing licks. Ginny crooned and giggled through the whole ordeal. Ginny had never felt anything like it, Jack's tongue going from teasing, quick licks to practically tongue-fucking her ass from moment to moment.

"Master, oh fuck... What are you doing to m-EE!" she squeaked as Jack filled her pussy with a thrusting thumb, his fingers teasing her clit as he continued his assault on her ass.

"Gin," he murmured, dragging his teeth along her firm cheek, "your ass drives me crazy. You should know that."

"Mm, duly noted." She shimmied her hips back and forth, shaking her ass back it him. "Don't stop, Master. Your mouth felt amazing." Jack didn't need to be asked twice, pushing his face deep into her ass, licking at her clit from behind. As he licked up, he teased her gushing pussy before returning to her ass. Gin quietly crooned as he worshipped her ass for several long minutes, rubbing her clit as he played. After a few more teasing licks, however, Jack got up on his knees behind her. He grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under her hips, leaving her at the perfect height. He quickly dug into a bedside table for some lube and something Dee had left behind when she'd dumped him: a tiny vibrator.

Getting onto the bed behind Ginny, he gripped her hips firmly, pressing his cock into the cleft of her ass. Pulling back, he eased his cock into her soaked pussy, slowly pushing in until his hips met her soft ass. Jack thrust slowly, lazily fucking into her tightness. He opened the lube and squeezed a steady stream onto her ass.

"Oo, what is that? It tingles," she moaned, fucking back against him. Jack teased her ass with his fingers as he slowly fucked her pussy, making her groan. He slowly slipped a finger inside, then two, stretching the tight hole open, Gin squeaking at the new intrusion. As Gin started gasping and crying out, he could feel her ass grabbing at him. "Oh, Master, Jack, Oh!" she cried out as she came, her pussy gushing all over his thrusting cock. Jack pulled out before her writhing body made him cum, sliding his cock up to her tight little pucker, quickly slipping his thick head inside.

"Oh FUCK!" Gin screamed out, her fingers gripping the quilt tightly. Her orgasm just exploded anew. The feeling of Jack's cock spreading her ass open just flipped something inside her and she couldn't stop the moans coming out of her. Jack's fingers gripped at her hips tightly, holding her still.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, trying desperately to stay still in her gripping ass.

"Yes, yes!" she gasped, still breathing deeply. "Just go... Go slow, Master, please. You feel so... Thick." Jack obeyed, slowly easing his cock deeper into her tight hole. He would push a tiny bit in, pull almost all the way out, then try to ease in a little further. Her ass felt amazing: tight and hot, and between the lube and Gin's juices on his cock, he was easily moving in her clenching ass. A few long minutes later and he was fully inside her, his hips pressed tight against her round ass. "You are so deep in me," Gin gasped.

Jack slowed his thrusts even further, just slowly easing his cock in and out of her ass. If her clenching asshole didn't make him cum, then her moaning, gasping cries were going to do it to him. He slowly pulled his cock out of her ass before pushing it back into her all the way to the base. She groaned and shivered, and Jack was suddenly struck by the desire to see her face. He pulled his cock fully out of her and rolled her willing body over. Pushing her thighs back, he quickly pushed back into her slippery ass.