Djinn in the City


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"Very good Master," she said, putting the bowl down and waiting.

" There is a state lottery drawing. People buy tickets for a chance to win money. A lot of money," Jack explained as he grabbed the morning's paper and flipped back to an article on the Powerball jackpot. "No one has won it in a few weeks, and the jackpot is up to around 131 million dollars. Okay? With me so far?"

"That is a lot of dollars. Those are the green papers, right?" the genie asked.

"Yes, exactly. My wish, is... I wish to have the only winning lottery ticket in my hand right now," Jack said, holding his hand out.

"You wish to have the only winning lottery ticket in your hand right now?" the genie parroted back to him. "You told me to double check every wish, Master."

"Yes. I wish to have the only winning lottery ticket to the Powerball lottery in my hand right now."

"Yes Master. Your wish is my command," the genie said solemnly. A small wisp of purple smoke coalesced in Jack's hand becoming a lottery ticket. Jack checked his watch again: the winning numbers would be announced in about an hour.

"Can I get you another beer, Ginny?" Jack asked, pocketing the ticket in his back pocket.

"Certainly Master," the genie said, smiling oddly. "So what happens now?"

"Now we wait," Jack said, handing her the beer. "And I show you one of the crowning achievements of the industrial revolution, and perhaps modern civilization: television," he said grandly as he turned the screen on, earning a surprised squeak from the genie.

An hour later, most of which was spent trying to explain the television's function and what a TV show was, Jack flipped to the local news just in time for the lotto drawing. He watched calmly as a young woman read off the numbered balls as they emerged.

"20... 53... 17... 4... 22... 66... and the Powerball number is... 9. 20, 53, 17,4, 22, 66 and the Powerball number is 9. Those are your winning Powerball numbers, ladies and gentlemen! And now back to..." Jack flipped the TV off, staring at the lotto ticket in his hands. The winning lotto ticket.

"Holy shit," he said, quietly, to himself. He didn't really believe it, even when it appeared in his hands. "So... Okay, this is a winning ticket, right? Like they aren't going to say it's a counterfeit or anything, right?"

"Yes Master. It is THE winning ticket to this lottery. It is not a fake in any way." The genie said calmly.

"Okay. Okay! Hang on. Want another beer?" they had each already had three or four beers, and Jack at least was feeling it a little.

"Sure, I'll get them."

Jack took out his cell phone and called the number on the back of the lottery ticket. He navigated a few menus before he reached a very helpful rep who congratulated him for his winning ticket. Jack said he would like to remain anonymous, and the young woman gave him an address and the name of a lottery representative he should go and see tomorrow morning.

"And congratulations again Mr. Sommers," she said happily.

"Thank you Melody, thank you," Jack said, hanging up. He stood quietly for a moment.

"Are you alright, Master?" the genie asked, stepping close and putting a hand on his arm. Suddenly Jack picked her up in his arms and started spinning her around the tiny apartment.

"Alright? I'm AMAZING!!" Jack shouted, dancing around the apartment with the genie in his arms. "By this time tomorrow I'll have... Oh I dunno, maybe 40 million bucks to my name? And I owe it all to you, Ms. Ginny Powers... And I still have another damn wish to go!" he laughed, spinning her around again.

"You're welcome, Master," the genie said, relaxing against him. It was at this point that Jack realized what he was doing, holding the genie close to him. He could feel her full breasts pressed tight to his chest, his hands were resting at the top of her round ass. She looked up into his eyes, her amazing violet eyes quite mysterious and... Promising? "Master?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, releasing her. Flustered, he turned away and took a long pull of his beer. The genie, Ginny, as he'd started calling her, was far and away the most beautiful woman who had ever been in his arms, but he knew that... Well, Jack didn't think he was too much to look at, and as odd as it sounded, even to him, he didn't want to do anything that Ginny didn't want to do.

The genie, for her part, took a moment to look at her master. Jack was tall and slim, with the solid muscles of someone who actually worked for a living. His hair was short and dark, mostly brown but with some lighter highlights. He had deep brown eyes, caring eyes she decided. All in all, she found him much more attractive than any of her recent masters. She had expected him to kiss her, at least, a moment ago, and to be honest she would have welcomed it. Her new master was a confusing sort, she decided.

"So, um, do you want to watch some more TV maybe? I think it might actually help you to understand the modern world a little bit," Jack said, still flustered. He flicked the TV on and found a Law and Order marathon was on, as it usually was. "Oh, okay, this is good. This is a show about police in this city, New York, so that will actually help."


"Oh boy."


"So even though that man was a criminal, he was allowed to stay silent? Why?"

"In this country, everyone has rights," Jack said, finishing his beer. He and Ginny had gone through about a dozen beers, and Jack was feeling quite alright. "The founders of this country laid out unalienable rights that all people are entitled to. One of them was the right against self-incrimination: you can't be forced to testify against yourself."

"How bizarre. In my time criminals were punished brutally. Summary executions and torture were commonplace."

"And you don't think we're better off without such brutality?" Jack asked, intrigued.

"Well... Perhaps," she conceded, then yawned grandly. "Oh forgive me master, but it is quite late."

"No, you're right, forgive me," Jack said, helping her up off the futon, a couple of quick pulls, and he had converted it into a bed, putting a clean bed sheet on with the speed that only practice can bring. "I was thinking of moving out of here tomorrow once I have the money, but you know what? Now I'm thinking of just buying the building!" Jack said as he headed into the bathroom, quickly brushing his teeth. "I mean I like the neighborhood, and I know there's a vacant two bedroom upstairs that would be good for now. And I can even give my friends free places to live, I guess. Or at least super cheap, don't want to be a pushover, right, Gin?" Jack asked as he returned to the main room, stopping dead.

Ginny was wearing a silk teddy, the same lovely shade as her eyes, its hem mere inches below her crotch. The thin fabric did nothing to hide her fantastic body, and Jack found himself struck dumb.

"I'm merely preparing for bed, Master," Ginny said coyly. "I saw this in that... Magazine? I thought it would look good on me," she said, pointing to an old Victoria's Secret catalogue.

"Uh, yeah, yeah it looks great on you," he said, trying not to stare too badly. Well I guess two can play this game, he thought to himself, pulling his tee shirt and jeans off and getting into bed.

"And where shall I sleep, Master?" Ginny asked, placing a knee on the futon. "There is but one bed."

"I, uh, suppose we'll have to share it," Jack said, pulling the sheet back. Without a word, Ginny slipped in beside him, perhaps a bit closer than was needed. "Goodnight, Gin," Jack said as he flipped the lamp off, laying on his back in the warm room, the sheet mostly off of him. They lay silently in the darkness for a minute or two before the lamp was turned on again, this time by the genie.

"Master," she said as she rolled onto her side, her large breasts moving delightfully in the thin top, "You do understand that I exist to serve you, in every way. I'm more than a mere granter of wishes," she said, with evident frustration in her voice.

"You mean..." Jack started, embarrassed.

"Yes, Master. If you wish to take me, it is well within your rights."

"But... I don't want to... I could never force myself on a woman. I don't care what you... That's abhorrent to me," he finished strongly, sitting up.

The genie laughed, a musical sound. "Oh Jack... I'm sorry, I did not realize you were quite so chivalrous. And I suppose mores have changed since my time. Back then, a man would take pleasure in whatever person was socially inferior to him in his house, male or female. That was what sex was. It's just the way things were."

"That's... I'm sorry Gin," he said softly, not knowing what else to say.

"And if it would ease your conscience," she said, easing closer to him, "my appetites are not limited to food and drink. I have all the desires of a mortal woman when in my corporeal form," she said quietly, pushing herself even closer to Jack on the tiny bed.

"Oh really?" Jack said, laying back on the bed on his side, facing this fascinating creature.

"Yes Master," she said, sliding even closer, her face now mere inches from his. "And I must confess, you are much more tempting than any of my other masters have be-" Jack cut her off with a kiss, his lips just touching hers, finding them moist and full. They kissed softly for a few moments before Jack pulled her tight against his body, gripping her firm ass possessively. Their kiss turned hungry, passionate, and with a puff of smoke Jack soon found them both naked in bed.

"Nice trick," he laughed, pulling her atop him. They kissed more as Jack's hands explored her fabulous curves. Her breasts were fantastic, soft and firm, filling his hands with more to spare. Leaning close, he pulled a large nipple into his mouth, nibbling and licking at the excited nub as Ginny whimpered above him. Jack spent long minutes simply worshipping her breasts, fully enjoying the perfect orbs for as long as he could.

"Mmm, Master..." Ginny gasped, grinding her pussy against Jack's cock.

"You are absolutely exquisite, Gin," Jack muttered as he rolled them over, pinning her soft body beneath him. He kissed her again deeply, burying his hands in her thick hair before slowly sliding down her body. He couldn't help but stop at her breasts again, but he forced himself to keep exploring lower, placing soft kisses down her tummy to her core. Spreading her thighs wide, Jack placed dozens of light kisses all over her pussy, teasing Gin with the feather light touches. Kisses gave way to licks, and before long Jack couldn't resist anymore and took one long lick up her pussy, ending at her fat little clit.

"Gods above!" Ginny gasped, her hips thrusting up at Jack's face, her hands franticly grabbing at his head. "Master, what are you-OH!... But I'm suppooooh..." her resistance melted away as Jack slowly slipped a thick finger into her clenching hole, teasing her clit with maddening licks at the same time. Her hands each took a fistful of hair and pulled his face tight to her gushing pussy. Jack could tell she was close as her gasping breaths changed pitch, so he curled his buried finger around and tried to find her g-spot as he suckled on her clit.

The genie came with a sudden, strangled scream, panting franticly as her hips thrust violently against Jack's sucking mouth. Jack kept the pressure on, feeling her muscles grabbing at his thrusting finger as he lapped at her trapped clit. Ginny gave one last tremendous squeeze, her hips hanging in the air for long seconds before she collapsed back onto the bed, spent and exhausted. Jack slowly kissed his way back up her body returning to her lips for a soft kiss as she mewled in relaxed contentment.

"You alright?" he asked between light kisses.

"Master... That was fantastic. I suppose sexual mores have changed even more than I thought they had," she said, her eyes shining, "and definitely for the better." They kissed lightly for a few moments, but then Jack gasped as he felt her grip his cock tightly. She pulled him atop her, placing his cock head at her entrance. "Take me, Master."

Jack had never heard such sexy words in his whole damn life. Pressing firmly, he felt his cock push inside her, spreading her pussy wide. Jack groaned as he sank inside her, her wet heat gripping him tightly. Jack had been with his fair share of women, but he had never felt anything like this before. The genie's pussy was like molten velvet, gripping his cock tightly, pulling him deep inside her. When he was fully inside her, he just had to hold still for a moment so he wouldn't cum right there.

"Oh lord," Jack gasped as he felt her squeezing him tightly.

"Do you like that, Master?" Ginny asked, a near-predatory smile on her lips as she squeezed him again, her hips squirming delightfully beneath him. Jack leaned close to kiss her as he began a slow thrusting into her, taking long deep strokes deep into her pussy. Jack knew he had to take it slowly or he would be cumming within seconds. But when he felt Ginny's feet on his buttocks, he knew he wouldn't be able to last long.

"Don't worry, Master," she whispered, pulling him harder into her, "pound into me, take your pleasure in me, please!" Jack groaned at her words, at this beautiful creature begging him, and he couldn't hold back. He began to thrust savagely into her, his hips swinging back and forth, pounding his cock into the squealing genie.

Ginny managed to swing them around on the tiny bed, now astride him as he lay on his back. Her hips pounded quickly, bouncing off Jack's thighs as she fucked him at a quick gallop. Jack gripped her ass tightly as she rode him, one finger sliding in to find their soaking union, Ginny's copious juices soaking both their groins. Feeling his orgasm coming on, he decided to test Ginny's boundaries and rubbed his juice soaked finger against her tight rosebud.

"Oh! Master, you are so wicked..." she groaned, her hips pounding even faster. "Spend in me, please, oh Master please..." she moaned as her pussy gripped at him rhythmically, her orgasm washing over her. Jack groaned as he joined her, his cock spurting again and again in her thrusting pussy, her hips still bouncing through their orgasms. Jack collapsed back as she continued to ride him, gasping for breath as she slowed, then stopped atop him. Gasping for air, Ginny slowly slumped down on top of him, her firm breasts squishing against his sweaty chest. They lay like that for some time before the genie rolled off to his side, snuggled up against him.

"Master," she said quietly, her fingers toying with his chest, "that was... Lovely," she said finally, giggling. Jack grunted in response, still too drained to speak. "Good night, Master."

"Good night, Gin," Jack said quietly, pulling the genie closer. He lay there for a long second. "Actually, I think I may have my last wish."

"Oh?" the genie said, sitting up. She couldn't help the quick flash of disappointment that took her. Jack seemed a good master, and she had hoped he would take at least more than a day for his three. "Master, when I grant the third wish, I will return to the lamp and you will be unable to summon me again."

Jack's smile was broad. "So when the wish has been granted, you return to the lamp."


"Okay. I wish that we can make love like that every day for the rest of my natural born life." Gin's face dropped. "Is that okay?"

"You wish that we can to make love like that every day, for the rest of your natural born life?"

"That should be okay, right? We don't HAVE to have sex like that every day. But we CAN have sex like that every da-"

"Yes I understand the distinction," she interrupted, "Djinni are some of the greatest legal minds."

"I mean... Is it okay with you? I don't want you to feel...Stuck?"

"Master," Ginny said, sitting up straight with pride, "you honor me with this wish." Off of his surprised look, she continued. "For a djinni, a wise, kind master, is... Well, it's rare, Jack," she said, putting a warm hand on his chest. "And to serve such a master is an honor, and to serve him for his whole life... Now, when you say 'make love like that,' you don't mean exactly like that, right? You just mean as good as that, yes?"

"Yes, yes!" Jack said, laughing. "And not limited to once per day either!" Ginny nodded. "Good! Trust me, there are many other things I want to do to you."

"Oh?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Ginny, I wish that we get to make love like that every day for the rest of my natural born life," Jack repeated.

"Your wish is my command." She said quietly, snuggling up next to him. Jack was tense for a moment. "What?"

"There wasn't any smoke or anything."

"Oh." With a flash of purple smoke Jack found himself wearing his boxers again. "Good night, Master."

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GoesGruntGoesGruntover 9 years ago

One of the better Djinn stories!

All it really needs is a chapter 4...

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxalmost 12 years ago

"Rest of his natural life" equals run over by a bus tomorrow. Should specify a life expectancy 80 years. Otherwise mildly entertaining. Well written

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

another genie story where the guy wastes his wishes =/

The last one wasn't bad, but he could've wished for eternal youth or something earlier and then he'd get more than a few decades out of it. He could wish for invisibility or the ability to freeze time or w/e and make being rich superfluous. bah... kinda boring.

IsanaIsanaabout 12 years ago
Have to agree with the previous comments.


DaviBlackDaviBlackabout 12 years ago
fucking adorable

thumbs up!

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