Dogging (Anonymous Public Sex)

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His mother is dogging as well, but he doesn't recognize her!
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/23/2022
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I'm aware that in some countries 'Dogging' is not a familiar term, so I'm starting off with some information about it.

It's British slang for:

The practice of watching or engaging in exhibitionist sexual activity in a public place, such as parks and car parks, and the people involved are often strangers. It's thought that the term Dogging originated from dog walkers accidentally coming across people having sex in a public place, and then being invited to watch or join in.

And why do people do it? Because they can!

I hope that you enjoy the story.


"That's disgusting!"

She'd spat the words out, and now she was looking horrified. For most people that would have got their attention, but I just ignored her. Becky was always complaining about one thing or another. I'd heard the outrage in her voice, but what had got her angry would be something that was trivial. She should calm down, all that aggression wasn't good for her blood pressure.

Then she came towards me, and after thrusting the newspaper under my nose, she said, "Read this."

Apparently there was a shortage of tomatoes, so the price was going to go up. I was right, she was getting worked up over nothing.

"We don't eat a lot of tomatoes."

After shaking her head, she stabbed a finger into the newspaper, to indicate the article that I should have read.

The title of it was, 'Dogging in Dingle Dell'.

I read it, and then I handed the newspaper back to her.

"What do you think about it?"

"We don't eat a lot of tomatoes."

That was my attempt at a joke, but it was a dismal failure. Not even a titter. She was now staring at me, stone-faced, waiting for a proper answer. I'd give her one, but I knew that it would be one that she wouldn't be happy with. Regarding sex, I'm quite liberal, but she wasn't.

"They are consenting adults. If they want to go Dogging, then as far as I'm concerned, it's none of my business."

The expression on her face was as if I'd just made a passionate speech for the return of slavery, or any other wicked act that she could think of. I needed to take the heat out of this. If I wasn't careful then it would become an argument, and I'd be sleeping in the spare room tonight. I was eager for sex so that was the last thing that I wanted to happen.

"I'm not saying that I condone it, I'm just saying that if that's what they want to do, then they can."

"You do realize that Dingle Dell is only six miles away from us?"

I did, but Dogging wasn't contagious. It wasn't a disease that was spreading across the country. We weren't going to wake up one morning and find our little town had been taken over by Doggers.

"It would be awful if we had it here."

Now I'd have to agree with her on that. I was tolerant of it, but not in my back yard. Then I had a sudden thought, and it took all of my self-control to stop myself from laughing. If it did happen here, then our local newspaper would have to report it as, 'Fucking in Frampton Forest'.

That night, I wasn't sleeping in the spare room, but I might as well have been. My hand hadn't even got to her breast before she was brushing it away, and with a force that was telling me that I should leave her alone.

"I'm not in the mood."

That was disappointing, but not unexpected. And, as always, it was her one and only warning. If I was to try to do it again then I'd get more than just harsh words, I'd get a poke in my ribs from her elbow. You don't want to mess with Becky, she fights dirty!

Half an hour later I was still awake. I wanted to sleep, but my rock-hard cock didn't. If I didn't fall asleep soon then I'd have to go to the bathroom and jerk off. That couldn't be right. I was twenty five years old, in the prime of my life, and lying next to me was a gorgeous woman.

All my male friends were envious of me. Becky was at least a nine out of ten in terms of body and looks, and that was a score that none of their partners could match. However, from talking to them, they all seemed to have an active sex life that was keeping them satisfied. And Bill, who was married to a dumpy woman called Daisy, had even told me that his wife wanted sex almost every night.

"Chris, she's killing me, but at least I'm going to die with a smile on my face."

Yes, they were all envious of me, but they wouldn't be if they knew all of the facts. And the main one was that Becky had a low sex drive.

I met her when I was twenty and she was eighteen. We hit it off straight away, and a year later we were married. Sex was good then, but if I'd taken time to think about it I'd have realized that there were warning signs, telling me what it was going to be like in the future.

"Not tonight, let's wait until tomorrow."

"I want to do it, but I'm tired."

Now she just says no without any subtlety, and she also says it more often. Sex, if I'm lucky, is only once a week, and a two week wait for it isn't unusual.

"No, is that all you think about?"

"I'm not in the mood, and I won't be in the mood tomorrow."

But I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I love Becky and she loves me. We both have professional jobs that pay very well so we have a good standard of living. There's just one thing that I need that would make my life perfect, and that's more sex.

Three weeks later, purely by chance, I found out how to get it!

It was late, almost ten o'clock in the evening, and I was driving home. It had been a long day, but a successful one. I'd acquired a new client for my budding law practice, one that would earn me a lot of money.

I'd driven along this road hundreds of times before, but somehow I managed to take a wrong turning, probably because I was tired. I only realized when the headlights illuminated a sign.

'Dingle Dell welcomes careful drivers'

Did that mean that reckless drivers should fuck off?

As I stopped the car, so that I could turn around, I remembered that recent newspaper article.

I muttered under my breath, "And Dingle Dell also welcomes Doggers."

That was funny, but because there was nobody with me to appreciate my humour, I had to do all the laughing.

I was ready to backtrack, to head towards the main road, but I suddenly changed my mind. I hadn't intended to be here, but now that I was, I was going to take the opportunity to see what all the fuss was about.

The newspaper hadn't said exactly where the Dogging site was, but they'd mentioned that it was in the woods and near to the river, so that gave me some indication of where it was.

After fifteen minutes of dead ends and wrong turns, I was about to give up when I came upon a narrow opening between some trees. I smiled when I saw all the tyre tracks in the mud, this must be the place.

It wasn't a road, it was a dirt track, so I had to drive slowly. When I saw two parked cars ahead of me I stopped. I'd been curious, eager to come here, but what should I do now? There was nobody in the cars, so nothing to see. The sensible thing to do was to leave, to go home. But I got out of the car.

I could see a light in the distance, so I walked towards it. When I got nearer to it, I could see that it was coming from inside another parked car. And this time there was somebody in it. Then the headlights flashed, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. That brought me back to my senses. I should never have come here. Why had I been so stupid? I quickly turned around, and that's when my blood ran cold. In front of me, blocking my way, was a man. Not just any man. A man-mountain.

I blurted out, "I don't have a lot of money on me, but you can have all of it. And you can take my watch."

When he suddenly put his hand onto my shoulder, I almost shat myself.

"Please don't hurt me."

"Relax, nobody is going to hurt you."

For a big man, his voice was surprisingly gentle, and it eased some of my tension. I was now beginning to believe that he really wasn't going to hurt me, but it was better to be safe than sorry. If I could manage to get past him then I was going to run to my car.

"You're new to this, aren't you?"

It took me a few seconds to understand what he meant. When I said yes, he then gave me a quick lesson on the rules of Dogging.

He ended it with, "Sheila has flashed her headlights, so you can go to her."

His talk had been interesting and I'd learnt a lot, but I should thank him and leave. Becky was at home waiting for me. She'd be pleased to see me, but would she want sex? No, and I knew what she'd say if I was to ask her for it.

"It's late and I need to be up early for work tomorrow. Let's just go to sleep."

As I walked towards the car I had mixed emotions. I was nervous, but I was also excited. It had been six days since my balls had been emptied. I knew that what I was about to do was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. It was as if somebody else was controlling my body.

When I got to the car she opened the door. She was sitting in the back seat, and by waving her hand, she was beckoning me to get in.

"It's OK, I won't bite you. I just want to fuck you. But if you do want me to bite you, then I will."

Then she laughed, long and hard.

I was now in the car, sitting next to her, and she was, without any subtlety, looking me up and down.

When she purred, like a Tiger on heat, I knew that I'd met with her approval.

She asked, "So young man, what do you think?"

She'd taken her time assessing me, so I was going to do the same for her. The interior light was on so I could see her clearly.

Best guess was that she was mid-fifties. In her prime she would have been a very attractive woman. But that was at least twenty five years ago. She was well past her sell-by date. Her face that had once been beautiful, was now, at best, only pretty.

She was wearing just a bra and panties. The bra was doing a good job holding her big breasts up, but I knew that when it was off, they would sag. Her small panties were a mistake, larger ones would have covered up some of her big stomach.

So what was I going to tell her? Was I going to let her down gently, and then walk away? No, I was going to tell her what I really thought about her, and then I was going to stay. Her body might not be perfect, but she was eager for sex, and I knew that she would enjoy it. That was enough for me, and my sex-starved cock.

When I said, "You're just what I need. I want to fuck you," she squealed with delight.

I got her bra off in record time, and if her large tits did sag, then I didn't notice, because as soon as she was topless my mouth and fingers were on her.

"Suck harder."

I did, and she gave a loud moan, so loud, that when I heard it, it sent a surge of excitement through my body.

She was now clawing at my trousers, trying to get my cock out. When was the last time that Becky had done that? I couldn't remember.

We were like two teenagers that were doing it for the first time. I was frantically getting my trousers and boxers down, and she, after lowering her panties, was getting the condom ready.

As soon as my cock was free she was skilfully putting it on it. According to Jed, the man who I'd been talking to, this was one of the rules, and it was one that I was happy to obey.

He'd said, "Don't be a fool, cover that tool."

When it was on, she lay back on the seat, and then she opened her legs. Becky's is always neatly trimmed, but hers was a jungle. For some reason, that I couldn't explain, that made me want her even more.

"I want your nice cock to fuck my big pussy as hard as it can," and then, when I started to enter her, she added, "Just imagine that I'm your Sister or your Mother."

That was outrageous, it was something that Becky would never say, but it had excited me more than I thought was possible, so I was going to take her advice. I didn't have a Sister, so it would have to be my Mother.

I was now pushing her legs high up so that I could get into her as deep as possible. She'd asked for a hard fuck and that was what she was getting. However, for me, in my mind, it was my Mother that was getting my cock, and not Sheila.

It wasn't long before I started to spurt. When I did, I grunted loudly, but it was almost drowned out by her loud moaning.

"Fuck, I'm coming as well."

She'd been noisy before, but now she was loud enough to wake the dead.

It had been wonderful, just what I had needed, and it was obvious that she had enjoyed it as well. If we were lovers, we'd cuddle, and bask in the afterglow of good sex. But we weren't lovers, we were strangers that had just had sex at a Dogging site. It was time for me to leave.

While I drove home I was smiling. But when I saw the sign for Frampton Forest, it quickly disappeared. In five minutes I would be home, and there, waiting for me, was the woman that I loved, and I'd just betrayed her.

When I opened the door I was hoping that she'd gone to bed, but she hadn't.

"I was starting to get worried. Any later and I was going to call you."

Her concern was making me feel even more guilty, but I needed to stay calm. If I didn't, then she might suspect something.

"The traffic was bad. But it was worth it. I got that new client."

Her response to the good news was one that I normally like, a big hug. However, tonight, I wished that she hadn't done it. I'd just had sex, would she smell Sheila on me? I was convinced that she would, and I was frantically trying to work out how I was going to explain it.

When she eventually released me, without saying anything, I was relieved. I'd got away with it. But her parting words were a wake-up call to me, telling me what I'd done had been stupid.

"I'm going to bed. Make sure that you have a shower before you join me. All that time in the car has made you sweaty."

As soon as she'd left the room, I put my head in my hands, and then, under my breath, I said, "What have I done!"

It wasn't driving in my air-conditioned car that had given me body odour, it was the physical exertion of fucking Sheila hard, that had.

I then vowed that I would never go Dogging again. And, to make it even firmer, I declared to myself that I would also never go anywhere near Dingle Dell. It was a nice town, with some historic monuments, but if I was to go there then I might be tempted to go back to the dogging site. It was better to stay away from it.

After two days of beating myself up about it, I decided to cut myself some slack. What I'd done had been wrong, but it wasn't the crime of the century. Some perspective was needed. From now on, I wasn't going to worry about it. In fact, I was going to pretend that it hadn't happened.

However, a week later, when my balls were full again and Becky wasn't willing to have sex, I started to think about that night, and what I'd been determined to forget. My time with Sheila.

When I'd got into the car with her I'd been nervous. It was a risky thing to do, perhaps even dangerous, but that had just made it even more exciting. She was no spring chicken, but she was eager for cock, and that for me, was a big turn on.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I'd been daydreaming and Becky had noticed.

"Just work stuff, not worth a penny."

"When you've finished I have a job for you."

Hopefully, that job would be to fuck her senseless. But I wasn't that lucky. Instead it would be some menial task, and one that I really didn't want to do. There was no point in putting it off, I might as well do it and get it out of the way.

"I'm ready. What is it that you want me to do?"

I was now in the car, on my way to pick up a parcel for her. I was happy to do it, I just wish that the address that I was going to wasn't in Dingle Dell. I'd asked if it could be done tomorrow, during daylight hours, but it had to be done today even though it was ten o'clock in the evening.

When I saw the sign for Dingle Dell I got butterflies in my stomach. That was silly, I was only going there so that I could pick up something for Becky. I'll admit that the Dogging site was a temptation, but I was strong enough to ignore it.

The address was easy to find, and I wasn't there long. The parcel was small so I just put it on the passenger seat. So far so good, now all I needed to do was to go home.

And I would have, if my balls had been empty. But they weren't, and they weren't just full, they were overflowing. All I could think about was Sheila's hot wet pussy, and how good it had felt when my cock was deep up it. I tried to fight it, but it was a battle that I was never going to win.

This time there were no wrong turns and dead ends because I knew exactly where the Dogging site was. Five minutes after collecting the parcel I was driving down the narrow lane leading to it.

Sheila couldn't hold a candle to Becky, but that didn't matter. Her willingness to be fucked, compensated for all her many flaws. I was as eager to see her as I would be if she was a young porn star.

I parked in the same place as last time because I was a 'Walker'. That was the name given to Doggers that wanted to meet people that had a car. They parked further down the lane, where Sheila had been.

It was a short walk to that place, and this time it was busy. There were three cars in the clearing. Which one was Sheila's? Then I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hadn't considered the possibility that she might not be here.

"I thought you'd be back."

It was Jed, the unofficial gatekeeper to the Dogging site. Even though that I now knew that he was a nice man, and that he wasn't going to harm me, his immense size still made me feel uncomfortable.

"Is Sheila here?"

He shook his head, and then he said, "She was, but after she'd been fucked for the second time she called it a day."

One would have been more than enough for Becky.

"You should meet Roxy. I'll see if she's interested."

Before I could reply, he was walking towards her car. But that didn't matter because I wanted to go to her.

When he returned he was smiling, so it must be a yes.

"Put this on."

When he handed it to me I held it up so that I could have a good look at it.

"You must be joking."

When he shook his head, his face was serious, not even the flicker of a smile. So I was supposed to wear it, but why? Before I could ask I got an answer.

"She says that it's to ensure that the sex is anonymous. And that's for both of you because she will also be wearing a mask. But I think that she really does it because it turns her on."

As I walked towards her car I hoped that none of the other Doggers could see me. I knew that if they did, they would laugh at me because the mask made me look silly. When the door was opened she greeted me with, "Hello Bart."

My response was, "Hello Marge."

With Sheila, the interior light had been on, but now, with Roxy, it was off. There was some light coming in from the other two cars, but it was still quite dark. The low light made it feel intimate, like two lovers sharing a candle lit meal. But we weren't lovers, and there was no meal. We were strangers, and we were going to fuck.

She seemed to be nervous, so I took the initiative by placing my hand on her breast. It was a nice size, and quite firm. Sheila had been in her underwear, but Roxy was fully clothed. As my hand explored her mound, my cock started to grow. When I found her nipple, she uttered a low moan.

In a low voice, that was almost a whisper, she said, "Please will you undress me?"

So she had good manners, and her clothes were stylish. It was obvious that she was a lady, so why was she Dogging? Then I almost laughed. I regarded myself as a gentleman, but I was also Dogging. The explanation was simple. Like me, she wanted some excitement in her life, and fucking a stranger, while wearing a silly mask, was going to give her that.

I'd struggled with the buttons on her blouse, but it was now off. Her bra was lacy, like the ones that Becky wears. But this wasn't the time to be thinking about her. I needed to push such thoughts to the back of my mind. I knew that afterwards I would feel guilty, but that was for later on.