Down at the Twist and Shout Ch. 02


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"Like this, Johnny-Bear, I wanna do it like this..." she whispered, before kissing him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Johnny took the hint, and lifted her by her thighs, slowly sliding once more back into her. Justine gasped at the renewed invasion, and clamped her lips over his even as she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding herself onto him as he leaned her against the wall.

Time and the real world seemed to disappear as John and his beautiful sister fucked so energetically, humping against the wall of the shower while the hot water cascaded over them both. Justine was the first to break; orgasm boiled and flared inside her, tensing her arms and legs into an unbreakable lock around her Johnny, her small teeth biting into his shoulder almost deep enough to draw blood in the extremity of her pleasure as she whined and shuddered in one gigantic wave of pleasure after another.

As Justine came, her pussy tightened around Johnny's swollen cock, stilling him inside her even as he gave a deep, sighing groan, unable to hold it back as her pussy milked him of his spunk, long, thrilling spurts of spunk boiling out of him and powering deep into her.

How long Johnny held her immobile against the wall neither of them knew; both of them were too wrapped in each other as they thrilled in the aftermath of their stupendous climaxes to even sense the passage of time, until Justine eventually broke their long, soulful kiss to squeeze Johnny's sensitive cock with her pussy, jarring him back to reality.

"Oh my God, what was that?" she breathed. "Because I want more, soon! Johnny-Bear, I always loved you, now I know why! That was just the most unbelievable...the rest of my life, Johnny-Bear, that's how much I want us to be like that, the rest of my life, you hear me?!"

Johnny squeezed her soft buttock even as he kissed her tenderly on her cheek, her eyelids, the tip of her nose, and finally her lips.

"That's all I ever want it to be too, Minou; I cain't promise it always will be, but I swear on mama's heart I'll always try to make everything as perfect for you as it is right now, Baby-Girl; I love you, Minou-minou, an' I always will."

Justine's eyes glowed at the love and commitment she heard in his voice, saw in his eyes, felt in his arms around her, even as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. To hide her momentary confusion, she slapped his bare backside and smiled up at him.

"And now look at the mess you made of me! I need to shower all over again, Johnny B, so either make yourself useful and do my back, or make yourself scarce; land sakes, what must your aunt be thinking right now?"

Johnny pulled her closer for one last kiss;

"Tante Amice gone for a little walk; she know you an' me got things to say an' do, she givin' us a little privacy, but she back soon, so I guess I better go. Hurry out, Minou, I get antsy I don't have you a-hangin' on my arm an' bein' all pushy, an' nosy an' inquisitive like..."

Justine hit him in the face with a soapy washcloth for that, and Johnny had to contend with her peals of laughter as he washed the suds out of his eyes.


Dinner with Amice was a slightly unsettling experience for Justine; when Amice saw her for the first time without the red wig, she did a classic double-take, before taking her by her chin and gently turning her face to one side to study her profile, clucking at her bruises, and raising an enquiring eyebrow at Johnny.

"You look kinda familiar, child; I know your folks?" she asked.

Justine looked at Johnny for a cue, but he just nodded resignedly, so Justine had no choice but to tell her.

"You must mean mother; she lived down in, in...Houma before I was born; she..."

But Amice touched her finger to her lip, silencing her with a smile.

"I reckon I do know your mama after all; I remember she was a pretty gal, you favor her more'n a touch. You an' Jean-Bastiènne happy?"

Justine nodded, flushing, her hand creeping across the table to join with Johnny's. Amice smiled at that, reaching out to flick Justine's hair back from her face.

"I can see why he with you. Long as he happy, an' you happy with him, nothin' else matter; too many people worry 'bout too many little things an' forget the things 'sposed to matter the most; long as you an' Jean-Bastiènne happy, and you sure you OK with what you doing, t'ain't my place to go castin' no aspersions on what you doin'. My petit-boug, my Jean-Bastiènne a naughty li'l fiend when he small, he try my patience 'most daily, but he still a sweet boy, an' he happy, so I'm happy, and ain't no-one gonna say nothin' different in my hearin'; jest you make sure his maw-maw know the why's an' wherefore's first."

Amice patted Johnny's hand where it lay over Justine's.

"Some folks down home may not take too kindly to what you doin', always 'sposin' you get careless an' they find out, so yawl gonna need her on your side if things get rough with the family. At least you got one thing in your favour; most everyone in the family got a sof' spot somewhere for Jean-Bastiènne, an' all the gals gonna be real protective 'bout him; he either their big brother or they're his big sisters, so I don't see no real problems that way."

Johnny sat up talking with his Great-Aunt after Justine, pleading tiredness, had retired for the night, mostly catching-up with the family, hearing the latest gossip, and the usual tale of births, marriages, and deaths ("hatches, matches, an' despatches" in Amice's words), until conversation wound down and there was only one thing left to discuss.

"So why you runnin', Jean-Bastiènne? " asked Amice, "it ain't your way; I remember what you like as a boy, what kind o' young man you was, an' what you like as sheriff's deputy, an' I never know you run from nuthin'; how big this trouble you-all got follerin' you, an' I shore hope t'warn't you put them bruises on that li'l girl's face, 'cause if it was...?"

Johnny related the whole story, Carlo, what he'd done and who he owed money to, how they'd come looking for their money and found Johnny, the threats, and what he'd done to neutralize their threats, and how deadly the fallout from that encounter could be.

Amice was grinning broadly by the time he'd finished.

"They sound like they not in a forgiving mood; mebbe you an' tante Maigrette's boys lead 'em on a little fool's errand through the Atchafalaya; we got more kin than freckles on a ugly kid through there, lotta swamps, sloughs, an' wild country to git through, they could just be gone and no-one ever hear from them ever again...?" she said, sounding hopeful, but Johnny shook his head regretfully.

"Won't work, tante Amice; they disappear, more gon' come lookin' for evens; no, we gotta throw a scare in them that keep them far away for good, we got to make them so mad they big bosses come down here to do what their hired hands couldn't, an' that when we really show them what bayou folk are like when they pissed-off enough to push back."

"Sounds like you been giving this some thought, petit-boug, you-all mebbe want to share a little?" mused Amice. Johnny grinned up at the rafters as he gathered his thoughts.

"Two days time we got to be in Lafayette; Justine's inherited a powerful amount o' cash from her daddy, and she got trustees she didn't know about, so she got to meet them an' tell them what she wants doin' with all that money, while I got to get them to find me a way to cut her loose from that no-account husband of hers so's he don't grab any o' what she got; then we got to run down the bayou 'fore them fellers trailin' us know where we gone for certain. I figure to take them down to Ghost Lake, long way from the families, but somewhere the boys know real well; once we got them there, I reckon we'll show them what it mean to come bargin' in where they ain't invited..."

Amice smiled grimly.

"You go rest now, boy; I think I'll have a talk with tout tes oncles, 'specially Lubin an' Audhemar, mebbe see what your cousins Louis-Marc and Jean-Noèl doin', too. Looks like you plannin' big fais-do-do; I jes' wonder if them city-boys gonna 'preciate all the effort you-all puttin' in!"

Justine was fast asleep when Johnny came into the small bedroom, but she woke as soon as he tried slipping into bed next to her. Her warm little bottom slid into him as he spooned her, and she took his arm and silently draped it around herself.

"You're aunt's real nice, Johnny; she knew right away, but she didn't say anything..."

Johnny breathed in the scent of her hair as he held her just a little closer, smiling at his memories of his aunt.

"Tante Amice my maw-maw's baby sister, but she just like Maw-maw; sweet as pie, gentle as they come, an' hands like two by fours when she need to hand out a lickin'! She whupped me good all the time when I was little boy, mostly for gettin' Odélie an' Mélette, her gran'daughters, mussed up in the swamp catfishin' or stickin' bullfrogs, or buyin' them hot cinnamon candy an' getting' it everywhere, seemed like, an' bringin' 'em home all stained an' sticky; they 'bout same age as me, so we allus out an' about together, but she look after me real good, too; she little but she brave, she face down rival 'shiners all the time when she an' noncle Zack working the still an' they wanna come in an' bust it up. She got four sons an three daughters up an' down the Atchafalaya, and she real good with that ole twelve-gauge. Her real name 'Armentine', but don't you go callin' her that, she still holdin' it agin her daddy for doin' that to her..."

Justine grinned to herself as she listened to Johnny's accent thicken and become tinged with the musical French-Creole accent the closer he got to home; now he wasn't doing it to entertain her; now he was back in his country, and his old life was coming back to him, and she liked that.

Johnny in New York had always seemed like a restless bear prowling its cage in a zoo; he was too big for the small world he'd accepted for her sake; out here, where he could see, hear, and smell his old life catching up with him, he was once again becoming who he really was, and she was excited to see that. Johnny-B, her Johnny, was only part of the whole man; now, perhaps, she'd get to see him become Jean-Bastiènne Deaucette once again, and the thought of that filled her with clean excitement and a thrill of anticipation. The cut-down version of himself he'd become in order to care for her was wonderful enough, so she could scarcely imagine what the whole package was like.

Thinking thoughts like this, with the sound of crickets chirruping in the still heat of the night, she fell asleep, feeling safe and comforted at the thought of Johnny and his mysterious kin stepping-up to save her.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

At a sister me and my brother though it was anther great story on how hot a relationship between a brother and sister can get with the love they show for each other thank you keep up the great work

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 3 years ago

Your commentators are right on the 💰 BB I agree with all of them.

goducks111goducks111over 4 years ago
5 stars again

i'll admit - i struggle thru the cajun dialect, but this is one great story. well written, suspenseful, and good sex. perfect!

JagnagJagnagabout 5 years ago
Such an enthralling story :)

Im spellbound .... 5*x 5*

linnearlinnearabout 5 years ago
Loving This One

Both of these first two parts have been exceptionally good and I can't wait to read the next part.

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