Does Out of Town Count...

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What happens when people are away from home means nothing?
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Copyright © 2020 - This is an original work by Kalimaxos and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

This is a short work about business travel just before the Coronavirus lockdown.


What did she say?

It was Saturday afternoon and we had company over. Jenny and her husband Trev had been our friends since we moved to Houston. We went to dinner with them, to parties in the neighborhood, also to each other's place after a movie or an outing. They were the same age as us, late twenties. All of us are college graduates dealing with college debt, careers, and occasional separations due to business trips by both Trev and my wife Debby.

Deb was getting ready for one and Trev had just left our house for the airport for a trip to the west coast that was his territory. It was our way of life. They traveled and we kept the fires burning at home. Jenny and I had jobs as an accountant, and architect respectively. Our travel was minimal if not rare. Most times, only one of the two couples had a spouse traveling. When that happened, the other spouse would visit the couple in town for dinner or a cookout on the weekend.

After Trev said his goodbyes and took the cab to the airport, I let the girls chat in the kitchen and went to the garage. I cleaned my workbench and then checked the security system we had spent good coin on since the recent robberies in our subdivision. We had microphones and cameras in each room that fed the server in the attic. A connection to our account in the cloud saved everything captured when each device was activated by motion sensors. I could check any room using my phone app or any computer I could log in to. Out of habit, I checked to make sure it was working.

"How was your last trip?" I heard Jenny ask my wife Debby as they sat at the kitchen table.

"It was the usual," Debby snickered. "Work, dinner, bar, and then... eventually... some sleep."

"Is it true what they say about people on business trips screwing around Debby?" Jenny said clearly worried about her husband.

My wife paused before she answered. A pregnant second pause.

"I wouldn't be too concerned Jen," my wife replied taking a sip of her drink. "Trev always comes home to you doesn't he?"

"Yeah, but I wonder what he does when he is alone. If he is alone."

"Jen," my wife reassured her. "He comes home to you... ignore what happens when he is away."

"What do you mean by that Deb?"

"Exactly what I said," my wife replied. "What happens when people are away from home means nothing."

I stood there in shock as my wife's words bounced around and replayed in my head.

"What happens when people are away from home means nothing."

"What happens... when people are away from home... means nothing!"

"What happens when people are away from home means nothing?"

Did she actually say that? I asked myself.

"Debby, what are you saying?" Jenny asked my wife.

But by this point Debby had gotten quiet and more reserved.

"Nothing Jen," she replied cautiously. "Just that you are worried over little. Trev loves you to death. He comes home to you and loves you. His trips are just business. Nothing more."

I could tell that Jenny was not appeased by Debby's comment, but she politely let my wife change the subject. I let them chat for a while before I returned to the kitchen and got myself a cup of coffee. After what I had heard, I wanted my mind to be clear.

After another forty minutes of social banter, Jenny drove herself home and we settled for the night. I was polite to my wife, but cautious. To say what she had said had me on edge would be an understatement. As she went upstairs to take a shower, all kinds of things crossed my mind.

Was she cheating when she was away? Had she done it many times? Just once? Recently? Weeks or months ago? But the way she had said it spoke volumes. Her comment was not one of thoughtful introspection. In fact, there had been no consternation or disapproval in her tone. Just a matter of fact statement. An "it is what it is" acceptance without disapproval of any kind.

What should I do? What does any man do? Do I confront her with just a few words to say? Do I toss four years of marriage down the drain? We had been thinking of starting a family! Was she having sex with people when she traveled? How could I be sure the child would be mine?

Then I did some quick thinking. She usually traveled to Phoenix, San Diego, Seattle, and Omaha. Did she have lovers at each stop? Or was there just one lover she met in one place? Was he better looking? Hung better? Thicker, longer?

None of these thoughts made me get hard or excited. Instead all I felt was disappointment, apprehension, and sadness. The woman I loved was cheating on me. As much as I wanted to be wrong, the logical part of my mind said otherwise. My wife Debby, in a slip of the tongue had exposed her infidelity.

I did not sleep with her that night. She came downstairs to get me, but I acted like I was asleep on the couch with my face buried in the pillows. She tried waking me, but I acted like I was in deep sleep and she eventually gave up. Not caring to turn and face her I stayed in that position until I actually drifted to a fitful sleep until the morning.

The first thing I sensed as I began to wake was the smell of coffee and the sound of her walking in sandals in the kitchen. I popped one eye open slightly and saw a cup of coffee not inches away on the table in front of me. Still apprehensive, I said nothing and did not move, but I realized that I was only postponing the inevitable. When I opened my eyes, Debby was standing near the couch in just her sandals and robe. Her blond hair draped over her right shoulder as she looked at me thoughtfully.

I looked up at her and then got up ignoring the coffee. She gave me an anxious look as I passed by her without a word. Locking the bathroom door, I did my morning business and started brushing my teeth. Creaking sounds from just outside the door told me she was standing just outside, but then they drifted off.

That entire morning, we did not say a word to each other. I was glad as I was not ready to talk to her. I was not afraid to confront her. If anything, I was looking forward to it, but I had to know for sure first. I needed information. That was my nature. I never made a move without knowing the score.

Taking my laptop, I settled in the study area we had set up on the corner of our living room. It was a desk that looked toward the living space from the corner and I could work without her seeing the screen.

Debby passed by a few times from the bedrooms to the kitchen but kept away from me. The silence made me angry at her. Why had she not asked me what was wrong? Was this part of her game? After settling down, I focused on my search of private investigators in the cities she traveled to. Filling out forms and writing a description of what I needed done, I then used my private credit card to retain the four detective agencies to investigate my wife next time she was on a trip.

"Are you hungry? She finally asked around two in the afternoon.

I was but did not want to eat with her.

"No," I replied and made like I was busy.

She stared at me from the kitchen trying to figure out what was wrong with me, but I didn't feel like looking back.

Her quiet condemned her in my mind. Any wife who had nothing to hide would have been wondering why her husband had shut down on her. Any wife with nothing to worry about that is.

"Maybe we can go out," I said suddenly and stood up reaching for my wallet, cell phone, and car keys.

She looked surprised, for a few seconds, then she nodded and reached for her purse. She already had her phone in her hand. The same phone she constantly kept on her hand or person. Debby never let that phone out of her sight. And it was password protected.

As we headed for the door, I let her walk out first and stared at her beautiful and youthful figure. The figure that until last night I had thought was mine as my body was hers.

We always took my car when we went out together, so she moved to the passenger side waiting for me to open the door like I always did. With recent events in mind, that was the last thing I wanted to do. But I forced myself to. Whatever happened until she left for her trip on Tuesday, I had to make sure she did not get too suspicious. I thought that I may have blown it already.

"Sorry about today," I said. "I think I made a mistake at work with a project and have to do some quick talking and fixing when I go in on Monday."

"Oh!" she said in relief...then caught herself and acted concerned. "The Johnson project?"

She asked about a house I finished three weeks before. So much for her paying attention during our conversations.

"No," I replied. "Something to do with a future project. I'll do new drawings and correct my mistake this week. It should be OK. I just hate making mistakes."

"You are too hard on yourself," she replied now more relaxed as I had given her an explanation she wanted. "Everyone makes mistakes."

I almost said, 'that's for sure,' but held back.

"Italian or Chinese?" I asked.


We chatted about little things people would talk about that were not married and then some stuff about bills. In my mind I was thinking about how to deal with where to sleep again. There was no way I was going to get away with the fall asleep on the couch again trick.

When we got home, I took a shower and got in bed with my tablet to read. But I think I stared at the same page for the whole thirty minutes it took Debby to shower and come out of the bathroom. She wore her robe again. Something she did when she was naked underneath and had sex in mind. Something about having something to take off for me to see before we made love. Or had sex as I thought wondering when the last time we had made love was. The last time she had been in love with me.

She lay next to me still in the robe, but I continued reading or making like I was. Placing a hand on my thigh she moved closer to me.

"Are you mad at me?" she finally said.

I didn't reply but turned to study her face. I wanted to look and see if she would give me a sign. Tell me with her look something.

"I found your pills in the bathroom. You've been taking them again."

She froze at my statement.

"Yeah, I know..." she replied. "I'm sorry. I thought we would wait a few months."

I nodded not wanting to make a fuss.

"No problem," I replied.

"You're mad," she replied. But it was not with concern, it was more a statement or an annoyance.

"No," I replied. "I'm good with it. I don't want a child right now either."

I omitted to say but thought, 'with you.'

She was quiet for a few seconds then pulled her hand away as I lay still. After a few minutes, she turned away from me and turned off the light on her side. I could hear her breathing and eventually crying softly. It was as much of this as I could take. I got up, took my tablet with me and left the room.

"Carson..." I heard her say, but I closed the door and went back to the couch.

The next morning she was awake and dressed when I got up. It was six in the morning and time for our...I mean my morning run. She was dressed for work already.

"I have coffee ready for you," she said and went to say something then stopped.

I guess by now she had figured out I was upset with her.

"When did you find out about the pills?" she asked.

I wanted to say not until yesterday, but I didn't want her to think it was recent.

"Last week," I lied not caring about me lying to her anymore.

"And you didn't say..."

"You didn't bother to ask me what I thought Debby," I replied. "So much for you saying anything to me."


"No problem Deb," I replied. "If you don't want a child...with me, then I don't either."

She went to say something, but I walked past her.

"I'm running late," I said and went to get in my running gear.

I needed the run. I needed the solitude to clear my head. Running always made me focus and get myself together. It started in junior high when I was in junior varsity track and then in high school, the Army, and then college. Running always cured my lack of focus and insecurities as a young man, then as a man. Now a married man looking at a possible divorce.

That night she came home and made dinner. Out of politeness I sat with her and ate. I barely finished my plate, but I did try being civil.

"Can we talk about the child thing when I get home from my trip?" she asked.

"If you like," I replied.

But in my mind, all I could think was what she had said to Jenny.

"What happens when people are away from home means nothing."

Next morning she waited for me to wake up. She was dressed to travel. Her traveling bag was by the door with her coat.

"Are you going to be OK while I'm gone?" she asked.

"I'll survive, "I replied. "I always do."

"Carson," she said, "I love you."

I nodded politely and said "so do I."

She saw the pain on my face, and I saw her wince. I think I heard a sob when she ran out the door leaving me to stare at it as I heard her car start and drive off.



That day, I went to see a lawyer about a divorce. Since we had no children, we only had to divide all assets accumulated since the first day of our marriage. But adultery was considered in the division of assets. We had no prenup on file, which I now realized was stupid. But if the investigators found something to use, then I could come out with more of our property in the end. But the lawyers would fight over that in court and drag it out for more fees. What a mess.

Jenny had texted me and left messages, but I was not ready to talk yet. Maybe I would swing by her place later. But she beat me to the punch and showed up at my job. She had taken an uber there and was waiting by my car.

"Why aren't you answering my calls or texts?" she asked.

"I've had things on my mind," I replied.

"Take me to dinner and then home," she said. "We need to talk."

I did and we did.

"What happens when people are away from home means nothing."

When I reminded her of that comment by my wife, Jenny nodded and looked at me directly.

"Where is your wife at, tonight?" she asked.

"San Diego," I replied. "Or so she said."

"Did you call her job?" she asked.

"No," I replied feeling stupid that I had not.

"Maybe you should have," she replied. "Because I did."

I looked back at her for some time.



Next Friday, Debby returned from her trip. She went to her job first and then drove home. By then I had dinner ready and the table set.

"Oh my God honey!" she exclaimed. "You went all out."

She ran to kiss me. It wasn't a tongue kiss, but it was the type a husband and wife gave each other normally, even in public. I let her kiss me and is it was a quick kiss there was no uncomfortable moment to worry about. At that instant, I wondered if that kiss and her warm hand touching my arm would be the last for us.

"Trev and Jen are on the way here for dinner," I said as I checked the stuffed peppers in the oven.

"Trev...and Jen?" she said in surprise. "They're coming over? Tonight?"

I could tell she was not on board with my choice of guests her first night back. But then I didn't ask her. I could understand her predicament all too well.

"I thought you and I would..." she trailed off as she saw me turn and give her a polite disarming smile. "I guess I'll change and get ready."

I watched her leave to go to the bedroom to take off her business attire. She had gone to one last meeting in Omaha that morning, then flown home and passed by her office before coming home. Understandably, she had planned on a shower, dinner, and some relax-time. After all, she had quite the long and busy week, hadn't she.

I checked my phone one last time for messages. There was one. Jen.

Jenny: On our way.

It had been sent five minutes before. Just then the shower upstairs turned off. If this played right, Deb would be dressed soon. In time for our guests.

"They are on the way," I called to her but there was no answer. I could imagine why.

Seeing them was the last thing she wanted.

She came downstairs in a pair of jeans and a white tank top. I could see the straps of her pink bra underneath. She wore flipflops as we both did when relaxing at home. Smiling at me nervously she came close placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Can I help?" she asked.

"I have wine chilling in the fridge," I replied checking on the stuffed peppers again. "This will be ready in fifteen minutes tops."

"It smells delicious," she said. "What's that on the pot?"

"Orzo pasta," I replied.

She had a sad look to her as she nodded at my choices for dinner. This was the dish I had made for her on our last anniversary after we discovered Greek food on a trip to Europe. Remembering those days of our honeymoon saddened me. But this evening had to be done and this was part of it.

The table was set for four. Two on each side. Not the usual one on each. She looked at it briefly and then took the bottle of zinfandel out of the fridge to open and let breathe.

"Can I ask..." she managed to say before the front door chime rang.

"I'll get that," I said and let her hanging in the kitchen. I whispered to myself, "Showtime."

I opened the door to our friends standing next to each other. He looked a bit apprehensive, nervous but she gave me a knowing smile and then leaned in to kiss me right on the lips in front of him.

"Hi stud!" she said pulling back and walking past me.

I could tell Trev, her husband, was not amused at our public show of affection.

"Hi Trev," I said with a smile. No I did not smirk. "Come on in."

"Carson," he replied as he walked inside.

Jen and Debby were already chatting in the kitchen as we men came in. For the first time in a while, I paid attention to Trevor as he looked around the room. His eyes darted from Jenny to Deb and back to me. He looked like a man trying to figure out what was going on.

"We're doing European dinner sitting," I announced. "Jen sits with me and Deb sits with Trev."

Trevor and my wife looked at each other quickly and then away as Jen giggled.

"I think I like that. A European themed evening from food to seating. What other stuff do the Europeans do?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

But Trev and Debby said nothing in reply as they sat next to each other. I could tell they were on edge by Jen just kept talking to them being her bubbly self. Inside I wanted to laugh.

"Europeans share way more than just table seats," I replied with a smirk to Jen who smirked back then laughed. "They trade spouses or have open marriages."

"Interesting," Jen said. "What would you think about that Trev?"

He stiffened.

"I wouldn't like it," he replied.

My wife flinched for a second then looked away from me.

"I don't know Trev," Jen replied. "The Europeans may have something there."

Again, my wife and Trev just looked at us and stole a glance at each other.

After serving our meal, I offered everyone a glass of wine, but didn't give the two across from us the option to refuse. I just filled their glasses. They would need it soon.

As we ate, Jen complemented the choice of dish and how well it was made. Politely, Deb, and Trevor agreed. One could tell they were being agreeable but were both anxious.

"How was your trip Trev?" I asked as we ate.

Both my wife and he stopped eating simultaneously. It would have been comical if not for it being sad to see. With every minute the pain of realization hurt more. Only Jen's hand on my hip settled me. It was not a sexual touch. But a reassuring and caring one.