Double Dilemma

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Sultry seductress tempts teens, but oh boy...the twists.
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From behind the tinted lenses of her sunglasses, Julie glimpsed the drapes move in the upstairs room of the neighbor’s house.

Julie was stretched out on a fluffy blue towel on the pool deck of her boss’ luxurious home where she was house-sitting for the long weekend. She sat up, reached for the coconut oil and squirted some of the warm scented liquid over her flat belly. Slowly and sensuously she began rubbing it over herself. Her white bikini top lay discarded on the lush grass and her dusky pink nipples stiffened under the touch of her fingers as she smoothed oil over them. There was a slight movement of the drapes again and she had a quick impression of a figure. It looked to be a tall boy with sandy hair. A small smile played across her lips as her fingers massaged lightly. It was probably the neighbor’s son. She had seen him when she arrived on Friday. He was mowing the lawn and had looked at her appraisingly as she stepped out of her car.

The idea that she was being watched sent a little shiver up her spine. She lay back on the towel and stretched languidly, her fingers still caressing her firm breasts. The lavish attention to her sensitive nipples had caused an excited throb in her pussy, and she teasingly let her hand slide down under her bikini bottom to stroke her smooth mound. Her hidden eyes were fixed on the drapes. They moved again. This time she saw his face clearly. Yes, she thought smugly, it was the kid she had seen on Friday. His arm moved rhythmically and a small feeling of satisfaction came over her as she realized that he was jerking off while watching her. A flicker of excitement shot through her belly and she began to explore her moist pussy fingering herself while her clit swelled. She continued stroking but her intention was not to climax yet. Instead, she pulled her glistening fingers out from beneath her bikini bottom and slowly licked them clean for her secret audience.

Brett stepped back from the chintz drapes just in time to avoid splattering them with the stream of hot cream that had erupted from his throbbing cock.

“Fuck,” he moaned softly, gasping from his orgasm. That was the hottest thing he had ever seen. She had licked and sucked her juice-coated fingers like they were a cock, he thought. Not that he knew what it was like to get his cock sucked. At eighteen Brett was still a virgin who had only enjoyed self-induced orgasms with his hands while outrageous fantasies bounced around his head. He was tall with a lean athletic build, but he was more of an academic achiever than the sporty type. His brother Mike was the hero of the university track team, and Brett knew that Mike had fucked a few enthusiastic cheerleaders. He grabbed some Kleenex and hastily wiped the semen from his fingers before expertly mopping up the liquid that had splattered on the floor. He heard his mother’s voice call out to him and hurriedly went downstairs to answer her.

Later, luxuriating in her bathtub, Julie relaxed in the foamy bath water and basked in the warmth. Her mind wandered back to the scene earlier in the day, and she laughed at the memory of how the boy had suddenly moved backwards and then disappeared from sight. At age thirty-four and recently out of a long-term relationship, she had forgotten how testosterone-driven college boys behaved. In fact, she mused; she had always had a preference for older men and had never really experienced the raw unbridled lust of a young horny stud in the prime of his sexual awakening.

Her hands drifted to her firm round breasts and then trickled down to her smooth pussy. Images of young studs, playing with their hard bulging cocks raced through her mind as she dug her fingers into the moist slit between her thighs. She leaned backwards and raised her legs onto the sides of the bathtub, splaying her pussy open to the wet soapy suds. The warm water and bubbles teased at her swollen lips and she reached for the hand held shower. She removed the shower head attachment and turned the taps on, allowing a steady stream of warm water to gush out of the hose. She directed the pulsing flow of water at her tingling clitoris and a shiver of delicious anticipation coursed through her as she felt her excitement mount. Julie had masturbated like this when she was a teenager and remembered how wonderful the orgasms had been. Her body relaxed completely and responded to the soothing water massage. A small groan escaped her lips as her excited clit throbbed against the insistent pulsing water and a delicious feeling spread through her gaping pussy. The sensations began to build. She could feel them deep inside her as they increased in intensity, almost tripping over each other as her body braced itself for release. She pushed the hose closer to her engorged clit. The water beat rapidly and relentlessly against it and she let out a pleasured wail as her body tensed and the first crashing wave of her climax washed over her. She slid her finger into her pussy and felt warm slippery cum oozing from it and mixing with the water. Her breath ragged, she reached over to the faucet and adjusted the flow to a slower pace and moved the hose slightly to ease the pressure against her sensitive clit. She wanted more of this exquisite pleasure. One orgasm was seldom enough for her and she directed the stream against the side of her clit to avoid over stimulation. The water jetted warmly over her swollen cunt and she sighed as she felt the gradual building again of another orgasm. She lay back, closed her eyes and tugged on her hard nipples until a long slow stab of pleasure exploded deep inside her.

Julie stepped out of the tub on weak legs and toweled herself dry. The mirrored walls showed an attractive woman with shoulder length black hair and green eyes framed by long dark lashes. Her daily ritual of exercise and swimming in summer had paid off. Her body was lithe and firm and she noticed that her tan had developed to a deep bronze shade.

“Not bad for a woman of almost thirty five,” she said aloud, as she slipped into a silky robe and brushed her glossy hair. The dogs began to bark just as a loud knock sounded at the door. Good, thought Julie reaching for her purse. She had ordered a pizza and was ravenous. She opened the door and gasped softly. The boy standing there clad in tight black jeans and tee shirt with white letters proclaiming “Pizza with Pizzazz” was the kid from next door. He offered her the box and grinned.

“One vegetarian pizza, at your service Ma am.” Julie looked him up and down slowly, taking in his handsome features and the size of his body, which seemed more muscular at this close range. He smiled broadly at her.

“This is the first time that I have delivered to a neighbor, but it is my pleasure to finally meet you.” His sea green eyes roved over her admiringly. “And if you would have asked me, I would definitely have recommended the spicy sausage pizza, it’s really a memorable experience to eat one.” Julie shifted uncomfortably. This boy had masturbated earlier while watching her and he was now shamelessly flirting with her, without a trace of embarrassment. She could hardly believe his audacity.

“And did you have a memorable experience today?” Julie asked, her eyes locking with his.

“Oh no,” he laughed, “I haven’t eaten yet although I am starving. Maybe later I’ll try a vegetarian...”

“I’m not talking about eating a pizza,” Julie retorted sharply. A quick puzzled look crossed his face and then he grinned boyishly, avoiding her steady gaze.

"It was pretty much an average, regular day, nothing exceptional or memorable happened, except my meeting you of course.” Julie was annoyed at his reply and also with herself for trying to engage a cocky kid like him in conversation. Why the fuck did she care what he thought? He would never admit to what had happened and besides, she had teased him as well. He clearly didn’t know that she had seen him watching her.

“How old are you anyway?” Julie asked coldly as she took the pizza and handed him some money.

“I’ll be nineteen next month,” he said flashing her a winning smile. He was delighted that she was displaying some interest in him. “Why do you ask?”

“It seems I have forgotten how immature eighteen year old kids really are,” she snapped abruptly. She stepped inside and slammed the door leaving Mike speechless and wondering what had just happened. He walked back to the van dejectedly shaking his head.

“Shit!” he exclaimed, aloud. He thought older women were supposed to be less complicated than younger ones. He still had a lot to learn about the female species. Maybe his brother, Brett could make some sense out of this. After all, he was the smart one, majoring in Psychology.

The following day a cold front moved in bringing with it cloudy skies, biting winds and intermittent rain. Julie had slept fitfully during the night; tossing and turning restlessly as her mind kept reliving the incidents with the boy. She sipped her steaming coffee and curled up on the couch with the latest John Grisham novel. He was one of her favorite authors and she looked forward to losing herself in his masterful story telling. The book was engrossing and she had just begun the fourth chapter when a sharp knock on the door brought her back to reality. She padded barefoot over the thick rug to the door and opened it.

“Hi there,” a male voice resonated.

Julie stared in disbelief. Her eyes were deceiving her. There were two of them standing at the door. They were identical, indistinguishable except for the different color sweatshirts they were wearing. The one in blue spoke.

“It seems you were upset about something last night, we were hoping we could set things right.”

“Was it you who delivered the pizza?” Julie asked incredulously, her eyes darting between them, hoping to discover some small difference.

“Yeah it was him,” the green shirt replied, grinning slowly.

“No, it was him,” the blue shirt said emphatically, his eyes twinkled mischievously.

Damn, Julie thought, they even sounded the same!

“Ok, what kind of pizza did I order?” Julie enquired, hoping to catch them out.

“Vegetarian,” they said together in unison.

“And your favorite pizza is...?” she trailed off.

“Spicy sausage!” they bellowed.

Julie burst out laughing. This was ridiculous, they were toying with her but she couldn’t help seeing the humor in it.

“Well,” she said animatedly, if I get formally introduced, I might consider inviting you in for coffee so I can make amends for last night.

“Deal,” the blue one said, “I’m Mike and I did deliver the pizza. This is Brett my twin brother.”

“Pleased to meet you, I’m Julie.” Her eyes caught Brett’s and she saw him look down a little self-consciously. It was he who watched her yesterday, she affirmed silently. She just knew it!

Brett settled into a chair and took a gulp of his coffee. He was beginning to regret coming along with Mike. Being this close to Julie had set his heart racing, and he felt his cock twitch slightly in the confines of his tight jeans. She had a warm throaty laugh that he found irresistible and a sexual presence that teased all his senses. He watched her full mouth as she spoke.

“I guess you guys have fooled plenty of girls and had lots of fun,” she said, as she examined the twins more closely.

“Well, some,” Brett smiled, trying to relax. He exchanged glances with Mike.

“And are you identical in every way?” Julie asked, a wicked plan forming in her mind.

“Almost, except for one or two little things,” Mike answered cryptically.

“Nothing I can see,” she said teasingly, “with the naked eye.”

Brett coughed, almost choking on his coffee. Fuck, he didn’t want to think of her and the word “naked” in the same sentence. It had the effect of making him want to spill his semen uncontrollably. Mike was enjoying this repartee with her. He flashed her a naughty smile and pushed on further.

“It’s not the eye that would need to be naked, for you to see."

There was already one clear difference between them, Julie realized. Mike was more outgoing, surer of himself. But there was a deep smoldering intensity about Brett that appealed to her. Perhaps it was because they had shared something intimate, she thought.

“Have you ever fucked a girl together,” Julie asked brazenly, curious to see their reactions. She knew she was behaving outrageously. She was almost twice their age, but she wanted to see where it would lead. Brett shifted in his chair and Mike looked away, trying to decide whether to answer honestly. He desperately wanted to impress her.

“No!” Brett said, looking anxiously towards his brother. The words were out of Mike’s mouth before he could stop them.

“Brett is still a virgin.”

Julie saw a tinge of color flood Brett’s handsome face. She smiled slightly and licked her lips lasciviously.

“Well Brett,” she purred seductively, “how would you like yesterday afternoon to be the foreplay to you losing it?” Mike was confused; something was going on here that he couldn’t quite fathom. He stared at Brett, who squirmed a little in his chair and was looking decidedly embarrassed.

“What the fuck happened yesterday bro?” Mike demanded. Brett felt cornered. How the hell did she know about yesterday afternoon? She must have spotted him, dammit! Julie smiled again and answered huskily.

“Let’s just say that Brett had an enjoyable time watching me tan topless. Didn’t you Brett?”

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Brett mumbled, acutely aware that it wasn’t just his face that was feeling warm. Despite his angst at having been discovered, his cock was responding to her sultry voice and her suggestion that he might lose his virginity today.

“I’m not sorry, I enjoyed it,” she said, fixing her green eyes on his hardening crotch. “But I would have liked to have watched you too.”

A hushed silence fell over the room. The twins looked at Julie, waiting with eager anticipation for her next move. A delicious thrill ran through her. She was enjoying this slow teasing and seduction of the boys, but now she wanted to see what they had hidden under those clothes. She wanted to discover the differences and she wanted to fuck them both. Julie stood up and slowly removed her cashmere sweater, revealing a lacy white bra. Her excited nipples poked through the thin lace fabric. She walked seductively over to Mike and guided his hands to the zipper on her jeans.

“Strip them off me," she told him. His fingers trembled slightly as he worked the zipper open and slowly began to peel the tight denim over her thighs and down her calves. His hand brushed against the smoothness of her warm thigh and he felt his cock throb painfully as she stepped out of the jeans. She was wearing a matching white lace thong and it looked to him as though her pussy was hairless. His cock throbbed again. Julie moved over to Brett and offered the front clasp of her bra to him.

“Open it,” she said softly. Brett thought he might cum in his pants and swallowed hard as his fingers fumbled with the clasp. He inhaled the warm scent from her body mingled with the perfume she was wearing. Her full breasts sprang free and his hands moved like they had a mind of their own. She sighed softly as he cupped and gently squeezed them. The hard dusky nipples that he had seen at a distance were now firmly pressed against the palms of his hands.

“Do you like my tits?” Julie asked Mike teasingly. He nodded as he struggled to expel air from his lungs. He was dumbstruck at how quickly this had all happened. Holy fucking shit! Brett was going to get lucky. He hoped to God, he was as well. Julie moved away from Brett, pulled off her panties and walked towards the passage, beckoning for them to follow her to the bedroom. It took a mere second for them to join her and again she thrilled at having these boys eating out of her hand. Her pussy twitched violently reminding her of its need to be eaten as well.

“Ok lets see what you boys have for me.”

Mike and Brett stripped off their clothes. Their bodies were lean and smooth. Julie watched avidly as their hard young cocks sprang into view. Both were cut and nicely sized, and again, they looked to be very similar. Seeing them like that, naked and silent was like having double vision. It was uncanny. A drop of precum glistened at the tip of one cock, while the other cock dribbled precum copiously. That must be Brett’s, Julie mused, as she reached into her travel case to bring out her trusty toys. She had thought she might need them for a weekend alone, but she had plans to play with these horny little fuck boys today. Brett tried to focus his attention on something neutral in the room. His cock was throbbing madly and he knew that he had to control himself to prevent shooting his load. He remembered Mike bragging about his first time with that slutty blonde cheerleader, who had fucked the entire football team. Mike had said that the most embarrassing thing was that he had gotten so excited that his cock had erupted into the condom as he was pulling it over his stiff dick. Luckily he got hard again quickly and he finally got to fuck her.

“Choose one you want to see me use,” Julie said offering him the toys. Brett grabbed the first one his hand touched. It was a thin pink vibrator, smooth and made of hard plastic. An evil smile crossed Mark’s face as he chose a thick flesh colored double dildo. She smiled back at him. Their choices had identified them for her.

“Mmm two cock heads,” she said, sensuously stroking the dildo. “And with yours, I have four. Where are we going to bury all these hot cocks?” she teased, mercilessly.

Julie propped herself up on the bed and told the boys to sit on either side of her. She spread her legs lewdly and slipped her finger into her wet slit. Brett gasped and grabbed his cock, squeezing his fingers around the base hard to stop it from exploding. This was what she was doing yesterday underneath her bikini bottom. But today he could see her cunt glistening with juice. Its musky scent filled his nose. She inserted the dildo into her pussy and pushed it as far as it would go, thrusting it in and out of herself obscenely. Her cunt lips stretched to accommodate its girth. Mike and Brett stared at this scene before them and slowly began to stroke their achingly hard cocks. Julie pulled the dildo out and inserted the other side into her cunt, again crudely fucking it in and out, coating it with her thick pussy juices. She looked over at the boys. They were watching her intently, their faces grimacing with pleasure.

“Jerk each other off for me,” she said huskily. “I want to see you fist each other’s cocks, do it!”

Without thinking, Mike reached over, grabbed Brett’s cock and closed his hand around it. Jesus, he thought, it felt thick, definitely thicker than his own did. He tugged on it as Brett hands sought his cock. A small shiver of excitement ran through Brett as he felt the familiar surges of pleasure build, with an unfamiliar rough hand stroking his dick. His brother’s cock was hard and hot in his hands and he worked the skin of the shaft up and down as he was so practiced at doing with his own.

“God, that looks amazing, ” Julie groaned. She pulled the wet dildo from between her legs and guided a juice covered cock head into each of their mouths.

“Suck it, taste me,” she hissed. She could not believe what a turn on this was for her. Mike and Brett were now connected in the most sublime way. Their hands firmly fisting each other’s cocks while their mouths each sucked a fake cock dripping with Julie’s cunt juice.

Julie changed her position and bent to take Brett’s cock into her mouth. Mike’s hand was jerking it furiously and she let her tongue slide over the throbbing head, tasting the seeping precum that had coated it. Brett let out a deep growl letting the fake cock slip from his mouth. He couldn’t control himself another minute. Her tongue had sent a bolt of electricity to his balls and he let go, shooting a thick spurt of hot cum at her mouth. Julie opened her mouth wide to take the warm stream, and let it slide down her throat. A little dribbled down her chin. She moved to Mike’s cock still clasped in Brett’s fist.