Doctors without Boundaries


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"So, are you inviting me along? Is that what this is? I can go sight-seeing around Boston while you work the booths." I responded before drinking the last of my coffee.

"No, they only offered accommodation and meals for one, sorry."

"But the hotel room will fit both of us, we don't even have to tell them. I'll pay for my own meals." I replied.

"That sounds nice, but I don't want to mess around with the booking, the hotel would want to charge them for a duel booking not a single. It's only two days and the Saturday night, besides I'll be working most of it. We can go to Boston together some other time, okay?" Emily answered.

"Alright, fine. At least I tried. Hey, I've got to get moving, Peter is expecting me over there in about thirty minutes. If you go out, call me and let me know where you're going, okay? I might be able to pick you up later perhaps." I responded, kissing her cheek before I started to put on my work boots.

"I'll be fine, I might not go out at all yet, I don't know. Bye sweety." Emily replied as I left the kitchen heading out of the house.

I was helping Peter out with some concreting today, amongst a few other things. We got the other stuff out of the way as we were still waiting for the overdue concrete truck to arrive, it was already three hours late as it got to midday. Peter then finally got a call that the concreter had some major truck issues and was cancelling all loads today, so that freed up most of my afternoon. I was planning on going to my job site at 4:30pm, but I called the client to see if he was available to go there any earlier. I was happy that he could indeed meet me there at 1pm, so I said my goodbyes to Peter and took off in my truck to get there to prepare for the client.

What I expected may have taken up two hours for us to sort through, took only twenty minutes. The client knew exactly what he wanted which meant I didn't have to spend my time explaining all of the options. I checked my phone when we were done to see if Emily had texted me that she was going out, but I didn't have anything, which meant she'd still be at home.

So, I headed home where I could shower and then spend the rest of Sunday afternoon relaxing with my gorgeous wife, maybe some sexy time is in order. When I entered the house, I called out to Emily that I was home as I started taking off my work boots before getting the carpet dirty. When I got no reply, I called out again as I made my way through the living room and kitchen to the laundry to throw my clothes into the washing machine, before I headed to the bathroom for my shower.

I walked into our bedroom, but Emily wasn't there either, so I quickly looked out at our backyard too, still no Emily. I got into the shower; I was a little annoyed she didn't call to tell me where she was going like I asked her to. I swear it feels like only one of us is in a marriage sometimes, but whatever.

As I got changed in the bedroom, throwing on my boxers and a t-shirt, I thought about Emily's sexy red teddy. I still haven't seen her wear it yet since I spotted it in her suitcase when she was home over Christmas. If she wasn't going to wear it, why did she buy it and bring it with her from Puerto Rico? And why would she have it in Puerto Rico anyway? She obviously took it with her when she went back there as well.

This was just one more thing that I couldn't explain about my wife. Her underwear drawer is just above mine in our dresser, so I opened it to see if she still had the little red teddy or not. I had to dig a bit, but I found it, almost like it had been hidden at the bottom and the back of the drawer.

When I pulled it out, something was off. It looks like it's been worn quite a number of times and washed too. A part of the trimming near the waist had a small tear, I also noticed that one of the buttons on the front was missing. It's clear that she's been wearing this, it looked brand new the last time I'd seen it in her suitcase. But wearing it when? She's never worn this for me.

And just how do you get wear and tear on a sexy little teddy unless, well unless you're wearing it while you're being fucked by someone. What other conclusion am I supposed to draw from this? It would explain why she hid it at the back of her drawer, maybe it's not meant for me.

I put her teddy away where I'd found it, hiding it at the back like Emily had done. Where the hell is Emily anyway? I asked her to let me know where she was going if she went out. I grabbed my phone and called her, but once again it went straight to her messaging service. What the fuck? Not this shit again.

I could do nothing but wait for her to return home now, so I decided to marinate some steaks for us to eat tonight. After that I hit the gym again, I needed to get these thoughts of Emily being unfaithful out of my head.

At five-thirty I heard the front door close, as Emily came in and made her way straight to the bathroom to shower without calling out to me or saying anything. She must know I'm home; my truck is parked right out front. Again, strange behavior unless she has something to hide.

When I heard the shower turn off, I went into the bedroom to say hello to her, and to be there to watch her getting changed. After all, she's still the sexiest women I've ever known. She came out wearing a bathrobe but didn't want to get changed in front of me, instead she sat down at the end of the bed and started doing her hair.

"So, why didn't you text me to tell me where you were going like I asked?"

"What, are you my parent's now?"

"I'm sorry for caring about my wife, maybe I should care less, a bit more like you." I responded.

"I was just out with friends, okay. I didn't think you needed to know where I am every minute of the day."

"But why was your phone off? You can't use the excuse that you were working this time."

"It wasn't off, I must have set it to silent by accident. What's this all about, John?"

I shook my head, the only thing I could say to answer that is that I think she's been cheating on me. But I don't have any proof for that accusation at all, so I said nothing.

"Did you at least bring something home for dinner, John?"

"Nope. I've got some steaks marinating right now. I'm going to BBQ them in a minute, maybe you can help with the salad if you'd like."

"Sure, but you better go clean the BBQ first though. Off you go." Emily responded, trying to shoo me out of the bedroom.

"What, and miss the best view of the day? My beautiful wet naked wife." I answered her with a cheeky grin.

"It's nothing you haven't seen a thousand times before. Go on, go clean the BBQ." Emily insisted.

"Alright, but I have to use the bathroom first." I replied as I made my way into our ensuite bathroom.

"Hold on, I just need to grab my dirty clothes to put them in the laundry." Emily quickly replied as she grabbed her clothes she'd just been wearing out of the clothes hamper.

As I stood there having a piss, wondering why Emily was worried about me seeing her naked right now, or leaving me alone with the clothes she'd just been out in. Again, what is she hiding?

After using the bathroom, I made my way through to the laundry to grab the portable BBQ we had stored in there. I noticed the washing machine was already on, it only had the clothes both of us had been wearing today, hardly enough to make a load. It's almost like she's trying to wash away any evidence that her clothes may be keeping. Or maybe I'm just getting paranoid and imagining all of this.


Over the next two weeks, not much changed in our relationship. It was going along, but that's about all I could really say for it. As much as I wanted to, I simply couldn't shake the feeling I have that something has been going on, that Emily has been hiding something. That her emotional and sexual attraction for me has waned ever since she went to Puerto Rico fifteen months ago now.

I was hoping everything would be good again once her contract ended, but it's been almost four months now and we still haven't gotten back to normal. Now I'm going to be paranoid about her going to Boston on her own tomorrow, spending the weekend there. Would she be there with someone else? Am I being played here?

Tonight is Friday night, and I decided I was going to give her the best fucking I could, to remind her of me while she's away over the weekend. But it wasn't to be, she pulled the 'my time of the month just started' bit and I didn't get to fuck her at all, let alone anything else. I swear her 'time of the month' only ended two weeks ago, but what can I do? Ask to see the bloody pads to prove it to me? I'd never do that, and she knows it.

On Saturday morning I dropped her off at the train station before heading home. I was absolutely free this weekend, with no plans whatsoever. I walked into our bedroom, sitting on the end of the bed, unsure of what to do with myself. I'll do a workout later and go for a run, but what about the rest of the day? I looked over and noticed that Emily hadn't closed her underwear drawer properly in the dresser from when she was packing her overnight clothes earlier this morning.

I got up to close it but found myself wanting to look at her sexy red teddy once more, almost like it's a symbol of the concerns I have about my wife. It's something that I simply can't explain.

I dug through her underwear to the back and bottom of the drawer, but I couldn't locate it. I kept looking, where is it? I pulled the drawer all the way out and placed it on the bed, going through all her clothes there to make sure I didn't miss it. Nope, it was definitely not there. Did she take it with her? Why would she do that? There was only one reason why she would, I didn't want to admit it to myself even though I knew thew answer.

I put her drawer back before checking her other clothes drawers as well as the clothes hamper in the bathroom, not there. I checked the washing machine in the laundry, empty. I even checked our garbage to make sure she hadn't thrown it out, but no luck either. Fuck it, she must have taken it with her.

It's like all my suspicions up until now finally boiled over, I can't make excuses anymore or deny what I now think is obvious. My wife must be having an affair, I have no clue who with, but it must have started with someone she was working with from Doctors Without Boundaries over in Puerto Rico.

Of course! My wife will be in Boston with other staff from that NGO over the weekend. I bet whoever she had an affair with will be there too. Is she going to be wearing her sexy red teddy for him tonight, whoever he is? But what about since she's come home? It doesn't explain her still distant behavior, especially over the last month.

My head was hurting, a mix of confusion and anger. Would Emily really do this to me, to us? We have it all, being high school sweethearts that dated throughout college together, then getting married and living together. Up until her contract in Puerto Rico, everything had been fantastic between us, why would she ever risk ruining what we have? We've been best friends and lovers for the past ten years, but lately it seems like we're just housemates and nothing more.

I don't know the answer, all I know is that the pragmatic side of me, the logical and fact-based side of me needed proof. I needed to be slapped in the face with her infidelity before I'd finally accept it or confront her about it.

I threw on some jeans, dress shoes, a nice polo shirt and jacket before I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I'm going to Boston, I'm going to her convention, and I'm going to see for myself what's going on.


As I entered the large convention area, I grabbed one of the brochures that also provided a floor layout of where you could find all of the vendors. I found where the booth is for Doctors Without Boundaries and made my way over there. I'm not stupid enough to simply walk up to the booth where Emily is and expect to see anything untoward. No, I would hang back and mingle around other booths from a distance where I could keep an eye on her, and who she was with and how they interacted.

As some health rep for some medical device company started talking to me about their products, I could see Emily in the distance, she was sitting with another woman chatting at the back of the booth while two guys, clearly also staff members, would engage with the public as the passed by. I ran out of questions for the guy that was talking with me after twenty minutes, so I moved onto another booth from where I could keep watching my wife.

Over the next two hours I continued to watch her, the two guys had left a lot earlier, leaving Emily and her female co-worker to take over. I saw nothing strange; Emily was talking with people as they passed by the booth, occasionally she would spend more time with someone if they were genuinely interested in the NGO. I was getting bored of this, so I found one of the restaurants inside and grabbed a meal for lunch.

As I circled back around to check on Emily, she was no longer there. Instead, the two male staff members were back and working the booth again.

I wandered around trying to see if I could find my wife, then I thought about the food hall where I'd just been eating, it might be the best chance to find her. Maybe she was there to get some lunch like I'd just been. The third food joint that I walked past, I spotted her, sitting with the same female staff member she'd been working with all morning. I quickly turned and walked away, sitting at a food stall a distance away, but from where I could still watch her.

As I sit here, I'm thinking about what I'm doing, and how it makes me feel like shit right now. Am I honestly happy about spying on my wife like this? Following her around and watching her like some amateur sleuth. I should be better than this, Emily deserves better than this. What the fuck am I doing here?

I got up and wandered off, leaving the convention center to go sit out front trying to gather my thoughts. What am I hoping to find out by being here? That she's with her lover in the middle of a convention that she's working at? No, if she's going to be with him, it'd be tonight after she's done working. It'd be back in her hotel room where they could be alone together, without other people seeing them. But I don't even know which Hotel she's staying at, let alone which room number. And what exactly would I even do if I did know? Sit in the hotel lobby to catch her walking past?

This whole trip feels like it's pointless, I'm probably never going to find out what I think is going on with Emily, this is just ridiculous. I got up, I was going to head for the parking garage where my truck is parked, but I ended up going back inside to check on Emily one last time, it's like I just couldn't let it go that easy.

I found her hanging out back at the booth, she was chatting with the other woman again, the two guys were still there as well. I wondered if one of the guys is the one that she's been potentially having an affair with, I watched closely for how she interacted with them both.

One was a bigger guy, fatter that is and hardly my wife's type. The other man is a bit older, tall and thin and is clearly going bald, again I don't see my wife being interested in him at all either. When she did speak with both of them, it all seemed very normal, just how people working together would interact.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, maybe there is nothing going on and I'm just imagining things because our sex life has not been anywhere near as good as it used to be, and I'm looking to blame that on something or someone else.

It's just gone 3pm now, the convention booths shut at five. I figured I might as well wait until Emily finishes work to see where she goes, and who she goes with. In the meantime, I needed a beer, so I headed for the large bar I'd seen earlier near the food court.

It was pretty busy already, all the regular tables had people sitting in them, so I grabbed a bar stool up at the end of the bar. There were three people standing beside me talking shop, they've obviously been working at one of the booths today. They were loud too; I was finding it hard to even enjoy my beer with them carrying on. Eventually they left as I ordered my second light beer; I'm driving after all as I don't intend to stay overnight here.

After about twenty minutes, another two guys took up the seats at the bar right beside me. That's when I realized that they were the same two guys that Emily has been working with today. My first thought was that maybe Emily would be joining them in a moment, and she would find me sitting here. Then I figured that Emily and the other woman are probably working the booth until 5pm now, as they seemed to be alternating shifts with the two guys now having a beer next to me.

They started talking about work and then about someone they'd previously worked with, some guy who they both knew. I was zoning out from their conversation as it went on for a good twenty minutes, checking the time as almost 4pm now. As I took another mouthful of my beer, I wondered to myself if I should just leave after my beer. Emily seemed to be here doing exactly what she said she was doing, and I'm feeling like an asshole for doubting her.

I've never previously been the jealous or suspicious type with Emily before she went to Puerto Rico, so why am I being like that now? The sexy red teddy came to mind, Emily always turning her phone off when not at work was another. Also, the fact that our sex life and intimacy have suffered too, but is that reason enough to suspect her of cheating on me? Really?

As I finished my beer, I was about to stand up and leave when the guy beside me mentioned Emily to the other.

"Have you met Emily Walker before today? The great looking blonde in the booth. Did you spend any time over in Puerto Rico since last Christmas?" The slightly bigger guy asked the other.

"No, I've never been to Puerto Rico. I was working in Guatemala more recently, Honduras before that. I've never met her before today, she is very attractive though; her husband's a very lucky man." Replied the older, taller, thinner guy.

I was feeling somewhat good about myself, yes, I am a very lucky man.

"I don't know about her husband being so lucky; I was in Puerto Rico with her up until last Christmas. Have you worked with Ryan Knight before? He's one of the more senior doctors that's been with us now for a few years. He was the team lead over in Puerto Rico, he and Emily spent a lot of time together, and I mean a lot." Replied the bigger guy while chuckling a little.

What? I almost turned to the guy to ask him what he meant but remembered that I don't know these guys. What the fuck though, they're talking about my wife and this doctor, Ryan Knight.

"Yeah, I know him. I worked with him earlier last year in Honduras; he seemed like a good guy, happily married with kids too. Did he really have a fling with Emily?"

"Not a fling, I'd call it a torrid romance. They couldn't get enough of each other shortly after she started working with us last summer. She arrived looking all beautiful and innocent, like a flower ready to be plucked. She wanted to impress Ryan too, and I don't think he could help himself. From early on, every moment they weren't working, they'd be fucking like sex-crazed rabbits. You could hear them going at it day and night in the dorm like apartments we were all housed in. He even switched out her roommate she had and moved in himself, something that's not meant to happen. Two married people of different sexes living together like that. He only got away with it because he was the boss." The bigger guy continued.