Don't...Don't You Want Me?

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Don’t You Love Me Anymore!
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Don't,...Don't You Want Me?

Story-based on and a tribute to the hit song "Don't You Want Me?" by Human League, 1981.

Editor: Alexis picked up my spelling and grammar mistakes, also offered story flow advice thanks. All other mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: All characters involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older, and this is a copyrighted work of fiction.



Major Thomas Hazlehurst fought beside General John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, at the Battle of Malplaquet on the French - Belgium border in September 1709, forcing the French army to retreat. The Major saved Churchill's life during the battle. On Churchill's return to England, in gratitude, he offered the Major one of his smaller, less used Estates, which carried the title of Earl. In 1711 the first Earl Thomas Hazlehurst renamed the holding to Hazlehurst Estate.

Ten generations of Hazlehurst had occupied the Estate since then. The current Earl is Lord Robert and Lady Christine Hazelhurst. The eldest daughter, Syliva and husband, William Williams, with two young daughters. William and Syliva are teachers at the Hazelhurst Private Girls School. The Earl's youngest daughter Helen holds an Economics degree and works at the London accounting firm of Prescott and Wharton. Divorced from Rupert Piddington, they have a daughter, Stephanie.


Peter Hollingsworth Story:

I was a virgin when I met Valerie Stein while playing the piano at the Subway Bar & Grill near St James Park subway station to make ends meet. To me, Valerie was a woman of the world, exuding sexuality and confidence. She was gorgeous and some three years younger than me.

Over the coming months, I couldn't help but watch her body sway as she waited on tables, catching glimpses of her scantily clad bottom as she bent over. Male patrons were constantly hitting on her. She had a way of putting them off without offending them.

Valerie noticed me watching her and gave me a wink. A short while later, she returned with a soft drink for me. "Thanks," I say, wishing I could say something clever to impress her.

I realised I had to make more conversation other than just stuttering, "H...hi, Valerie," whenever we met each work night.

Knowing she used the subway to come and go to the bar, I hung around outside until she finished cleaning tables. I waited for her to exit the Bar's back door, where we finally met face to face.

I said quickly, "Valerie, can I give you a lift home?"

She replied in a lusty voice, "how do you know where I live?"

Stumbling, I blurted out, "I'm sure it's near my place, so hop in."

I held the passenger door open, and she entered the car. Then, giving me directions, I set off. Unfortunately, it was in the opposite direction to my flat. Oh well, that's the price of infatuation!

Valerie asked, "how long have you been playing the piano? You're really good at it." I briefly describe my university years, obtaining a degree in music studies.

"How long have you been waitressing?" I asked.

She replied. "Ever since leaving school. Some four years now."

My eyes kept darting to her short skirt and long legs, and she caught me looking and gave me a smirk. But, she didn't do anything about the shortness.

Suddenly she said, "Here we are, that's my building over there. Thanks for the lift." She left a kiss on my cheek and disappeared into the building. I waited to see which one was her flat by watching for a light in the window. There she was, standing at the window, giving me a small wave. I waved back, then drove back to my flat with a smile on my face, a soft kiss on my cheek and feeling on top of the world.

On my way home, I reminisced about my University days. I had dated some fellow female students from around my University and had a few kissing sessions. But there were rarely second dates. I was always shy around girls, especially if I fancied them, which made me tongue-tied. Thankfully, I was too busy with my studies to date much, having an ambition of achieving a music degree.

Becoming more confident, Valerie's and my relationship quickly gathered momentum from there on, and before long, we were dating in our spare time. We were mutually attracted to one another, and it felt like it was impossible to stop, like two magnets.

We were taking time for ourselves - having a picnic lunch in the park, falling asleep under a willow tree in each other's arms. Riding bicycles around the London cycleways. Nothing expensive, just simple things as long as we are together we found enjoyment.

While lying on a rug in Hyde Park one lazy Sunday afternoon, Valerie told me she had left school at sixteen doing various part-time cafe and bar waitress jobs over the last four years. Last year, she finally got a full-time job working as a cocktail waitress at the Subway Bar & Grill.

I told Valerie my parents scrimped and saved for my university education. While studying, I worked part-time in local pubs to save money to purchase instruments, books and the like. Now I can play the piano, saxophone, clarinet, acoustic guitar. I wanted to do more in life than just teaching music to school children. Getting the job as a pianist playing dinner background music while customers dined was a start.

Our romance blossomed, and within six months, we were a couple. Valerie moved into my bigger flat. Valerie taught me about sex and how to please a woman.

To this day, I still vividly remember our first night together. Valerie took my hand and led me into the bedroom, facing each other. As we kissed, it became more and more passionate. Her arms around my neck, mine around her waist, pulling her into a tight embrace. I felt my penis become erect and Valerie noticed and rubbed her abdomen against me. I had to pull back before I came in my pants, breaking our embrace.

With a knowing smirk on her lips, in a husky voice, she said, "take my clothes off, Peter."

Stepping behind her using my trembling fingers, I unzipped her dress, dropping it to the floor in a puddle of clothing. Next, I fumbled with the clasp to her bra but finally got it open and tossed it aside. My hand slipped around her chest, cupping her warm breasts in my hands. My thumbs flicked over her now stiff nipples, getting a moan from Valerie.

"All my clothes," she responded with a groan.

Dropping to my knees, pulling her panties down her long legs, she stepped out of them one leg at a time. I kissed both her bottom cheeks, and then she turned around. I noticed she had a trimmed bush. She was standing with her legs apart enough for me to see her vagina lips and close enough to smell her.

Valerie pulled me to my feet, and we kissed again. My hands went from her waist to her ass, and I pulled Valerie against my groin. I was very, very nervous and aroused, having never embraced a naked woman before.

Breaking the kiss, she started to remove my shirt and then the rest of my clothes. Pulling underpants down, my stiff cock sprang free, pointing upward. Gently taking my cock in her hands, she stroked it up and down slowly - I almost came, but she seemed to know when to stop.

Valerie laid back on the bed, splaying her legs open for me to view her pussy. I stood spellbound, having never seen a naked woman's vagina before except in pictures. Her fingers slowly caressed her pussy traced her labia lips, and I could see her moisture.

Explaining, "this is my vagina, here is my clitoris," she gasped when her finger touched and rubbed the small protruding knob of white flesh. "And down here, in my love passage, this is where you fit into me, and we make love. Come now, quickly fill my love hole," she cried.

Placing my cock at her opening, she gave a small sigh as I slipped past her entrance into her depth, completely filling her until our groins met, and I could no longer go further. The feeling was overwhelmingly wonderful. Then I started sliding my cock back and forth, increasing my speed going faster and faster. I could hear Valerie's grunting to the rhythm of my thrusts until I came violently. With each spasm, I could feel myself spurting into her. Then I collapsed on top, supporting my weight with my elbows.

Looking onto Valerie's face and I could see the mirth in her eyes. She knew I would only last a couple of minutes. I kissed her, saying, "I promised to do better next time."


Valerie was intrigued by my artistic nature and enjoyed my serenading her. Recognising my musical capability, she suggested I spend my daytime composing while she worked part-time at the local café, encouraging me to write more sheet music.

But I noticed there is also a hard side to Valerie. She had a 'sharp tongue', remembering past events and habitually bringing them up to embarrass people.

One time, after a hard day at the cafe, Valerie arrived home to find me diligently working on sheet music. I had gotten so carried away that I hadn't done any housework. She let rip, "you're sitting around all day on your ass at home, playing with your guitar, while I'm out working my ass off!" Verbally abusing me. I struggled to understand why - after all, it was her idea! I'm not good at conflict and shy anyway. She can be a bully at times.

One morning after a particularly satisfying, hot night of sex, I heard her singing in the shower while making morning coffee and realised she had an excellent musical voice.

Now, it was my turn to teach Valerie, in this case, how to sing and hold a note. We spent three months working on Valerie's singing, training her voice. I also taught her the basics of how to read sheet music. Finally, I persuaded my old retired high school music and choir teacher to help Valerie fine-tune her singing voice for a small cash gratuity.

While I continued to write music scores, Valerie helped with the lyrics. We churned out six songs. But Valerie's favourite was the first song I wrote while at University. 'The Cuckoo Cries' is a mother's lament for the loss of a young child.

We auditioned for the Subway Bar & Grill owner. I played the piano while Valerie sang. He offered us a thirty-minute musical gig each weeknight. Valerie still waitressed, and I continued to play dinner music, but we got to perform together on stage for a captured audience each weeknight. Some patrons dance on the small dance floor in front of the stage. Friday and Saturday night, they have pop bands in and don't need Valerie or me.

I made recordings of our nightly performances, which I edited later. I took the finished recordings to various London music recording companies but cannot break into the musical world. However, that didn't stop us from getting small singing gigs at weddings, parties, dinners and the like through the London area.

We were doing okay money-wise and decided to paint the inside of the flat, enjoying the challenge side by side. Together, we managed to assemble an Ikea bookshelf. I purchased a new lounge and a big screen TV. We spent a weekend hiking in the Surry Hills south of London, staying in a pub overnight. Our favourite was visiting the Brighton seaside running along the beach, getting wet by the waves, making love in the cove.

It was late one night together in bed; I asked about her family. She told me she had left home two years before turning eighteen. A year later, her Mum and Dad were killed in a car accident - her Dad was drunk. After that, Valerie's siblings were farmed off to various relatives, none of whom she had seen since.

It was the following Saturday night when I asked Valerie to marry me. She nearly shagged (fucked) me to death. I guess that was her answer. We did a simple registry office ceremony, much to my Mum's dislike. But times were tough, and we love each other. Our future looked promising.

We were still playing at the Subway Bar & Grill weeknights when I heard of a once a month job playing dinner music at a Gentlemen's Club for members and their wives. The regular piano musician, an acquaintance from Uni, became seriously ill, so he suggested I apply for the job. It paid very well, and it so happened Saturday nights we were free. However, the club manager wanted an audition, so I brought Valerie along to make a duet. The manager is impressed with our performance after perfecting it over the past year. He hires us and explains the dress code required. So we needed to make some clothing purchases.


After six Gentlemen's club performances - one evening, while we were taking a break, a five-thousand-pound suit approached us. He claimed to be the CEO of EMI Music. He complimented Valerie on her singing and saw possibilities for her in the music industry. He gave her the name and number of the EMI music manager and suggested she should call him first thing Monday to set up a demo session.

We rehearsed most of Sunday on several songs I had written and a few others for backup. Valerie called at ten in the morning and connected to Don Thomas, music manager. They talked for a while, where Valerie outlined her singing experience of the past eighteen months. A date for two in the afternoon on Wednesday.

His Refrain:

'You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar...When I met you'.

They are surprised when Valerie turned up with me in tow. We were escorted to the recording studio's control room. I was relegated to a stool in the corner and dismissed. At University, I used big audio production desks similar in size and was familiar with their features and attributes. But I kept my counsel.

After Valerie discussed various songs, she was taken to a small booth with headphones and a microphone. Valerie made several demo recordings, and then she requested a musical piece she is very familiar with. The song was titled, 'The Cuckoo Cries'. Valerie explains the music's written to suit her vocal range.

Suitably impressed with the song and recording of it. Don suggests laying it down as the demo track. When they discovered I wrote the music and lyrics, they invited me to lay down both the piano and guitar tracks. The sound engineer (Bob) spent the next few hours working the song, adding double-tracking and some of me harmonising with Valerie.

Finally, we were thanked and told the song will go before a committee to establish if it's worth releasing to radio stations as a single. Don said he would be in touch, "don't call us. We'll call you."

A month later, Valerie was called and asked to re-record 'The Cuckoo Cries' with an orchestra accompaniment. I wasn't needed during the recording, But they offered me a position as a studio session musician, and I'd be called when required.

'The Cuckoo Cries' surprised everyone and shot to the top of the charts in three weeks, staying there for two weeks. Valerie's career had taken off. Six months later, following up on her top hit single, Valerie recorded an album of my songs with our lyrics, which went to number one.

Valerie's money was pouring in. Mine was not so lucrative. So I kept writing sheet music and playing solo dinner music at the Subway Bar & Grill weeknights and Gentlemen's Club once a month. Valerie became too big of a star to play there anymore, so I started doing it independently as I still enjoyed entering people and having fun doing it.

His Refrain:

'I picked you out, I shook you up...And turned you around...Turned you into someone new'.

We moved into a penthouse apartment big enough for six people. Her manager insisted she needed it for parties and guests staying over. However, most of the time, I'm the only one there. She was always off to be interviewed on TV or Radio. Partying with the likes of Elton Johns, Paul McCartney, Bobbie Williams and other celebrities

Impressed with my musical ability, EMI studio's offered me a full-time studio session musician at an outrageous rate per session, which I could refuse. Bob, the audio engineer and I became good friends. He was impressed with my musical credentials and recommended me to other artists as a songwriter. We spent many hours together over the following months with other musicians creating backing music for many artists.

I quickly wrote a song for a relatively unknown male singer who is visiting the USA. The song goes on to be his first big hit in the States. So session music has become my primary source of revenue. But I still enjoy my monthly Gentleman's Club gig, and all I need now is a female voice to accompany me.


The best way to find what Valerie is doing was to watch the TV, society news. I couldn't contact her on the mobile phone anymore as her personal assistant (PA) intercepted all her calls and told me Valerie will call me back. But I hear Valerie's voice in the background, saying. "I haven't got time to talk to him now."

His Refrain:

'You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me....Don't. Don't you want me'?

Valerie rolled in at seven in the morning without any explanation of where she stayed the night before. She didn't offer me a kiss or hug, off for a quick shower before a light breakfast - a change of clothes for a working lunch, with some music director for her first live concert. Valerie told me with some pride that she would earn some one-half-million pounds for three hours on stage. Ted Wild's band was the second billing. Valerie was the star attraction.

I asked, "Do you need any help?"

Only to be bluntly told, "It's all in the hands of the concert director. They don't need or want your help."

"Can you get me a ticket for the concert?"

She replied half-heartedly, "sure, darling."

Her next question was, "Where's my next song?"

We hadn't had sex for three months, and she wants a song, ah!

I didn't see Valerie for a week before the live concert in Edinburgh and then a week of after-parties. It's a waste of time trying to phone Valerie; her PA just put me off. So who knew where she was?

I never did get that concert ticket. The concert was a huge success and lucky me I got to watch it on TV. I noticed her voice could not hit some of the higher notes, maybe a stage tension? Her ego was so big now - there wasn't any room for me.

His Refrain:

'Don't,...Don't you want me...Don't you want me...Baby'.

Now, some fifteen months after her first hit song with three follow singles off the album, all in the top ten of the Top 40 charts, written by me, I might add. Valerie's first song had been nominated for the British Music Awards.

Two months later, we attended the awards where she was honoured for her first gold disc. It appears I'm allowed to accompany her because I wrote all of her top hit songs.

His Refrain:

'Now, three years later on, you've got the world at your feet...Success has been so easy for you.'

That night we attended a party in her honour with all the other celebrities and hangers-on all full of their own bullshit. It just wasn't my scene. No one here was interested in what I might have to say, so I'm left to wander independently. Being a warm summer evening, I moved out of the way into the garden.

While sitting on the bench, I found myself humming a tune that had been in my head for the past few days when I heard a female say, "are you humming to yourself. Or are you just happy?" when I heard a female say, "Why are you humming to yourself, or are you just happy?"

Her well-modulated female voice caught me by surprise, bringing me out of my state of reverie. Not only did she have a great sounding voice, she looked beautiful as well. Not as strikingly attractive as Valerie, but I could see by her face that she had inner beauty.

I stood up and said, "Hi, I'm Peter," holding out my hand. She was around five foot seven, brown hair, well figured with smallish breasts and a trim waist.

"Helen," she returned, shaking my hand. "Who are you here with?"