Dobrila's Heart Ch. 03

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Straining the boundaries of friendship.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/08/2023
Created 07/04/2023
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Dobrila's Heart

Chapter Four -- Stretching the Boundaries of Friendship

The next several days passed in an almost idyllic ease and comfort. With amazing dinners, excellent wine and vodka, and Dobrila's wonderfully affectionate companionship, I came to realize that this was the happiest I had been since moving to Las Vegas.

Without the necessity of having to scrape and scrimp to afford my rent, food, and gas for my car, I was even managing to slowly build my meager savings account at the bank.

On the morning Dobrila was to leave for San Diego, I offered to drive her to the airport and also pick her up when she returned, but she would have none of it. "No, Jimmy, no," she said with an adamant shake of her head. "Is silly for you to drive one hour to the airport, and one hour home two times just for me. Is four hours for you to drive. I love that you offer, but no."

Instead, she called for an UBER, and I waited with her at the front door of our building. While we waited, she went over the care and feeding instructions once more for Malenka, (Which I had come to learn meant 'little one') and reminded me that she had also left a pot of coffee and a plate of Danish for me in her kitchen for a late breakfast.

I asked her if she would mind if I spent the day in her apartment to maybe watch some of her movies.

"Of course," she responded with a smile, her brows raised, "You do not need to even ask. You may even spend the night if you wish. I know Malenka would love to have the company, she likes you very much. And my bed is freshly made this morning with clean sheets."

Spending the night was one thing, but sleeping in her bed? I liked the idea of spending the night in her apartment but suggested I would be perfectly comfortable crashing out on her sofa.

Dobrila shrugged and smiled, "Is up to you, Jimmy, but I think the sofa is not so good for sleeping. Is much better in my bed... but is up to you, yes?"

When the UBER driver arrived, she turned to me and threw her arms around my neck for an affectionate hug and kissed me on both cheeks. I had been hoping for just such an intimate opportunity to fuel my fantasies and, when it finally came to pass, I wrapped my arms around her wonderfully thick waist and held her firmly, allowing my body to mold against her in order to sense every sensual press of her soft flesh against me.

I opened the rear door of the vehicle for her, a Jeep Compass, and she ducked her head and stepped inside. As she settled onto the seat, leaning forward to speak to the driver, the hem of her dress rose several inches above her knees, allowing me another very revealing glimpse of her voluptuously plush legs. A glimpse that was sadly over all too soon once the car door was finally closed.

Back in her apartment, I dutifully made the rounds, making sure Malenka's food and water dishes were topped up and all was well with her. She had taken up her usual residence on the windowsill in the sunshine, which was one of her favorite spots. I helped myself to the coffee and pastry she had so thoughtfully left for me and then relaxed on the sofa, to watch the local news and weather.

An hour or so later, the two cups of coffee I had consumed had managed to work their way through my system and I felt a great urge to relieve my bladder. I quickly made my way to the bathroom, where it struck me how I had never been in her bathroom before. It had the exact physical layout as mine but had an entirely different feel simply because it was Dobrila's bathroom and done up to her feminine taste. Her towels matched the décor of the shower curtain and toilet seat cover, which also matched the soft-pile rug in front of the sink, where all her lotions, powders, and makeup were neatly arranged, and which gave the entire room a very pleasant floral fragrance.

On the back of the bathroom door hung a pale blue nightgown on a padded hanger. I had often wondered what Dobrila might wear to bed, and to suddenly see the blue nightgown was an eye-opening moment for me as my imagination began to run wild. Good God, I wondered, how incredible would Dobrila look in that nightgown?

A closer look revealed that it appeared surprisingly short. Curious, I held the nightgown up to my body to gauge its length and surmised it would very likely reach well above her knees. It was so sleek and delicately soft to the touch I instantly fantasized about how it might feel to embrace her while she was wearing it and how wonderfully sleek her body would feel through the deliciously sheer material. The nightgown was also moderately transparent as well, and I quickly surmised that her body would very likely be alluringly revealed beneath it. Recalling the stunning glimpse of her legs earlier that morning, I reasoned she would look astonishingly sexy in such a short semi-transparent nightgown.

My bladder beckoned urgently, and I quickly turned toward the toilet. Her bathroom was so neat and clean I couldn't help but feel more than a little intimidated. I even relieved myself while sitting down on the toilet so as to not get any stray drops or splashes of urine anywhere other than the bowl.

As I left the bathroom, her pale blue nightgown caught my eye once again and I reached out to lightly stroke the material. Damn, I thought, why is it that women, purely because of their gender, have such deliciously soft and sensual things to wear. I thought it very likely that there would be a great many men, regardless of sexual persuasion, who would love to feel the same kind of nice fabrics against their skin that women enjoy.

Loving the sensation of her nightgown, I teased myself with the idea of stripping down and slipping it on to discover firsthand just how wonderful it would feel. I shook my head to banish those thoughts because I knew where doing that would lead. And, if I was paranoid about leaving any urine traces around Dobrila's toilet, I was damn sure not going to chance leaving even a hint of any other bodily fluids on her lingerie.

It did give me pause to wonder though what other intimate items of lingerie Dobrila might possess and, with that very thought in mind, I decided I would take this golden opportunity for some innocent exploring in her bedroom.

I entered her bedroom and stood inside the door just looking around the room. Again, it was the same size and layout as the bedroom in my apartment with the exception that Dobrila's bedroom looked and felt much nicer and more comfortable.

Her king-size bed almost filled the room, while my bed, by comparison, was just a small double bed. The comforter on her bed matched the draperies which also complimented the carpet color. Her bedroom furniture was a dark shade of mahogany and the headboard, the dresser, and the night table were all matched pieces.

Her one chest of drawers faced the foot of the bed with a full-length mirror above it. There were several figurines and old family photos displayed on top of the dresser and I examined each one before going through the drawers. I began with the top drawer, pulling it out to discover the entire drawer was dedicated to her bras and panties, bras to the left and panties to the right and all carefully folded in neat rows and also sorted by color. I smiled, admiring her organization skills while my dresser drawers, by comparison, had things tossed in haphazardly.

There were several styles of panties present, from full briefs to smaller, low-rise bikini-style panties. To my great surprise, in the very back of the drawer, she also had a small assortment of G-string panties as well. Certainly not the style of panty I would ever expect Dobrila to wear, and yet, here they were. Yet another surprising discovery I had made about her; she apparently had a saucy, sexually playful side to her personality as well. I smiled as I tried to imagine how Dobrila's prodigious buttocks cheeks might look in one of those tiny G-string panties.

Moving my fingertips over her carefully folded panties, I once again thought how wonderful it might feel if men's underwear was constructed from such delicate fabrics. It most definitely crossed my mind to try on a pair of her panties just to see how they might feel on my body, but decided, as I had done with her nightgown, to leave well enough alone and forgo those sensual pleasures for some other time.

With my curiosity piqued, I carefully examined the tag from one of her bras to discover its size to be a rather astonishing 38J. I had never heard of a J-cup before but reasoned it had to be exponentially larger than a D cup, or even a DD cup. The cup material for most of Dobrila's bras was surprisingly a sheer type of nylon with none of the underwiring support one might expect for such a large cup size. In a rather ah-ha moment, I suddenly came to understand how her breasts were able to sway so provocatively beneath her dresses. And, after the few brief glimpses afforded me of her deep cleavage, I couldn't help but wonder how wonderful her breasts might look without a bra to hold them.

The second drawer was also filled with a variety of lingerie items, with several different colors and styles of filmy nightgowns, an assortment of corsets, bustiers, and garter belts with several pairs of silk and nylon stockings in a variety of colors. Still, another indication that Dobrila had a playfully sensual side to her that I never imagined.

Lower drawers contained blouses, sweaters, shorts, and even a few one-piece bathing suits.

A quick glance into her closet revealed several more nightgowns hanging together on a specially designed hanger, and, most astonishing of all, on the floor were several pairs of very sexy high-heeled shoes. Visions of Dobrila in those sexy stiletto heels suddenly sent a jolt of arousal through me. Dobrila? Seriously? In my wildest fantasies, I had never imagined her dressed so suggestively sexual.

There was a small night table with a lamp beside the bed, the side I assumed she would sleep on. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled open the drawer. My eyes flew wide to see the assortment of dildoes and vibrators inside. While I knew she masturbated frequently, she had admitted it quite candidly just the other evening, seeing the variety of sex toys in her bedside drawer was still an eye-opening surprise.

There was a cordless Hitachi wand vibrator with a softly rounded knob and a very realistic anatomically correct six-inch dildo, complete with a scrotum and testicles, with a syringe and hose attachment that would allow it to ejaculate fake semen on command. I had seen a few of these in operation in several porn videos and thought it rather astonishing to discover one in Dobrila's bedside table drawer. Indeed, in the back of the drawer, there was a rather large bottle of fake semen. It was almost mind-boggling for me to consider how she might use such a dildo, especially since she had also once openly confessed to having a great fondness for sperma. Would she have it ejaculate between her breasts like I had seen in those porn videos, or would she like to feel it happening inside her? The plethora of options open to her had my head spinning.

There were also several other battery-operated dildoes that twirled or pumped, some with knobby shafts that almost looked like some kind of medieval torture devices, and two others that were "U" shaped affairs with two realistic penis shapes, presumably the larger one for the vagina and the smaller one for anal penetration, possibly even double penetration.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked over her collection of sex toys, it pleased me to know that Dobrila was so adventurous when it came to pleasuring herself and in that respect, she seemed to be much more of a kindred spirit when it came to masturbation than I had ever imagined, and somehow it made me feel even closer to her and even helped to relieve me from some of the depression and guilt I often felt after masturbating with my one sex toy, Dolly.

I attempted to conjure a vision of Dobrila masturbating, and how she might look when doing it. Would she be completely nude or perhaps fully or partially dressed? At bedtime, would she be wearing one of her nightgowns or possibly even some of the sexier things from the back of her lingerie drawers? Would she do it while lying on her back or on her stomach, or maybe while lying on her side?

Once all of those sensual scenarios ran through my imagination, I then began to wonder what sort of sounds she might make while masturbating and especially as she reached orgasm. And good God! What I would not give to be able to hear her.

I suppose I shouldn't have been all that surprised by Dobrila's sexuality. She was a mature woman with thoughts and desires like any other woman on the planet. It's just that her manner of dress, her hairstyle, as well as her affinity for sewing and cooking all seemingly coalesced to present the outward impression that she was more of a conservative domestic type of woman, even (dare I say it), a mother figure. Indeed, that had certainly been my first impression of her when she and I had first met. We had, of course, had evening conversations that were sometimes of an inherently sexual nature, but even so, at those times, they had seemed more academic in nature than prurient.

Curious as to what it might feel like, I took the Hitachi wand from the drawer and switched it on. It vibrated pleasantly with a soft hum, and I smiled, bringing the rounded knob to the front of my jeans directly over the tip of my penis. I gasped aloud as the vibration from the want sent an immediate jolt of intense sensuality throughout my entire groin area.

I pulled the wand away a moment later and switched it off as I realized how quickly those vibrations had been bringing me toward orgasm. I smiled to imagine Dobrila holding the wand between her legs and wondered if she felt the same intensity of arousal the vibrations had given me.

I raised the wand to my nose, curious as to whether there might be any residue of scent from Dobrila's body. To my astonishment, there did seem to be a mild hint of a scent present. Almost nothing really, but just enough to wildly fire my imagination.

I tried to imagine her using her wand, possibly even simultaneously with one of her dildoes as well. Or, if she was in a hurry, maybe feeling a need for a quick release in the afternoon, might she possibly even just lift the hem of her dress to hold the wand between her legs?

My eyes widened as it suddenly occurred to me that any of her worn panties would very likely have a much stronger bodily scent from between her legs. And, as that thought of her worn panties crossed my mind, I was instantly overwhelmed with a desire to discover such an intimate scent and quickly looked around the room for anything resembling a laundry hamper.

Not readily seeing what I was looking for in her bedroom, I got up to explore the rest of her apartment. As I stood, I grimaced with discomfort as I was still fully erect and straining against the tight confines of my jeans. I undid the front of my pants to relieve the pressure on my erection and then smiled as yet another sensual idea occurred to me. I quickly removed all of my clothing, leaving everything in a pile on top of her bed, and smiled pleasurably as I stood in her bedroom completely nude.

Being nude in Dobrila's apartment gave me a tremendous rush of arousal and excitement as I moved about in search of her laundry hamper, my erection preceding me like some kind of divining rod. There was nothing in her bedroom or her bathroom but, when I opened the closet door in the hallway, I discovered a large canvas basket on the floor of the closet that held her laundry.

On top of the basket were the sheets and pillowcases she had just changed on the bed that morning, and below that were several towels and a couple of her dresses. And then, voila, beneath her dresses, I discovered a bra and two pairs of panties, a white pair and a black pair, both were the full brief style, and both, according to the affixed tags, were sized XXL.

I sat down on the floor beside the hamper and removed the white panties. They were very pretty and also very sheer and, to my complete surprise, almost completely transparent. I groaned aloud to imagine Dobrila wearing such transparent panties as they would reveal her body in complete and explicit detail, front and back.

Holding them in my hand, I couldn't help but wonder which day she may have worn them. I tried to imagine sitting with her at dinner and afterward on her living room sofa while she wore such revealing panties beneath her dress.

I held them to my face, enjoying the sensation of the sheer material, and breathed in her essence. I closed my eyes with pleasure as a distinctly intimate scent permeated my senses and sent a shiver of excitement through my body.

They were so incredibly sheer and delicate that I ached to slip them on. It suddenly struck me then how I wouldn't necessarily have to be especially cautious with any of the panties from her hamper because they were already soiled and about to be washed anyway.

Impulsively, I stood and slipped into her white panties. Immediately I was completely overwhelmed by the exquisite sensuality of the delicate nylon against my skin. And, because they were Dobrila's XXL panties, they fit me very loosely, and yet, were extremely comfortable because they presented no restriction whatsoever to my erection. Looking down, I could clearly see my erection through the sheer material and felt myself pulsing with anticipation.

I moved my hands down over my hips and buttocks and sighed appreciatively to feel how smooth and silky my skin felt beneath. Touching my erection sent me beyond mere arousal and I knew I would reach orgasm in only seconds if I did not stop. I took a deep breath to calm myself and then sat back down on the floor beside the hamper, my erection pulsing inside the sweetly sensual confines of Dobrila's panties.

I reached into the hamper and removed the black pair of panties and pressed them into my face. My eyes widened with surprised delight as I detected an even stronger scent than I had discovered in the white pair. Examining the cotton gusset in the crotch of her panties, I could clearly see a slight discoloration on the white fabric where her labia would have rested and smiled as I held it closer to my nose.

As the exquisite intimacy of her scent filled my senses, I completely lost control of the moment and, as my testicles began to ache for release. I reached down and pressed the flat of my hand over the bulge of my erection and stroked firmly, surrendering to the pleasure of the moment as my physical senses were overwhelmed with sensory overload.

I came immediately, completely unable to hold myself back. The warmth of my semen erupted against my hand and immediately permeated her sheer panties.

Moments later, as my senses began to return to normal, I grimaced at the beautiful mess I had made inside her panties and, even though I had reasoned it would be reasonably safe to do so, admonished myself for allowing it to happen. I had SO wanted to maintain some measure of sexual decorum while in her apartment and, while I had just apparently failed in that mission completely, I felt a great deal of relief to know I had only sullied a pair of panties that had been relegated into the laundry hamper for washing and would very likely not be noticed.

With the exception of the white panties that I still wore and the black heavily scented panties that I set aside, I replaced all of her other laundry items back into the hamper in roughly the same position I had found them.

I lay the black panties onto Dobrila's bed, thinking I would definitely have a use for them again later, and then returned to the living room, flouncing onto the sofa with a satisfied smile. I idly surfed through the television channels without much interest as thoughts of the incredibly new orgasmic experience kept replaying in my mind. The physical sensation of her sheer sleek nylon panties, coupled with the intoxicatingly sensual scent of her body from her other panties had combined to completely overwhelm my senses and had intensified my orgasm beyond anything I had ever experienced before.